DON'T MAKE THESE Ham Radio, CB & GMRS Mistakes! Common Mistakes That New Radio Operators Make Most

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sometimes the truth can be a hard drink to swallow [Music] today i'm talking about mistakes because we all make mistakes some of us more than others the dirty truth is none of us are born knowing everything and we all have to learn despite what some people some people want you to think some people some people try to make it look like they know everything and they usually do this by leaving arrogant know-it-all comments on youtube videos so because we're all learning all the time today i'm going to go over some of the common mistakes that new radio users often make i will keep this video short and to the point i will not waste your time with a stupid intro with fancy graphics and stupid music and i'm not going to beg you to subscribe or try to teach you what clicking the bell does like those other desperate youtubers do i'm just going to provide you the valuable information that you crave i'm going to do it in a way that won't bore you to death the first mistake that many new radio users owners operators the first mistake that many often make is using their new radio without the proper license as we all know the airwaves are free given to us by our lord xenu for everyone to use but if you want to use those free airwaves in the united states you have to pay the fcc or get their permission before you're allowed to use those free airwaves if you're using something like a baofeng uv5r it is a ham radio if you're going to transmit on a baufang uv5r you need a ham license if you're using something like a wookson ocean kg935g available only at this is a gmrs radio and you need a gmrs radio license to transmit if you're just listening you don't need a license the government allows us to listen to the free airwaves for free on the gmrs radio you still need that gmrs license even if you have a ham license your ham license is no good on gmrs a ham license that's the one that requires the test a gmrs license does not require a test that's like buying a phishing license if you don't have your gmrs license not to fear as usual i've got you covered because you are my favorite viewer click that link for step by step instructions on how to buy your gmrs license once you have the proper license ham or gmrs you are then free to use our free airwaves without the fear of an out of control government kicking down your door in the middle of the night now these next mistakes are about using your radio the very common mistakes that many new radio operators owners users make and they apply to any radio ham radio gmrs cb frs hello kitty walkie talkie these are universal mistakes no matter what kind of radio you're using the first mistake is low talking that's talking too low or not holding the radio close enough to your noise hole most radios require you to speak up a bit and project you can't just whisper into them as though you were lying next to them in bed it's worse on some radios than others because some radios are more sensitive than others some radios are very sensitive some radios are not sensitive at all for example my kg805g and my baofang uv 9g are both not very sensitive i really have to get up close and talk my kg 905g and my kg 935g available only at they're both much more sensitive and they pick up sound much better most radios you need to hold the radio the microphone an inch or two from your noise hole and speak clearly and loudly you do need to project a bit on most radios most of my radios i usually hold about this far from my noise hole so be sure you hold it close enough and just pretend like you're talking on a cell phone in a restaurant or the grocery store and you'll do just fine if people keep saying what did you say can you repeat that then you might be low talking the next mistake is the opposite of low talking it's talking too loud or holding the microphone too close us radio experts call this eating the microphone some people call it deep throating the microphone although i always thought that meant something else most microphones as i mentioned work best when you're holding it an inch or two from your noise hole many mics if you hold it directly in front of your noise hole that will be too loud and too close you'll get the pops and the peas and the plosives and also all of your breath noises that come out of your noise hole so many radios it's best to hold slightly off center of your mouth instead of directly in front of it an inch or two away from your mouth again many microphones many radios are more sensitive than others so maybe two or three inches away from your mouth depending on your radio you may have to experiment with your particular radio by asking people at the other end that you're talking to a simple question like how do i sound do i sound too loud can you hear me okay they will provide the feedback that you need but if people keep saying what did you say can you repeat that you might be eating your mic or deep throating your mic the next mistake possibly the most common mistake that i hear i hear it literally every single time i listen to my radio and that is talking before you press the button or not waiting long enough after you press the button to begin talking as us radio experts call it rushing the mic many radios have a tiny bit of delay from the time you press the button until it actually starts transmitting and then the people at the other end the receivers those radios often many of them not all of them many of them have a tiny bit of delay from the time your radio starts transmitting until their radio starts receiving and if you're talking through a repeater it's all even worse because the radio can cut off the very beginning or the very end and make everything worse so a good practice to prevent having the first part of your word or words being cut off is to always press the button first wait a half a second or so then begin your speaking if people keep saying what did you say can you repeat that then you might be rushing the mic press the button then talk the next mistake is the opposite of rushing the mic and that is letting go of the button before you're done talking it's less common but it happens i hear it often us radio experts call that letting go of the button before you're done talking a good practice is to continue holding the button for a quarter or a half a second after you're finished talking then you let go of the button if people keep saying what did you say can you repeat that you might be letting go of the button before you finish talking another big mistake that many people make especially beginners people new to the radio world is turning off your roger beep because someone else told you to because they don't like it now if you're new to the radio world let me explain it there are a lot of radio nazis out there that think they own the airwaves and not xenu who actually owns them or the fcc who thinks they don't and they want to control how you use your radio and they may tell you to turn off your roger beep because they don't like it because they find it distasteful now what if somebody told you that in your car on your stereo or your fm radio in your car you should only listen to k-pop music because that's what they like would you do it i think not regardless of what these radio nazis think they do not own the airwaves as we've already established only xenu owns the airwaves and xenu says your radio your choice don't let some radio nazi try to tell you how to use your radio nobody is forcing them to listen to you that's it those are the most common mistakes have you made any of these mistakes if not what mistakes did you make leave a comment below let me and all the others know now some people some people are gonna say they're gonna leave a comment saying that they never made any of these mistakes these mistakes are stupid it is inevitable some people have an uncontrollable urge to leave comments on youtube videos to make themselves look smarter and this is because in real life they're total losers they stopped watching a long time ago because they could not resist that urge to make themselves look smarter because in real life they're losers so watch for those comments not only on this video on all my videos i always pin them to the top for everybody to enjoy and marvel at and make fun of thank you for watching next [Music] you
Channel: NotaRubicon Productions
Views: 13,111
Rating: 4.9068966 out of 5
Keywords: HAM Radio, how to get a HAM license, how to get a GMRS license, CB Radio, how to use a HAM radio, how to use a GMRS radio, how to talk on a CB radio, how to talk on HAM radio, how to talk on GMRS
Id: kBMa_Qrsujc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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