Don't Let It Break Your Heart
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Views: 361,728
Rating: 4.3347921 out of 5
Keywords: Coldplay, Mylo Xyloto, Don't Let It Break Your Heart
Id: -Vsxec2ssZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 54sec (234 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2015
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Great song, my favourite in the album along with Mylo Xyloto and Up in Flames.
Does anyone else think this album is pretty under-rated? It's probably a top 4 Coldplay album for me.
The transition between A Hopeful Transmission and this ❤️❤️❤️
This was the album that got me into Coldplay a little over half a decade ago. Good times
I'm an old school Coldplay fan, but this album is really special to me. It came out when I was in my first semest away in college and I used to listen to it all the time. Between this song, UFO, Hurts Like Heaven, Charlie Brown, ETIAW, Up In Flames and Major/Minor, this was a really solid release. Not as good as Parachutes, AROBTTH or even VLV, but those three albums are legendary.
This album reintroduced me to Coldplay and sparked the love. It is underrated in my opinion in the way that Bob Dylan going electric or U2 doing Achtung Baby as you said is: It was somewhat polarizing to their usual audience. So I often get the impression that people will claim it is a lesser album only because they were salty that Coldplay was exploring a new sound.
Up With the Birds is one of my all time favorite songs in general and the perfect way to end the album (Coldplay really knows how to close their albums, damn). The little suite of Hopeful Transmission/Don't Let it Break Your Heart/Up With the Birds is lovely. It has a similar effect to Ghost Stories' Oceans interlude/Sky Full of Stars/O exit where it builds into a super big in-your-face sound and then closes with a softer message