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today's sunny and I react to the entire skivity toilet timeline guys it goes way deeper than I realized stick around to see what I'm talking about Sony are you ready to see the entire skibety toilet story unfold whoa I've always wanted to see the origin story and find out how these crazy toilets came to be let's find out I'm pressing play bro 43 episodes of skipping [Music] oh this is so stupid but funny [Music] do you imagine you go to the elevator and you just see this I can't even imagine bro random urinals and skippitys in the elevator things are getting weird Sonny things are getting weird they're getting bigger and bigger that's a big skinny right there hey it's kind of creepy I'm not gonna wait wait something pause pause go back pause I'm pausing pausing pausing go back go back everyone is sitting on a toilet oh no if skibetes pop out of those toilets they're all done for dude that one sucks come on I kind of want to see it I kind of want to see it come on do it do it oh wait what it transforms uh oh it's a cheap skibity what is going on that was creepy hey military versus giant skibity oh well he's flying is that the skibity god dude there's four of them and they're shooting out other toilets oh buddy hey hey this kind of slaps okay okay okay whoa yo that toilet looks dirty I don't like that toilet yeah flush it get rid of them oh he's back he always multiplied oh oh the Titan skippity the biggest skibby of them all dude I hate when it jumps at the camera it's so creepy no way the Invasion skippities versus camera camera people are coming nope Camera Head dead [Music] I hope the cameras win we've been a camera person the whole time flush them flush them that's why they don't like us yeah I get wrecked oh no camera guy run whoa what they're Skippy police yo he's dancing away past Sunny maybe the skibetes have their own society and they're peaceful maybe but I have a feeling the skibity toilets are trying to take over the camera heads land and look at this we're in the Church of skippity toilet oh you're probably right honestly yo what don't jump with the camera I hate when they do that it's so creepy yo arrest him oh he's eating them they're arresting them oh wait what yes yeah the camera people they managed to flush him just in time uh oh those are the biggest skivvies I've ever seen run whoa he's huge they're invading he's throwing them and they're exploding bro I hate how they open their mouths it's so creepy bro he's got laser vision good no okay that just looks weird oh that's a bit sus you know what I'm saying hey I don't know about that it says no way dude the skimpy God is too powerful wait they're flushing him they actually flushed him well that's a big army yo who's this old guy what bruh that was the craziest toilet ever it was huge it destroyed everybody on both teams yo the camera guy is nope he's dead just to sing away oh super slab oh oh no wait it's a inside toilet get it because it's a camera in the toilet like an inside man and it went inside and it's dead good one oh I've seen this one I love this one it's the giant skibity ritual look at them all drop it on him he's back the flush wasn't enough to take him out the skibity god fights back oh run no this is not good foreign what would you do if you had all of these skibety toilets trying to get you uh I would flush them all because I'm I don't know that's what I try yeah what you're a plumber now well imagine Mario fights the skippity toilets he'd be the counter to all of them you're right bro we need to get Mario on our team if we ever have to fight skibetes oh they've recruited a giant of Their Own yo they got a big boy on their team it's the camera God oh he's destroying them he's flushing them all down yo he just defeated the three generals like they're nothing do you think he can beat the skibety god I think he can and I'm pretty sure he's capturing in 4k they're gonna fight right now ultimate One Versus One whoa oh no this the Tank's coming that's a two-on-one him it's no match for the camera God he had to retreat bro that's not fair he's going for upgrades don't worry he's gonna get bigger and stronger wait they're questioning this guy they have him under arrest they're trying to find the skivity god bruh that was so weird it's like Men In Black boom goodbye I think the skibity got found them dang it all the lines misshold the lines what am I watching this is so weird they're flushing him be gone skippity oh oh no oh no he clutched up dude the skibity God is impossible to defeat uh-oh oh look at these repairs they need this camera guy he's their only chance of defeating this kidney God yeah but they just upgraded him I think he's gonna be really strong oh they're scared they're scared he's upgraded to 8K resolution boom oh my God is he strong bruh that camera lens is crazy I think he's got Apple glasses on whoa smacking them not the skibety spider medium-sized giant oh it's just a normal camera guy yeah but the Army is here to help oh they got the speakers on their team now they're dancing bro to hit that orange Justice they're uniting to beat the skippities they have no choice they needed audio and visual effects to win oh they put on headphones the skippity is one true week upping the base dude the skippities were struggling with just the camera people now they have to fight the speakers too I don't think this game skivvies were ever struggling bro they've been winning most of these see I guess so oh you're right the speakers they're helping the cameras win wait they unlocked a new Giant skimmity oh and he's dead oh they're so done they oh this give these don't stand a chance now bro the speaker God has arrived yeah oh sitting on him he's flushing and pooping on him that is epic bruh what's gonna be next oh FBI open up what the heck ew oh it's creepy at least he's gone now thumbs up [Music] uh oh not the status not the status update wait they've got a cowboy on their team now or is that a detective they've recruited a new general Sonny oh new general my bad oh they're done though yeah hey it's over yeah sorry about that boys the uh speaker God has arrived to slap you oh celebrate good times oh I think the skibetes are gonna make a big comeback here yo what what is that thing I think he's glitched but he's more powerful than ever now he's so fast he's defeating all of them oh no what did she do run oh that skippity is way too powerful yeah I wouldn't mess with that one the glitch skibity is too strong what is this ew they're finding out all his info no they've hacked him no way they're turning the cameras against each other this is not good this is not good Sonny oh my God what the heck he's upgrading to be a super toilet yo what the heck what no oh no they made a camera up zombie apocalypse this is not good I think the skippies are gonna win now no I believe in the comeback oh we need more speaker heads yes speaker God's here he's gonna wreck them oh delete them destroy the technology skibbies oh no nice flush there's so many though oh no oh no sonny they infected him oh this is not good that's game over we can't lose the speaker God that's really bad no yo chill out bro oh dude I don't know I this is bad news reinforcements uh oh dude this betrayal it's like the top 10 anime betrayals and it hurts it's too much pain and the skibity God just destroyed the YouTube headquarters what the heck dude how are they gonna get back from this they might not be able to ever recover bro look at his fingers they're gross oh they saved him this is the start of the comeback Sonny I believe come on they're doing research they're making more powerful weapons yes they're defeating the skibies this is no good this is not good did you see you see thumbs up before you got vaporized yeah he was handing over the thing they've got to recover this it's the only weapon that can help them now they must use it to secure speaker God zap yes and then a little bit of a flush see ya yes they can really make this comeback bro this is so weird what are we watching oh boy those are some scary skinny speakers wait that's a complete combo he's got arms and legs and a full toilet what the heck you see more toilet or is he more he's a bidet he's a bidet is he actually a bidet I I'm pretty sure bro he's for cleaning your butt oh come on snipe him snipe him yes secure this oh we saved him oh no that's bad oh no that's like the worst possible thing that could have happened melon oh too much skibetes oh plunge them oh this guy's going oh wait who's this TV man no way first it was cameras then speakers now we've got the TVs on their side this is actually so epic thanks TV man oh a little smile melon there's more he's got the plunger do you think the TV man's gonna try and defeat everyone TV man is too op whoa he's gonna blind them all bruh they're getting wrecked that was actually goaded oh that was so nice of them to come and save the day TV people are nice oh look how powerful he's like so confident he's like these guys can't do nothing for me oh bad things are gonna happen TV God blast them hit him with that light screen how are they ever gonna beat the TVs they're not they're Invincible actually they just need some sunglasses and then they'll be okay I was gonna say they might wear sunglasses do you think they're gonna figure it out are the skippies smart enough I think so whoa he always tells him don't worry I got this like dude that's so unfair he's so strong what whoa wait they're mind controlling the skivvies that's crazy oh no he's gonna steal it he's gonna steal it boom okay ode now they have the tech to fight the TV people we'll see about that melon we'll see oh oh they got the tech they got the sunglasses Tech this isn't good this is not good wait they're just gonna leave now they just left what they're just dipping I thought they were gonna oh oh no the skibetes are gonna destroy the camera people they need a new hero you guys could be 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Channel: Sunny and Melon
Views: 448,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jaDJ6O3bFf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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