Doom (1993): Guns, Demons and Metal: 30 Years Later | GreenSlayer

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hello fellow Slayers new video format let's go so yeah uh Doom you know that one Christian game about excessive demon murder I'm probably going to guess you already know how impactful this absolute unit of a game this is and if you don't well uh there's many many other people that got you covered on that like seriously holy [ __ ] People review this game like it's required to be on on YouTube so the way I'm going to do this is I'm only going to be comparing the levels in this game to other levels within the same episode so I'm not going to be like comparing this [ __ ] to like sunlust or Valiant levels because those are just cracked but I'll be giving my opinion on these Maps as well as flaws that also plague the levels as well so let's see how it holds up today starting with E1 M1 oh boy it's the legend well it's very hard not to repeat what others have said but I'll try my best and I'll just say this Hangar would not be as Fally remembered as it was if it wasn't the first map people saw now is it a good intro level absolutely it did everything it needed to to show how improve the engine was for Wolfenstein like having height variations lines that trigger certain actions moving platforms and different light levels so who are our opponents that we be fighting well um there's flat top McGee uh satanic Mr Clean and Amber turds but seriously though comparing this with other levels in the same episode is just criminal E1 M2 I don't know about you but I swear I've seen this level shown to people the most when ad ading or introducing Doom as a whole it could be that Bill Gates commercial or something I don't know but don't miss this offc color wall or you'll miss the chance to get the chain gun in terms of episode one you are now completely the demons don't got [ __ ] on you now because the chain gun is an absolute monster in episode one it takes out groups of zombies faster than you can say ass oh also this area gives you a chainsaw which I know metal as [ __ ] right but honestly the chainsaw kind of [ __ ] sucks it's a cool level for the most part well besides the clumsy dark maze where the demons wander around like a drunk dad trying to walk his way home but it's fun to play through at least E1 M3 this one is pretty good well besides the fact that the first thing the level shows you is dark side Phil this map also shows off the first secret exit in the series which must have been really awesome for people to find back then it's also got another blueberry ball I think I'm starting to sense a pattern here this is where episode one starts to encourage looking for Secrets inside of secrets so get used to it so you find the switches you need to go back and find an ambush yeah this was the first ever Monster closet Ambush which is pretty cool just a really solid level man E1 M9 so this is the secet level of episode one well it starts off relatively harsh with shotgunners coming in from many sides as a bunch of imps try to Pelt you to death I can't really see what makes this a secret level or what makes it stand out besides that though maybe the gimmick is the somewhat symmetrical layout by episode one standards this level is honestly kind of uninspired but there are a few standout moments like the game teaching you how to strafe run in this room and the room with the tiny star in the middle this is basically diet knee deep in the dead it's dull and unexciting compared to the other levels but still has its moments E1 M4 Rise by panta yes that's seriously what the music sounds like or not and fall into the toxic waste and die I knew it I knew I was seeing a pattern here we all know now John Romero we know you like getting blue balls also this level has another stupid maze section like an E1 M2 except it's even stupider because all it is is just these winding Corners that only have one thing in it but besides that it's a relatively fast-paced level and is held up with the other levels in this episode E1 M5 this level cranks up the atmosphere and the tension and shows that even these low tier enemies can bring the heat all these windows to nearby and later areas are actually helpful because you can pick off the opposition from a better vantage point they aim like Stormtroopers from down there anyway although this room did rough me up a little bit and I bet it was even more of a [ __ ] to handle in the '90s okay check this [ __ ] out right here all right so you click on this wall right and like oh a radiation suit you probably don't need cool right so then you click the wall behind it and there's another secret on um okay just episode one being episode one but then you turn around and then there's another secret What the fu E1 M6 best level in the game fight me this level encompasses everything that Doom's about the action in this level makes you feel like John Wick running and gunning through everything and it always keeps you on edge with its ambushes but constantly keeps you supplied to deal with the big battle in this map the battles in this map show that episode one isn't [ __ ] around anymore there are two main ambushes that may or may not give you [ __ ] the big room near the start where the door acts like a horror movie and shuts behind you which you can cheese by the way but I didn't do that because no in this room I bet this must have been a rude awakening when this came out cuz you're surrounded on all sides and if you don't know this is coming the rocket launcher becomes the equivalent of making bathtub toast E1 M7 insert generic episode 1 map name here honestly this used to be my least favorite map in KNE deep but I've warmed up to it over the years after the rush that was central processing the feeling of blazing through is sort of lost on this one but not much it's still a solid pen ultimate map in its own right and that's the least of our worries when there's levels like oh hell no it's got the wide variety of Secrets it Hoards the gun down but it's overall slightly slower Pace than E1 M6 E1 M8 this is it the culmination of knee deep in the Dead the only thing in your way is a starshaped building and a bunch of suicidal pinkies that can't [ __ ] touch you so you go up the lift and oh nice of you to show up morray these are the Barons of Hell the boss Monsters of episode one now you'd think this would be pretty cool but here's the thing these guys are like your little siblings trying to fight you they're pushovers and the specters in the area are actually more of a problem because they get in your way but also they're not a problem at the same time cuz they fight the Barons making this even easier E2 M1 deos damos how do you pronounce that anomaly so to start off an interesting thing I didn't mention in episode one's Maps was that you can only find demonic like architecture and secret rooms well besides E1 M9 but whatever and in episode two they just straight up throw an inverted cross at you I love the details of the influence of Hell slowly taking over episode one and then escalating throughout the game it's the little details like that you know we also meet the COO demon here a failed pizza delivery boy in a longtime singer overall a decent starting level E2 M2 have you ever wanted to kill Demons Inside of one of Jeff bezos's minimum wage slave headquarters now you can now it's a rather cool concept but for a firsttime player it will be infuriating because it's going to be like trying to find the damn Arc just get from point A to point B and to combat the infestation of imps in the Maze you get the berserk pack Doom guy what did Eminem tell you about losing your asteroids this Beast of a power gives your fist attack 10 times more power basically becoming a piston of Destruction that explodes your enemies damn that's like a slasher villain but I can say that this level gives you a lot to do besides a crate maze like this skull crusher hallway damn you basos it's definitely got a unique atmosphere and Nails it pretty damn well I'd say this is a decent map but they definitely could have cut down some stuff for sure what the hell was that E2 M3 Refinery yeah is it Refinery with vegetation and unnecessary secret walls that lead to rooms that are right next to each other and that you were going to go to anyway I can't even tell what this place is supposed to be there's these random flesh cubes that wouldn't look out of place in Hellraiser and also this stupid dark room that's more annoying than scary this is just a very awkward map in and out it's nonsensical and incompetent the only room that can give you a bit of a rush only lasts for like a minute and then the rest of the time is just slowly and agonizingly killing these pizza delivery boys which I swear were only put there to waste your time and to seal a nail on the coffin it just reuses the intermission music which may or may not drive you bats when playing this congealed mess E2 M4 you have entered the spooky Zone with that music and seemingly calm start you know that right away there's something sinister a foot now I did say that E2 M2 had a unique atmosphere and I'll say the same thing here the use of textures lighting and even the ambushes must have made people skin crawl yeah back on the first computers Jesus and his [ __ ] disciples used but by this point in the game these do mascots have become normal enemies in the game so get used to these tanky bastards and they really want you to know that because they scatter them all over for this map so if you're not prepared get ready for a Barren butt [ __ ] which is another term I use to describe hell revealed even to this day those baronss in that vine ridden room are kind of tricky unless they drop the soap and hide in the corners E2 M5 no one likes this level so Command Center is very jarring to say the least but before ripping and tearing this level apart let's talk about the only good aspect of it the fight people usually remember is this strange overgrown marble patio countertop I don't know what this is supposed to resemble but it's a good piece of gameplay having to deal with two Baron some kacos while there's some decorations to prevent you from using your rocket launcher effectively then it all goes to hell pun very much intended it has this stupid [ __ ] problem with these stupid [ __ ] sub areas that are filled with basically nothing like I'm talking four tiny health potions and two enemies and listen I'm all up for side areas and nonlinear stuff but when it's done in this level it just feels wasted and uncreative and that's basically what this whole level is unnecessary side areas that don't feel rewarding and just tedious combat all around I got to be honest here I haven't really talked about how good the levels look because it would be kind of unfair considering that these were the first venters in the mapping ever but even by this game's previous standards this level is ugly ugly ugly like modern Madonna ugly the secret exit is also here and it's filled with lost souls everyone's favorite enemy and what do you get after finding this possibly the worst level in the entire series oh God E2 M9 Fortress of mystery now I get it it's a secret level and it's supposed to be unique but I'm going to be honest here this level sucks ass even with the gimmick it's literally just three randomly shaped rooms that look like they had to be rushed like hey Sandy we got to get this game out by tomorrow and he's like okay and he doodled whatever shapes he thought was cool on his head I've seen first maps that look better than this also why are there these Keys here just to open the doors that are right next to them just to waste your [ __ ] time and if this is supposed to be a joke then this is such a bad joke that even Amy Schumer wouldn't want to steal it from you now I can play devil's advocate here you know making the monsters fight one another is an important skill in this game it conserves ammo weakens the opposition and opens another layer of complexity and strategy to the combat and it's fun to watch most of the time but by this point in the game you probably would have already figured out that this was a mechanic but literally all you do in this level is watch these clones of Mr Dream Evil over here all these Bohemian frauds and hope a group of them doesn't corner you in this stupid ass geometry pathetic E2 M6 damn these halls and oh boats all right time to get this over with I'm in the camp of people that don't like this level let's talk about the animals in the room the long thin corridors connecting parts of this map together I mean this just seems lazy and drawn out it's not fun to go back and forth through and when you have to deal with enemies down these thin corridors it's like trying to unclog a Chipotle toilet and the main dark sections are even more annoying than any other dark section in this game because it lasts long than any other section like this should and also you missed like half your [ __ ] shots because artificial difficulty of low lighting the only saving grace of this level is the iconic fake exit with this scary encounter even if you're prepared for this it's still a cluster [ __ ] in a rush to this day I love it but everything else could be thrown down a hall and forgotten about for all I care E2 M7 fun fact this is one of the earliest Doom levels to be made going back to the beta version of the game and you can kind of tell that because things are kind of just thrown together with seemingly no theme or Nuance since this is the pen ultimate level for episode 2 it should be a worthy Challenge and it is I mean it's not that difficult but if you're not used to baronss being normal enemies by now and taking powerups during specific encounters it might get uh a little messy I got to ask where does this level's name come in are these tiny squares with toxic waste the spawning Vats or maybe these silver things I don't know but it's a decent penultimate level unlike episode 3's mistake we'll get to that one soon as well E2 M8 Tower of wow that's a humble start except it isn't the caval of corpse is strung to the wall and the four-way switch should be giving off a threatening aura that you aren't out of the Woodworks yet but then you see it a couple of lonely lost souls um okay no you see this absolute Behemoth Bron goinging towards you saying bite my fleshy demonic ass this is the Cyber demon the guardian of the gates of hell he shoots a volley of three rockets out of his mechanical alarm and with all this cover to hide behind he's frankly quite pathetic sorry mad lad you'll be used a lot more dastardly later E3 M1 Welcome to Hell literally this level is hell to play hell keep looks as much like a keep as a Big Mac looks like Skeletor doing jumping jacks in other words it doesn't [ __ ] look like a keep I'm not going to sugarcoat it this is a sorry excuse for a level it's tedious and terribly designed I mean it starts with you having to Pistol three coo demons three of them why should I have to Pistol kod demons the best guide I can give you is get the first kacos to fight with the imps run away like a [ __ ] until you find a shotgun and punch the pinkies without berserk because they give you about as much ammo as they gave shits about level and also thanks to the random [ __ ] wall with a rocket launcher at the end of the level this level can run a keep for all I care not a good start to Doom's third act E3 M2 you're in the thick of it now stranded in a rock quarry that's shaped like Captain Falcon's hand with a olive stuck in one of his fingers is it as bad as some people claim well I don't think so I understand most of the level is cramp and rugged but at this point it factors both into the gameplay and the whole premise of the game you're in the full front of Hell itself now they aren't going to pull punches you're on the Demon's Turf so of course the terrain is going to be uneven the scramble at the beginning is actually quite a thrill and encourages different or more efficient routing which can make the replay value higher so that's good but there are definitely some moment in this this map dealing with this lost soul cluster seems like a game of chance to me and these lost souls in this particular hallway are just so so tedious like why are there so many of them in this tiny ass hallway but other than that it's decent not the best not the worst but miles better than hell keep E3 M3 that's a dick move I barely had a chance to start the damn level so anyway this is one of the strangest levels in this game not fully because of the way it looks although that's part of it but because of its rather interesting design quirks like why is standing on this tiny red patch hurt you but the rest of the ground around it doesn't why does a flesh pit have a silver closet next to it also why does this normal looking water hurt you just make it toxic waste or lava at that point if you want to see even more inconsistent liquids that may or may not hurt you check out plutonia all this level's quirks kind of work against it but it's still not as bad as hell keep E3 M4 House of Pain and yes I want to jump jump jump around this level as far away from it as possible it has another great Scramble for weapons like in Sly with despair but then falls off after that the three main problems with this level include this room with the switches which I just cannot be bothered to figure this [ __ ] out and I feel like I solved the puzzle by accident the second problem is yet another puzzle this time involving the actual floor itself which I also feel like I solved by accident and the third and final problem is this stupid room with a damaging floor and a bunch of medkits why not just give me a radiation suit then this room right here sounds like something Mega Man and base would [ __ ] do oh yeah I'll get to that piece of [ __ ] eventually all these puzzle rooms are tedious because of their boring encounters as well well at least there's more Carnage and fun set pieces in between those problems but I'd just rather play the previous two maps than to play this one again E3 M5 you know there comes a point where memes speak louder than words [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] oh oh no holy P [ __ ] you damn oh no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] grade F Integrity F minus and I didn't even think that was possible E3 M6 so you thought trudging through the Unholy catheter was going to give way to something decent well you're absolutely right because it's more than decent it's one of the best damn levels of the game Mount arabus arus I don't know how to [ __ ] pronounce that either is a huge sandbox level with multiple hellish buildings to plunder which is a genius idea the execution is dead on in this level the main encounters are creative fun and actually pose a CH not just because of the Demons but because of the lava surrounding the level it's done in such a way where you can play smart and get around the lava or you can risk it and go further but the main thing it does so damn well is its landmarks for an open world type level like this you're going to need good places of interest to come back to and this is done perfectly so the player doesn't get lost every good thing comes with the catch I suppose remember how I just said it's done perfectly so the player isn't lost well I was exaggerating for one portion at least the only problem is getting one of the keys can be a little confusing for the first time around but at least there's an indication of what you're supposed to do don't forget to take the secret exit also which you're actually supposed to rocket boost yourself into the exit but I strafed over it because I'm a badass E3 M9 wait I'm back in E3 M1 again what is this lost Levels [ __ ] Yep this was probably the reaction of people who played this level for the first time and I [ __ ] you not it is literally just a better extended version of e3 M1 better encounters better layout less filler everything is better and one of the rooms actually nearly killed me so you know what respect this is definitely one of the better executed secret levels is it better than military base though I'm not sure but this threw me for a loop and in a good way too E3 M7 limbo or sorry gate to limbo is the most underwhelming boring pen ultimate level I've ever played in a video game this is the Sleepy jaw level of the original Doom it starts with a big middle finger as they spawn shotgunners right at the start yeah that damage you take at the start that's probably the most damage you'll take from the enemies yeah the floor is actually more of a problem than the demons and for the penultimate level that's pathetic not to mention the fact that the level only has how many enemies that's it this is again another episode three level that focuses on puzzles which is fine if they were done well but as you've seen in House of Pain uh they work about just as well as Gordon Ramsey trying to make a grilled cheese it's basically Unholy Cathedral 2 with all the teleporting you'll be doing and what do you get after this snoozefest E3 M8 all right the final level of the original game and oh it's already done um [ __ ] uh yeah the original game had the most anti-climactic end of all time you just kill the spider Mastermind in one to two hits with the BFG and it's over what a joke so overall the original Doom shines high in the beginning with episode 1 and most of episode 2 but then it falls flat on its ass for episode 3 and you know despite its flaws I think it software truly made something special here and the community is truly great as well I've seen and met so many great people in this community and I hope that list continues to grow and I still hope Doom will be Eternal for the rest of our lives thanks for watching and now I have a beast to slay
Channel: GreenSlayer
Views: 292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Doom II, Doom, Doom 2, Doom Wads, Doom Maps, Doom II Maps, Doom 2 Wads, Doom Mods, Doom 2 Mods, Doom II Mods, Doom II Wads, Doom 2 Maps
Id: n5oWN0CRISg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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