Double Color Exposure Effect in Photoshop | Graphic design

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to another episode of process in this video we'll look at how you can apply double color exposure effect in Photoshop and this tutorial I want to show you how you can apply color exposure effect in very simple steps I'm going to show you some easy ways and techniques to create of this effect whether you have a bright image or a dark image or you want to mix two different images as one composition so let's begin with the designing process so the first thing we're gonna do is to create out this effect where you will be using some bright images you need two images of the same model in different poses like these two images and drag and drop to our work area and enter so there are two images first and this second so the next thing we're gonna do is to scale up the size come on and control T and I'll just scale it and place it around here and here's up second image I'll just scale on this size a little bit and place it around here now if you chair over here are both the characters are facing the same direction so what I need over here is I just flip the other image so that we can give some interesting composition so selecting the top image I'll go to edit transform and flip horizontally and this will flip our image horizontally just that image so we got that now what I'll do is to apply this effect just double click on the layer to open the layer style panel and here under planning option you see these channels RGB so if I check our you can see unchecking the R will give you this red and blue effect and that's the thing which I want over here you can do some different effect as well if I uncheck green and blue you see it give the effect vice-versa this one is now red and this is blue so for our design I wanted this image to be blue so just uncheck red and check green and blue and click okay so here our image now let's do the positioning of our image so I just like the top image scaling of the size to match it with our second image like this and I'll just use the arrow keys to do the proper placement I think this fine now I just like both the image and just scale up the size to fill up the whole artwork area and and so here's our two images this is a basic step the first step is to just apply the RGB channels and get this effect now the second thing to do the adjustments is to add the selective color adjustment layer so using this will adjust each of the color which we are not fine with so right now as I can see over here red I need some adjustments so I just like this red and I'll just adjust this slider over here so as you can see if I adjust the yellow slider you can see I can change the tone of the image so right now it's red so I'll just make it a little bit off maybe I just keep it like that and I'll just go on with the magenta to make the color darker or lighter so if I just add some little bit of darkness and using this I'm just adding some depth like this so keep it around here and a little bit of details like this and after that I'll still like the CN so I'll just make it a little bit of this much we'll just adjust a little bit and with this value I can increase the intensity of the blue color so I just keep it around like this now once you get this the next step is to add up the levels to increase the contrast and do some little adjust with the color tone as well so I just said levels I will just add a little bit of contrast and make a little bit brighter then select the red color and we'll just which is the intensity of the right tone now keep it on like this then I'll just blue and using this I'll just drag the slider and increase the number and as you can see I'm giving some color tone to the overall design it will change the overall color tone and I'm getting this nice cool effect so I'm just going on with that and over here I'm just suggesting the beaters like you can either want to make it brighter or maybe a little bit of talk like that and I think this composition and that looks good now as you can see if i zoom it in over here even see some like sharp edges are being shown so to give that a sharpness to your image what I did over here is I selected everything and with a come and odd and II breasts you create an image if I hide this you can see here's an image so this is the top image which I have created so I'm gonna use this to give some cool effect so first of all selecting this image change the blend mode to vivid light and this will harsh in the image but the next thing we're going to do is to go to filter others and high-pass and using this if you preview it nicely you can see you got some nice details over here if I increase it will increase the sharpness of each of these like tedious so we'll keep it a balance so I'll keep it around 1.2 or 1.3 and that will give you that like if I remove it you can see it's very smooth so we need some little sharpness for this effect so I'll keep it on 1.3 and click OK so here is our image and that's way you have finished so fine after that if you want to add some text I'll just it's like this text and drag it drop it over here and place it around here and that way you can create a nice cover design now let's look at if it's a dark image if you have a dark image and you want to apply some effect to it like this image for this we have given some different color tones so how to create that and the answer is very simple just open the image so I just like this and open this and Photoshop here's an image I'll just make the resolution little less because it's very huge image so it's 3000 keep it around r15 0 0 and click ok so here's our image and let's import the other image so I'll just import this image and place it on top just unlock this and convert these images to smart object and I'll just select both layers and scale up the size a little bit and place it around here that's like the low image and place it around here like that so now it's a very same thing just double beyond the top layer and open the layer style panel on the blending option here you can do the like experiment like if I check red you see that blue and red is there and if I check red and uncheck green and blue you see the opposite so for this composition I'll keep it like this I like this composition but now to give this cool effect this greenish tone and pinkish tone will do some little changes to our effect so what I'll do over here is I'll just double click on the second layer as well and I will uncheck blue and this will give you that greenish tone to our second image so I like this image I want this to be like this so I'll keep it like this now the next step is to do the adjustments to get this cool calm color tune and the overall composition and to give that first of all let's adjust the size as you can see the our top image is little smaller so I'll just increase this size little bit and make it balance and selecting these two images are just do some repositioning now let's add the adjustment layer so the first adjustment layer which I will do add is the like if you check it over here and open the layer style panel you see that it's selective color so if I hide out everything you got this simple clean image with the same signature play so first thing I added is this selective color adjustment list so with that I changed some color tone over here this red to the magenta and the squareness to I faded it a little bit and make it a plane and after the added levels and using the level I added this greenish background color and then I added the colors text and these logos and all so let's do that so the first step is to add selective color adjustment layers so selecting this pop image let's add selective color adjustment layer so go there apply selective color adjustment layer and here is an image so first thing we need to change the color of the Reds so I'll select the red color and just play around with this magenta so if I play around with imagine you can see I can increase or decrease the intensity of the color so we'll keep it a little bit medium and play around with the yellow tone and if you slide the yellow color you see you can give some magenta add some yellows to to the right and it will give you a nice magenta color so we'll keep it like this and with this I can just make a little bit of or like blended like that to the skin tone of the character so if I I can either make it harsh or medium so I'll keep it around medium next we need to select this so the next color is green so I'll just select the green color and make it a little bit of lean like it's very bright so keep this little bit of cleaner side so I select this and then just play around with this slider to get that effect so and the first slider doesn't work with me so second slider okay this will give you some depth and with the yellow tone you can fade out the color a little bit so this is the third though with the yellow slider you can make it a little bit of light green color and add some depth brightness and this will colour-code now if i zoom it out you got that nice effect now the next step is to add level adjustment layer to add a little bit of team color so I'll add a level adjustment layer and over here first thing I'm gonna do is to increase the contrast a little bit and I'll go to blue and add some bluish tone to the overall accomplish in a little bit like this so this will give it that nice cool effect like this similar to this so if I just uncheck like open the eyes of everyone you got that nice cool effect and same here and if you want to increase the brightness you can just play around with these contrasting layers I just do blue tint like this after that if you want to add some text logo you can just select everything drag and drop it over your images you can create some nice magazine cover design or any design you want now the next thing we're gonna do is to look at how you can apply this effect to an image where background is not white so for that I have an image and here's our images so to get this effect very nice then we need a bright background so I need to remove this background so open this image in Photoshop and now let's remove the background so it's a very simple just like the selection do and click on select subject and the Photoshop will automatically discover the selection area and it will select the subject only here now when you do some refinement because it needs some reform and you can see some here portion has been missed out here also so to do that select just click on select and mask and selecting this brush if you check it over its a refined edge brush too so selecting that use the size and just brush over the edges over here you can see I see some background color so once you have that the next thing we're gonna do is to just increase the radius a little bit and click OK now click on mask and it's a mask of the region now with the alt press click on the thumbnail and you see this black and white seal out effect we make sure that the black patches over this region should be white so with your brush tool I select your brush with the white color selected I'll just paint over these region which is inside our image so now to work on the edges we need some other tools so I'll just select this and it's like a Dodge tool and if you have the Dodge tool you can easily paint the white region without going outside the subject and you can use the burn tool to add some sharp edge along the dark area so now once you have done that I'll just click on thumbnail with the opera's and you got your image now we'll do the same step for the other image as well so I'll just open this image then Photoshop and here's our image so the steps are very simple selecting the selection tool click on select subject and this will easily select this subject and to do the refinement I'll select and mask select that and with a brush just paint it over the edges like this very simple and once you have done that just a little bit of radius and click OK now apply mask and here's an image now with the all pressed click on thumbnail and with the Dodge tool just paint it over the region and select the burn tool and just paint it over the black region to make the edges more sharp so here's our image now the next thing we're gonna do is to import this image so I just import this image to our file in our art board I'll just drag another image and place it over here as well now we got both the images and I'll just get up this size so here's our first image and the second image just edge of this size according to the image make them proportional and will please this image around here now the next thing we're gonna do is to apply the effect and but before that as you can see we don't have a background color for that solid background color so let's add a solid background so for that I'll add a new layer and I'll place it just below our image and fill it up with white color alt backspace and then selecting border layer convert this into a smart object so right click and convert this into smart object in the same way we will do this for the other image as well so I'll add a new layer place it below and alt backspace then selecting these two image I'll just convert this into a smart object and now our both image have the background color solid background white color now double-click on the top image and under this blending option I'll just uncheck our and if you check out we have given blue and red tone but right now I need the opposite one so I'll just check our N and check screen and blue and click ok so we got that effect now let's work out to get this effect so to do that let's first thing we're gonna do is to do the placement adjustment so I'll just do some placement and just mend selecting now let's adjust the color adjustment so to do that first thing we're gonna do is to add selective color adjustment layer so for that let's go over here and add selected color adjustment layer and over here first thing we're gonna do is to edges the red color so selecting the red don't red color let's do some adjustments so I'll just move around this one I'll just make a little bit of like a little bit of Frater like that and after that I also like the CN to adjust the blue color so let's adjust em so I just needed these details to be visible over here so I just said just these sliders to in order to get that effect so once I have just did the same and red color next thing we're gonna do is to add a level that's just notice to add some contrast so a lot of level adjustment layer and over here I'll just first thing I'm gonna do is to add a little contrast a little bit and a brightness a little bit like that and I'll just select the red color and I'll just do some sliders so if I slide over you can see ID if I slide it down can see more details so I'll just keep it around here let make it a little bit of brighter like that and I'll select the blue tone and I'll just make it a little bit of like the overall color changing so I think this looks good now next thing we're gonna do is to add this circular ring so to create that it's very simple go to layers and over here let's add a new layer so adding a new layer fill it out with any color then then convert this into smart object and now go to filter filter gallery under sketch select halftone pattern and over here just select it circle over here and agita size so for this design and keeping this around 3 and keeping the contrast to full and click OK and here's our image I'll just move it around here like this ladies around here and we'll change the blend mode to either multiply or dark so either way is good and after that we reduce the fill value to blend it with our background and anytime you can go inside the levels and if you want to give some different tone to your image do some adjustment with the blue tone as well just go there and add a little greenish tone and I think this looks good now once you get that effect I finally added these texts so I just create a duplicate of this so that way you can create some nice cover design like this and now the next thing we're gonna do is to look at how you can combine two images and create a nice composition like this so for that let's open the images so here's a folder and I'll just import these images just drag and drop and I'll place it into our artboard and I'll drag another image as well this one and place it on top and I'll hide this for a while a little bit and as you can see both the images are in my new artboard now if you don't know what new artboard is it's a new feature so I just show you how you can create new but just click on this icon and you can create multiple number of artboard in Photoshop now and work on it individually I don't need this I'll just delete these artboards and I'll be working on this artboard only so I'll just hide this layer and selecting this background image I just scale down and make it fit too artboard now I'll just select the other image and do the same so ctrl or command T now to get this cool effect the first thing I'm gonna do is to change the blending options so on a blending option I'll just uncheck red and let's see let's keep it like this and click OK and next thing we're gonna add over here is if you check out in our design I have added color balance level and brightness contrast as earnest so each three there have got different function so let's look at it if I had these two layer this is our basic so the first color balance used it to add some fill color so I'll add a color balance adjustment layer and add a base similar to this so I'll just play around with these shadows so I'll just go there and let's in creative my query the base color like then I'll go over your mid-tone and that's edges D color to make rightness and and highlight I'll go there and a little bit of highlight to our overall design so once you have added this the next thing we'll add is the level so using the level we have added this blue tint tone to the overall design so let's add level and let's do that so for now I'll just select the blue and let's increase this and let's add this blue tint to the overall design and cheesy red to a little bit of magenta and we'll go to red so you can increase the intensity of the red or decrease using this slider so and just go up and down just to get that exact color tone you are looking for for kotas side you can see the bluish toned cat increases now I'll go to the RGB so as you can see it's normally it's all about your color sense you just need to edge of these sliders as per your requirement and you get a nice cool effect now finally I'll add some little bit of a contrast find the contrast so I'll add a contrast and adjustment layer and to that sharpness so at a brightness and contrast adjustment layer check this and increase the contrast and the brightness as well and if you find that it's very harsh you can anytime go back to level and go to red channel and just reduce the red intensity over here you get this nice good effect after that if you want to add text just like the text duplicate and place it on top over here so this way you can give some cool design and using the same concept you can get different versions of design very easily the steps are very simple and the only thing you need over here is the two images which you want to blend like this and on top you have to play around with the blending option channels that RGB color and you can get any effect and after that these adjustments layer plays an important role to achieve your color tone if you check out our first design you can see we have used only level and selective color adjustment layer and we got this effect but we added this a new additional layer with the high pass to get that sharp edge for the second design I have worked with a dark color tone and with that we have also did some experiment with this we have added some changes with the RGB of Budi layers to get this magenta and greenish tone and after that I have used this red color and level as a new layer to get this cool balanced effect on the third image over here we have taken some different image for this as you can see how we have removed the background for this image then added an white background new and then we give that RGB channel effect to get this cool design and then we use these two adjustment layer that's selective color and level and then we added this nice a pattern on top together nice effect and lastly we worked on this with a do different image combining together and blending together using the these RGB channels so I hope you enjoy this tutorial don't forget out the next tutorial coming up and if you want more updates on designing don't for to like share and subscribe this channel thank you [Music]
Channel: creatnprocess
Views: 80,651
Rating: 4.9765477 out of 5
Keywords: How to design Logo, Logo design, Create logo, Create a logo, how to, logo, How to design, Design, create, How To Make, cs6, illustrator, adobe, tutorial, learn, creatnprocess, Graphic design, Photoshop tutorial, Photo effect, Photo Manipulation, photoshop, color exposure, double color exposure photoshop, double Color exposure editing, double color exposure photos, double color exposure portrait, Blending option, RGB channel, double colour exposure, double color exposure effect
Id: 6R9YzyhKTXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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