Don't want to be poor? Stop doing this !

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if you want to not be poor the first thing to stop doing is to stop listening to people in your life who aren't where you want to be financially I remember when I told my uncle that I wanted to start a business he advised me not to he advised me to pick a really established big company and just to rise up the ranks instead take a look at their finances and see is that the result that I also want to create stop normalizing debt just because everyone around you kind of lives the good life on credit doesn't mean that you need to also be someone who doesn't have monthly payments that suck Freedom out of your life because you value yourself stop trying to look rich be rich instead let's say you come upon a windfall of $100,000 maybe an inheritance or something you could easily blow that money on first class flights to Paris and a really nice car and some nice clothes and for a moment you looked Rich that $100,000 is gone if you spent that $100,000 on buying Investments stocks bonds real estate things that will appreciate and throw off income forever now you actually are rich
Channel: Rose Han
Views: 42,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: investing with rose
Id: ycMfEtQB54g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 59sec (59 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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