Knee Pain on the Outer side? Fixed Immediately

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so this is a story of a friend of mine kareem we  met while through hiking and at the time he was   experiencing some pretty severe knee pain which  luckily we were able to solve almost instantly   with a few basic exercises so in this video i'm  going to be telling the success story of kareem   and sharing with you the information that  you need to build strong needs to get back   out on trail pain free you'll find very detailed  videos for each exercise that work for kareem in   the link in the description let's get into it  on the first day we met you had some serious   problems with your knees right yeah i had like  some serious problems i like could barely walk   um but i was like determined to continue but it  was at that point it's either i get home or like   something seriously needs to change and then  i met you actually and um it was quite simple   the stuff you showed me but a week later i'm  off the painkillers i'm not wearing any support   and cracking on over 30 k's a day and and the  crazy thing is it all happened like in a week   yeah so like the results were like quite fast  which i didn't expect first thing stand up and uh touch your toes for me okay well this  is interesting hamstrings are very tight   and so is this yeah so stand up so we want to  maintain a perfectly straight back here right   yeah then place one hand on your back yeah and  try and keep your ribs tucked now hinge forward   keep coming keep coming keep coming  coming already i've been in my back   where is it where's the pain in your  back yeah just pain or discomfort yeah   just this comfortable stretching yeah yeah  so keep those knees locked engage the quads and come back up now move from a standing position  and only go as far as you can before that back   starts to change and adapt like it's a compliment  it's a compensation pattern the back starts to   bend because you're asking the body to come all  the way down i'm going to push on the down and   bottom and see down there no dramas yeah remember  to keep those knees locked out totally yeah   so you went to the hospital  right you actually left the trail   i i left the trail like a weekend went to  the hospital because the pain was unbearable   i went there the guy told me you have an  inflammation take two weeks of rest and after that   you shouldn't like walk more than 10 kilometers a  day and he just like prescribed me like a bunch of   painkillers didn't really tell me anything about  my condition whatsoever so i cut the rest in half   and then decided to head back on the trail but  instantly the pain just like got back so you   basically ignored all the doctor's advice and then  kept doing the same thing you're doing essentially   with a little bit more rest yeah fine do whatever  you like what would i know i'm just a doctor   so this is probably the number one  exercise that you should be doing daily so what you're going to do is you're going  to like lift this leg up and down right   yeah but you want to lift this this heel  and keep the toe pointed down keep this   hip stacked directly on top of this one okay  so pull up is that as high as you can go   yep okay so over time we need to go higher  okay but just work with strange for now so i'm   going to feel if i can find this muscle that's  actually responsible and work yes it's working it's very tight though yeah that band is very tight so  how hard is that out of ten   five six wow so you need to build up to like 25  or 30 of these okay did he say anything about your   itv he didn't say anything he just like checked  if my my acl was intact on meniscus and that i   didn't have any swelling and then just like let me  leave yeah after that okay so so um from what you   described to me i was pretty sure from the onset  that you had iliotibial bands syndrome itvs which   is super common the way it manifests usually is  pain in the knee so do you want to show us just   like bring your knee up and point to roughly where  the pain was and you had pain on both knees right   yeah yeah so originally like the pain like started  on the left one and then like kind of shifted   on the right one and i had like pain like on this  side and on the side here as well and especially   during the descent that i like needed like to  take a break every 10 minutes and then walk   for two minutes and then take a break again so  that was um quite frustrating and basically i i   couldn't do anything during these breaks i just  like sit there in frustration yeah when you're   in that position when you can't go down you have a  tool that you can use and that's the trekking pole   and like a series of stretches so what  tends to happen is that the iliotibial band   it isn't tired itself it isn't short i mean it's  a fixed piece of band it doesn't change in length   but what happens is the muscles around  the insertion points of that band become   both weak and tight so if we can break up some  of that tissue manually and strengthen the glute   meat which is responsible primarily for the  tracking of their knee then we can have some   immediate relief and i was pretty sure that if i  got the trekking pole in and this is painful right   man so i had him lining on his head  cream lying on his side and i was just   digging into his butt essentially with a checking  pole which is like we've known each other for   less than 24 hours at this stage it's probably  pretty weird for me to just like jam a trekking   pole into your ass but it works i was at a point  that would accept anything yeah yeah just while   i'm editing this video i realized there's an  important piece of information here that kareem   actually did a lot of preparation for this hike he  was in the gym doing squats lunges and deadlifts   doing what you would think would be the right kind  of preparation for a hike like this unfortunately   what happens when you do these basic exercises  you end up strengthening the muscles that are   already strong and still ignoring the ones that  are weak and tight and that's why training for   hiking specifically is really important you need  to strengthen the smaller tight weak muscles so   let's get back to it this is the one thing that  we might be able to do that will like fix it at   least give you some of the immediate relief so  get back into the same spot that's crazy tight   and just tell me out of 10 how much it hurts yeah  10 being a lot yeah okay big deep breaths okay i'm sure this is the problem  right so you can finish this trick out of 10 almost then okay  yeah back off a little bit   but we had like pretty much immediate relief  from that right yeah yeah we did and i   could like like complete like my descent from  the mountain had still a little bit of pain   um but yeah but even like the trekking pole like  i did not expect such a versatile device isn't it   yeah it's like a portable foam roller it's  multifunctional it helped a lot so what i   tell kareem to do is to to foam roll all of these  quads and also extend the pole lean on it and like   use that as a trigger point ball to loosen up all  the outer glutes that spot that i was getting into   yeah you might be able to sometimes i do this  because i've had this similar problem as well   yeah sometimes i'll use my trekking pole and  i'll just like really just get it in there and   like ah oh good looks pretty funny you see  people on the trail coming past all right   but that's actually really good i'm getting it  good okay let me try that out all right so we've   done one leg yeah so this would be a good test  piece let's keep going okay knee support no knee   support yeah yeah keep going sixty percent sixty  percent better like the pain has reduced like   immensely actually yeah it's not  perfect maybe it's the thank you maybe it's the painkillers  but i think like my pain   threshold is way above the painkillers  i would need something a lot stronger   i i started having pain also going uphill but  now when going up like there is no pain at all   during the descent every half hour and  it used to like tension up but just like   just like foam roll around here like that um  yeah and just like you continue doing that till   it felt like kind of okay it worked like magic  or not like magic i guess it's just science magical science and it just could continue to  go down and and every day i think i could like   have an improvement of course not just like with  the trekking pole but including the exercises as   well yeah yesterday you weren't wearing your knee  braces either yeah yeah that's amazing i think we   should sacrificially burn those things and throw  them out i mean knee braces are again they're like   they're very good to give some extra support to  the knee it's not a solution it's a band-aid to   a problem that is going to be permanent unless  you change the way that you move and you need   to move regularly you need to strengthen and you  need to loosen some of that super tight muscle   you know hopefully i could be a knee pain trail  angel again in another circumstance but i'm super   glad that i was able to help you man it's been a  pleasure walking with you over the last week so   and i'm really glad that we can keep going at the  same pace together and get some more of this hike   time so spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't seen  my crossing the pyrenees series kareem did finish   the gr11 he went from being hospitalized  with knee pain through to finishing an 824   kilometer through high he's now gone through three  of my programs he's doing mountain proof knees at   wait until you're stuck on a mountain to learn  this stuff get the routine i'll see you on the
Channel: Chase Mountains
Views: 178,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ITBS, iliotibial band syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome symptoms, iliotibial band syndrome treatment, iliotibial band syndrome stretches, iliotibial band syndrome causes, knee pain when hiking, knee pain downhill, knee pain uphill, knee pain causes, knee pain, knee braces, hiking knee support, knee supports for hiking, knee pain stretches, stretches for knee pain, knee stretches, ITBS treatment, ITBS causes, ITBS hiking, ITBS stretches, outer knee pain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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