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west-southwest runway to eight in use no no I'm traffic at the moment have the boys service that visiting Cherokee and tired down overnight a young couple will be flying back home tomorrow they're staying with her mother and dad people named Jarvis Dale and Alice that's how I first met the Jarvis's the next morning they were back to see the kids off that son-in-law turned out to be a good pilot he took my word for it that the airplane was properly serviced and then made sure for himself five minutes later they were on their way I explained to the Jarvis's that in a little more than four hours flying time the young people would reach their home airport 600 miles away the Jarvis's were very nice people I hoped I'd see them again someday but I didn't expect Dale Jarvis to turn up in my office within the next minute or two welcome back I'll have to make this quick I gave my wife a pretty thin excuse for coming back in but look could I learn how to fly can't see why not well I'm no spring chicken anymore but seeing what an easy trip those kids had and then rent an airplane I mean six hundred miles in four hours that's a hard day's work on the highway you'd be surprised how many other people are making the same discovery do you think I can do it too certainly we can give you an introductory flight now you can prove it to yourself oh not now my wife's out there in the car waiting for me house Saturday at 9:00 well I'll never learn any younger good for you Oh miss Crawford scheduled me to fly with mr. Jarvis Saturday morning at 9:00 we'll take five eight Willie what's five eight will the call letters of the Cherokee you'll fly you'll see them painted on the side of the airplane here's some material information you might like to look over say there is one little problem my wife I'm afraid she wouldn't approve of this so let's not tell her about it I'll put a golf bag in the car to throw her off the trail on Saturday oops better conceal the evidence see you saturday next day when mrs. Jarvis drove into the parking lot I was afraid the cat was out of the bag so her first remark came as quite a surprise good morning mr. viola morning I've come for my first line listen for what but you do give lessons don't you oh yes sir well I want to learn if that daughter of mine and her husband can flit around the country in an airplane so can I can i well uh yes certainly ma'am would you like to start mrs. Jarvis Oh would ten minutes from now be too soon well all my instructors are scheduled but yeah I have an airplane available I'll get you started myself well that would be fine there's just one thing can you keep a secret I'm keeping a few right now well my flying lessons must be kept secret isn't that all right oh yes yes certainly you see I don't believe that my husband really approves of flying and so he mustn't know a thing about it well where do we start we started with this as an airplane and went from there first I explained to Alice how an Hawaiian airplane flies by showing her how the wing produces lift the air passing over the top of the wing creates a sort of vacuum which produces upward lift even if the engine stopped is shorter an airplane continues to fly with the nose lowered slightly to provide enough speed for continued lift and a gentle glide I explained the cherokee would glide ten miles from an altitude of 5,000 feet then the control surfaces the ailerons which Bank the airplane right aileron down left aileron up simultaneously they Bank the airplane to the left and so the airplane turns the stabilator controlling the attitude of the airplane for level flight climb or descent and the rudder which swings the nose left or right inside the airplane I explained the instruments to her and they made sense an ordinary magnetic compass the speedometer a gyro compass an artificial horizon to show on one simple instrument whether the airplane is level turning climbing or descending a clock altimeter turn and Bank indicator and another to show the rate of climb or descent the engine gauges as in a car fuel temperature oil pressure a meter and a tachometer where well that was the beginning of my double life Alice Jarvis proved to be a good student and made excellent progress when Saturday came around so did Dale Jarvis I showed him how the airplane flies hands off because it is so inherently stable then he tried the controls to go hop just ease back on the wheel to go down a little forward pressure for a turn to the left a little left wheel to establish a gentle Bank and then to straighten out a little right wheel to bring the wings level again in a few minutes Baio was right at home with the controls and enjoying it all he followed through on the controls as we glided toward the runway with flaps down to slow us up back on the wheel raise the nose slower and then settle gently on the run this is your pilot's logbook that makes it official you're on your way to your pilot's license good you know I thought that flight was great I'd like to try to get next Saturday fine let's go in and make an appointment all right I was strictly the man in the middle as the Jarvis's made steady progress landings first solo for Alice and then per day and plenty of interesting homework study in the pilots information booklets for both of them my opportunity to end the secrecy came when both Dale and Alice were ready for the cross-country phase I scheduled myself to ride as instructor with Dale and also with Alice at the same time okay fine we'll see ya bye well are we ready for our big cross-country well yeah but I wonder if you'd mind sharing the cross-country with another student we'll take our bigger cherokee six it flies just like the one you and here he used to he you mean a man well yes the other students a man but he's very agreeable I think you'll like him if he pays attention to his own pilotage and lets me take care of mine we'll get along fine you go on out and I'll bring him just as soon as he gets here okay you know that he's five minutes late already isn't that just like a man well I'm sorry I'm late my wife took the car I had to take a cab out here what'll I do with these golf clubs oh well leave them out there in the hangar okay well I'm all ready for the cross-country mine we do have a problem though oh well I wonder if you'd mind sharing the cross-country with another student well after all Ted I had an appointment yeah but she was booked for the same time she a lady I'm very charming so far as I can tell she's just your type well okay you've got yourself a deal Thanks hey you go on out and introduce yourself I'll be out in a minute all right Alice are you following me following you Oh Mickey now wait a minute wait a minute what are you doing here I'm going flying um country with a gentleman who is that so well I'm going flying on cross-country with a with a lady oh oh and you told me you were playing daelin Dallas quickly saw how the air maps are especially designed to easily identify features on the ground to lakes on the chart look exactly the same from the airplane that seems simple then we practiced radio navigation omnidirectional radio beacons can be tuned in and they blanket the country to navigate to an omni rotate the bearing selector until the needle is centered and the indicator reads to the course to fly is shown on the outer dial to reach the beacon keep the needle centered then passing over the beacon the needle flips and the two indicator now says from as if by magic Alice and Dale were delighted to see how easy it was to navigate by radio and to reach their destination we landed for lunch before heading home Dale and Alice were full of new ideas I'm amazed at how simple it is to make a flight like this it's well it's like driving only so much faster and so much more pleasant you know I'm surprised at the comfort of a modern airplane well personal aviation has come a long way by today you have government weather advisory flight service stations for in-flight information and a great many fields have Yuna come well you can even call in and have Moorea taxi before you've even landed you know I thought that flying would be hard to learn actually I'm finding that it's well fun a modern airplane design has improved right along with the other facilities for example you take the tricycle landing gear that makes the airplane wanna roll straight down the runway that's what makes it feel so secure upon takeoff and landing huh mmm that's in the lower center of gravity use that also I haven't bounced the airplane on land he's the way I expected when the kids came to visit they flew in a rented airplane is that rather a common practice yes very common whether a person rents an airplane or owns one may depend on how much he uses it the pilots who fly is a great deal will probably be justified in owning an airplane you know it's a funny thing my father learned how to drive a car when he was a grown man Here I am learning how to fly an airplane and I'm middle-aged I can see where flying can open up a whole new world of opportunities in business and Recreation and getting the theater kids whenever we want to oh I should say Ted you've given us a lot to think about besides I like to fly and so do I good then let's get back at it huh well that's pretty much the story a Jarvis's have their pilots licenses a whole new field of interest is opened up to flying is an adventurous new interest that they enjoy together especially and they make trips to see their daughter and her husband and their new grandchild
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 95,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage, 4K, HD, 2K
Id: 9nl6xIOKDuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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