Don't OVER-PAY for Cameras & Capture Cards! | Cam Link Alternatives Recommendations & Ideas

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I've had a lot of people coming to me asking whether they should buy X camera for $400 X capture card for $300 or X camera for $700 all way more than I would ever recommend and I've been kind of baffled by that and I've also received a lot of comments asking why the heck nothing I recommended for X price or X price actually cost that much it comes down to kovat the current human malware situation basically causing everyone to work from home and thus buy up all the streaming and capture related gear and shortages in terms of shipment going to distributors and from China and things like that prices have gone up and today's video is here to talk to you about not overpaying for these things because I think it's a little bit ridiculous this video is brought to you by nerd or die you knew there was gonna be an ad in this video I just had a baby I got bills to pay and narrative that is having a beat the clock sale at the moment where you can get 25% off some amazing stream layouts I even use the nerd or die synth wave chat box for my streams because I really just had a hard time getting a chat box put together they've got 15% off storewide 25% off specific packages and they even have specific stream overlays for as low as $2 head over to evils box GG slash nerd or die to learn more and sign up today unless you are doing something that is creating an essential form of media you know a TV show or something there is virtually no situation in which I would consider it worth it to be paying more than the prices that I have recommended in each particular video or a specific product and a lot of people are doing that if you look at eBay right now for our gato cam links there's people paying $400 for this capture card which just sounds absurd but there's also people paying like $400 for cameras that previously cost $150 the whole supply and demand market thing going on here so I don't want you to overpay so I want to make some alternative suggestions which may all spike up once people start buying them that might save you a little bit of money here currently you're looking at I realize it doesn't look great but if you're just looking to get started it's probably fine this is a $36 GoPro knockoff from DB power it records internally at 4k and some other stuff but really it's a 1080p camera it outputs 1080i60 over HDMI or 1080p 30 over USB 2 right here so you don't need a capture card you don't need to buy a capture card you can spend 36 bucks and you have a camera to Skype with and you don't even really need lightning for this because this is with all my lightning off because over USB you don't actually get manual exposure settings so when I turn my light on I look like this for 36 bucks you're getting what you pay for but if you want something it's here you have an option it's a camera it's 36 bucks you can use it for an extra camera angle worst-case scenario but let me show you something else now if you're looking for a better option and one that's more friendly to actual lighting setups you can get an actual GoPro this is the GoPro Hero 6 black I have it connected by a micro HDMI to capture card controlling it using the app on my phone which has been really frustrating to get working but once it does work it works you can get these fairly cheap I got this one for a hundred twenty-five bucks on offer up granted this was before human malware situation but even checking now people are ignoring these people are picking up the mirrorless and the DSLR cameras but the GoPros on eBay and Amazon are one hundred hundred twenty-five you can get a hero black Hero five black for brand-new on Amazon for 150 bucks so instead of overpaying for a a 5100 you can get this for a reasonable price and these are the results you're getting it's still a fairly wide angle field of view but if you're doing like a group call or a group show or something like that that's fine we're outputting 1080p 30fps at the moment I believe yeah an ATP 30fps here I get manual settings / ISO exposure color settings I can't get white balance exactly right because I only have preset values but I am using a color chart to color great in posts and actually there might be an auto white balance mode I can set up here white balance I've put it on auto auto actually looks fairly natural we don't have to do anything so you'll see the first part was kind of pinkish this one mostly looks fine this is on GoPro colors I might tweak contrast a little bit in post but overall it looks pretty solid for a 1080p feed over HDMI granted you still do need a capture card in order to capture that footage but this is mostly fine and it even has image stabilization built in so you can get a few of these mount them anywhere you want because they're super light control them your phone and you have fairly decent you know it's not production you're not gonna get blown out depth of field it's got fixed focus but you're gonna get a usable camera for 150 bucks which is way better than some of the other options now speaking of other options my community manager I saw actually posted a video about following up on my sony cameras discussion because he's been using for a couple years now a Sony a 5000 they're leaching and by the way with any of these cameras if you're using them only as a streaming camera you can pick them up fairly cheap if you get ones that have broken or damaged screens because you don't really need the screen you're outputting it HDMI so he has an a 5000 he picked up really really cheap and the only issue is it doesn't have clean HDMI but you can get it so that only like 10 pixels on the bottom are taken up for HDMI overlays and you just crop that off in your live stream and you're good to go so for a gaming face cam or for most streaming purposes even teaching and things like that if you're just adding it to OBS or xsplit you can crop that off and get a reasonable result also people are looking at Sony and some of these other options but there is the original Canon m200 which released late last year I showcase that at CES because they were finally advertising it as a camera that could be used for streaming purposes with clean HDMI if someone's willing to pay $400 for a sony a 5100 that's used you might as well get a new canon m 200 with linz for four hundred or four hundred fifty dollars just something worth considering so I've had a lot of questions about using GoPros or GoPro knockoffs for webcam alternatives and while obviously I haven't tested every single one and there's diamonds in the rough with everything I have tested quite a few of these knockoff GoPros and the clip you saw at the beginning of this video was mostly an example of how they look it's not great they're not a good experience overall they're only great for like super cheap corner cams or something where you don't care about quality you just want an extra angle whereas an actual GoPro you can get fairly competent results from the most commonly forgot about camera type or webcams is literally the video camera the camcorder these things are designed or this purpose they're designed to run off a wall power they come with everything you need for that they're designed to provide clean HDMI out for streaming to a capture card for recording video unlimited it works they're also really cheap if you get them you know if you're not getting the most high end 4k ones this one is the Canon Vixia HF r500 it's a few years old at this point I used to have two of them I use them a lot for our vlogs when we were doing vlog videos and things like that and it's a straightforward camcorder they have newer models that's available on eBay for like a hundred bucks a hundred bucks you get 1080p 60fps video you get continuous autofocus you get clean HDMI out you get a wall power and you get a camcorder in case you want to go film other things it's a pretty solid option and there's plenty plenty plenty of camcorder options out there literally just search eBay or Amazon or wherever you're looking for camcorder so this is gonna be the shakiest example ever cuz I'm hand holding my iPad pro but this is what the iPad pro using the NDI HX camera app looks like running into OBS I'm gonna flip it around now and this is the same thing but with the ndia air with the front-facing camera it's a little blown out here it wasn't in my first example but my audio got messed up my legs a little too bright for this there we go so the people over at new tech have a whole video explaining what India is if you haven't heard of it already but they have released two in DI apps for iOS 4 completely free used to that cost about $20 they decided that wasn't worth it they made them both free one is in DI HX camera which uses the cameras from your iOS device as you can see here the other is in DI HX capture which is just a screen recording option but here you have using an iPad as a webcam using NDI there will be a delay you'll have to compensate for that but overall it looks fine I might recommend I'm gonna experiment more before I do a full video on it with using an Ethernet adapter because the frame rate that I get on the computers end is a little low and lastly this is using my Google pixel to excel as a webcam bet into OBS using the IP webcam app and then I'm using ADB to connect to it through USB to send the signal over you there's a app I will have linked in the description below that my mod developed that well just forward the port that IP webcam is using over USB so that you're not using your Wi-Fi which helps a little bit with quality however there is a very big delay when using it as a VLC source the browser preview in your actual web browser seems fairly you know low latency comparatively but recording here through a VLC source has like a whole half a second or so delay on top but you can see here the quality is quite nice it's a little overexposed the manual control settings in the IP webcam webpage aren't working for me at the moment but overall this quality beats out this is using the rear webcam at 1080p beats out of c920 by a long shot so it's here but this is why I don't really recommend the mobile streaming app options very much because there's just so many issues with the latency and the quality and things like that now in terms of capture cards this market is fairly wrecked at the moment as well but there are options that are available now this one right here this booth telltale 4k HDMI it's 90 bucks is a little expensive and it may not get to you very soon this is fairly slow shipping but if you're just looking for one in general this is the same box even if it's got a different name on it that my buddy volt R has already verified works with the OSS C open-source gain converter and supports a lot of weird formats and seems to work pretty well for them so this is one such option just keep in mind it may take a while to get to you but you do have some that are relatively Amazon Prime here as well this is the AG BT AGP tech or my pin depending on how you see it capture card I have one of these in stock haven't done a formal review of them yet but only 120 bucks for a basic 1080p 60 or 4k 30 capture card as well fairly standard USB 3 a ver medias live gamer HT 2 is still available 150 bucks PCIe 1x though fits in most desktop towers 1080p 60 capture and pass-through it also works as UVC so it'll work with Skype and zoom and all of that for your camera input as well great option here and then there is also the opposed DP be our pro 60 which has 4k pass-through 1080p capture even records SD card if that's your kind of thing or USB 3 has microphone inputs all sorts of stuff take screenshots this one's also about 150 bucks you can get as well so these are a little bit of the non-standard options and pretty much all of these I will review at some point in time but I feel confident just saying hey if you just need something and you don't want to pay 200 to 400 dollars for what you wouldn't have had to before this is a pretty solid option this also mentions zoom Skype and vmix support so it is probably UVC as well oh yeah UVC drivers yep yep yep so this will work as a camera a capture card - alright guys that wraps it up for this video thank you so very much for watching literally two days after I recorded this before I even started editing my wife and I finally had our first kid that whole thing I keep teasing have been teasing for nine months it finally happened we're still at the hospital with it you know off and on well they're still at the hospital I'm still at the hospital with them off and on and so videos are gonna be a little weird for a little bit but I get this one out to you so it's okay but apparently I never filmed an intro for it so hope whatever hope you enjoyed this video I know it was a little thrown together because of this situation I could have put more polish on it but I just needed to get it out I hope you enjoyed just wanted to get some recommendations to you and of course literally the day after I recorded this one the canon eos webcam utility came out which allows you to use Canon DSLRs as webcams and many of you have tested and actually gotten it working with older DSLRs that aren't on the compatibility list and so just I guess at the moment I can't compile I don't I don't like compiling lists of that kind of thing if I can't validate it myself so that's always a concern but check the comment section for that just to get a glance and see if someone's tested your camera cuz I know some people look basically my suggestion was to find the suggest the software download for the camera that's the closest to your camera so like if you have a t3 I get the t6 I download and whatever and some people have sort of gotten it working with various limitations or compatibility or what-have-you and of course there's Sparco cam for those DSLRs as well but that opens the door for some cheaper Canon DSLRs on top of everything else so you have a lot of options here just don't don't pay three times four times the recommended price or the MSRP of something just because eBay scalpers are in full don't do it hit the like button if you enjoyed subscribe for more tech education and stream guides that is my cat Remi they miss me very much since we've been at the hospital so much and I'll see you next time I have no idea if any of this recorded audio to be honest Superboy
Channel: EposVox
Views: 323,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cam link 4k alternative, camlink vs capture card, cam link gopro, cam link alternatives, cam link, capture card for live streaming, capture card for camera, capture card setup, capture card for streaming, capture card skype, capture card zoom, a5100 alternatives, cheap camera for streaming, cheap capture card for streaming, capture card alternatives, streaming camera recommendations, why is cam link so expensive, budget capture card, cheap capture card, capture cards
Id: f--nkHqH87I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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