Don't pick IB Subjects to maximize points!

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this video is going to try and show you that you should not always pick subjects just to maximize your IB marks and to do that I'm going to introduce you to two people Ross and Rachel you may have heard of them anyway so Ross and Rachel took the IB and these are their sces okay so Ross got a 38 and Rachel got a 41 okay with only this information right if I asked you which one was smarter which one would you say most likely you'd say Rachel right because she got higher marks than Ross okay let's add a bit more information these are their subjects and these were their scores okay in addition to that these are they're both trying to enter theoretically a course uh on computer science with these requirements and there's only one spot left at the University okay so that's the situation I put them in okay let's ask a couple of questions who got the higher score obviously that was Rachel who met the requirements though Ross and who had more relevant subjects well that answer is pretty easy answering these questions really even though Rachel had the higher score Ross had the requirements met so theoretically if there was only one spot left at the University which student would the university pick obviously it's Ross right now you may think this is obvious but a lot of people stupid people like me take subjects just to maximize their IB score and they think that since they have such a high score any uni would accept them you know you could get a 45 but if you do not have those required subjects for your diploma program it's very unlikely that you'd get into your course so I was one of those stupid people I didn't take math HL because of that and then me well I wasn't trying to maximize my score but I didn't know I want to do compsite at that time so I didn't take math HL and because of that it made it really hard for me to enter a good computer science um at a to major in computer science at a good University because every single decent University requires a five and HL and I got a six ATL so even though I had the required marks right I had way more than the required marks the required marks were what it was 37 if I'm not mistaken even though I I had a lot more than required marks I didn't have the required subjects and that's a big problem because the marks mean nothing if you don't have the subjects you can't major at physics in Oxford if your hls were visual art language being an English L and you still got a 43 right you can't do that you need your required subjects so required subjects Trump your total number of points a person who got 38 and took all these hard as hell subjects did in a way a harder IB Program than a person who got a 40 and took quote unquote soft subjects now what do I mean by Soft subjects I'll give you an example the London School of economics if you go to their website right it's a obviously it's a top university uh you go to their website they have a section on nonpreferred subjects and both business management and film were nonpreferred subjects they recognize right that these subjects aren't as hard to score high than things like math and physics HL now I'm not trying to say that you should always take these hard subjects think about it if a person let's say wanted to Major at Art in University right right he would let's say his requirements were art and HL for his course right like like Ross in my early example computer science wasn't required but his seven in the subject surely added possible weight in his application right it added positive weight so because it was relevant taking math HL and other hard subjects when you want to major in art isn't really relevant right it isn't going to add that much credibility to that person's application if it isn't connected to their degree as much as they're required and related subjects so in that case you don't need to take harder subjects if it's not required and then you're free to take easier subjects because and I think honestly that that's smart because if a person focuses mainly only on required subjects and fills the rest of his subjects with relatively easier subjects he's smart because he's freeing up time to focus on the subjects he requires so as long as that person isn't taking you know relatively easy subjects to purely maximize their IB marks then it's okay the point is your required subjects matter more than your marks and this brings me to another point you know how sometimes you meet a person and he'll say you know I got 42 and you're like whoa this guy is crazy and it's true I mean 42 is an amazing score right because regardless of your subject a 42 is a 42 and to get you know you'd have to get a number of sevens in your subjects and even though some subjects are easier than others they're still hard subjects right so yes for getting a 42 is a great accomplishment but that's not enough information for you right if a person has filled his subjects with again relatively easier subjects just so he could get high marks right and let's say that person who got a 42 you compare him with a guy who got a seven in math HL s physics seven in chem but he graduated with 38 right think about which one really had to put in more effort and you know had to be theoretically more smart than the other person part me the guy who got the 38 because his subjects were 10x harder I consider my friends who got lower than me but took harder subjects than me to be smarter than me yes I still consider myself quite smart cuz I got 40 right it's still good accomplishment like I said um you know even 38 37 they're all good accomplishments but it still depends on the breakdown of your subjects you see the IB is different for different people right that's why two people who got the same IB score for 40 have different abilities based on their subject choices uh and univers recognize this that's the overall that's why the overall Mark is not as important as Meeting those requirements and scoring high in the subjects that matter so uh through all my rambling if you had to take away anything from this video it would be that when you choose your subjects keep this in mind don't be that guy that picks subjects just to maximize his marks right that's a mistake that you're going to pay for later pick your required subjects meet your requirements and if possible take relevant subjects based on your requirements to increase your application also the next time you meet a person with a high mark look for the breakdown of his marks and that'll give you an indicator of how hard the IB was for him relative to you okay hopefully that helped okay bye
Channel: IB like Cole
Views: 48,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ib, pick, subjects, sl, hl, iblikecole
Id: 0Q9zZz-jtbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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