Don't Pass and Don't Come - How to Play Craps Pt. 10

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the dope ass and don't come bets while most players avoid betting against the dice mathematically it is an ever so slightly better bet than the pathline because a player can make money betting either way I feel like you should be knowledgeable and prepared to bet the dark side when you bet the don't pass line you are considered a wrong better or a dark Sider there's nothing wrong with betting this way it's just not common the casino doesn't care which way you bet does their house edge is the same either way other players on the other hand do care I'm not sure exactly why superstition mainly a lot of players feel like if you are betting for the 7 to appear it somehow affects them it doesn't think of it like a sporting event if I root for the Browns go Browns and you root for the Cowboys it doesn't affect the end result we can both bet on opposite teams watch in each hope we win likewise you bet with the 7 or against it watch and simply hope you win but it doesn't affect the outcome some advice if you are going to bet the domes when you win you might want to keep your celebration low-key and not hoop and holler when most of the table just lost their money I know that doesn't seem fair but trust me alcohol mixed with losing money and you will have some unreasonable people playing next to you so the don't pass and don't come work just opposite the way the past and come work unlike the passing come the don'ts are not contract bets and can be taken down at any time the reason the casino is fine with this is because after the come out roll the don't better now has the advantage you can take them down but I wouldn't advise it the don't pass bet can only be made before the come out roll when the puck is in the off position today let's say we are at a $10 minimum table place your $10 on the don't pass line directly in front of where you are standing now the come out roll 7 or 11 is a loser 2 or 3 is a win and pays even money look at my layout it says bar 12 when you bet the don't pass and don't come the 12 is a push or tie and you need a win or lose on the come out roll in some casinos the 12 is a winner and the 2 is barred it will always be marked on the layout it doesn't affect your odds either way but it is done by the casino to maintain their house edge on the bed there are 8 ways to roll a loser in only 3 ways to roll a winner this is a big disadvantage you have on the come out roll if you can make it pass the come out roll and a point is established the odds of winning are now in your favor as the 7 is the number most likely to be rolled at this point no other number rolled affects the game you simply wait for the 7 to roll before the point number the don't pass has only a one point three seven percent house edge but just like the pass line you can add free odds bet to lower the overall house edge even more you place additional money next to your flat bet and you get paid off with the true odds let's look at the four and 10 you have a two-to-one advantage that the seven will show before the four or ten you have to lay or put up two units to win back one unit on a $10 bet you would lay $20 and odds to win back an additional $10 if we roll to 7 we would get paid $10 on our flat bet and $10 on our odds bet the 5 and 9 have true odds of 3 to 2 so you would lay $15 to win back $10 with the six and eight because the true odds are six to five you would lay $12 to win back 10 a little side note you lay the odds by either bridging or healing your bets and always on the side of the dealer away from the center lay odds are bridged when they pay back the same as the flatbed and healed when they pay different than the flat bet we'll talk about that at another time as this is mainly just done for the dealer's benefit anyway if in doubt just heal your odds and don't worry about it the dealers will correct it for you if they want to the don't combat this bet works exactly like the don't pass bet the only difference is you make this bet in the middle of the game when a point numbers already established in the puck is in the on position with the don't combat you place the bet in the don't come area and if a point number is rolled the dealer will move your bet up to the number to market if the seven rules first and you win he will pay it off in the don't come area and you will be responsible for collecting it if you plan on making don't come bets you probably want to position yourself around the table so you can reach the don't come area want to add odds after the dealer moves or don't come bet up simply put your chips down on the layout and ask the dealer to lay odds on my don't come my next to strategy videos will cover the don't pass strategy for beginners and the three-point don't which will show you how laying odds works in the meantime let's do a quick couple rolls to see the don't bets in action alright the puck is off or in a new game come out roll put $10 on the don't pass three craps remember the two and three is an automatic winner the 12 is not 12 bar 12 that's a push so two and three craps is a win on the don't pass so let's set that over here puck still off put down another $10 bet on the don't pass all right of five so now the points of five now in this case we want a seven to appear before the five four four eight seven so seven is a winner it's going to pay one two one you won again yeah the shooter seven doubt so the puck is going to come off and you're in a new come out roll let's put ten dollars on the pass line five so now the point two five we want to roll a seven before the five we're also going to put a don't come that this is going to win on a two or three it's going to lose on a seven or eleven a nine so the dealer is going to take this comeback and move it up in here in this case you still want the seven to roll so the seven will win both of these bets a five you'll just lose this bet a nine will just lose this bet and that's why this is kind of nice a seven is going to win everything if you hit certain numbers you only lose one point at a time let's go ahead and make one more don't come bet a four so this is going to move to the four so now a seven will win all three of our bets for so this would lose 10 nothing there you okay while we're here let's go ahead and put some odd one or five so we're going to bet 15 to win 10 because the true odds on the 5 and 9 are 3 to 2 so we're going to heal it just like that alright let's head to 7 3 4 7 7 winter the 9 is going to get paid off in the come 1 2 1 the don't pass is a winner it's going to get paid 1 to 1 or $10 on your flat it's going to get paid 3 2 to 4 your odds thanks for watching remember to subscribe and look out for my don't strategy videos until then good luck on coloring up [Music]
Channel: Color Up
Views: 84,813
Rating: 4.778481 out of 5
Keywords: craps don't pass don't come, don't come odds, don't pass bet, don't pass odds payout, don't come odds payout, craps tutorial, craps for beginners, craps game, how to play craps, color up, craps beginner, craps dark side, craps don't pass, craps don't come, craps don't come bet, craps don't, craps don't come bar, don't come bet craps, don't come bet, don't come bet payout, don't pass craps, don't pass, don't pass odds
Id: pkITtzflgxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2017
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