Doubling the Ultimate French Cleat Tool Wall

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the first thing i built inside the workshop is this french cleat tool wall it's awesome it stores all of my most frequently used tools so it's just grab and go that's been super convenient as i've been setting up my workshop and organizing everything i've piled up a bunch of tools that i'd like to add to the wall unfortunately there isn't room in the existing wall so i'm going to double it and add an entire second set of french cleats to mount tools on this second area i can mount the table saw and a large paper roll holder that have recently been added to the french cle system i pulled some boxes from storage so there's plenty of new tools to create holders for the clamp storage rack here takes up a significant amount of retail space on the wall so i'm going to build new french cleat holders for the clamps to be integrated on the second french cleat wall it's time to make the cleats now i already have a template because of the existing cleats on the wall but this is the first time making something with the new workbench and table saw setup i started by ripping four inch wide strips out of a full sheet of plywood then i needed to cut these eight strips in half with the 45 degree angle i used a scrap piece to trace the mark from the existing french cleats and set the fence but another trick would be to guesstimate the fence cut a small notch on a four inch piece then flip it over and see if it lines up if it does line up with the cut then you're golden if not then adjust accordingly i ripped all eight strips to create 16 full length french cleats [Music] the cleats are ready so let's put them on the wall i'm going to leave a 20 inch gap between the two sections the new cleats will line up with the old cleats i know that the plywood walls are level so i use those as a guide to mark up the wall the distance between the bottom of one cleat and the bottom of the next is 4 inches [Music] once the first cleat was on it was much easier to put on the rest the gap in between the sections will be used for a few different things the first is to hang all of my levels and straight edges those things can but shouldn't be hung on a french cleat if they're mounted here they'll be close to the workbench and easy to grab while i'm working there another reason for the gap is for future dust collection plans when i do install a dust collection system i want to have a pipe that swings out over the workbench from the upper wall sealing area that swinging pipe could be used a dozen different ways collecting dust from a multitude of different tools i think that would be really cool and super functional this gap between the french cleat sections is where that pipe will swing back in and rest against the wall when not in use i'm not sure when i'll be able to install a dust collection system because they're expensive but it's important that i plan it out now so i'm not scrambling later [Music] the last cleat on the bottom will sit an extra inch and a half lower my small table saw is now part of the french cleat system but it needs a little more room than normal so mounting the cleat lower allows me to store it here on the wall when it's not being used on the workbench i also made a large paper roll holder with french cleats something i didn't mention earlier is the spacer at the bottom of the holder is at the exact location to rest in between two cleats just a small little design detail that you probably never noticed unless i pointed it out it'll live right here above the table saw gap between the sections is now clearly defined so i added a few things to mount the straight edges and levels this eight foot straight edge has a thumb screw so i just added a block for it to rest in between that and the edge of the french cleats everything else is mounted with screws now it's time to make holders for everything i grabbed all the tools and pieces that i wanted to put on the wall and move them to the workbench then i made a list of all the things so i could start grouping them together and design holders there's a bunch of stuff to assemble so let's go first up is the rotary tools most of the tools have metal bars that fold out and make it easy to hook onto something i made a simple holder with an arm that sticks straight out then i added hooks underneath for each tool and one on the front for a dremel [Music] extension i have a bunch of large rolls of electrical wire and other rolls of paper that need to go up on the wall i connected a few short two by fours to a cleat then spaced out the rolls on the two by fours i marked the center of the rolls then drilled holes for the dowels the holes are drilled to the dowel's angle upwards that way the rolls don't fall off and the dowels don't slide out either on the last dowel i utilized it to hold all the hand saws and one plane that i almost ever use i originally made this holder for the router and router bits but it didn't hold the bits very well and it wasn't easy to find the bits i figured i'd make a new holder for all the bits with room for a few [Music] more the top layer with the holes is easily removable so i can make a new one with more holes if needed [Music] this halogen flood light will go on the top of the french cleat wall i just made a simple holder with a half circle groove to hook the light i just made a simple shelf for this palm sander at this point my air compressor was busted so i was hammering small nails by hand instead of with a nail gun it made everything take a little bit longer but it worked out fine [Music] there's already a holder for two circular saws this is a skill saw that can rip through anything i don't use it as often but when i do it gets the job done this holder has a space punched out for the blade [Music] i have a handful of jigs that i'd like to keep all together some of these hardly ever get used so to make it easy i just built a cubby to store them all i added two hooks on the side to hold a cabinet handle jig it's time to transform the clamp rack into french cleat holders you can divide it into three sizes small medium and bar clamps this is the small the clamps don't take up a lot of space so i just made a holder with two skinny dowels angled upwards to hold all the small clamps that i have the medium clamps have much more weight to them i sized it out then punched three holes in a two by four for upward angled dowels this will hang vertically i used glue and screws to attach it to the french cleat because of the weight the last clamp holder to build is for the bar clamps i cut two identical pieces out of three quarter inch plywood then sandwich those pieces around a two by four the two by four makes it a constant gap to hold the bar clamps and the top part that contacts the clamps is that a slope downwards to the back i have a bunch of tarps and sheets of all different sizes so i'm going to build a large column of cubbies to hold all that the cubbies will range in size from large to small so as not to waste any space my air compressor was now working again i waited to build this holder because i think it would have been very difficult to build without a nail gun all this wood is left over half inch plywood from the workshop walls i can't believe i still have large pieces like this to use [Music] the last holder to build is a simple bookshelf i have some books that i'd like to keep handy for inspiration research and for fun before i realized that being a stuntman is a real career i wanted to be an imagineer so i have all those books i have my physics textbooks handy for reference of course i have some baseball books go dodgers 2020 world champs and this will also hold my sketchbooks these things are full of old plans and future ideas now that everything i wanted on the wall is up on the wall i took some time to clean and rearrange the workshop my goal was to always have a large project area in the back against the white wall so this is my opportunity to move things around and make that happen the dodger stadium seats and wood storage carts are on casters so i can easily make that space bigger if i needed by rolling those things out of the way after a new holder was built i just threw it up on the wall wherever there was space now that everything is built i reorganized a few things that were on the left side shifted to the right side and vice versa i also moved things around to make some space on the far right side for future holders [Music] the wall looks great but i'd like to spruce it up a little bit i'm going to spray paint some of the holders blue white and black to bring some character and give the wall a unique look i decided which holders would be painted which color then got started i pulled all of the holders to be painted blue and took them outside to spray the next group was painted black then i painted a few holders white since the white could get dirty or scuffed up really easily i chose to paint only the ones that were more likely to stay clean one by one i put the painted cleats back and this french cleat wall was transforming into one of the best tool organization walls that i've ever seen here's a good look at some of the new holders it's going to make my workflow even more efficient i've spent too much time in the past looking for tools and those days are over everything has a home so when i'm cleaning up everything will go back to where it's supposed to so it's ready for the next use this french cleat edition complements the workshop with all of the organizational things that i've already built the highly functional workbench the small parts storage carts wood storage cart paint cabinet spray paint holder and of course the raised office i am excited to put the space to good use and build some really fun projects okay that's it for now see ya oh so [Music] no sit sit you're not sitting sit should we sit good boy yes why yes okay oh what the heck look at this screw i found it's here's what here's what a screw is supposed to look like and this is it has a super long neck how does that happen oh come on look at this thing it's so weird so to be
Channel: Ben Tardif
Views: 404,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LryFvmMYfVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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