Double sided wirework rose link/charm

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hello that I'm a lovely dream a kiss I'm Krystina of CSL designs and today I'm going to show you how to make this double-sided wire work roast link or charm which is great for jewelry that has a lot of movement while wearing it as there's no front and back for instance I use these links in a long necklace that I made interspersing in between different beads and because these links are double-sided it doesn't matter how you wear it so if you want to learn how to make your own double sided rose link or charm then keep watching so all we're going to need to make our link our charm is our wire in this case here I'm using a point six millimeter regular round copper wire and that gauge works perfectly for this link you cannot use a point eight mill but it really depends on the look that you want and then alongside our wire we also need a selection of pliers so we need some wire cutters in this case and using these flush cutters here and then I'm also going to be using these chain nose pliers and finally I have my six diploma compliers now you can use round nose pliers I'm just using these because I like knowing exactly what size loop that I'm gonna get so let's get our wire empire's ready and let's get started then firstly we need to cut a length of our wire and what I have is 60 centimetres or more point six mil now this is just the link that I'm using per link and is to make a roughly the size that I'm making my links which is about one centimeter in diameter now obviously you can use more or less depending if you want to change the size with them then we want to take our lengths of wire here and first of all we need to find the midpoint so what I'd like to do is just grab the two ends bring them together just like this and then just kind of pull down so we have a little kind of loop here I'm not going to pull it really tight instead what I'm going to do is take my six step by making pliers or round nose pliers if using that and then a no down here is where my midpoint is so I'm going to place these pliers on that midpoint and then these pliers I'm just using the smallest step just to get the smallest that I can now what we need to do is make a full circle here so I'm just bringing both ends around the pliers just like this so you can kind of see the overlap there if I take it out we have a full circle just put back in because then what we need to do is from this circle here start making our first rows which is going to be one side of the link now all you want to do with that is we have the two links going out to each their on sides opposite sides and this one at this head here is kind of up at the top one and the other ones about on one so we need to twist them around each other towards each other you can say rather than away from each other so they kind of interlock and that's also then gonna keep that circle nicely in place you can see something a bit like that now what we need to do this is based at the middle of the rows we need to start shaping it so instead of keep keeping these two wires opposite each other I'm gonna bring one further around doesn't matter which one towards the other ones kind of behind the other one there as if it's chasing the other one and then I'm gonna bring it underneath the other one and have it come out and open in front of it then so it kind of caught up to it and then overtook it and then what I like to do is just push it up a little bit at an angle then I'm gonna go back to now the current back one that's behind the other one that's gonna now chase the other one barring that I bring that around Peto just anything as you go and then come underneath it to go and then in front and again push that up a little bit because pushing that up once you brought it that's a new front one this makes it easier to bring the other one underneath and basically this is how we're gonna be creating the rows now whenever I bring one in front I like to then have it where it's coming from underneath the other one have it basically lay next to what's already been created now the current back one chases the other one goes underneath it and it's the new front one and as you can see that is gonna keep chasing each other like this overtaking each other or undertaking you could say and then you'll be able to see we're basically creating a spiral here where we're twisting the wire more or less as we do that and it's gonna gradually grow one more and create that rows effect because the twists that we're doing along the way by bringing them under each other is going to create that effect of the rose petals so just keep going like this until you reach this size so approximately that one centimeter diameter just approximately doesn't have to be precise so you also wanted to have nice a nice look to it nice proportions and then what I like to do at some point here now I have a bit more of the rose made I'd take it off apply it and then I just hold onto it with my hands because it can be a little bit easier to control them so let you just make this rose by twisting these wires as you're making that spiral however is most comfortable for you so if you're making sure that the spiral dough making is nice and flat so we're just going around and around and not having for instance and your point it come underneath the on top we want it flattened next to each other the whole way which then makes it grow in size so now I'm just going to get it to the point where I'm happy with the size and how it looks and they show you the next step so I reached that point now and what you can always do if you're making multiples of these it's basically take when you've already made and just compare this size it's get it roughly even and obviously it's never going to be exactly the same and it's not supposed to be it's quite organic but you see you get them somewhat similar sizes and when you're at that point now I'm going to do is flip it to the back which is where we have that loop and we're now going to use that loop because as you can see these two wire ends of finish towards the outside so what I want to do is one of them first of all we have the loop face in that way it's finished basically right on one of the sides of the loop I'm going to take that and bring it straight through the loop and pull it through there and then the other one I'm going to bring also through the loop in the opposite direction so you just come through from the other side and just pull it through gently all the way so now the ends are starting to lay in behind the rows you could say now you can always use your chain nose pliers to help flatten anything that you need to opposition anything in place when it's a bit small what you're working with that can often be more helpful than using your fingers so you can see you can get them right in there I'm like well my fingers can go so flatten that out as much as you can and then what we have are the two wire ends going out in opposite directions through that loop that we made initially now we can just flip it around make sure we're still happy with it because anything you need to be just it needs to be done now while we still can I just want to bring that out just a little bit now what we're gonna do is like I said this is one side of the link so now we're gonna use these wires going opposite directions to actually make the loop so we can use to then attach the link to other things or other links as well so that is just normal wrapped loop so we're going to be doing on one end here what I like to do is basically do my wrap loops opposite each other so on this end I'm going to place my chain nose pliers on that wire going out right where my wire I can't go any further down basically and then put the bend in there this just to hide they were out so we're gonna be doing as much as possible then take my they'll make implies all the round nose pliers whatever you're using again I'm using this small one just cuz I want the looks to be as small as possible but wheezing not too small leader and then make your wrap loop by doing a full circle around your pliers it's something like that so you can see because I made that Bend that far down is only the loop that's really sticking out from the rose then I'm going to grab on to that loop with my pliers and then just use that wire to twist below the loop around itself basically just a couple of times and that's just a basic wrap loop and then it's going to leave it going out towards the top here in this direction straighten that out a little bit now we can flip it around and do the other side now door to much if it's not 100% perfect yet we can still adjust things here I like to face it the other way so I'm going to place my pliers in the same place but on this wire but flat way and now bend it backwards you can see but otherwise make a wrap loop in the same way make your circle first of all and we have that we can then use the tail to wrap underneath the loop again just a couple of times you don't need to fill it all the way down to where you don't have any more space because now as you can see we can also still move these loops around because if one if a bit too far it to the side for instance like that or something now you can adjust them just to get them somewhat opposite each other as much as possible and then this wire is now facing opposite the other one so I want to bring them in towards the middle both of them to get closer together so I'm going to start bending it in towards the middle like this same with the other one and also while we're here just want to mention if you want to make a charm instead of a link so you only want for instance one of these loops and nothing on the other end so you just want one loop on the channel obviously not the other loop to attach to something you can just leave one of those loops out you don't have to make both of them you just want to make one loop then otherwise everything else is the same so now these two wires getting to the point where they're going to start to cross or interlock you can call it in the middle same principles when we had the wire on the pliers there and then we started to twist them around each other that's what we want to do now but in roughly the middle of the rows that we already made on the other side so just make sure you get it in that place I like to kind of get it where I want it to be put my finger on it and then move the wire because it can you can still move the wire but it then kind of hold everything else in place but something a bit like that you can see when I'm starting to base and make the center of the rose that we're going to do on the other side here so just keep going and when you're happy with the middle of it here then we can start to basically build the Rose on this side so that means same principle you have the center you want to choose one of them to catch up to the other one then bring it underneath and be the new front one push it up a bit and then you take that one catch up to the other one go underneath push up and then it's the same principle as the other side so you're now building or rows on this side from the midpoint and then obviously you already have the other side to gauge what you need size-wise so now you basically just want to keep doing this again making that spiral twisting the wire as you go until you reach and it fits the size that we already have on the other side so now that side is the same size as the other one then all we have left obviously are the two tails here that we need to then get rid of securely so what I like to do is right now I've finished just kind of before one of my loops so what I like to do is take that kind of naturally have a bit of a separation there I take one of them one of the lengths bring it down between the rows that I just made and then that loop and then the other one if I can bring it down the same way but on the other side so basically on either side of the loop but in behind the rows as you could say to hide them out of the way and then before we just completely finish off make sure you double-check everything that you happy with it then bring the wires around the side and then just to make sure it's nice and secure I bring it also down between the next loop and the rows just so we're basically wrapping these wires around the call you could say and then they're coming out on this side all I'm going to do now then it's COFF the excess kind of down into the piece or in between the roses obviously making sure I'm not cutting off any wires that I don't want to [Music] so like that then just to make sure nothing is sticking out I was going to catch on anything I'd take my chain nose pliers and I go in and push those ends in towards the center as far in as they'll go just until you basically you can have a little look that you can't see them anymore and then that is the link done it's all that's left is any little adjustments that you might need to do you can then if you've opened the two roses up a little bit too much push them together and push the sides kind of down on each other just to kind of close up any gaps that might be there because it is technic two flat roses that we obviously put on top of each other but connected in the middle so when you're happy with that you have your finished link and it looks like that and you can then attach it to whatever you want to and obviously like I said you can just make one with one loop and you have a cute little charm as well just with that one loop to attach to something so I really hope you enjoyed the tutorial for this double-sided wire work Rose link or charm and it's obviously perfect for any kind of jewelry that's got a lot of movement as it doesn't have a front and a back make sure you check out my channel for loads over the Jareau tutorials thank you so much for watching this one though and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: CSLdesigns
Views: 24,065
Rating: 4.9701715 out of 5
Keywords: CSLdesigns, jewelry, jewellery, diy, how to, handmade, diy jewelry, diy jewellery, how to jewelry, how to jewellery, handmade jewelry, handmade jewellery, csldesigns tutorials, tutorial, jewelry tutorial, wirework tutorial, rose links, wirework rose links, chain, make your own chain, charms, diy charms, diy links, chain tutorial, csldesigns wirework, wirework roses, wirework chain
Id: nfGSqQyFkeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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