Dorian Yates - WORK ETHIC
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: NicandroVisionMotivation
Views: 2,493,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bodybuilding, motivation, 2016, bodybuilding motivation, bodybuilding motivation 2016, hd, training, mr olympia, arnold classic, pro, prague, posing, prejudging, finals, top 5, top 10, phil heath, trains, bicep, biceps, tricep, triceps, workout, blood and guts, full, motivational, hardcore, chest, back, leg, legs, day, veins, vascularity, mass monster, the original mass monster, intensity, makaveli, nick vision motivation, biggest, bodybuilder, bodybuilders, world, discipline, lifestyle, pain is temporary, music, mix
Id: 6Z4n7zuunNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2016
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