DON'T LOOK! | Mr Bean | Cartoons for Kids | WildBrain Kids

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hahaha [Music] Bean now I'm coming I'm coming it's on yes or no fantastic isn't it no the dancing show what what did you get down now it's the final oh don't they move beautifully [Music] [Applause] and the winners couple number three and you can be our next winner yes you those Heats are taking place today in a park near you oh look that's a park why don't we enter the competition Shane we can't dance [Music] it's so easy come on I'll show you [Music] ow watch where you're putting your feet ow [Music] um we'll never be good enough to enter the competition bye hmm I'll shower [Music] this is the place oh dance class yes come in come in oh thank you all right let us begin Mrs Enderby Mrs end of it hello hello oh [Music] and a one two three one two three one two three sorry [Music] oh I'm so sorry guys just end to be oh let's try again shall we okay and uh one two three one two three one two three one two three oh [Music] yes yes I believe yeah let me move it get it out of your way nothing be better there I think try again shall we Mrs Enderby [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] are you okay yeah I'll have to teach myself now oh hello oh hello bean and I'll miss you Ducks dinosaur Dentistry here we are dancing oh God [Music] oh this one [Music] two three um one two what is it again um now one two three I can't see the book now well this isn't time to work oh no come on [Music] there we go [Music] let's get started looks pretty simple one two three one two three one two three one two three I think I've got it Abba I can dance really will you join me um okay come on [Music] one two three I'll meet you at the park after work okay [Music] all right Dave all done what what wait wait [Music] our yeah oh no oh no [Music] wait wait [Applause] hmm come on come on where is he come on I'm sure there's still time and the winners are couple number two I'm sorry oh Bing um Irma oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] right [Music] perfect [Music] Emma I found a new dance competition what really yes come on come on but this is your house yes come on this fight [Music] ah beanie thank you may I have the pleasure of this dance [Music] will the judges please reveal their score thank you ten oh that's marvelous 10 and another thank you thank you oh Teddy your skull please [Music] we won three one thank you thank you thank you good morning oh sorry the surprises what wow thank you thank you yes yes all right there's your map oh enjoy yourself thank you very much bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] let's do it yeah [Music] [Music] good idea [Music] contrast that company cheers oh [Music] it's like one of these wouldn't you before I'm really sorry [Music] [Music] oh yes very clever Hooligans that's what you are Hoon the guns [Music] oh [Music] now oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] good guy [Music] thank you not that oh Michael frisbee come back no no no [Music] come back here oh no not up there oh no [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] come on you're okay go on have it back there you go [Music] [Music] no I can't do that come on oh oh I can do that yes that's for the TV yes thank you look and breaking news earlier today the monkey known as Binky was stolen from his enclosure at stonyhurst Safari Park oh dear a nationwide search is now on for the kidnapper will snatch this helpless young monkey from its loving parents but but I didn't deal him [Music] you heard about the stolen monkey oh hello um what a lovely day monkey no oh big news though quick [Music] stop would you mind winding down your window please huh all right comfortable search that car all clear right on your way sir thank you it's the police [Music] hmm come on would you mind stepping out sir we need to do a quick search of your car uh yes uh certainly officer okay sir all clear thank you well there you go sir thank you hello thank you David there's him up no thank you I know where I'm going oh [Music] enjoy yourself [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] very good okay bye [Music] [Music] oh [Music] thank you thank you very much bye now bye [Music] all right back to normal [Music] hmm [Music] oh there's a good idea genius [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] thank you all right oh hello what you up to um what do you think that's coming on let's come on hmm better get back to work eh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] for a second [Music] oh yeah much easier foreign [Music] [Music] well hmm hello very nice hello [Music] hello what's he up to bye cool hard to know [Music] oh there we go [Music] babe [Music] oh look at that today it's good isn't it yes sir thank you [Music] oh hmm well I like it [Music] yes [Music] oh sleep sounds late tonight foreign [Music] [Music] what is going off foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I'll run this through your legs [Music] [Music] hello [Music] the jetpack [Music] then right oh [Applause] foreign exhausted oh [Music] God oh here we go again hello what hey hey babe what do you think you're doing put it back now where are the other misses orchids what I'm going to enjoy this dream I don't know what's going on [Music] Bane [Music] [Music] um oh dear oh it's not a dream no it's not okay let me I'll wiped yourself [Music] you just sit back on your teeth how about known [Music] I'm going away for two days you'll need to feed the fish you are got that oh God [Music] oh [Music] bye-bye now don't forget [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Applause] oh [Music] um [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] wow oh yeah [Music] hahaha [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] all right [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] what the what the oh [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no God aha [Music] oh oh [Music] sushi [Music] hola fishing [Music] sushi [Music] they're Liars fishy oh fishy [Music] goes off [Music] oh no no [Music] oh oh yes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come on must be some way that must be something [Music] [Music] [Applause] look up [Music] so much [Music] [Music] what's going on mm-hmm what did you say speak up [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] nothing no oh [Music] oh [Music] this is going to be brilliant you can do it Teddy good luck three two one yesterday you did it you did it you did it oh no no no no no watch out oh my God oh oh ow oh my goodness [Music] [Music] oh I'm sorry I'm really sorry ah oh oh dear oh TV some wrestling Now where's the remote [Music] let me see oh my goodness I'm so sorry ah hmm excellent I think she's ready to go home oh God oh God thank you very much thank you [Music] old and spun well I would never and um it's in the bin good now any problems pull this hey [Music] oh very cold heavy goat only in an emergency oh yes yes yes yes yes of course yes what [Music] what is it just testing oh okay bye [Laughter] [Music] oh oh yes turn the Telly on please ah okay [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] could you turn it over please foreign no rain oh I like a bit of wrestling wait wait wait what what can you turn it up right just right there but [Music] there you are oh that's fancy good [Applause] oh now what all right all right what is it well oh now [Music] why you little okay [Music] oh no [Music] oh yeah oh yes take the noise down please I'm trying to watch the wrestling right huh go down come in oh dear how are you dear would you like a cup of tea oh let me make it no no no no no Bane can do that what oh do let me no no no no no no I really don't mind this is wicked but I do Mr Bean two T's please oh cup of tea fine leather together [Music] be expensive away [Music] okay bye bye bye bye bye right foreign [Music] [Music] this is wicked I oh oh look well what's this oh oh what do you think oh oh God [Music] I oh bloomy brilliant [Music] oh perfect timing come in come in [Music] [Music] let me out oh dear [Music] cup of tea oh yes please [Music] ah my paper oh [Applause] [Music] all right morning there we are all right thank you oh [Music] my God oh what's the news [Music] [Music] oh the brilliant oh one please okay where would you like to sit oh um [Music] okay There You Go sir foreign [Music] just there sir oh August sorry excuse me thank you [Music] oh very nice what yeah David oh it's just it's just one luck oh I wonder [Music] thank you thank you thank you sorry thank you get up one please yes sir thank you and another one of course I had another one another one please oh you know what I'll do it thank you thank you very much [Music] Ah that's more like it um [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen boys and girls lovely to be here I need a volunteer knock me have on stage ladies and gentlemen give a round of applause take a seat sir watch [Music] three two one he's under Ethan I'm going to pretend to be a mouse a mouse and three two one you're back in the room well done sir give him a round of applause ladies and gentlemen another volunteer Christmas [Applause] yes you sir oh yes [Applause] hello welcome take a seat now watch in three two one [Music] he's out now I wonder if this man can dance some music oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello you see ladies and gentlemen nothing there I think it's time for some love [Music] oh you beat those my darling [Music] and now [Applause] wait stay [Music] come back where did he go [Music] all right hold my ball back pain [Music] leave him alone crap [Music] oh hold me back oh tongue that's done it cool cool hey keep it Dan oh shut up [Music] oh go keep your racket Dan you oh my darling don't go don't go huh three two one you're back oh thanks oh it's you off the Telly yes that's me I hypnotized him hypnotized him [Music] why not [Music] oh the paper [Music] yes [Music] oh good boy Bane all right what happened what happened [Music] mama foreign [Music] excuse me oh [Music] ah Hotel daffodil yes well I know you see oh thank you very much um welcome welcome what's going on [Music] [Music] yes yes it's nice isn't it um tea huh or um or hmm [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] chop chop hmm sugar [Music] oh [Applause] milk um milk wow yay 40. more tea hey thank you oh gracious hmm oh [Laughter] laughs oh [Music] lovely weather isn't it um if you're ready um we can yes yes please yes yes upstairs [Music] you're sweet um [Music] the mini bar oh please I brought you some more tea excuse you yes just two minutes thank you [Music] uh perhaps you'd like to watch some television huh yes yes you got it oh I've got a bit of wrestling move up um sorry dinner will be soon [Music] [Applause] huh what oh soon [Music] there's no food there must be something [Music] you go bang [Music] hmm oh foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's all my old man said follow my van and don't tell it only on the way oh when the van with me home packed in it and I walked behind with me I'll call Linda tonight duck oh my God foreign next window up there just oh right [Music] um mmm a Coca-Cola hotel tonight fish on the chips takeaways uh oh dear are you all right love [Music] all right oh yes well I am sorry um [Music] oh sayonara buy them oh [Laughter] [Laughter] so my old man sent you the man wow Teddy we tried laughs oh hello hey oh my oh [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that's really good oh Alakazam [Music] hello hello oh come on glue me in here get out of the body oh oh goodness me no no wow in the South it's sunny look let's go to the seaside well oh come on all right all right I'm not packed just give me a minute [Music] [Music] we're only going for the day [Music] oh [Music] there's too much stuff I know I know oh [Music] thank you oh honestly [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh what there are the beach very good come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] come on foreign [Music] come on oh [Music] sorry about that [Music] [Music] oh it's wonderful I'll just get them [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] shoot oh excuse me oh thank you uh oh okay all right [Music] hmm oh look yeah oh sorry oh [Music] yeah sorry oh um [Music] oh cheers [Music] oh I'm so sorry oh [Music] oh no oh I'm so sorry sweetheart thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you ladies and gentlemen and now for my first trick I'd like to introduce you too [Music] I'm sorry and let's move on now how about this [Applause] excuse me sweet have you seen a trunk over there really right nothing there but rings [Music] oh [Music] what is going on here oh mine I think I how do you think you are oh it's yeah yes how can we help you can go away now oh they might have sent my trunk [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] just look at this bill oh come here no cut patch I electricity and your electricity [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] [Music] oh girl hmm oh [Music] come on oh [Music] oh oh lovely wow [Music] oh [Music] my God oh like [Applause] okay [Music] what's he doing oh [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] what is he up to oh [Music] oh no no no no no no no oh [Music] [Music] my God [Laughter] Bane [Music] get house down now foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] how could you oh grandpa [Music] ah [Music] the high winds have been reported [Music] laughs [Music] oh my God oh [Music] wow [Music] [Music] that's an emergency YouTube [Music] all right like [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's hot [Music] oh [Applause] ice cream [Music] oh no you don't oh first me says good [Music] mm-hmm ah lovely thank you oh I've left my wallet I'll just I'll just take it no chance next what that one please but that's mine I'll be right back [Music] ice cream ice cream oh no okay I've got my wallet I love one of those days wait your turn to the back [Music] here [Music] thank you can grab that one please come on come on [Music] thank you ice please there you go thank you that one please there you are thank you Tommy time for lunch [Music] ah oh [Music] [Music] all right no [Music] oh now then oh no [Music] one please oh ice cream please I'm not the uh um [Music] thank you ice cream please oh come on yes there you go thank you thank you that fun please yes I didn't go thank you one please [Music] oh yeah thank you [Music] there we go thank you bye right [Music] at last no then what oh I don't believe it oh my God [Music] [Music] oh empty I better get some more huh oh no [Music] let's get you filled up again [Music] [Music] oh goodness oh [Music] two two three [Music] good must have sold more than I thought [Music] lost [Music] laughs [Music] oh you come here needs a bit more come here right [Music] hey huh oh that's it [Music] oh boy come here [Music] [Music] oh I give up I've lost phew [Music] [Music] uh-huh [Music] well I never [Applause] [Music] did oh no he's found me oh no um what's she doing what's she doing [Music] oh no give him this is a thank you hello oh hello [Music] no it's him please go away [Music] oh well phew oh would you like this ice cream oh yeah go on then thank you what was that for me he wanted to thank you for helping what oh no no come back and I have my ice cream please [Music] oh [Music] excuse me [Music] Eddie [Music] today as you eat numbers [Music] how could you don't worry we'll go get some more [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Eddie one of those or one of them all wonders [Music] oh hello what a base please oh good choice they're five pounds [Music] oh [Music] oh I'll be right back foreign [Music] [Music] oh hmm oh [Music] my God [Music] um [Music] come back oh okay yes come back oh oh [Music] come on come on hey shut it oh [Music] [Music] um look at that [Music] oh let's see [Music] wow [Music] oh no oh come on [Music] what what hold up no no oh no ah [Music] [Music] dude okay [Applause] walnuts [Music] oh [Music] um okay [Music] right [Music] oh [Music] baby oh baby what is going on with him the machine's broken Sarge hmm come on let's go see the bank manager yeah sorry sir oh cute [Music] oh there's someone in the vote where's my card come on come on police police oh that was quick hmm oh come on McDon we better get in there big big characters I've got it oh [Music] lift it up Sir open it up go go [Music] serious oh my goodness oh [Music] he's got away big and then go look dim oh come on [Music] huh [Music] oh no [Music] yes [Music] thank you very awesome wonderful [Music] go ow my chill box hey hello you're under arrest [Music] [Music] hmm I know let's go on a real holiday [Music] this month [Music] this is oh look I do like this [Music] we're here for here come on thank you Oh Daddy look isn't this exciting not at all that's it oh boy they all yes of course yes yes there excuse me foreign [Music] [Music] good little girl hmm [Music] oh oh could I take a photo of you our city [Music] and now you take a photo as us [Music] say cheese cheese [Music] that's my little princess come on let's get up to our room bye oh yes Mr Bean and Teddy okay um that'll be 50 pounds please [Music] [Music] over here [Music] oh no can I play with Teddy no go away please no please go away Teddy you come here oh let's say that [Music] come on [Music] thanks Daddy [Music] okay now give me the back that's it give me the pair [Music] wow [Music] oh look at our sound catch one two three I'll throw it to you you throw it to me yes okay one two three [Music] good and again one two three [Music] come on Teddy let's get out of here [Music] princess what is it I want that today [Music] hello hello [Music] please and uh Teddy yeah the same for my friend okay oh my God oh oh yummy [Music] [Music] no please no place [Music] oh ah may I have a chip oh my princess oh my princess oh my goodness wait that night yes right now it's an emergency they'll be right here oh no oh [Music] give me back [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha ha true now [Applause] who missed out oh [Music] [Music] all right [Music] oh Teddy princess [Music] home I agree [Music] ah oh oh no more holidays for us today [Music] that needs oil I'd better get some [Music] oh yes ah this is the place good morning good morning sir could I have some oil please certainly won't be a moment hmm what's going on oh I'll be right back here we are excuse me thank you gracious [Music] what the amazing place I've never seen anything like the boss see you later oh one please [Music] no no I want to go in there kids only what [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] tastic this is a guy that made brilliant here I come yeah whoa [Music] oh excellent oh right [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes could you deal with him please [Music] all right what's next [Music] excuse me [Music] I want to do that again excuse me thank you [Music] fantastic I can't get nervous [Music] ah right you and stay out kids only no oh no my keys where are they oh I better retrace my steps [Music] Ross Newton [Music] oh oh [Music] they've got to be here we have our stay huh yes [Music] hey I thought I told you [Music] right you sweet oh whoosh out honestly well I'm not allowed in there hmm hello I need Nets dried pipes lots of rubber shooting plastic dustbins lots of sponges and 300 ball ah okay sir thank you oh we'll see that too now oh mine and nobody to bother me excellent oh who's that oh hello what soul and noise been um [Music] it's nothing really move out the way oh I used to adopt these when I was a girl you're welcome oh what's this it's a slide I'm having a go at that oh please [Music] wow come on oh who is that oh it's you that was brilliant dinner please room for two more oh um [Music] [Applause] wow look at that come on [Applause] [Music] excuse me boy what your turn but this is mine two it's not fair [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oil I'd forgotten about that [Music] oh [Music] that's all right I'm going no come in come in I don't know why but suddenly there's plenty of room oh thank you [Music] damn [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I wake up oi Arias that way [Music] quack quack quack Daddy's here come on foreign there we go [Music] ah what [Music] yeah that's not what I did that's what I did [Music] okay okay [Music] where is everybody calm down I'll find the map oh finally [Music] all right [Music] [Music] perfect I'll take it hello [Music] thank you hello hello um oh can I help you sir I'll take it oh okay there you go downstairs no no no I want this one oh yes sir downstairs no no not one downstairs I want this one this one no no no it's not for sale it is look no no downstairs ah here it is oh it was you please show this customer downstairs very well this way sir all right yes just give me a minute [Music] this way sir thank you [Music] all right wow [Music] stop that that's all right your shelves sir [Music] you have to build it what at that price oh [Music] right Teddy I'll build it you stay there oh [Music] yeah oh right there good [Music] all right oh that's not right [Music] so right about to solve another guy [Music] good [Music] there we go oh I don't understand oh there's a screw missing oh hey don't know where is it here where is it oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait wait look at that we're close [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] nope [Music] oh wow what's that oh [Music] oh [Music] excellent there you are can I help at all I I'm gonna kill you you laughs [Music] oh perfect [Music] Oh Daddy [Music] thank you [Music] oh I'll have to go and buy some more oh [Music] what's wrong now [Music] huh nearly there [Music] all right excellent thank you very much come on oh oh yes of course and again yeah and again [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you oh no oh no where is he [Music] oh no oh my goodness got to turn around [Applause] [Music] everybody right that's it [Music] thank you come on yes and again what and again and again come on look yeah thank you come on oh [Music] thank you oh no oh oh oh hello please what I'd like to report that hello hello [Music] [Music] all right that's it oh [Music] hello oh [Music] no oh no [Music] thank you [Music] oh what am I going to do [Music] come on gotcha oh look [Music] no stop stop stop [Music] oh my God hmm [Applause] [Music] oh my lovely cars [Music] oh hello [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] thank you thank you thank you come on oh this has been an expensive week 10 20 30. foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hmm not much to see around here [Music] oh hello [Music] cheers [Music] very nice very good thank you [Music] now what next hey oh oh that's no good [Music] there's more what could possibly have made these [Music] hey oh oh oh [Music] come on come on come on [Music] oh wait a minute Teddy I just saw a dinosaur a dinosaur [Music] just think of it [Music] Professor B come on foreign [Music] [Music] okay [Music] excellent what [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you oh no you go away oh come on come on cut cut what Brad I said cat oh that's it who is that idiot yeah I'm sorry he's ruined the shot that took me all morning to set up I can imagine don't you know time is money wow you think you're disappointed I thought I'd seen a dinosaur and it turns out to be just a great big plastic toy just a minute I feel any idea how much money I spent on this food yes yes yes oh of course dinosaur and the little man Jurassic hero oh that's genius let's gobble one boys Jurassic hero scene one take one fire up the rats yes okay fine honest I've never been so disappointed in my life that's good that's good choice come on eat him eat him alive oh oh oh come on come on now eat him now cut cut that was great yes good hello hello oh wow this is an absolute outrage fantastic fantastic well done buddy magnificent thank you very much oh thank you man no no I found it very easy yesterday thank you Mr Ray Bean Mr Bean like it like it thank you [Music] one of my better performances I think [Music] oh [Music] sorry teddy I'll be right back hello what time right come on Daddy oh look daddy oh [Music] hmm oh this one this one hmm thank you [Music] right this one please [Music] no it's not enough what [Music] a knee I'll be right back wow [Music] this oh [Music] [Applause] Lord no no no oh [Music] that's where I talk [Music] oh [Music] excuse me where'd you pop and where do you park [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] thank you yeah something no no no no no come on [Music] come on winch them cash hold up hold up oh joy flea balls come on [Music] oh never mind [Music] hi nice what [Music] oh okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there you go ha I'll only need the one [Music] all right thank you [Music] you want these two [Music] what oh my God [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah yeah next my turn what you made your go but yeah [Music] good try my love come on [Music] here we all my love oh stop stop lock hi oh it's stuck no no no all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you oh [Music] you're right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hahaha [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa I think this is mine yeah [Music] right I'll take this one um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] quack quack would you mind oh yourself of course oh but this is a phone oh [Music] geez [Music] that's amazing [Music] yeah uh alarm clock oh back to work oh bye so see you later [Music] not bad but I know what I prefer huh I'd like one of those okay let's go and get you one oh yes please and this is how we'll get there oh it's gonna rain hurry up no come on Turkey well I never wow [Music] thank you oh this is my friend he wants one of these yes that's right oh yeah here you go [Music] to phone that killed sorry mate we can't help you oh Wonder [Music] say cheese Teddy [Music] very good [Music] ow what oh I know except thank you oh look look the bean sounds [Music] look so camera clock yeah but what about this [Music] oh yes [Music] what else you got huh what about the weather [Music] games all right let's have a proper challenge okay go on first one to hear using your phone and a winner gets this I'll be the judge you're on right you ready steady go sh uh right okay see ya [Music] oh I better take the underground [Music] [Music] thank you huh oh my apologies for the delay ladies and gentlemen we're just being held at a red signal oh and no reception oh [Music] oh thank you oh [Music] excuse me [Music] oh come on come on [Music] ah where is it I'm definitely close aha oh yeah ah come on [Music] [Applause] but I'm nearly snow okay [Music] I'm coming [Music] I'm coming oh no oh well never mind I think this is yours thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] um oh hello oh come to see my beanie for dinner I've just been out to get mine [Music] come on in then thank you what [Music] dinner remember me look you promised [Music] I know I know today yes come on let me take this are you sit down no sit down and I'll stop cooking oh no it must be something [Music] oh ah [Music] very nice [Music] oh I nearly forgot [Music] oh hi what's that mother all right oh you promised spaghetti and meatballs [Laughter] [Music] disgusting right no no no no no no no sit down I'll be right back [Music] there you go [Music] hmm what is it with these things oh [Music] good okay what's next oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] wow how hot can it be [Music] stop listening [Music] oh my God oh oh there we go [Music] hmm oh no no no no no weed your shopping for free [Music] each one of mag's eyes faster than Mr mags himself that's me and your shopping is free no problem Oh ready not a chance today [Music] I go finished [Music] what again fine by me everyday yes I could do this all day hey Soul tested hmm I just need my teddy come on Teddy why don't you come with me oh I'd like to see yes you're going to enjoy it oh oh dear [Music] all right ready go [Music] oh my gosh [Music] oh [Music] we have a winner [Applause] [Music] what time do you call this oh no [Music] where have you been I'm so hungry oh [Music] are not hungry I know 10 minutes [Music] [Music] I'll tell you okay [Music] and stay out [Music] baby you were right look they took everything I'll go get help oh [Music] we need help don't worry we're here fishing sort you out one of mag's marvelous pies [Music] [Music] oh unless [Music] let's get this watched [Music] what [Music] you ought to clean that dirty car like that chill [Music] ing [Music] right [Music] wow [Music] huh no no no no way go away foreign [Music] [Music] nice shine mate can you do mine I don't think so all right [Music] I remember that park right there I've got an idea [Music] [Music] oh right [Music] oh oh um I'll be right back action oh oh [Music] [Music] right [Music] ing oh [Music] [Music] armchair come on come on come on come on are we good okay go it works now forward [Music] cool nice thank you excellent oh okay next come on come on that's it thank you thank you oh [Music] what's this oh are those Mark curtains [Music] what oh right I'm joining in with this oh okay 40. oh very nice oh here you are thank you thank you my pleasure oh oh that's a nothing today [Music] now [Music] we're closed I mean Bane oh okay come on come on come on very good uh this way [Music] you cannot get you anything anything at all slippers paper tape [Music] [Applause] oh isn't that nice good job oh thank you very much oh no [Music] no [Music] no no no no well I can fix it I know what to do oh biscuit no thank you [Music] oh yeah oh there he is oh [Music] dude Bane oh I'll be one thing inside [Music] [Music] hahaha oh look at that Teddy [Music] what have you done where's the paint oh very nice job one likes it one likes it very much [Music] oh thank you your majesty [Music] your majesty oh [Music] thank you what I'll look after that [Music] [Music] oh definitely oh [Music] [Music] hey oh no room what [Music] get your own shade [Music] [Music] oh oh God [Music] all right yeah [Music] [Music] ah [Music] God one more ship to it hahaha [Laughter] and YouTube let's go away what cheers oh [Music] boy what you doing look at the state of our garden tidy up I got a visitor coming oh honestly [Music] [Music] [Applause] I said tidy up oh shoot come on shoot oh come on oh no oh thank you oh God [Music] [Music] oh no hold up stop stop stop stop stop [Music] [Music] okay okay okay okay oh that's a bomb over here in the shade no the hate scope to him [Music] no no no no no no no [Music] thank you thank you [Music] right [Music] I'm ready [Music] [Music] is it this one [Music] or is it this one [Music] oh no no no no no right what's going on here and look see it's a bombing foreign [Music] wow get out of that get out of the battle of move your stupid come here oh oh oh what have you done oh [Music] tomorrow could be worse oh it's all right I've got an idea now keep your eyes closed are you ready wait for it wait for it [Music] come and sit down ladies take the weight of your seat [Music] [Applause] this is [Music] thank you hmm [Music] not filled with rubbish oh [Music] I wonder today I could do that [Music] oh very good [Music] what you up to in the book yes [Music] [Music] oh action [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] action [Music] oh this is [Music] brilliant [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh but wait put that in there no girlish haunted house [Music] and we see is the monster oh what you mean Teddy no no no no Mrs Wicket [Music] oh yes hahaha yes oh God we're making a film oh and we want you to be the star me me [Music] I'll do it right let's make movies thank you [Music] hello mmm [Music] wow could you stay oh ABC oh no no oh that just popped back there and yeah [Music] um action look [Music] Ed right okay so you've seen the monster yeah you go okay okay okay action no no no no no no no action oh oh wow that's great [Music] excellent [Music] oh very popular it's better be good here we go oh [Music] yeah this is gonna be rubbish foreign [Music] [Music] I'll just find the light switch [Music] laughs what's that [Music] [Applause] oh dear very good yes great thank you and now for the best bit come on quick get in return [Music] thank you all right thank you thank you no you're too kind and my co-stars [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and who's the monster at the end [Music] what a trials [Music] morning today what [Music] wow [Music] come on I'll be right back [Music] [Music] oh I remember thank you [Music] morning [Music] oh right that's it I quit [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] good there we go oh [Music] thank you ah [Music] you've got here quickly well Welcome to Hard Knock School Mr um Bean are you click the Bell this way this way they're not as bad as all that is just boisterous honey you'll be fine all right here we are class nine Zed um oh I'm not I'm not sure oh Julio oh oh [Music] um okay all right um morning are the names Bean Mr Bean Mr Bean look there's been a terrible mistake ew a terrible mistake right I guess that there seems to be um [Music] oh sorry sir uh thank you thank you you're very kind now as I would say [Laughter] what's wrong why you little what what is it sir hmm eyes three yeah no don't do it oh [Music] hmm [Music] sorry [Music] okay you win [Music] [Laughter] [Music] right now stop it no no no no no no no no no no no no hmm oh wow [Music] oh [Music] help me please hello hello [Music] [Music] all right [Music] oh three I can't quite hear you hurry no I still can't hear sorry thank you okay hmm you all have a lot to learn [Music] t5503 and a c l so let's do it [Music] I just had some milk [Music] foreign wow and that is how you make ice cream any questions lovely [Music] oh sorry I'm later I had to park and you are the new teacher but if you are then who is oh ah this way come on [Music] so all we have to do is to integrate the square of the original term and multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity and we that will oh yes but how how well you know class this is your new teacher hmm about time make it fun thank you [Music] [Music] Mr Bean Mr Bean Mr Bean Mr Bean Mr Bean come back please come back Mr Bean um now it's tea time [Music] right oh my lovely rose how wonderful oh but look at that ah oh right come on Bane you need to help out a bit cut the grass go on [Music] what [Music] [Music] I hello [Applause] [Music] oh it's a root what am I going to do right [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] foreign I've got to get another one now right [Music] you Spade where are they oh let's see now very nice [Music] at home Maybe [Music] oh what a competition today hello hello would you like to sign up you could win this lovely Spade oh sir let me show you to your plot oh and here are the reigning champions hello he's got no chance oh [Music] a bit of a mess here we are and this is yours I know what this means [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] Scrapper what are you doing [Music] [Music] hello there [Music] hello [Music] just ignore him oh [Music] hey is that it oh [Music] what [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] welcome your majesty hello [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our first contestants ew how charming and did this take you long oh [Music] and here are our reigning Champions man oh I see wonderful so one imagine some considerable effort into this creation how impressive look you stop it uh hmm [Music] oh um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] your majesty such a honor to meet you Majesty oh you [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] thank you [Music] how divine oh no and the winner is Mr B [Music] H I don't believe it [Music] look what I've won listen to the jump go on then [Music]
Channel: WildBrain Kids
Views: 15,077,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wildbrain, wildbrain kids videos, baby learning, toddler learning, kids music, baby video, nursery rhyme, education, number, children, rosie and jim, Rosie And Jim (TV Program), How Children Learn (Book)doodlebops, Cailou full episodes, kids tv show, childrens shows, Topsy and tim full episodes
Id: lFvawuvxGD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 41sec (14381 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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