DON'T Start An AIAA, Start An LGA Instead: Crazy Opportunity

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I'm gonna be showing you the problems that come with running an AI automation agency why beginners shouldn't go into AI Automation and why it actually isn't as good as perceived if you don't have 15 to 20 minutes to actually focus and pay attention to this video and you just want to go out there and build your new AI automation agency good luck with that you probably are not gonna make it if you can't focus for 20 minutes but for all of you who are actually here to just absolutely kill it let's jump straight into it the thing that I want to discuss today is the great Paradox on why beginners should run an AI automation agency I know that right now it is an extreme extremely trending keyword and trending topic on YouTube and all around internet doing this AI Automation Services and the easiest way to make your first million is through Ai and blah blah blah blah it's just fundamentally false and I'm not saying that anyone is doing anything wrong everyone has their own opinions and they might be absolutely killing it in the AI game running their agency but but I just do not think that it is a model for most people even if you are a bit more sophisticated even if you have been in the game for a few years I still do not think it's a fit for you and especially if you have never run an agent the multi-six figures then it for sure isn't for you so before we get into acts of specific problems here is an extreme simple chart of what an AI automation agency usually looks like of course there's multiple variation the AI term is a super broad one so it is impossible for me to draw a chart of all the possible variations but this is what a fairly basic one looks like and if you go to YouTube and look at these videos this is usually what they tell you to do so you have a normal business so you have a client there's pretty much your client's process you are working with a company your client has a literation process they have a sales process they have search delivery process and they're getting some kind of results for their client and then you as an AI automation agency you come in and you plug in these blue blocks these are pretty much your services and these are just once again example services but this is pretty much what it looks like and in 95 of the cases when you start working with a company unless you are working with Fortune 500 companies like apple and Microsoft Nike in a lot of cases their biggest bottlenecks are growth that they are not able to grow or run the business in a way that they want to like they don't know how to get more clients they don't know how to get more leads they don't know how to get better results for their clients they're getting bad results or whatever it might be in 95 of the cases across all the B2B Industries this is what we see not all of the indices are aware of this some of the industries might think that they need AI chatbots but actually they don't there are markets that are very lower sophistication if you go to a specific Market that isn't extremely up to date and they aren't extremely aware of what their business look like they might think that they need an AI chatbot when they actually do not so let's say that you are working with a company and you're working with your client and they have for example a lead generation problem they're only getting three calls uh V that results on them having to take shitty clients so they deliver shitty services that gets better results because they are not taking the right kind of clients because they can't pick who they work with because they have such a low call Quality so what happens is they are struggling with low lead quality and volume they're also struggling with low closing rate and they are having unsatisfied clients because they can't deliver good results for them because they are only working with the clients that they can get what this pretty much does is it creates a feedback loop and if you have followed me for a while you see me always talking about this feedback loading pretty much that gives you feedback on the process on how well it's working you can look at this process you're like okay this is what we do and feedback is this pretty much results and the based on that you are trying to make some tweaks into so if you are an AI automation agency owner and you come in and you put in an AI chatbots and some lead generation automation some new systems some new funnels and just pretty much place your block like this Blue Block that I'm highlighting here if you just place that in their business probably not many things are gonna change but you put your chatbot service in their business and they start doing everything else maybe they get four calls or two calls or whatever but they pretty much stay the same same it won't really affect it that much then after two months of working with them on running the chatbot for them you look at it and you look at the results that you are getting and you're running it back on a feedback loop on seeing what you can improve based on these results it looks like you can improve a lot in your service you're like okay they're getting bad results I guess my service is and the company even might be like yeah nothing is getting better your chatbot is crap bro like give us a refund give us our money back you are our scammer like your chatbot didn't help us anywhere but your chatbot is just a small nut in the whole system but it creates this program feedback loop that you're pretty much getting feedback on your own service but the feedback is based on all of these things that you didn't even touch so yeah this is pretty much the whole core concept of it do you explain this further the problem one is pretty much Ai and automation doesn't fix foundational issues Ai and Automation in most cases what it is it is just an Optimizer it makes things more efficient you're able to optimize your service delivery flow let's say you're working with the graphic design agency you're able to give them an AI process and a workflow and a project management tool that lets them create art creatives faster or add scripts faster or whatever or you're able to build some CRM automations that let them do follow-up easier easier faster less time these words and terms indicate that it is a solution that optimizes things it makes things faster easier better maybe cheaper in some cases but it doesn't fix the foundational issue that needs to be fixed for the company to grow so let's say that the content that you're working with they are doing content right now they are doing content for their business and they're doing content marketing and they're shooting that content into Twitter they're doing content on Twitter and from that content they are driving the traffic into their funnel which books them calls which at the end of the day converts into sales this is their sales and marketing process and let's say that right now they are booking three calls a week so what's an AI automation agent at this point might do is they come in and they look at this like okay they're getting three close a week it's an efficient process how much are you spending time creating content 60 minutes okay boom let's put an AI process in place that writes the content for you so you don't have to write your own content okay amazing and now it doesn't take 60 Minutes anymore to do it takes 10 minutes to do boom we saved 50 minutes a week of their time but if the content wasn't working in the first place the only thing that you really did is you gave them an extra 50 minutes that they can spend thinking about how their business is running or how they can get more calls and yeah if they have the capability to actually think about the charger and how to fix it it might work but once again in most cases it's just gonna like okay we don't have to spend time on it anymore they're gonna forget it and in First cases when you actually start doing the content with AI there are three calls a week might go to two calls a week because now the content isn't as good they don't have a pulse on the content they are not able to really monitor how it's performing because they don't manage it the AI does it and because they're not thinking about it they're not able to improve it so you might even drop their call volume like if your content is not attracting the right people or your content isn't speaking to the actual pains or you are offering some that people don't want or your audience doesn't want or your Niche doesn't want it doesn't matter how many chatbots you have and that is the first reason why beginners shouldn't go for this aeon automation thing because in a lot of cases you are not really able to deliver value by just doing a on automation then problem number two which is lack of knowledge in the process when streamlining a process so pretty much what this means is if you are an AI an automation agency you are putting in place email marketing automation CRM automations chat Bots content creation service overflows project management tools you're putting in a lot of this Automation and AI things in the business so you are streamlining a process you're optimizing a process but the problem is that if you are only doing that you pretty much have no knowledge of the process let's say you are an AI and automation agency owner and you come to me and you tell me yo bro I will automate 30 percent of your business in 60 days or you don't pay or something along those lines I'm like okay Bet and then I hop on a call with you and you're telling me I'm gonna put in this chatbot I'm gonna your content is Gonna Get You Know You're gonna do this and you're gonna do this and you list all of these things that you're gonna do with AI and different automation tools it's up here Etc but the problem there is that you have no clue of our process like actually understanding our process and actually understanding all the small Lions things that we do in our process that would takes months alone for you to learn and understand so if you put in a flow or automation into the business there's a 99.9 chance that it's going to go against grain of what actually is already working for us inside the business like let's say you have your client a here boom you have client a and clients a marketing process is that they scrape leads and they push those prospects into a cold email system and then through the code email system they do inbox management based on their sop and from the inbox management there going to book calls and they're gonna put it into their CRM and they're gonna run through their sales process and then they're gonna make money they're gonna close and this is their process right now so the thing I need to understand that every single p is here has a specific way of getting executed inside their business if this process doesn't work if you put in some automations and some AI you help them manage their inbox with AI you're putting like an AI inbox manager on code email like it's not gonna fix the issue that the code email process isn't working or their sales Pro isn't working so for you to actually be able to automate it and make it actually more efficient you would have learned the process inside and out so you could take account of all the small alliances to actually make it an automation that doesn't add friction to the process and then third and last problem before we actually get in the solution is getting boxed in as an XYZ mechanism provider this is more of a long-term thing but the huge huge huge problem and like a mistake I see a lot of people making in the agency game is they pick a mechanism and then they stick with that so let's say they they do FB ads boom and they are FB Ad smma Agency or they do Ai and automation or let's say they do code email and they only do code email so they position themselves as a code email agents like suddenly you are not that valuable anymore like yeah you can get a cold email client or an automation cloud or a Facebook ad client and make 3K a month per client but if you really want to scale without taking on 20 more clients you need to be able to deliver them more value and by that you're able to deliver one company so much value that you're able to get paid 10 20 30 40K from that one client alone but yeah so the solution do all of this right now you might be on the edge of your seat and you're like okay live this makes a lot of sense everything that you just said is absolute crystal clear stuff if it isn't go back and watch the video again but the solution to this is fairly simple the approach that you need to take for actually providing an agent service and running an agency that provides a lot of value to the market because if you're not providing value to them Market an actual tangible value you can't charge high prices you can't scale you can't get good results you don't make a lot of money the only way you are able to do those things really going to do is providing a lot of tangible value to the market so you need to get really good at something and you need to get really good at the foundational things the most valuable thing that you can do for a business is help them figure out who their Niche is so help them fight their most profitable Niche and then help them figure out their offer on how to position their service in the market so they are able to charge the most amount of money with the least amount of work and get the best possible results for the client and then when you have figure out these two things everything else is going to be super easy you want to build a funnel boom you just make the funnel you write it in a way that the needs that you already have figured out understands it and you plug in the offer you create this vsl boom it's run through the offer you create code emails boom it's right the offer in the cold email and you target the needs that you have already figured out you want to do ads boom you just scrape a list of those companies if it's b2bs scrapable list of similar companies and just run look like audience ads with the direct offer once again I'm simplifying a lot I'm generalizing a lot it is not as easy as on paper but in my opinion if you are able to figure out what is the best possible Niche and how to position their offer the best way and help them communicate this offer to the niche you are going to be extremely golden a lot of people are focusing on taking a broken process and making it more efficient which pretty much just helps your clients to be faster but then if you actually first fix the process and you actually make it work then when you automate it you're just gonna pretty much add leverage you're gonna just two three four five x the value that they're getting because you first fix it and then you automate the pro so they don't need to even do it with one client white Beamer we have worked with him for nine months and he went from pretty much zero working with a company just pretty much providing cold email automation what and then he started working with us we helped him to understand this and now he's making over seventy six thousand dollars a month in net profit working one to two hours a day working with two your clients and that is the power of actually fixing broken processes and taking a broken process and making it more efficient and that is how you're able to make a crazy amount of money while actually keeping High profit margins and delivering great results for your clients if you are actually looking to become a great B2B marketer B2B growth marketer actually learn how to fix these foundational issues actually learn how to deliver a tangible value and get seek results for your clients what you can do is you can go check out agency like I mentioned that is our Consulting agency where you work with aspiring agency owners and we help them build extremely profitable B2B outbound agencies and we help you scale the ten thousand dollars a month in 92 days and pretty much the way we do it is we don't focus on the small tactics and methods and strategies and all these new shiny buzzwords but the foundational thing that we teach and we help you with we consult you on is how can we figure out the most profitable market for you and for your clients and how do we need to position your offer that it resonates with the market it so if you're interested in that go to it's also in the description the first link there go there click it watch the video and watch the training that we have there and go ahead and book a call and if you qualify I hope to see you inside otherwise if you enjoyed this video go ahead and please drop me a like and if you have seen few of my videos already and you're like this guy seems A-Okay a little bit weird funny accent random mustache and you still think these videos are valuable and great drop me a subscribe Take Care thank you for watching and I'll see you on the next video bye
Channel: Leevi Eerola
Views: 52,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smma, social media marketing agency, social media marketing, lead generation agency, lead gen agency, b2b lead gen, b2b lead generation, b2b lead generation agency, b2b lead generation business, lead generation business, smma vs lga, lga vs smma, smma vs lead gen agency, lead gen agency vs smma, smma vs lead generation agency, lead generation agency vs smma, ai automation agency, ai automation agencies, automation agency, aiaa vs smma, smma vs aiaa, aaa vs smma, smma vs aaa
Id: 27UE3-G6uTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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