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[Music] look your girl just picked up some more bags that i told you i was gonna do this week i'll let you see him later and target all day always here y'all always here can't talk too much because i got the jam scrolling wow oh look at look all set you were smiling two seconds ago oh he wants some sympathy from y'all he wants some sympathy this boy was cheesin you can't find them oh christopher and chris christopher and chrissy christopher and lizzy are running and hiding oh but he's sitting on his sweater you're tired so rest and then get up and run guys look right here it's still down she's like look at my hair it's still down oh yeah she got her shirt i'm gonna show you one of the plants made two of the plants me and christopher's head behind come on people over there doing photo shoots right lizzy right on over there can't tell them nothing yeah we're gonna get it when we get to the van come on let's go get some more water this way girlfriend on the mission when i mentioned i went to the park i didn't record really much y'all just right here [Music] i am out for some errands i gotta go pick up a package or i think there's two packages there at the office and i have to go get some more stuff for tyler gotta go to his vet to get his prescribed cat food um because it's the kind that brushes his teeth or like you know i'll show it to you it's the kind that goes along on his teeth while he chews it to prevent any tartar he loves it and you can't get it in the store you can only get it from the um from your vet you can only order it let me go there um what else um you guys saw the kids uh on their computers today because today there was no school and they were on the computers wait let me make sure hold up there you go i saw a little something something on the lens they were doing their bible study today uh on their computers and i downloaded the uh app website i downloaded it uh yesterday yeah i downloaded yesterday and they are in love it was on my phone it's called bibles for kids hold on so since there was no school they were still learning still reading learning coloring and learning the word of god and then i told them they can get off and then they just want to stay on they want to get on boom they got the bible for me and the bible for kids and then i also ordered the book that goes with it so that's what i'm gonna go pick up we have like let me see one two three four we have about four or five kid bibles in the house but this bible goes with that app so i purchased that but i'm talking too long four minutes i'm about to go and run these errands y'all even with my crusty lips how you feeling yep yep yep always got crusty lips and dry hands that look better whole time talking looking crazy but y'all love me and y'all saw lizzy and she's like we have a surprise and then after she was like now back to the vlog that girl is crazy she was excited that that was that was her thing that was her thing we're thinking of including that with every single sponsored video so um so you'll know that it's a vlog and then it's gonna cut into a sponsor portion of it and then it'll go back to the vlog that was my sister me and lizzy's idea all three of us so i hope you guys like that um that included something funny something cute when i straightened her hair the girl went crazy you couldn't tell her nothing she turned into a teenager automatically she was flipping and putting her hair behind her ears and tall singing around my mom was like girl she's like can't put that into a ponytail and lizzy is like why you don't like it she's like no it's not that i don't like it is that you turned to something else but it was funny but let me go up and sit here for six minutes now talking to y'all and let me go i got i got errands to run this is the dog food i was talking about y'all he is in love with this this is the hills prescription diet dental care td this is favorite dry now i know you guys are going to want to know if i give him wet food and yes i do it's by the same brand and it is the tender chicken dinner and i purchased this pet food container it's really for dogs that's what the way they advertise it i got it from amazon and i forgot how much it cost but i'll i'll put a link down below for my amazon store and you'll get to see all the things that i buy and i show in the vlog and these were the two things that i was telling you guys about that i had to go pick up from the office the first one i'm going to show you is the bible story book and it is from the bible app for kids see they turned it into a book form so all the stories that they have on that app they turned it in into the book like they made a book out of it and i really like this because if you don't want your child in front of a device all day but you want you want them to to get that experience from the app because you really like the app like i really like the app they turned it into a book so i'm like oh yeah that's what i'm talking about so i'm happy for that the kids don't know that i got it um they were on the app today and then when they look at i think i'm like oh my god it's in a book i'm like yeah buddy i think we're gonna read it tonight before bed so they don't know about it so it's a surprise and oh i want to show you guys this see i'm all on my bed okay these are the little bible books that we have so we have our toddler ones let me get these right here these are the two toddler ones this is the read and share toddler book and it comes with a dvd and then this is the little girls bible story book for mothers and daughters have these two i can't remember where i got these from y'all so please don't ask let me see if it shows it on the back hold on some of them it when all else fails go to amazon but let me see this one says the baker books but i think this one came from a subscriber though i think i got this from a subscriber and then but when all those fails go on amazon and amazon has it all this is eddie's this is lizzie's this is the toddler one um and then well actually this one is not a toddler one hold on let me show you the top one your girl is all confused this is the toddler one the sweetest story with a little girl and then this one is just girl or boy so we have these two then we have then we have the next one this is the little girl's bible story book for mothers and daughters and then i believe a subscriber gave this to me as well either a subscriber or someone from uh dcf which is the department of children and families is the foster care system i think either someone from the foster care system gave this to me um because i've had this for years i had this before lizzie i believe i believe so i can't quite remember y'all my memory is bad let me you can see i don't know what store it's from but neither of them have read this yet but this is for the teenagers and um they're gonna read this when they get older so i haven't let them touch it now you see it looks so brand new it looks very crisp but the pages look crisp but they've been in these three and now we have this one oh yeah now we have our fifth one and i think this one's gonna be more like family time nighttime one this one because this one really was at first but now we're gonna do this one and then mama has her bible oh and i have another teenage bible hold on i'm gonna go show you that one hold on one second okay i have another one this extreme teen bible i actually bought this when i was in my 20s so i've had this bible for all i don't want to say 20 years maybe 16 or 17 years i've had this for a long time because this one right here this is the new international version and it's really easy to read um but before before i purchased this i had this bible and this is really easy to read sometimes the bible can be intimidating because you feel like you can't understand it so if you can't understand get one of these don't be ashamed it's the exact same thing it's just the wording is more clear to understand but the niv new international version this one is clear to understand as well so i just put this one in in onto the side in the back and the kids are gonna have this when they get older so we have two two teen ones boom boom boom now on to my mic okay let's see what we got y'all let's see we got i don't want to break it getting it out hold on yo i know you're like girl if you don't show us that thing right here y'all right here i ain't going nowhere i'm right here with y'all right here with y'all look at the mic oh yeah i'll set it up even better because it's not proper right there but i'll set it up but yes i'm excited so i can do correct voiceovers and not that mess that i was doing with my phone and then transferring it over to the computer and laying it over the video but yeah now you girl about to go out there and cook dinner okay before i go out to make dinner i just want to show you the proper way how i put it in front of the mic so that's how you do it like that yo boom boom boom just wanted to make sure i showed you the right way oh yeah i got this thing on my bed sure do but i'm so excited to try this thing out y'all i'm so excited so if you hear any voiceovers on this video it's been with the microphone the entire time because you already know i'm gonna try this out on this vlog okay y'all it's dinner time we're gonna do the crispy parmesan chicken now this this video is not sponsored but they gave me three meals so i'm using them okay and i love how they have everything in the bag everything ready and then we got a chicken and that is some good chicken it was not a lot of fat when i have to do too much cleaning look at your girl get it now i don't have to do too much talking in this because i just wanted you to see me cook dinner like i've done plenty videos like this before where you just hear some music jamming on the ones and twos and just watching me cook so i decided to keep doing it and i love how this is basically something i've never made before like i've made parmesan chicken before but not this way you know adding some extra stuff you know so just watch your girl cook i guess that's all i want to say oh no there is something else i want to say i want y'all to be honest with me now be honest with you girl how do you like the voiceover now i'm using that mic i'm using that mic that i just showed y'all in the last clip before cooking oh man this feels good it feels a whole lot better than recording on my phone and then transferring the file over to the computer and then it's not even i don't know how to explain it y'all be knowing if you make videos it's either too loud too blown out this feels good y'all this sounds good i feel professional [Music] you [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] so [Music] look i ate all my food all done the picky eater this meal again y'all oh it's late at night y'all and i wanted to show y'all these that i talked about a couple days ago [Applause] let's start off with kindergarten but first i want to take a look at them and make sure it doesn't say the school name i don't believe it does but this is the academic bag i showed y'all like the art gym and music bag but this is the academic bag this thing is heavy heavy heavy heavy boom um when you saw me the other day at target it went and immediately went to target you got baskets well let's see what we have we're gonna go through this real quick because your girl's tired and also we found a hall the kids filmed a haul so you're going to see me in the same thing but that'll be in a separate video the first thing we have is a name tag i guess they just want them to wear their name tag for i don't know if it's for the class the regular class because the teacher knows their names i know for like specials they have it but boom and then uh let's see we have the narrative writing checklist oh couple of them boom boom i think that's where eddie get that from boom boom boom he get that from me because he says that in the hall or what he calls it closing me whoa there's a lot of these i'm loving it there's a thick stack a big stack of i guess their writing and then like the three lines for them to write on there and to draw a picture like to narrate you know that is thick well i had it as this whole thing but it's mainly it's really this this thick it's still thick because the other part is showing them how to do their letters look at that so you have to and this is the capital and the lowercase all of that yo all of that these are cool a lot of work y'all then they have a little bit of construction paper and they have some numbers number cards that we cut out for them then this is inside of plastic so i guess it's for like a marker and you can erase and write in there boom boom then put this in here oh if it's good it's good let me show you it's perfect perfect perfect okay now we have a book whoa teach at home it's a literacy activity grade k this right here i'll show you guys so i'll just show you some of them looks like we have that i'll show you another couple pages we got another one the whole book y'all a whole book this one is math oh look at this let me show you another one no he's done that oh this one i think this is that new age math where'd it go yeah this one [Applause] and then we have dominoes don't know what that is for y'all i don't know what that's oh and then we have some dice it's a little something something i don't know what they are maybe i don't know what this is supposed to do for their life but is to do something with some dice in there and look at that it's perfect perfect i just have to put their other stuff that's over in the shelf but now let's close that up look at that oh i love when stuff just just is organized you know so there we go he has his box that's amazing i love it now we're going to look at second grade y'all second grade i've been talking for a while six minutes already yo just on that then y'all saw me cook i hope i hope i edited that pretty fast but i didn't i didn't have to show y'all me cooking another hello fresh but hello versus good to prove to you that we like it lizzy told that uh and she said her favorite part was the couscous okay the kiss kips so so we got him see what we got here okay we have a composition book we're loving it i heard a little composition though boom then oh she has some of these too she has a math one and a literacy one for the hand to mind let's see what hers look like literacy oh this looks good i think what you're cutting out on this one this looks good oh not a lot she gonna get excited oh and we got the time i remember she did some time last year i had her do a lot of clocks last year got some this year let's see what else she got for the math look at that 535 minus 288 look at that man come on come on look at that man i have her subtracting double digits now she's doing triple digits boom i just love how that fit she has it as well the little paper that's inside the thing so you basically made your own white board then she has grade two narrative writing then we have the the 100 chart and the 200 chart that's the 100 and the 200 then we have the zero to 12 number calls oh what does she have here oh my second grade writing journal okay that's what she got my second grade writing journal oh they should just narrate through it come on you're so bright there we go oh we're gonna give you some nice paper come on there we go that's cool i like that i really do so that fits in there now this other stuff that she has i'm like what you want these kids doing gambling she has this then she got a pack of cards okay she got a pack of cards a pack of cards just dice like eddie or hers is all loose but then she got a pack of cards to go with it what are they teaching these kids then she has some chips okay you teach you to begin well that's what you're doing look let's check out some chips what is she doing with these what she doing with some chips dice are they going to school or to the casino i don't know what i don't know what they're doing then she has a ruler and then she has these i forgot what these are called i i had these when i was in school it's to do math i know that so she got the blue one unless you got this one i'll show them to you i forgot what they're called but i know it's to do math i know that foreign here we go look that is just magnificent and then eddie got his lizzy got hers just blessings blessings on top of blessings all the information that they need all the school work that they need and we don't even have to step foot into school to get the the germs your girl is tired i know you didn't see the kids face so much in this episode like episode like it's a show in this vlog but you will see it in the next video which is their clothing haul i i had them do that themselves i was like mama tied brown um but what you call i'm about to go over there and get the other stuff and put it in there and i'll show it to you all done okay so i'm putting it in there and while i'm doing that i'll just talk to you guys right quick so how y'all doing like for real for us i know a lot of you guys say that you watch my videos when you're feeling down or even just watching them makes you feel makes you feel happy makes you feel good inside and that makes me happy because sometimes i'd be like do people really like it like i know you guys like it but i'm like when i'm editing the video like are people really gonna like this one i think this one's boring you know oh i think they're gonna like this part i really don't think they're gonna like this part i don't know if they're gonna like this part like i i do that a lot and i'm i'm glad that you guys really like her vlog really really really good like we make you guys laugh and i don't know and we make you guys cry i think that's mainly me making you cry but um i'm like that's cool i really i really enjoy your your comments you guys i like your comments whether they good bad or in between i don't care i just like i just like going back and forth with you guys it's great and and now moving on up getting sponsorships and stuff i got some more information today with some more sponsorships that wanted to approach us and stuff and i don't know i really i really like it and um i don't know i'm tired so i don't know what to say sometimes you're like oh i'm gonna tell them this i'm gonna tell it in this and then i get on the camera i'm like you're real tired but oh i put everything in there now so they have their white board and all this stuff oh boom that's eddie lizzie's hers is a little bigger because you know she's second grade so she got more stuff but yeah i love it i just gotta write on top first grade second grade because at first glance they look the same but they have different things so you can kind of tell this is when we looked at it and this is the classic recycle um i hope you guys really enjoy our vlogs and that they're really i don't know like i don't want to i i don't want our vlogs to be like some other people's where they just put a lot of drama in theirs but sometimes i do want to make our titles very interesting because i notice if you put non-interesting titles people don't really watch them so then you put like a eye-catching title but some people take it a little too far and they put a drama fill title there's a difference between an eye-catching title and a drama-catching title i've been up all day and my puff is getting flat so your girl may have to do her hair again when it gets too flat i think i think i've been i've been pulled to tell somebody this wait i got one eyebrow looking darker than the other your girl is tired if you feel that things aren't going your way or that your days are very like blah or sad or you feel like you're praying to god and you feel like he hasn't heard you or you see other people moving ahead and going farther in life and i don't know how to explain like you look over there you see that person always smiling or you look over here and you see that that person has been struggling like you've been struggling you're both been struggling together but then that person is moving forward and you're still feeling stuck [Music] god says to keep on going and keep on trying keep on moving don't give up it's like your path may be longer than somebody else's and not only that maybe you have to take a little longer to get there maybe you're not ready yet maybe your path is not their path so just keep on trying keep on pushing keep on believing that that it'll it'll happen your day will come where you will you will succeed or you will get that thing that you're looking for or you'll just be happy you know and i feel like if you woke up again today it means you still have you still have something to to get to so i don't know i just felt like i need to say that to somebody sometimes i'll be watching people's vlogs or listening and they'll say something oh i felt that that was for me i feel like i had to give something to you and no matter how hard life gets keeping it down [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Holden It Down
Views: 16,760
Rating: 4.9708562 out of 5
Id: XgVGJHzvjo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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