DON'T SPLIT The King And Queen! | Chess Challenge

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let's push this Pawn that does weaken these squares oh Ellie Ellie are you are you not feeling well well right around now it's Valentine's Day and I like to think of something fun to do in my videos so I thought what I just draw a pretty heart on the chess board but then I remembered I'm actually not a very good artist and I'm not even sure if you can really tell that that's a art so we're going to do something different I'm going to play against one of our Bots and because on Valentine's Day you like to let your friends and loved ones know how much they mean to you I'm going to have the king and the queen BFFs forever Stay Together the entire game meaning they will never be separated they will always be touching each other either sideways front to back or diagonal they're going to hold hands and I'm going to see if I can beat one of our Zub Bots which one I don't know let's have an elephant come after us okay yeah that's Ellie let's take a look good look at Ellie there there now if an elephant is actually charging at you in real life uh you might want to run faster than your friend but in any case you should both get out of there but let's play with my king queen touching for Valentine's Day here we go that sounds like an elephant blowing its nose let's turn the music off so you can hear me better and of course uh I think this means okay Ellie stop blowing your nose and can you please make a move now technically I can Castle I just figured this out if my queen gets here and then I move this pawn and my queen gets here the king queen are still touching and then if I Castle my king would land on G1 and I'd still be touching now I'm probably not going to Castle I just want to point out that technically I am allowed to Castle okay I'm going to play C3 now the beginning of the game is not going to be too hard because you you do see Lear this we may have to turn this off cuz I don't know if I can do this video with a straight face with this elevant constantly blowing its nose at me okay um let's go here and force the issue I don't want the tension to stay on these pawns elephants can live up to 70 years old well so can fun Master Mike okay all right you are a one trick pony with that sound um all right so Bishop can move I can pin the Knight but if I pin the Knight then black will just unpin and that's not really that strong by the way if I ever take this then black takes back and then black has two pawns with nothing beside them in the center those are called hanging Pawns we actually have a video on that uh on chess kid it's a very hard lesson for me to do actually okay now my knight can move here now technically my queen she can move here my king and queen are still touching okay I can't Castle either way cuz my king and queen would be disconnected I'd be forgetting about my BFF um see if I take and then this Pawn takes I could move my Bishop here but that Bishop's pretty well defended even though it's pinned I don't like Black's moves over here by the way by pushing pawns what if I actually play H4 Harry the hwn is going to March up the board and weaken the black king even though black King's in the center I'm not unsafe uh-oh wait a minute wait a minute the elephant's going to come get me if this Knight takes I'm not legally allowed to take back because my king and queen would be separated so I'm going to have to run away due to the restrictions I've put on myself on this chess game now if I take you can't take with the pawn because you hang your Rook I think that is a uh an elephant Cry of this gust okay what is it actually called when an elephant snars at you I love that sound effect your knight is trapped by the way um so I'm going to take I'm going to promote your Rook just to be silly because you have to capture anyway and now because I'm ahead I'm going to play some old man chest I'm going to take now here the two nerds the courage of a lion okay thank you for that the two moves I want to play are either Queen check or hassle to get my rope to D1 to bring bring to the open file but both moves are not allowed because I gave myself this silly restriction in fact Queen check would basically nearly lead to M if my queen gets to H7 because of my Bishop so I'm really hurting myself here by doing what I've done okay I'm going to push one square to get my king here to activate the that's the big plan King here now if you play Queen check not that you would but I would not legally allow be allowed to capture luckily elephants cannot understand English and Ellie does not understand that I have this uh Valentine's Day Rule King and Queen still BFFs still stuck together okay where is Black going with the king the king is moving sideways I really want to get my queen in the game by the way I didn't actually explain this but I'm going to try to make it so I can't have my queen captured either because you know that'd be like losing your BFF so I'm not going to move my bishop and allow the Queens to trade because I don't know that's not really the spirit of what we're trying to do today okay let's push this Pawn that does weaken these squares oh Ellie Ellie are you are you not feeling well oh no you just forgot about your BFF The Queen Is Gone Ellie you played so many realistic moves and now you have made one very very silly one but I'm going to take advantage of that the might had to come in the game and see what happens okay I'm just going to take that because it removes the guard of your knight and I'm going to take your night on the next turn if you leave it there and you did leave it there oh you're falling apart no now I can give check my king queen still touching they are still touching just want to point that out okay now I'm going to play this check and I'm going to play this check and I'm going to play this check and I'm going to play this check king queen still touching and this check oh my goodness it's a w record for CHS and are you taking back no you're not taking back I'm going to play I'm just kind of making moves now this check how many checks in a row by the way and I'm going to play this check and I cannot stop this check and wait and then this check is it mate yet is it mate is it mate it's close it is made okay I think Ellie had to come to terms with what just happened there even I wasn't sure it was made Ellie took a minute um but it did actually end up working out now if we look back at the notation panel I want to to see how many checks we had in a row there just for funsies we had starting with move 26 you look over at the right side we have three check that's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine 10 checks in a row Happy Valentine's Day everybody the king and queen BFFs forever
Channel: ChessKid
Views: 40,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess,, chesskid, funmaster mike, fun master mike, chess videos for kids, teach kids to play chess, learn chess, chess for kids,, chess lessons, chess videos, kid chess, how to play chess, learn how to play chess, chess coaching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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