Don't WASTE your money. The BIGGEST problem with M1 MAX for DaVinci Resolve users.

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so today i'm going to be proving that we're going to be repeating all the tests we've done before in real time to see how the old model performs with one form of optimization hi i'm alex jordan from long color grading and film so let's answer the question what's wrong with the new macbooks the answer is very simple it's the old macbook the thing is the macbook from last year the regular m1 macbook is extremely powerful and it comes at an unbelievable price like for example the mac mini is like i i remember buying it for 650 at the time and it's extremely powerful so in order for these to be justified like this one is for five thousand dollars for example in order for the prices of these computers to be justified they must be able to perform some tasks that the old one cannot do without optimizations for example so i'm looking for a real difference here i'm looking for something like maybe these ones can play formats that this one cannot without any optimization maybe they can add a lot of color effects and play them without any optimization and frankly that happened we managed to find some tests where the high-end model was able to play certain footage better than the last year's model however last year's model with some optimization can play all the formats and pass all the tests that these can can pass so today i'm going to be proving that we're going to be repeating all the tests we've done before with with all of these computers we're going to be running all these tests in real time to see how the old model performs with one form of optimization timeline proxy mode by reducing it to half or quarter and let's check what kind of playback can we get on the old model let's start speaking of resolve if you're a beginner and you're interested in learning how to use resolve you'll love our free crash course that will teach you the basics of every tab and resolve simply go to and sign up for free so let's start with the tests from the last video uh i'm i'm gonna only focus on this one for now because this is the model from last year and i'm simply going to go to playback timeline proxy mode and select quarter resolution now remember something very important about quarter resolution if you're using a 4k timeline and use quarter resolution the preview image is still very acceptable however if you're using an hd timeline and you go to quarter resolution sometimes the image becomes really mushy and not clear but on a 4k timeline i have no problem going to quarter resolution so this is a 4k timeline which is why i decided to use a quarter resolution instead of half so the first test is the film grain so i'm going to play and notice that we're playing in real time this is last year's model no issue at all it's we're just playing everything in real time so this is simply adding film grain next let's uh move to the color uh tests now for this model it was able to play the first two clips without any issue and we only faced trouble at the last two clips or we added effects that were very hard to play along with let's just you can reference that video this is the same footage however this time instead of full resolution quarter resolution so full screen play yeah no issue at all plays it back in real time with all the luts and all the nodes and all the effects we're adding it's just a lot of effects then we move to the last one where we actually add the dehaze effect and a couple of more secondaries which was extremely hard to play however now with a quarter resolution let's check it out yeah no issue at all so basically using quarter resolution and resolve turned last year's model into a supercomputer basically because there is nothing it cannot play in real time at least in this test so now i just switched to the noise test from last week also so um playback and we're on quarter resolution now and let's try playing the same clips with noise reduction so this is the first clip play no issues at all it's just place it back in real time then let's move to the next clip which actually if i remember correct is a spatial test and we just increased the luminance criminals to 100 play and again no issue it plays it back in real time i'm not going to bore you with this the next one again real time and now we'll switch to the temporal noise reduction tests let's move to the second one which uses five frames um you know to look and with fifty percent luminous performance temporal threshold play and yeah again real time no issues at all and this switch to the last one which was the hardest test to our luminance and prominence are both set to 100 with five frames and again real time no issues at all so now let's switch to the noise reduction tests from last week again on last year's model i'll make sure that i lowered the timeline proxy mode to quarter and let's start with the last one that actually uses speed warp play and we're getting maximum of four frames per second let's also lower the resolution in the uh and the new models and see if they can play it in real time so in this one i'll make sure that proxy mode quarter resolution and also in this one i'll also go to playback proxy mode and quarter resolution so this is the base model from this here play and it cannot play it back in real time so no for speed warp this one even with optimization couldn't play back in real time so let's check the top-end model from this here move to the last clip which actually uses speed warp play and yeah it still cannot play it back in real time i'm just gonna double check playback timeline proxy mode and we are on quarter resolution so here's the deal here's exactly what i'm saying the new models still needs the same kind of optimization in order to play something like speed warp that the old model needed so this is on quarter resolution now the old model cannot play it back in in real time and the top-end model also this year cannot play it back in real time so it requires the same kind of optimization and now let's check the first test that we played in the first video in this series where we try to play formats that are hard to play on any system so let's start with 12k uh footage at 24 frames per second and i'm simply gonna go to playback timeline proxy mode quarter and let's see if the old model can play one stream so play and yeah no problem at all it's playing one stream in in real time next let's move to playing two streams of 12k uh 24 frames per second side by side place it back in real time uh now let's move to four streams so now four 12k clips play and it plays everything back in real time without any issue so basically with with just one form of optimization on a 4k timeline we were able to to perform every single test this old machine or not very old this is last year's model m1 but it's basically a supercomputer it can do anything let's move now to 8k so this is 8k footage but in 60 frames per second instead of 24 let's again make sure that timeline proxy mode is quarter and one video play yeah plays back in real time no issues at all let's move now to the second test with two 8k clips 60 frames per second side by side yeah plays it back with no issues at all and finally 60 frames per second for 8k streams and yeah we're playing all of this with no issue at all let's next move to one of the hardest formats to play the c500 so this is 5.9 k at 24 frames per second and let's play and no it cannot play it back in real time however the c500 requires a certain kind of optimization so i will switch to the color page go to the raw settings and i'm going to switch from full race canon to full res resolve so now the information is being interpreted by resolve instead of by the canon interpreter it doesn't matter what that means all what happened now is that we're using full resolve and now we have just smooth playback without any issue at all and the footage is still the same quality nothing changed so let's switch all the other clips to use the resolve decoder instead of cannons in order to test the rest of the footage so all of them now are using full res resolve remember 5.9 k from the c500 this is the one of the hardest formats to play ever we're using two forms of optimization now so we we're using quarter resolution and we change the uh raw settings to use uh followers resolve two streams play and yeah no issues at all it plays it back in real time this is one of the hardest formats to play ever and now let's move to four streams play and everything is being played back in real time so with two forms of optimization we're able to play c500 footage in real time with no issues at all next let's move to another form of impossible footage which is the r5 8k raw currently we're using a full res resolve to decode the 8k raw footage from the r5 so now let's start testing the system again uh let me make sure that um i use playback timeline proxy mode quarter and this is 8k from the r5 play plays it back in real time no issue at all then we have the two streams again no problem at all place it back in real time and finally we have the four streams and again no problem at all the issue here is that when we tested the same footage on the newer model so the top-end model from this year it couldn't play two streams in real time of the r5 footage so i just clicked here i'm hitting play and it won't even play it's very hard for you to play so even the new models require the same form of optimizations the new models as the model from last year please don't get me wrong the new macs are extremely impressive and extremely powerful however i test everything from the perspective of someone using resolve and uh these are the results i was able to find uh so basically my workflow usually consists of using like four nodes maximum i added 4k max even if i shoot like higher than 4k i edit in 4k i work with fusion and i couldn't find a tangible difference between these computers once you use some form of optimization now i'm very comfortable with using optimization some people might not be however just keep in mind that other workloads might benefit from the extra power of these computers which is something i did not test you can check other videos for that like for example rendering extremely heavy 3d scenes compiling a lot of code and other stuff so a disclaimer these results were only for my workload or the kind of work that i do uh the new macs also have some really great stuff like the large screen remember the old model comes with a much smaller screen they have a phenomenal battery life a lot of ports they have a notch so uh i hope you like this if you like this please visit us at film where you can join our free davinci resolve crash course that is designed for the absolute beginner and will take you through every tab and resolve thank you
Channel: Learn Color Grading
Views: 83,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, color grading
Id: lTes9KkwmME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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