Double Down - The Cinema Snob
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: undefined
Views: 311,906
Rating: 4.8945918 out of 5
Keywords: The Cinema Snob, Movie Review, Brad Jones
Id: sx6Lb-QQoQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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I feel like his movies need more laptops from 1999.
This will put me at odds with a lot of people here, but I don't think Breen is a "so good it's bad" director. He's just incompetent at telling a story. There's a joy to a Doris Wishman or a Ed Wood Jr. or even an Andy Milligan film (who is fast becoming my favorite so bad it's good director) that Breen lacks.
Breen just makes confusing low budget films. There's a lot of laughs to be had, but his ideas are silly and unrealized, others are silly but spectacular. A conspiracy theory can be ho-hum, but a woman that kills with her giant breasts? Aliens raising the dead to invade earth? Whatever Milligan is trying to convince us is scary? That's stupid cool, not just stupid boring.
OK, now you can all let me have it!