Don't Leave Disney World's EPCOT Without Eating These 10 Snacks!

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let's eat around the world we're ranking the best snacks in epcot let's go [Music] today's video is just going to focus on the classics that you can get around world showcase year round so no matter what time of year it is you can indulge in these delicious treats coming in at number 10 on our list this is a must try for everyone when they're in epcot but probably not for the same reason as everything else on this list i'm standing outside of the newly refurbished club cool here in world celebration now club cool is home to the most infamous drink of all in walt disney world the beverly this is an italian aperitif soda that is incredibly bitter but it's kind of like an epcot rite of passage you have to drink it you have to trick your friends and family into drinking it it's a bonding experience so while everything else on this list is on it because it's delicious this is on it for the fun and for the memories [Music] club cool is brought to you by coca-cola obviously by all the coca-cola swag and not only can you buy some drinks in here some different ice cream floats made out of classic coke flavors but the reason people come into club cool is to try sodas from around the world you can try eight different sodas completely for free and some of them are really good but we're not here to talk about the good ones we're here to talk about the beverly cheers [Music] it may be my old age but i don't hate it as much as i like i think i still have coffee in my mouth before beverly's incredibly bitter the thing about beverly is it's not great when you drink it on its own but it's meant to be used as a palate cleanser or a mixer in italian drinks and i feel like if you were to use this and the gin and tonic could be delicious but the point is trick your friends and family tell them it's delicious make them try it and see what happens [Music] coming straight from canada with my friends johnny and moira rose we have traditional poutine as our next item on the list i will drop the moyra's accent because it's not even close but of course this is poutine from canada well technically here it's from refreshment port which is right next to canada they usually have a seasonal variety but this is the classic it's french fries cheese curds and gravy and this is a curd-tastic one look at those big cheese curds i'm very excited about this look at these this is a good batch sometimes you know you don't get as many curds as this one and really the whole reason i'm eating this is for the giant chunks of cheese let's be honest it is a nice simple delicious treat first of all disney's quick service fries are a plus they're the skinny ones like mcdonald's which are excellent then you've got this nice simple brown gravy i'm not even usually a huge brown gravy person but this one excellent little pepper flavor in there and then you've got these big huge cheese curds which if you know me you know i love cheese so if you love cheese this is a great cheesy delicious treat um i do like that they do seasonal ones they will throw in different things at the different festivals they had a lobster one for a festival last year that was truly sublime so keep an eye out for those as well but a lot of people said when we asked on social media what's the must-have snack at epcot a lot of you said poutine and i totally understand why is this the best cheesy snack in epcot no we're gonna get to that but this is a good one and it's an easily shareable snack because it's got so many french fries [Music] with the triumphant beets of the incredible lady drummers here in the japan pavilion echoing in the background we have made it to our next stop kabuki cafe which is this little stand on the outskirts of the japan pavilion this little shop serves delicious things such as sushi and sake as well as our next treat of course this right here is the rainbow kakigori so ore is just shaved ice it's a simple and delicious treat there's a variety of flavors you can get one flavor two flavors you can get rainbow like this and you can also put sweet condensed milk on it for additional charge which is also very delicious but this is just the straight um shaved ice it's settled a little bit because i was taking pictures of it um but this is the rainbow one isn't it fun it's cold on my teeth cold one to you caught my teeth it's delicious i probably don't have to tell you what shaved ice tastes like it tastes like ice and sugar water which means it's amazing this takes me back to childhood when i had an icy like slushy maker like this a snow cone maker and i used to drink the syrup when my parents weren't paying attention like the bottle of sugar water i used to take sips of it the reason that this one makes the list is one it's a simple year-round snack it's especially delicious on a really hot epcot day it's a great way to cool down your kids are going to like it your adults are going to like it as well but this is really a fan favorite of your kids i love when you add the sweet condensed milk because it adds a little bit something unique and maybe different to a familiar snack the only reason this isn't higher even though a lot of people said this is one of their favorite things is because it is just shaved ice there's definitely more unique treats around the world showcase um so for a lot of people this is no must-do but it is a really good snack it's a really pretty snack and it's a very good price for how much snack you get but beware of the brain freeze [Music] we've arrived in norway for the next treat on our list we are headed into the kringle bakery and cafe this is the bakery here in norway of course and we're going to get probably their most famous but also one of the most divisive snacks in epcot prior to the closure kringle bakery offered both a variety of sweet treats as well as some savory dishes such as sandwiches but now they primarily have just sweets and by primarily i mean they only have sweets um they're very famous for their school bread which spoiler alert is what we're getting today they also have the kringlea which is what they're named after left safe troll horn rice cream lots of different delicious baked goods a little more underrated than some other bakeries on the list today a little less known but we are going to get again the most popular and divisive snack here hello school bread and hello olaf this is again the most popular and again people love it or hate it snack at kringle bakery in norway so it's a pastry with coconut and custard so coconut's already a pretty divisive flavor a lot of people love it a lot of people hate it and then the cream filling texture wise stresses some people out so that is why this one is on the list but it's not as high as maybe some people would put it because anything this divisive is going to rank a little bit lower on the must try treat list but these are all great snacks so you should try at least a few of them there it is on the inside again that's what most people don't love is the texture if they don't like it or the coconut this one's pretty good i didn't think i liked this as much it's a really nicely cooked pastry it does have this cream in the middle and a strong coconut flavor there's also some vanilla flavor from the like glaze that's keeping the coconut on i love coconut i love toasted coconut that's exactly what this is for me the thing that if i was not going to like it it would be the custard texture but i am actually quite enjoying it right now strong hints of cinnamon and cardamon and nutmeg and as a little pro tip they do sell iced coffee joffrey's iced coffee and kringla do a little dipperoo there i think school bread is fun i think it's really cute it's got your little olaf on there it's definitely a unique snack more unique than other things you're going to find around the world and it's a big big snack give it a whirl if you're a coconut fam definitely shareable could be a breakfast if you want to get crazy but certainly one of the most popular things to eat in all of epcot if you love a fruit wine where they pamper the fruits as if it was their own bay bays head to canada that has nothing to do with our next snack but moira rose does because she's here in canada here at this small but mighty popcorn stand located in the canada cart you've got some signature canadian beer such as moose head and find them on you've got a couple of other items but most importantly you've got maple popcorn baby swooping into number six we've got the maple popcorn from canada now this is one of the most underrated and less known snacks in world showcase i would say because there's another more popular popcorn that tops the charts for a lot of people and spoiler alert we'll see that one in a little bit but this delicious maple popcorn is served just only at that one popcorn stand where they serve regular popcorn as well and it's just delicious salty buttery disney popcorn tossed with a little maple syrup but like real maple syrup because we're in canada eh also how beautiful is this pavilion i'm just like up here it's a very busy day and i'm hiding from everyone with my popcorn and my coffee that you can see right there but isn't this lovely always explore the pavilion friends you can find lots of little nooks and crannies to have a little moment i actually think this is the superior popcorn i love the other one too don't get me wrong but this one's so good it's a little bit salty a little bit buttery a little bit sweet and it's the perfect blend when you want something a little sweet but you don't want to do something too sugary plus what's great about the maple popcorn is that you can actually refill your popcorn buckets with it so if you buy a popcorn bucket on your stay you can spend two dollars and refill it with maple popcorn at that cart as opposed to regular popcorn which makes it extra delicious i do recommend eating with your hands though but when you have to hold a camera this will work too next up we are in the france pavilion which is in my opinion the best place to eat and we are headed to artists in this glasses which is the french ice cream shop here some of you might remember when this was actually the bakery but we'll get to that in a little bit and now over the last few years or so they've transformed it into an incredible gourmet ice cream shop they've got 16 different flavors of handmade ice cream and sorbets that includes classic flavors like chocolate and vanilla but also more unique flavors like caramelized apple they've got coconut white chocolate they do seasonal ice creams and just a really great really simple but amazing dessert this is my favorite of the standard year-round flavors this is coconut white chocolate [Music] it is rich and delicious it's got the flakes of coconut in there nice toasted coconut you're a coconut fan definitely recommend this one i also love their seasonals they'll do gingerbread and peppermint around the holidays they'll do pumpkin they'll do seasonal lighter flavors sorbets during the spring another thing they're known for are their macaron ice cream sandwiches where they take two beautifully perfectly cooked macarons and put a flavor in between right now they have a chocolate one that's great and they'll rotate those out seasonably as well they're also known for their brioche ice cream sandwiches where you choose a flavor of ice cream put it in a brioche bun with your choice of sauce and they seal it in a waffle maker so it's like a warm brioche bun with a delicious ice cream on the inside you can also do ice cream martinis here where you can float your choice of liquor on top of your choice of ice cream this is some of the best ice cream i've ever had in my entire life and it is far beyond the best ice cream i've ever had in walt disney world so if you're looking for a sweet treat it usually is a long line but i promise it's worth it come to france talley ho we have made it to the united kingdom snack on the list i don't know why i said tallyho am i using that incorrectly probably my friends in the uk my apologies to you but we are going to get one of the most famous and delightful snacks in all of walt disney world i'm sure you already know where we're going the yorkshire county fish shop but as a pro tip as you can see it's very busy today there's a very long line to order at the fish shop it recently added onto mobile order so you can use the app to get it so i just placed an order i'm gonna wait a few minutes until it's ready and we'll be good to go without a long line good do you mind if i use my magical portrait to send a picture of you to my friends yes i don't have a sidewalk chalk drawing i just have this one yorkshire county fish shop is definitely the easiest place to grab your fish and chips you can get them in the full-service restaurant frozen crown as well um they'll sometimes have other dishes here as well they may do like uh they've done like a mushroom little pie thing they've done some other type little pies but mostly as it says famous for fish and chips and they have some british beers here as well grabbed my fish and chips i always like to grab a lemon juice if they have one nothing beats a fresh squeezed lemon but i'll take lemon juice and then i like to grab an inappropriate amount of malt vinegar yes sir this is my nightmare excuse me birds now i have this table oh my gosh go yeah goodbye nope go no bye ah this is a terrible idea i think i have to leave right i think i have to i have to go to another country this is a nightmare we're leaving get out of here all right i found a safe inland to eat my fish and chips so here they are um it's one big piece of fish it's usually either one big piece of fish or two smaller pieces depending on the fish basically and then it comes with a bunch of chips aka steak fries it's a nice light mild fish usually haddock or cod but we are gonna of course drown it in malt vinegar i know this is um i don't wanna say controversial but it is definitely divisive if you are team malt vinegar or team tartar sauce um i am strongly team mall vinegar obviously quincy is strongly team tartar sauce please let us know where you sit in the comments i'm gonna show you what it looks like look at that nice flaky white fish yum yum yum that perfect beer batter yum this is a really good one i um unfortunately had some that weren't that good recently or i guess it was a while ago it was when i was doing the fish and chips throw down between epcot and wizarding world harry potter um at wizarding world of harry potter one partly because they have homes made tartar sauce and fresh lemon with their fish and chips which i think is better but this is delightful just look at that um it's a nice light white fake flaky fish and then you've got that really crispy beer batter that tastes amazing now for sure this could serve as your lunch if you are eating it alone um i suggest sharing things all the time people make fun of me in the comments for saying you can share everything but i truly think you can because that way you can eat more things you can try more things the more things you share the more things you get to eat it's just science for your stomach but this is certainly a delicious hearty snack or a meal um even if you're not a huge seafood person people tend to love this just because of the delicious batter doesn't taste real fishy or anything it's just nice and light get that lemon get that vinegar on there delightful the fries are great as well they're thick ones i prefer skinnier fries but they're really good they're always cooked perfectly a little crispy on the outside now you can also order fish and chips to go at the rose and crown pub but i prefer just going to the walk-up or using them of order however if you're a plant-based eater they do have plant-based fish and chips that you can order to go at the pub at the if you just walk in disclaimer though reed love and i had them in the vegan video didn't care for them not just me who obviously eats meat breed love a vegan not his favorite so those are available if that's something you're interested in but definitely mixed reviews there kicking off the metal platform in the bronze position we've got the empanadas from la chose de margarita in mexico these are barbacoa empanadas so they've got barbacoa and then they are topped with some crema and some queso fresco and a little bit of a chili sauce they also come with some esquites which is street corn these are fabulous and probably one of the less well-known snacks on the list they do have empanadas other places inside the mexico pavilion they've got it at the cantina they've also got things all uh a variety of great quick mexican food these are one of my favorites uh and le chozido margarita is often only seen as somewhere that you can get a great margarita but they've got a great few food options as well do you ever forget how good food is and then eat the food and remember that's what i'm feeling right now piping hot flaky crust we've got that delicious tender meat right in there a little bit of heat not truly not very much just more flavor from the red sauce nice creamy cheese on top these are perfect as if you want to split them as a snack or you can do it as a light lunch these are awesome if you're not a meat eater they do rate cheese empanadas over at the cantina so you can look for those as well but i love these barbecue ones and i love that they come with the corn this is perfectly seasoned hold that cream on top a little bit of cumin other spices garlic a plus these for me are one of my all-time favorite treats whenever i'm in mexico these plus a margarita an excellent excellent snack headed inside to pick up our silver medal winner right now at the caramel couch i believe it's pronounced i literally don't know it's the germany caramel shop which recently added mobile order which makes it a lot easier to acquire your delicious caramel treats there are a variety of decadent caramel treats they've got caramel and peanut covered apples they're known for their salted butter bar turtles caramel covered marshmallows a variety of cookies that salsa pretzel chocolate chip is amazing truly you cannot go wrong when it comes to picking something at the caramel shop but i did grab the most iconic item for this spot but truly anything you want in here is amazing mobile order makes things so fast say hello to the luxurious caramel popcorn this is their most famous item but again you can not do any wrong but this caramel corn is absolutely amazing it smells incredible it's a perfect mix of salty and sweet and you get a pretty solid bag for the price plus if you are an annual pass holder or a dvc or have any kind of discount you can get a discount on this so it was less than six dollars which is pretty good price for a big shareable epcot snack now i just have to watch out for these birds who definitely think i'm referring to them when i say shareable hey plus i just definitely got that sugary not shop down in the available and finally we say once again bonjour from france where it's probably no surprise the number one eat lives you can see how incredibly popular our final destination is this is layal's bakery um inside the france pavilion now this has been a staple of mine personally since i grew up coming to epcot i remember when it used to be back where the ice cream shop is and now it's like the best kept secret of epcot is out because you can again see how crazy this line is but this is where you can get delicious french sweets and savory treats they hand make their baguettes every single day they've got all these incredible decadent desserts as well as lots of carbs and cheese which is what i'm all about so i'm kind of cheating on this last one but the final must eat when you're an epcot is something out of the bakery case at la all bakery i don't care if it's delicious tart a croissant cheese board ham and cheese doesn't matter you have to stop here and get something and there's so many great things no one can decide what's the best everyone has their opinion but trust me everything is incredible so here are the savory selections you have a pizza delia which i just said really fast because it cuz i can't pronounce it obviously but it's kind of like the french version of pizza because it's got olives and tomatoes on it you have a brie and apple sandwich a tartino farmages which is fabulous a couple different quiches the roular which has bacon and cheese on it sandwiches quiche more sandwiches cheese plate fresh baguettes lobster bisque and a bread bowl i mean all this bread is made fresh and it's fabulous and looking at the sweet selections they have macarons they have fabulous chocolate mousse they have parfaits they have um plain croissant they have pano chocolate they have their version of cookies and other tartlets creme brulee um a beignet i mean it is just like eclair you really can't you just can't do anything better all right i know this is like a meal when you get two things but you know you have to get something from leon i thought we should show both a sweet and a savory um so my savory is one of my favorites this is the ham and cheese croissant that has the bechamel sauce it used to only be five dollars it's like six something now which is kind of a bummer but it is a beautiful flaky handmade fresh croissant with cheese and ham and their bechamel sauce which is amazing i love this one and then this is my favorite of the desserts it's just a strawberry tart i don't know how they get such amazing fresh beautiful strawberries all times of year i've never had this bad and then it's got homemade fresh whipped cream i'm not talking from a can i'm talking like whipped cream and a flaky crust so both of these are these are two of my top picks but really you can't go wrong with you're at the bakery well hello milady how are you do you think this is marie from beauty and the beast as in marie the baguettes hurry up she does not look to be in a hurry like she is just strolling and flaunting her baguettes you know what enjoy yourself marie don't listen to him france is my favorite kind of food not only do i love carbs and cheese and i know i'm not alone in that but they use very simple ingredients very well very simply this is simply just a fresh croissant ham cheese and some vegetable sauce that's it there's nothing fancy about it but it is so decadent and so rich and so perfect you've got that salty ham and then the creamy sauce nice warm croissant always get it warm if they ask you can't beat it you cannot beat it next up let's get into dessert i just want you to see this like look at all that fresh cream now this isn't the original recipe it used to have all like this fluffy whipped cream and now it's got this other um kind of a more condensed whipped cream filling but let's give it a whirl the new cream is like more decadent it's not as fluffy but it tastes the same it still tastes like fresh delicious whipped cream the delicious fresh juicy strawberries i don't know how they do this how are the strawberries always perfect if you're a chocolate fan the chocolate mousse here is to die for it is so rich and decadent and fabulous um definitely shareable because that one is like so rich and chocolatey um i i know people love the pen on chocolate they love the beignet here the macarons i mean you cannot go wrong which is why this is a fan favorite this is one of the most popular spots at this point and it i could eat anything you want in there give it to me i'm going to be happy to eat it which is why it secures the number one spot on our list and if you've been thinking wow i wish i had written all of these things down don't worry we've got a list for you just head to this website right here sign up for our free newsletter that'll keep you up to date with all the disney news and we will send a list of these top snacks to your inbox free of charge follow us on social media at all ears net and until next time i'm molly and it's been magical and delicious
Views: 141,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disney World, Disney Parks, Disney Travel, Disney Trip, Disney planning, disney vacation, disney vlog, disney vlogger, disney video, Disney tips, orlando vacation, universal orlando, universal studios, islands of adventure
Id: aVLsSxrU8GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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