Don't Get Rid Of Your Guitar Yet

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Cunning_Linguist21 📅︎︎ Jan 10 2023 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone how's it going welcome to the know your gear podcast live number 263 episode 263 and uh hope you guys had a good week my week has been good it's a little this for those listening uh i just did a i don't know what i did a wave anyways uh thank you guys so much for joining me today to talk about guitars and guitar related things and uh and also thank you to the uh to the early comers early risers that come in early and drop off some questions and subjects so i have some of those to talk about as well as and we'll get into that as well and uh what else what else we got i think today because it's just been that kind of week i do have water of course but today i'm going to be drinking a beverage this is my by the way i just want to share this is my new uh glasses that my wife got me beer glasses and they're designed so you can not drop them i'm not making that up i guess i i read somewhere that restaurants are switching to these or bars because when you get drunk they're a little harder to let go of because a little little bulbous top look at that so what i'm going to do i'm going to drink i'm going to drink a beer that a uh that a viewer sent me this is rush beer this is from the band rush they have their own beer this is the canadian golden ale now i want to thank them for sending this because um i couldn't get this i couldn't find it for some reason i'm sure it's as easy as just going to uh like a more like high-end liquor store but i i didn't do that so i'm gonna go ahead and i'll be i'll be drinking some of this today and uh why because we can look at that all right i'm trying to never thought about i didn't bring a towel or anything so if i spill look there you go all right to everyone drinking anything but water or coffee there you go so rush beer we'll talk about it i'll i'll mention what i think of it as we go to the show we'll give it a good try um uh shawn brooks says in arizona you're only allowed to drink ice az iced tea yeah in arizona you just drink lots of water lots of water all the time all right okay so let's uh let's get into some subjects let's just get into it we have some early comments i'll jump on some of those but first i want to thank one of the moderators i'm not old i'm vintage sent me a message after last week's show letting me know i missed a super chat and that happens and so uh basically uh thank you again for that i'm not old i'm vintage and it said the question was can you talk about how a reverse headstock sound more like sound more piano like on the low strings uh you know that is a theory that i obviously i don't disagree with or agree with in other words i don't have any skin in that getting that in that fight there's a theory that essentially when the headstock is reversed the low string has a shorter distance than the high string and uh you know so versus wait is that backwards am i backwards no no i'm backwards so the low string would have a longer distance from the nut to the tuning key than the high string which would be normal like on a fender headstock um there's a theory about that the thing about that is i own both reverse head stocks and standard head stocks and three on threes and i don't really notice anything that i would say that is the determining factor one of the things i always thought was really interesting was a lot of the players that talk about wire reverse headstock's important play floyd roses where they lock the nut so so which is an interesting concept because now the string has got the same distance but it's kind of locked i don't really have an opinion like i said i have both uh reverse headstocks and standard headstocks and i don't have a strong opinion about either i think if i did i would definitely gravitate towards one another personally me i i just always liked reverse head stocks i always think they look cool i think it's just because maybe you know hendrix um nuno bittencourt of course i have one of his maybe some of the players that that played him i liked but uh there's nothing like i would never i would never seek out a reverse headstock like strat headstock and go oh man i'm gonna have way more sustain or our punch um i do notice though here's what i've noticed i have noticed though when they do that on a bridge how much string distance from after the bridge to the body i have noticed that has some effect so i can imagine that's why i said i don't have a strong feeling about either way i would imagine that there's got to be someone some effect on the headstock as well too but nothing that i've noticed i don't really can't speak to it nothing i've tested because i don't know what the test would help you know let's say it was true reverse headstocks have you know uh more punchy low strings like a piano uh what are you gonna do just only buy reverse headstocks then so you're just stuck so there's certain things like that i'm just not versed in that way all right thank you for grabbing that question from last week the very first question i saw today though was from adrian who says hey phil i love the show and hanging with everyone was wondering why i feel guilty about wanting to sell a guitar that doesn't get enough play time and and how to sway that guilt uh you know it's funny it's funny that we talk about this stuff on on the show it comes up more often than i probably would have ever thought in a million years i never thought doing these keyway type questions shows that this would be a predominant like in the top 10 categories what we talk about almost like a therapy session about how you feel about the purchases you make and you know on keep and get rid of and um and i have to say i uh i relate because i'm riddled with guilt on all kinds of levels you know um i i think about that all the time stuff i don't use and i i know i know some of you have to have it in a lot of ways because i think about this i have that so basically what i'm trying to say adrian i have those same feelings like when i don't use something or i'm not getting use out of something a guitar or an amp or a pedal i find myself like in that same you know guilt feeling like i want to get rid of it because i'm not using it but i don't want to get rid of it and then i feel guilty for not getting rid of it and the reason i say i can relate is because i make a living like i said 19 years now i've made a living in the music industry and working with guitars this is really my livelihood i shouldn't really have any guilt about being around it and using it and i still do so i can undermine i can imagine if you don't you know if you have other expenses or other you know another job that's not related to this and this is purely hobby why this would get to you what i will tell you is this uh adrian and the best advice i could give is the advice i try to take from myself on this particular subject if i don't use something i used to get rid of it i used to always what i've learned to do now is if i don't love something i get rid of it um what i found is use is is such an immediate term and the idea that i'm using it right now if you're not using it right now then you should get rid of it the problem is is right now is not your whole life and your whole life is a really long cycle so although i might not use uh this metal amp behind me you know maybe my like the bogner i'm not playing the bog or chunk of chunk of stuff uh i could go weeks and months and not play you know heavier you know heavier down tune c metal and then i go why do i even have that i'm not using it and then you get rid of it not because you don't love it you love it you're just not using it what i found is a year from now two years from now a week from now i miss it i want it i buy it again way more money every time every time i get rid of something because i not using it there is a little bit of a financial punishment coming in the future so here's why here's what i stick to for myself i sell gear when i have to physical space it's just a physical thing money that's a physical thing i have no you know if i want to justify another expense maybe a half something has to go i understand that and if i don't like it then it goes and that's actually a bigger subject and really a big subject is not keeping stuff you don't like i i know you guys a lot of you have to be guilty of this i'm guilty of this i have stuff that i wanted to like i bought it i still don't like it but i love having it because it's something i always wanted let's say it's a guitar i just don't love the way it feels i don't love the place i don't like the way it sounds but i always wanted one so here it is and i pick it up sparingly and i just don't love it but i always wanted it so that's sometimes i find myself just forcing myself uh to keep it even though uh you know i don't love it and i've kind of come to come to that conclusion then if i don't love it it's got to go that's just the big the big answer or like i said if you're broke it's got to go or if you're out of space it's got to go but if you're not using it if you're not using it and it's not financially hurting you keep it because it will financially hurt you later all right that's my first drink that's good i like it uh it i i don't have no idea what this is but it tastes like an ipa not as citrusy as an ipa but it's like an ipa and i love it some of you my beer connoisseur um uh viewers are gonna probably tell me either i'm right or wrong which is good uh i'm not super into that beer that way i'm into like i'd like to taste it and just enjoy it uh this is 5.5 alcohol though so but yeah definitely ipa kind of vibe to it i like it but it's subtle it's not so sometimes ipas are oh you know just like just like grapefruit it's just kind of a you know it's in your face um okay reuben says i don't want to get too much off the subject so i'm going to try to float around it but one of those questions i just saw rubens and i want to grab it reuben says phil can you share what you use to store pickups i like those little jars you showed yes i will put a link when i timestamp this they're not jars what they are is you get them from uline some of you guys may know uline uh uline is a huge um uh supplier of like everything from office supplies to shipping supplies and of course i ship a lot of things obviously so we have a uline account i believe i'm assuming that's where my wife has an account with them um because anytime i need something from uline she gets it you know whether it's packing bubbles or or the uh some of you guys know that it's called batting uh uh batting is the is this padding stuff that we get um for some of the pickups and for the packaging and stuff and um one of the things they sell are these tubes and the tubes have a cap and the tubes that i get are um i think they're three inches and they're six or six or eight inches tall they're pretty tall so then what i do is i i cut them down so i cut them sides so all the ones you see and if you guys don't know what that question revolves to in the last couple videos i've showed you in the shop on the walls i have uh hundreds of pickups in these what look like jars but they're tubes and the reason i do that is because arizona is very dusty and i just was and also i when you store pickups i need them spaced a certain space from each other because you don't want those magnets getting too close to each other those magnetic fields can cause damage to each other you know they can cause they can cause all kinds of problems so um i don't want them next to each other so i essentially that helps me space them out plus it looks cool that's why i did it but that's where i'm getting it from and i will put links to where you get that stuff they're pretty inexpensive but like i said you will have to cut them down if you want them to look like how i have them and i think they have one inch ones i think i use the one inch or one and a half inch ones for single coils and three inch ones for humbuckers and if you look at the uh if you look at the videos where i have those behind me uh you'll see that at first they probably all look uniform but they're different sizes there's a small one a big one a small one a big one depending on what pickup's in there i don't really recommend storing a lot of pickups just you guys know i don't know why anyone would do that i'm one of the few people i know are i've maybe i don't know maybe you guys are all crazy like me i have hundreds of pickups because i i i do research on pickups for a ton of reasons not besides just you know winding my own pickups there's all kinds of reasons why they're there in fact what's cool if you're ever so inclined to look at those videos what you'll see is not only in some exotic pickups you've probably never seen anywhere in those tubes but there's a lot of prototype pickups even pickups that coming out in september were sitting in some of those tubes and the last footage i gave you that's why i went real fast i didn't want you to see all the new pickups coming out from like three different companies okay uh milo's digital adventures want to know what my thoughts on the black star amps i like that they light up and you know the one thing i liked uh and is that they light up the headlights up and the cabinet lights up and i think i think matchless used to do that i know the bad cats the heads light up and the combos light up but the cabinets don't light up so i thought that was really cool little touch to make the cabinet light up um i watched a little video of it probably like you guys did uh that they're lighter uh i thought i told you guys i have the same feeling you guys have except for for some reason not as violent as a lot of you i don't think a lot of you watching right now are as violent about this but a lot of the viewers of the channel are i had the 1100 reaction like i was like oh that looks cool and then i was like eleven hundred dollars i was like a thousand dollars for a black star you know head um i was a little shocked by that pricing um that's definitely a lot more expensive than you know what you're used to seeing from blackstar so i had a little reaction that but like i said i don't want to confuse it with reaction i see constantly on videos now where people people have meltdowns constantly on the price of things look i get it and i don't want to pay five dollar gas and i sure as hell don't want to pay 2 000 for a guitar and i don't want to pay a thousand dollars for a head and i don't want to pay all this stuff but then i i don't have to have such a violent reaction to it i just i'm not trying to make fun of anybody but sometimes when i read the comments i'm like calm down [Laughter] have some dip it's all right i promise there's other things for you to purchase you don't have to worry if it's more than you want to spend don't buy it trust me um but lately i feel like uh not lately this is actually has nothing and i don't want anybody to put a comment which you will anyways that oh it's inflation-filled and the market's changing they were doing this they were doing this two years ago two three years ago the comments have always been as soon as the price point is not super freaking cheap everyone freaks out so like i said i understand the reaction i just don't understand the intensity of it so like i said i so that's my way of saying the black stars had that reaction to me i was like i was a little shocked they were expensive however i don't know i try one maybe and if i try one i like it maybe it's worth the money me right now not trying one not knowing anything about it black star and a thousand dollars does not seem like something i'm interested in um although you know there's a lot of expensive amps behind me and um although they're a lot more expensive than the blackstar on average a lot of these i didn't pay that much for them you know not well not much more than that flutidy dude gets uh gets a gold star for recognizing the george carlin comment have some dip my favorite i cannot hear anyone say calm down without here so i immediately hear have some dip calm down have some dip i'd like to tell the rest of that joke but i'm not gonna all right because i'll never do it as good as he did um all right um yeah i'm not old i'm finished this phil has so many magnets in his garage the airplane instruments freak out when they fly over there is a joke that no compass works by my house that is a joke um but you know the bigger joke than that was i had a couple friends actually crack it that's what made me kind of laugh was when you have two or three different friends in a short period of time crack the same joke you know you kind of you tell it's on people's minds i had three different friends out come over and after all you know all this stuff that was going on in the world just a few you know a few months ago that started up in with ukraine and stuff and the first thing they said was they're like there's like a fortune in neodymium and and uh and no nickel and colbot cobalt here basically their first focus was screw all these pickups we need to get all these magnets and harvest them and uh i always thought that was a funny joke because it's not funny but you know what i mean funny odd like that they went right to that is the as the comet usually the joke is that you know compasses don't work um okay i'm gonna jump around a little bit i hope you guys don't mind um uh hi phil this is adrian it's a different adrian though but adrian says hey phil i enjoyed the prs video last night that prs video is i did the prs2 2408 video um he says but uh last night but was there actually any pink in the color that's a great question i want to get to that it looked orange yep secondly uh will there ever be a kyg world tour no youtubers are now touring yeah of course the youtubers are touring there's all kinds of stuff i i i actually officially decided i'm not going to the namm i made a decision not that i'm not going to name i'm going to be going to uh do some other things but i decided not to do the nam um but back to your question i wanted to answer that because that's a great question so if you guys saw the prs video i did this week the s2 that color was bonnie pink cherry burst so it's kind of like a pink stain and then they cherry burst the sides and the back it's all cherry and um what i i got i say what i love about that is no matter how detailed i get in the video there's always just like anything in life no matter how much you if you do an art no matter how much you do it's never finished right the art is never finished my videos are never finished and i can i can edit on them and tweak on them and that's why sometimes like when people say well did you do this why didn't you do that and i always think i know but at some point i gotta stop and let the video go out and um in that video that was a great question because i mentioned that was bonnie pink cherry burst but i never talked about how the color reacts or what it does and that's a guitar the bonnie pink cherry burst what i will tell you is that guitar if you notice when i was playing it it pops man there's no coloring in my videos there's no special lighting in front of me my videos when i make videos are just like the podcast right now the colored lighting and anything interesting is behind me in front of me is just plain lights just on me so that guitar popping was just because that pops it's definitely a guitar that i think on stage would be the coolest guitar you've ever seen because like i said it's a pinkish orangish red and it just glows looks beautiful other than that it's kind of like a yeah it kind of looks a little pink it looks a little salmon pink it looks you know but it's a little red so yeah it's not a color that i think a lot of you would like i asked them to send me that color because that was the one i was the most curious about it was a new color and that guitar was a special request from me to prs not the other way around when prs sent the acoustic out and um we had talked in january i had mentioned to them i said hey if i if i get a chance if if we get a chance to send one of the s2 um 2408s out one oh please and two could we do it in the bonnie pink cherry burst because i'm really curious about that guitar the um but yeah so like i said that's an interesting thing i'll probably start adding something like that in the videos too why not adding a little uh probably in the my thoughts section maybe i'll add a little bit more of my reaction to the color to the to more more of my reaction stuff okay by the way brian s guitarist is in the house one of the moderators and i have a brian has guitars t-shirt on look at that it's got a little plug i can't there it is there's the plug by the way don't plug your guitar into the outlet but that's a good idea good shirt though thank you brian s guitars um i think i saw what did shawn told me i think he said he saw and i uh geargasms is uh think about sending out a shirt uh if if geargasm watches the channel there's uh my address is on the blackstock pickups website if you just send in the shirt just like this i get the shirt i told you guys this how you do it send the shirt and then um if you can if you send your own shirts put it let a note in there so i can give it to shawna so she can ship you out a shirt so for the shirt swap and if you don't because maybe like teespring you ship the shirts or something third party um send an email to me after i get the shirt because because if you send it to me before i won't be looking for it but if you get the shirt i just forward it right to her it's just it's just it's just how i keep my you know prior i got to prioritize my days and my weeks i'm a one-man show here you know not just literally on videos but one man doing all this stuff so things fall through the cracks constantly i mean no disrespect to anybody but i mean i can't i try to pay attention as much as i can but it gets a little just gets a little much some days and some days i just turn off and i'm like i'm done i'm not reading any more emails or responding to anything so um so i said but i can tell you right now if if i get it in my wife's hands she will get it to you and take care of you so thank you brian for the shirt like i said sport the shirt cool logo cool shirt thank you so much and uh and i'll put a link to his channel in case you want to check it out because i'm sure you do because it's a good channel sean says will you wear only will you wear my only fan's shirt phil i don't know what that means i started reading it and if you guys send me a shirt i i i've said this before i know a lot of you guys will send me emails and ask me about stuff look just send me xl or 2xl i like 2xl but i can fit xl depending on how much beer i've had but anyways uh 2xl sure if you send it to me i will wear it on the show and i will send you a shirt uh or my my lovely wife will send you a shirt to say thank you uh and that's the shirt swap idea and so it works really really good if you've sent me a shirt and you've never received your shirt please email me and just let me know because that's not my wife i promise that's me not forwarding it too or i did something wrong i didn't hand or something and make sure you guys get that like i said the shirt swap thing is something i love doing sorry i got like a little something on my shirt there you go um but uh like i said uh you know just once if you get the shirt in my hands i promise you i'll wear it and i'll uh i'll uh get you get you a reply a shirt sent out to you as well so yeah somebody says it's hard to joke with me did i miss a joke did i miss did i miss if i missed a joke i apologize i apologize all right i gotta stay focused brian says shameless plug it's not a shameless plug i think this is cool man i really appreciate it by the way if you notice i wear your shirts than when i do other videos too i put them in rotation um i don't want to wear my shirts all the time i think because you guys see me mostly in videos and i'm always wearing the merch you know you're like oh where's the merch everywhere i will don't i don't um yeah i try not to wear the merch anywhere because i wear it all the time it's like work clothes for me at some point so all right what do we have we have another question uh let me get to it it says um there was a question that i grabbed i grabbed a bunch but there's one i wanted to hit because uh it was a curiosity question and i kind of just wanted to talk about that and i can't find it and i do apologize so if you don't mind i'm just gonna tell you what i think it said i don't know why i can't find it even though i copy pasted it over here okay so the oh here it is i found it it's from ken uh ken says why did i sell most of my boss pedals after collecting them for years sure um i did i sold off almost all my pedals uh and of uh probably 70 i'm just you know general number seventy percent of my boss pedals maybe more and then definitely 70 of my pedals um why because i found myself i don't use pedals very often and like i said it's kind of dusty here in arizona and what i found was the pedals sitting on the shelves for me it was like i was dusting them every few months and then i was like okay so that's at this point that's all i'm doing is dusting these pedals and they weren't seeing any rotation and i really had it in my head that i was going to collect them all and i think if i did that if i think if i got closer to collecting all the boss i would have kept ones i had and it was like every boss pedal i needed was 250 or 350 450 550 and when you're down to i think i was i think i had uh i think i had like i said 70 80 of what boss makes but when you're down to like 20 of the last 20 boss pedals that they make and they're all basically 400 a piece it was just a lot of money and i just i didn't see it as happening so i decided to let him go luckily for me i have a friend who collects boss pedals as well so i sold him the core of the best you know the best of the best of the collection i sold to him really good price because i said hey just buy them all and i did a a price most you guys would would have loved you know 50 a piece no matter which what they were just buy them all you know what i mean and uh he was super happy because i'm sure two or three of them worth two three hundred bucks or two or more and um that's why i did that that's it and again space um believe it or not we're the shelving uh where i had the boss pedals had to go uh it's now cables in fact i don't know if i can show you because i don't want to knock something all over uh there see i have cable uh cable shelving or you know so it holds on my cables because i have a lot of cables and i was sick of tripping over them and i go you know what screw that so i took the pedal shelves down and i put those uh racks to hold all of my tons of cables because i have my cables and of course guitar cables and camera cables and power supplies and all that stuff and i just wanted to sort it and that's what i did that for so that's that's why i did it so there you go still love boss pedals though and i kept all the ones my super super favorite ones i didn't even keep the ones that were i think were going to be valuable to go up in years you know more money it wasn't a financial thing it was literally just the ones i was attached to emotionally because i like them okay all right uh next question was an interesting one sure will be interesting super lead 100 says phil mcknight hey phil says do you make your black stock pickups in double cream that's the question mark there's a follow-up and i won't hit that says is it true that only dimarzio can offer pickups and double cream that is not true anyone can do double cream they have to pay dimarzio pickups because it's trademarked it's a tr it's a licensing deal for instance if you guys ever see lic fender on the back of a guitar neck that has the fender headstock we've talked about this before there's confusion that somehow it's fender quality it could be junk for all that matters but they paid the royalty defender for the trademark on the headstock fender licenses the trademark in other words if you pay you can put the headstock defender headstock um dimarzio has a similar trademark with double cream pickups and there's always talk about this i did a five things you don't know about dimarzio and that's where i talked about that but when you see like keezle have double cream when you see companies have double cream pickups they are paying in most cases they're paying a royalty uh some kind of you know royalty to dimarzio pickups for use of the trademark so to do double cream i would have to figure out how to do that i guess i could ask larry i'm sure he would tell me um but um but that's the uh the reasoning now more importantly if you don't know the story of why he has a trademark on double cream believe it or not it had to do with the fact that when he started making his pickups he was making him double cream uh because he liked him and at that time gibson was also making double cream but they were putting chrome covers and guitar players were pulling the covers off and you know and then also you see double cream and larry like that so he when he made the super distortions he made them double cream and when he made i and again i might be messing this up a little bit i think when he said he made the fat strat and the fat telly strat s-t-r-a-t and the fat telly pick-ups i think he got a cease and desist this is 70s he got a cease and desist from fender and at that time fender wasn't using strat or telly in the terminology and he was like well it's just a fat strat you know pick up fat telly but his attorney's like well they have a trademark so they can stop you and when when basically he heard that he was like well okay and the attorney was explaining like yeah if you trademark stuff you can basically own it so he decided well why don't i try and trademark double cream because it's part of the look of the pickups a lot of people understand what i'm talking about you have to be a little older uh to understand that there was a time where every rock concert you went to there was a les paul with double cream pickups like ace free or something and they were the super distortions like they were everywhere so he was just trying to protect whatever he could obviously because he had gotten slapped on the wrist by somebody else so he was you know this is the game you have to play and uh trademarks don't expire for the most part for the most part and um and so that's why that's why that trademark still exists it's not like a copyright and a and a um and a patent it's a little different so that's why their double creams are trademarked now to be clear zebras are not trademarked and a single cream pickup is not just you have to have double cream and and um that's why you do it and if you guys don't you guys are so funny um but yeah to answer your question that's how you do it um what else i have more questions i'm sure more subjects okay this one came from vintage amp guy who wanted to know uh what are what are the top guitar factories in the world acoustic or electric uh it's it's i'm not going to tell you i don't know the top in the world i haven't been to all of them but i can tell you the the best that i've seen i've physically been to um by far when i think of the highest quality factories that i've seen it's definitely framus warwick and it's definitely music man those two in my opinion are in a different world above everybody else then after that i would probably go to prs i would say prs fender is like i said fenders factory is not really impressive in what it does it's impressive on how it works like i said it's more of an assembly plant less of a guitar manufacturing um gibson's was okay the most impressive thing about gibson is how they basically learned to dry lacquer by putting it on the they put it on like a conveyor belt like they added to laundry and it just goes over the overall you know over the ceiling and goes around and that's actually really important because a lot of manufacturers don't in my opinion cure their lacquer long enough they don't let it dry long enough and it's because they don't have the space to do so and so i think gibson's really kind of mastered that the i mean there's a lot of great factories but the ones that stick out in my in my head the most are famous and music man because both factories and here's why i say that because again it's just an opinion but that opinion is based on the fact that when you see how they do things most factories when i get like an honest tour you know when you're lucky enough to get an honest tour factories are by definition a lot of it is by how cheap you can do something look we learned if we do it this way it's five minutes faster which means it's cheaper we looked if we do it this way it's we don't have to redo this so if we do this way we don't have to do that it's always like how can you make this faster and cheaper which faster is cheaper how can you make it cheaper it seems to be a focus of factories very rarely do factories when they talk about being better a lot of times being better means being cheaper as well too and again i'm not saying they don't care about both but i mean there seems to be a high focus on efficiency for the price of saving money um mr thomas is saying how about court cortex is a massive factory that's crazy to see and it's massive and it's um obviously it's it's big but the thing is again it's all efficiency and for the sake of cost cutting music man in my opinion and framis and again it's not taking away from the pr factory because that was an impressive one too but those two specifically everything was like improvement focused like how do you make something better and uh that was really impressive to see and they have some ideas like i i i you'd be surprised you think every guitar factory or every company probably knows how the other guy is making their guitars generally and they don't um i've been to some of these factories um you know like when you go to g l when you go to mostly factories they tell you things and i always make this joke that i kind of chuckle because they always say you know we're the only people who have this and i'm like yeah i saw that in eight other places i don't say that to them but i've seen it most of stuff that they show you you've seen it's almost like going to everybody's factories like going the same factory over and over again except for like i said when you see something how music man does it or how famous does it you go okay that's that's different and that is more expensive to run that way it's interesting that you took that you know you it's the and you can hear in the terminology it's more expensive to do this way but it's the right way to do it and that's why we do it sometimes prs talks like that prs is half and half for sure their factory is halfway focused on how to get it lowest crop you know get the price down but it's also a little focused on improvement where those other two like i said are really focused on making like this is how you do it right and this is how you do it better and if that means you make less and if that means you know you can't do as many instruments that's what it means that's just my opinions going to them like i said i'd like to start going back going to factories again now that people are traveling again um i'd like to say my goal is to go to every factory it's not but i'd like to go there's about a dozen more that i'd like to see okay we have another subject i'm sure um okay kevin kevin says i found a 1991 ibanez rg570 in position one the volume cuts in half every other position sounds great it's not the pickup height yeah i already know what it is you have an issue something's either grounded out something's grounded to that in the wiring or there's something frayed not connected uh correctly my guess is there's something grounding that pickup out that's dropping the volume down to nothing there's something connected that shouldn't be connected or something touching that shouldn't be touching um with that guitar assuming it's 1991 so you don't know how many hands have been inside that thing now and how many modifications have been done to it or just you know repairs or what have you um if it looks all original um one thing you might want to check is the potentiometer sometimes they they get loose the nut gets loose and then they shift around in there and the three tabs uh which are you know your input your basically where your ground drop your output and your center lug um it shifts around and sometimes it's touching something that sometimes can happen that should affect all of the pickups but sometimes it just depends on how everything's touching but that's my guess is that you have something touching and it's just defeating and it's cutting that pickup volume down that would be my guess so i would look for that justin says well why did prs suddenly ditch v12 and switch to nitro why did prs ditch the finish that was the most advanced finish of all time no i'm just giving jokes because i remember when piers paul smith guitars were like we have the best finishes ever and we created all the finishes um because as much as i love purest i always got to talk about the fact that um i think everyone eventually turns into making what everybody made 50 years ago [Laughter] so um it's it's it's i don't know if it's our fault as the guitar community or if it's the manufacturer's fault i don't i don't know who to assign the fault to maybe it's a little bit of both but i kind of feel like everyone who innovates something interesting they just go out of business you don't see them anymore they come up with something crazy we it doesn't take off it doesn't last it's gone and everyone who basically decides to make some version of a fender strat or gives this ball they can stick around as long as gibson and fender stick around and um so obviously you know ps making strats now and making less pulse type guitars and then of course going to nitrous cellulose lacquer is just the evolution of like hey well you know if it works for gibson and fender the biggest guitar company in the world i know fender does less nitro than obviously gibson but what i will tell you is this there is their official answer if you go look you can see their official answer is i think paul's out there somewhere saying like he it sounds better because the finish is thinner and they put it on the guitar and it was thinner finish made the guitar better again like i said the one thing i will tell you is my experience with paul smith is if he says it i do believe he believes it uh so i don't think it's always marketing bs with him i think he's first he's he's at least drinking his own kool-aid in my experience with him um however in my opinion i think the main reason they went to nitro because there's no official answer by the way from them so i can only give you a guess like my best educated guess on this i think a lot of it had to do with the the other finish what was happening is as you know as the sometimes they got fret sprout the frets would push on the finish and you get those little white uh milky pockets and they would have to go back to the factory and they filled them with super glue and then pressed them in that's how you fix this stuff you glue the finish basically back onto the wood and that's if it didn't chip off uh i have an s2 that's the old finish and it did that it chipped on the sides i've never had a core do it to me but i've seen a ton of them where they've done it for customers where the finishes have started flaking off i've seen a prs for a customer once uh it wasn't my customer but i'm seeing a customer a person who bought theirs i saw like the finishes start like literally like shedding like skin off of it um i mean so there's a lot involved you know what i mean in making sure that the finishes stick to the to the to the wood it's not just as simple as spray it um and so so the nitro i think they just i think it's just easier for them to work with and put it on there and it's not acting up like their other finishes and i think maybe uh they're they're they're i don't say their heart because that's not really the thing i'm saying i think their mind was in the right place i think they wanted to make something better than what existed the v12 if you guys don't know v12 is like this finish that they really toaded it was going to be like the the best finish ever because it had all the properties of like nitrous lacquer but it was the you know it was it was good like polyurethane in other words it lasted and stuff um and um and uh you know they tried it maybe it didn't work so they went to some people like you guys are like milky yeah it's milky like you see it it looks like it gets milky like a film because it's lifted off the finish there's there's nothing there's nothing in between the the wood and the actual hard finish so that's why they did it my biggest concern was how they would feel and i own now uh i own i want to say three definitely two two prs with the nitro finish and then the other pierces have the older finish and i don't really notice much of a difference i think i like the nitro feel a little bit more feels a little nicer but i don't notice enough like i said it's not a big deal uh for me i don't notice it um what we won't know is that you know obviously like i said the nitro colors will change over time so they'll have the same effect as like old gibson stuff were um i think i mentioned this i have a blue purse that has nitro and i'm like i'm sure it'll green a little bit over time and i'm sure that pink one will um something fell i think the green the pink one will also like yellow and become more of a peach uh like a salmon color which is what i was kind of anticipating what i was curious about um bradley says hey phil i've become really good at soldering and i wanted to dive into making custom wiring harnesses to make a little extra money good idea or am i just nuts also how well do you think they would sell so when it comes to the harnesses like uh 920d customs does that i think the harness concept always appeals to people uh because the electronics themselves are very cheap you know three potentiometers let's say you're gonna wire up a strap pick guard three potentiometers and a five-way switch it's not a very expensive amount of you know not expensive components and you know when you see them go they go for top dollar the problem though is one you have to build a market because those guys are already in that market two um the other problem i have is that's a volume game again you have to have volume so you're going to find if you sell 20 you're going to be like well okay i think i made 250 bucks and that's going to be that's good but it's not you know you have to do a lot of volume and and to do volume you have to tap into a market like i said i've said this before and i'll say it again the most expensive thing besides r d sometimes but r d you know even is not as expensive the most expensive thing um and i'm trying to be accurate because i i'll say okay let's break it down so i just don't say a blanket statement the most expensive thing actually is probably your employee resources after that it's probably marketing marketing is a huge expense i don't care how big or small you are even with the internet even with instagram and access to to doing that stuff it's customer acquisition costs can get really expensive so it's it's the it's the tough part you know like i said you can make all this great stuff but then you have to let people know you make it and what happens is you can now you can tap into the internet and even if you get lucky on your own and you get a viral video and people buy a bunch of your harnesses the problem is that will die down and then you have to do it again you have to constantly be in people's face um it's why it's why manufacturers if there's one thing you should pay attention to in this and every industry but this industry because we like say we just talk guitars is there's a reason why every manufacturer keeps coming up with gear uh new gear new gear new gear it's because if you're not creating a new gear you're you're dying i mean it's just the sad thing even if that new gear is just the old gear coming back it's nostalgia if you notice the a lot of companies like gibson they tap into nostalgia all they can look we brought back this old thing you know and but it's constantly you've got to be you've got to be in the face of of the guitar players of the of the customers it's a tough thing i'm not trying to discourage you i just want you to understand what you have to you have to deal with um if you want to do it for fun and make a little side cash do it man it's not a huge investment it's a it's a very cheap barrier to entry obviously you could probably go to any online facility and buy a couple hundred dollars with those components wire them all up you know in your free time sell them off and and you'll come out ahead and you'll be fine that i don't i don't discourage at all i think uh you know essentially that's a reverb would become your etsy when it comes to stuff you could put that on reverb and you'd be okay but um but making a living at it it's i just want you to be aware it's not actually how you wire up the stuff it's just that stuff because it's so readily available everywhere you have to beat the people who are marketing like crazy um b-r-m-r from her says thanks i had i had the charvel with the low e that wouldn't intonate i did what you said started over at 25 and a half and it's perfect life is uh life is for learning yeah i i used to have the reason i tell you guys that uh that over and over again like when i did that intonation video and i just said get out your measuring tape measure it to 25 and a half or whatever the scale of the guitar is put it there it and then if you go you know further back and you're like well it's going it's getting sharper and sharper and now it's too sharp and there's no more room or it's you know flatter and flatter and there's no more room and i always say start from again the reason i say that and i should be clear maybe i should have put that in the video is you know how many times somebody would try to intimate their guitar and bring it into the shop for me to work on it and they're like yeah i just can't intonate this and they leave and i i do exactly that and then i it's intonated and they come back and i go it's done and they go how much is that and you know you know you hate to go oh it's 75 sometimes we do like i said a bench fee i go it's a bench fee i think i think the bench fee was 15 and then went to 25 but um i don't have a binge fee anymore so um but the bench fee was like you know 25 bucks and i always felt bad um as you do sometimes because you're charging people you know uh because it's your time it's gotta be worth something but deep down you're like man that was nothing just a couple little this so that's why i tell you guys um just go back start and do it over again and it most the time it'll find its spot it's just weird how when you miss it it's like your tuner goes crazy like i said slow and steady wins the race when it comes to that so i'm glad br mr that it worked out for you man i really really am glad like i said if i always think about this like if my videos like you know my videos whether they're review videos or how-to videos if they could save you some money from buying the wrong thing or save you from you know doing you know paying for repairs put money back in your pocket uh that's the coolest damn thing ever i don't want anything after that that's just the coolest thing ever because that's not something i can tell you to be honest not something i intentionally when i start out making youtube videos go i'm gonna save people money but that's something that i i must inherently must have been thinking about because it was something i cared about so i would talk about that and of course show you guys stuff and and uh you know i i just i think that's the best thing you can do for somebody in this modern world on on platforms like youtube and instagram and facebook and stuff is share a little knowledge that might help somebody financially or timewise i mean i love it and the reason i say that is because i'm constantly saving money all the time on youtube when it comes to like you know i just recently had this happen to me this is funny um we uh what do we do we had the landscapers do something and we were outside talking to landscapers and my wife and i noticed there was a bunch of spider webs around the house little ones outside and so my mic goes oh we're getting spider webs it must be time to have the house sprayed and so so she called the pesticide guy and the last time they came out i think it was 75 to spray the house and she and they go well we've changed the rates and she goes okay what is it she they go it's 205. she's like what and she they go yeah it's now it's 205 dollars and um i know what you're thinking like i can spray the outside of the house myself i did but what was great was i went to lowe's i bought the uh because i go to lowe's just so you know because lowe's gives a military discount so those of you who are in the military if you go to you can sign up and get 10 off everything and uh and i don't know if home depot is doing it again but they stopped so i'm just sharing that with you but anyways um instead of just going to lowe's and buying the spray thing and walking around my house spraying everything i thought well what what if what if these people that i pay know what they're doing so i watched some videos on how to spray and what to look for and it actually worked out great i know i'm getting off subject but this is great because not only did i spray the perimeter of the house i actually went and bought sealant and stuff in a caulking gun because i learned like how i need to seal up like the old guy the still pesky i wasn't even doing it right technically because one of the things that i watched on this video that these guys were showing that i thought was cool was like sealing in like where i live we have scorpions and stuff and they like to live wherever they can so sealing in little spots and stuff um so yeah so i just thought i'd share that so that was a great experience and the reason i share that is that's when i had a moment like i go i wonder if that's how it feels when people like watch one of my videos and go i just intonated this and i don't have to pay 75 bucks i took my wife and kids to dinner with the money i saved on that by the way i was very very cocky about it and i mentioned it 17 times maybe 117 times according to them during the dinner i say you and gian enjoying the dinner and they said yeah it's cause i earned it with the money i saved on the pesticide guy i was very obnoxious by the way ben says lowe's doesn't offer that discount in canada that sucks well you know what i don't think they did for a long time here um uh so you just kind of got to mention it to them the uh in fact i think the reason they do it here is because lowe's because home depot used to and then they stopped i could be wrong but i remember i used to get a discount at home depot and then they one day i went in and they go i think it was only active party which is fine but you know it's like you know actually what i said was i go instead of taking away the 10 for veterans why don't you give veterans like 5 and just give active 10 that seems more fair right it seems fair and instead of getting rid of it but okay what's funny is look at i knew when i said scorpions you guys would go scorpions and make scorpion comments you know it's funny i actually have my scorpion flashlight here um if this is a black light you guys call these black lights here in arizona you can go into the hardware store these are scorpion lights it's just a black light but this is how we find scorpions at night they glow if you don't know that it's absolutely true um so you know and you can walk around and uh not everywhere i you don't see them very often where i live but you do see them and like i said we had landscaping do a lot of a lot of work and when landscapers come and mess with your house or your neighbors get landscaping here it is very important that you do perimeter checks because they've disturbed everything and the scorpions will come out and they're little and they glow at night and otherwise you pretty much can't see them because they're so freaking small and they're somewhat dangerous don't talk to me says it's good for finding cat and dog pee you know i find that grosser than looking for scorpions okay uh vim69 says happy friday ordered a geeky stuffed shirt when i when i see the new hats thanks for the great work um okay so i have the prototype hat and i loved it i signed off on it so she's making them now or having them made now very excited for those of us caught that there was a geeky shirt the geeky shirt uh shirt i only put it i what happened was that was a patron only shirt and then what was one of the six patreon only shirts and then that she offered up and then i wanted one so i ordered one and then i had the video and i thought when i was editing it i should probably not just wear it in the video if i'm not gonna make it available so i think it's a so you know i'm not for sure but i think i'm just gonna leave that limited for a little while if you guys want the geeky stuff shirts so if you're interested in it you might want to get one because i don't think i'm going to keep it long-term don't freak out i don't mean like the next couple days but i don't think i'll see it in a month or two maybe maybe we'll do it for like a month so in fact i'll tell you what until until four more episodes from today and then i'll take it offline chris says hey phil thanks for all the kesel videos i felt comfortable ordering uh one from them after watching and they nailed my two builds that's awesome you know like i said i i really wanted to do that i'm trying to do another one like that i i definitely want to thank john again for for orchestrating that um because again um a lot of times and i think i've uh i've talked about this before but a lot of times a lot of comments in the videos are like yeah but you're a youtuber and they knew they were sending it to you and i i will i'm telling you guys i swear on a stack of bibles like 7 out of 10 times the companies don't care the majority of what i deal with if you watch my videos is like oh there's a spot here or this is this is what's wrong with the guitar and it's not because they missed it they didn't even look most companies don't care they just you know you can understand i don't deal you don't deal with um most of the time i'm not even dealing with the company i'm dealing with a marketing person who's subcontracted by that company and it's as simple as that they're like get me 10 youtubers and they just go out and they go what's your rate and how and what do you want and and if you're and if you say we call them box tickers because they're just ticking boxes all day they go okay i got myself 12 youtubers and this is the rates they all wanted or this is the gear they wanted or whatever it is they want and they send them out and um and i can tell you right now with almost all the inexpensive companies like ert um and those kind of inexpensive companies all of them ship straight from amazon to the youtubers in most the cases in all of my cases all of that stuff has come straight amazon to me so obviously they didn't have any effect on the guitar i tell you all that to tell you that if i the only companies that i've ever experienced where i was somewhat aware in other words they didn't say to me this is what was happening but i was somewhat aware of it is kiesel and ibanez both keba kesel keeble both kiesel and ibanez when i receive my guitars um well first of all i can i it's like like the white glove treatment like i feel like they took an extra step to make sure it was right because it was an artist and they that's how they refer to youtubers as artists they don't treat us any different than if they're sending it to an artist there's like okay there's somebody they're working with and like let's send out a guitar and and um and so you know and when i order a kiesel guitar i think i've told you this and if not i'm telling you right now keysel no matter what i do if i was just to blindly order guitar and they see my name if i was order guitar right now with you guys online i guarantee you on monday when they somebody sees my name they'll flag it and send it to somebody like like brandon and they'll reach out to me immediately and go i feel i saw you ordered a guitar and they will go okay well you know we can expedite that for you because you know they know i'm going to make a video they know that's going to benefit them so why i say that is although i understand the concern that the companies are rigging the game by sending out perfect guitars i'm honestly telling you most of them are definitely if anything they're they're sending us b stocks i get more b-stock stuff than i've ever gotten anything else from most companies some of you guys always go what i don't understand it it's absolutely true i tell you right now i get a b stock stuff all the time so i don't really worry about that that stuff doesn't concern me but when it is something where i like i said i'm very aware of the fact that they did make sure it was right before it got to me that's why on kiesel when john said hey it would really be cool if you could review a viewer's guitar and they didn't know it was going to you and i was like i love that idea and um and so you know so far so good i was a little nervous um uh because i did clickbait the crap out of that title now remember when i say that's actually not true too so i don't know if you guys know this i think i've told you before i don't actually do the thumbnails and the titles anymore i stopped doing that months ago so i don't do that stuff anymore however i do kind of approve them if they're crazy and the one was was it was it uh does keysel send rig guitars or something to youtubers and i was like oh my god and then he was like that's the title i'm going to put on this video for you and i'm like all right you know because i trust him and uh because he has gotten the views up fro from since he took over and i was like all right but i go oh they're going to be so pissed [Laughter] and it's so far so good i don't think they're upset and so but it the ultimately like i said what i think about is i work for the audience and that's where the money comes from that's where the the love comes from that's where the 108 sorry 1183 people come from hanging out this friday so essentially how i figure is if the companies are unhappy and you're happy they'll still come because they want access to you where if you're unhappy and the companies are happy unhappy wait you know what i mean if you're unhappy and the companies are happy you won't come and then the companies won't care because they really want access to you because let's be very clear the one thing that i the one one thing i noticed is i i had a keisel video once i don't which one but somebody put a comment to like easel sends guitars to untalented instagram uh chicks i remember the word chicks and i didn't respond to it but i reason bring it up now is i remember laughing like out loud chuckling going man this guy doesn't understand like they're not sending it to a untalented chick they're sending it to someone who has a big audience and that's because they want access to their audience and the reason i laughed was i was thinking i hope that guy's like a a carpenter or a cop or somebody who makes a living outside this industry because if he's an artist he's never going to do well if he doesn't understand that no one's ever going to care if he doesn't if he doesn't make music or make some kind of entertainment that reaches some kind of audience that's essentially the goal it has to have some kind of reach you have to have some kind of loyalty from your audience to have success you don't have to have a big one you just have to have that you have to have an audience so um so anyways that's my whole way of saying thank you for telling me one that you had a good experience buying your guitars but also thank you for confirming that it worked because i'll continue to do stuff like that it's uh it's really scary i'm sure i'm sure as you can imagine i'm john's a great guy but i'm sure he was biting his nails a little bit you know sending me a 4 000 guitar and waiting for it to come back it's back to him now and he's happy and i just want to let you know he's everything's good but i'm sure he's he played it off perfectly he never said anything but in my head i was like if i was him i'd be like huh [Laughter] so i'm glad he did that for he gets the credit in other words he gets the credit um devin says i bought a sterling cutlass new forward bow was so bad that it couldn't be fixed with a truss rod same thing with the used one uh i exchanged uh four it was frustrating so interesting i mean it's possible i mean it's possible i i told you guys one thing that's tough right now is since the covid since the guitar boom slash uh you know covert problems i have seen more problematic guitars than i've ever seen things are going to slip through the cracks um that's why it's important more important ever that you're buying from trusted retailers you're buying from trusted sellers whether it's used or new um because of that a lot of you guys are i understand your your issue um but there's gonna it's consistent in other words i can i know this because i'll watch a video i'll make a video just looking at my videos i make a video and it's like purest and somebody goes i got a bad pure ass and it sucks i'm like okay and i make a keys will be like i got a bad keyline it sucks i'm like okay and then i make a you know a siren like i got a bad sire and it sucked and i'm like okay well i haven't seen a video where i haven't seen that you know what i mean uh you could say well you might see it more than others but really i see it pretty consistent across the board the only time i don't see a whole lot of comments like that is when the guitars are it's not only extremely expensive but extremely rare because they're just not making a whole lot so there's a lot of time that they can make sure it's right and i don't mean expensive mass-produced hybrid mass-produced like high-end fenders and stuff i'm talking about like literally literally boutiquey instruments but but uh yeah so what i'm not shocked to hear that by the way um i i think overall the guitars are great i you know you see it on the channel when i review stuff i mean everything from fret sprout to all kinds of issues i've come across everything um and i try to make it a point in all these videos now always before too to find something wrong just to give reference you know i mean i don't make anything up but i don't really get too like kind of like picky because i don't want to be too you know over the top on it but yeah and so basically what i'm trying to say is i can find something every time so if i can find something every time then i'm sure you guys are going to find something as well so uh john says he's actually had good luck with epiphone see and that's here's what's great john i that's why i like doing multiple guitars over and over i did two epiphones in the last 12 months and i had one had fret spot really bad and the other one was perfect and that's why i like having videos where exactly like that you know it's does that mean what 50 50 no doesn't mean anything just mean one came in a little i'm good and one came in a little not as good it's just a it's really that's why i spend more time showing you guys what the fixes would be for it because sometimes you have to fix it but i think if you get a new guitar and it's not right you definitely should be able to return it and get something better chad says have you ever found prs s2 guitars to sound like a bit dark yeah well the pickups i think uh in the neck is a little dark and the bridge is a little bright i purchased this too and i love the fit and finish and i hated the pickups it's by design those pickups are gonna have that sound sure so i replaced it with some duncan's more dynamic but still dark depends on what duncan's you might have stuck the exact same pickups in there look when it comes to pickups this is a a crazy area in which why i have so much pickups and have so much research here's what i've come to the conclusion when it comes to pickups it's the least thing we talk about it's the least thing that people educate themselves and it's the most important thing to your sound when it comes to what your guitar is doing for your electric guitar and what i can tell you is and this is the best analogy i have for it so many players are yanking out a pickup and replacing a pickup and the historic the analogy would be it's like you're going i hate this tube screamer so you take your tube screamer off from ibanez and you put on another tube screamer for another brand that's made the same way and you go ah this one isn't much better it must be my pedal board right i'm not making fun of you by any means i'm just i underst i want you to understand the logic so that's why if you notice i'm talking about pickups more in the videos talking about the anatomy of pickups talking about the the magnets on them um you know talking about maybe some of the factors in there um i'm trying to find the right way to give that information if you notice i was like let's talk about eq curves i was like okay when we talk about the you know um the henry's maybe we'll talk about you know what is it that we need to talk about that makes you understand i i don't think i'm there yet i think we're getting there because it's it's not so much a dumb down thing or a make it techy thing it's more of a it's more of a how do you understand the anatomy of a pickup in the concept of this is a type of pickup that produces this kind of tone and this is the kind of pickup that produces a different kind of tone and brands are irrelevant because the brands again seymour duncan and dimarzio and bare knuckle all make an identical pickup buy spec by design they have one in i mean they have tons but i'm telling you i can take one of pickups from each one of those brands and i can guarantee you that by specifications it's almost identical in the way it's designed so if you go okay i'm not going to do a scene we're done i'm going to do to marzio you might be buying the same exact pickup so you have to get away from what they're doing my guess is with with the um like for instance if i was going to suggest to you a pickup for your s2 would be the actual pithorn thornbuckers they're expensive you don't have to buy them you just have to find the pickups that are like them that are not as expensive and i could probably tell you which one of those are if i go look but the thornbuckers are bright and shiny and if the the guitar is not forgiving in other words it's bright and chimey it's going to be a very unpleasant sound with the thornbuckers but if you have a warmer guitar a warmer sound it's resonating kind of warm i don't even know what i'm saying but you understand what i'm saying um that it's that it's like you said the guitar feels it sounds dark to you no matter what pickups you're putting into it i would think those pickups would fix it because again they're going to be brighter and and i can tell you a again it's a little piece of information sometimes can be helpful and hurtful at the same time what i can tell you when it comes to pickups is think of single coils and how bright they are and and part of that is the field in other words how much spread they have because there's just one pickup so obviously humbucker has a bigger field in which you know a bigger area that it can kind of basically detect the string i'm just going to say it like that um and so obviously being narrower uh it might be brighter because where it's located but a big part of a single coil's pickup and why it's so bright is because again it's not very powerful and that's essentially what a low amount of wines of wire lower amount of resistance will do for you especially using like an el nico 5 magnet which is a little more powerful magnet than you know another al nico 2 or nico 4. and um and here's why that's important i can't guarantee this i'm just going to tell you as a generic if you follow this you'll go down the right road you can go to really lighter output humbuckers that are really light you know they have a lighter like like i said this humbuckers that have more of a single coil tone to them will be brighter and do what you want so now on the extreme if you go to really high output pickups like super distortions and x2 ends and invaders they will get bright again as well but they will have a more mid bright tone they will punch a little bit more where and and actually have more of an ice pickiness to them that's could be good it sounds bad when i say ice picky but sometimes you want that you want the highest to really kind of poke out of the amp um but that's what i would that's what i would think that would send you down the road but i would definitely think about thornbuckers in the guitar if you can and then if you can't get thornbuckers and you have seymour duncan's uh you can probably look on seymour duncan's website and find the equivalent to thornbuckers they have the specifications there it's pretty should be easy to figure out what it is uh lidvace says i love the new geeky stuff t-shirt was a nice touch question how do you nicely fix edge tear out on an unfished unfinished body the only hope to only oil it okay hope only hope to oil only hope i only hope to only oil it eventually um so you're talking about when you're you're doing you're routing a body and you had tear out and you took a chunk out of it uh i mean it depends if you're gonna paint it if you're gonna stain it what are you gonna do i mean you can use filler and then you can sand it and then you can paint it if you're staining it i mean you could still use filler you're just going to have to stain darker on the side a lot of times you know they'll use bursts to kind of hide stuff like that i think that's the way i'm understanding your question if i'm i'm not livvy i apologize but that's what i think is happening um but yeah if when you're telling me you have an unfinished body and you have tear out which is like a chunk got taken out probably from when you were routing it um i would say you could use wood filler on it and then stain it and then paint it and hide it that would be that's how i would imagine doing again i'm not a finished person so that's finished work kind of stuff but the people who do finish work that's what i've kind of seen them do tom says hey phil would you guess what would you guess it's tube oh okay so he wants to know if my guess is it's a tube or a potentiometer problem for a scratchy silent spot on a power soak hmm um i have no idea scratchy silence spot sounds like a potentiometer to me tyson says hey uh love my 78 music man 65 first tube amp just today learned that channel that the channel one channel two jump for full range sound scope have i tried this no you know what i've very rarely ever played music man amps they're one of those amps like you walk in a music store every once in a while and they have ones in there and you you definitely dive on it because you're like i haven't seen that you plug in and you try it i don't think i've played a music man ever in my life more than five minutes or so just checking it out um so i mean i'm not really familiar with them in that way um so that's that's basically it they're definitely an amp i'd love to become more uh more involved with and try more but like i said you just see them rarely and when you do see them you plug in and try them and i've always liked them i just never felt like oh i got to buy this right now i always like i always feel like they're good i'm trying not to sneeze by the ways guys so don't you love that feeling the feeling of trying not to sneeze thank you reuben for the super chat grumpy my guitar said what happened he says it's getting hot in arizona uh you know for you guys it may be hot for us it's 90s we hit 100 a couple times make sure the ac is working in the dump truck yeah if you guys didn't follow on instagram or facebook you guys i've seen jeff a viewer jeff sent me this amazing shirt i'll be showing it on the show i just had brian's shirt and i wanted i got his first so i thought okay first in uh you know first on the show um i'll be showing it probably next week you'll see we'll share it oh you know what that brings up another subject i didn't talk about um i was on hold on a second again i apologize for this let me go because i want to share it with you two things because i didn't get a chance to share this with you let me move this over go to web so um so you guys know i'll put a link i was on grade 43 podcast the grade 43 podcast i don't think it's called the grade i think it's just grade 43. i was on this podcast i was invited to go on uh lovely podcast lovely uh lovely uh gentlemen on there hold on let me go back because i'm jumping around and um i didn't give a shout out because um they did they put it out last week and then i got caught up in something we were talking about and i didn't talk about it but i want to let you guys know that i was i was on there i will put a link if you want to see it now and stop watching this podcast you can go right to my know your gear facebook page and click the link and go listen to it but what was interesting was it was a definitely different subject matter that we normally talk about it was not the normal stuff they had different questions for me that i really didn't really ever been asked before it was a lot of stuff i just wasn't uh like i said it was it definitely i didn't i wasn't used to that so it was great actually i listened to it and i could say it was one of the first times i listened to a podcast like oh i was really enjoyable even though it was me so i just thought i'd give a shout out and let you guys know that exists and it was fantastic so like i said when i index this show i'll put a timestamp to it um but also i'll share that shirt with you next week and i'll make sure my ac is working okay um we have brad guitar miller says hey happy friday any news going to texas toast did you try the beer i have the texas toast beer that's after the rush beer if you guys remember we did this a couple drinks and then i got covered and then i just didn't feel like doing it for a few i don't say actually probably a month or so i just didn't feel like doing it i don't want to drink anything on the show i was really just trying to fight to keep my voice for most the show and um uh so i'll have the texas toast beer next it will be the next beer i do after this rush beer and um and then going to texas toast i haven't talked to those guys recently but uh you know alex said i'm still up to go there especially when it's not snowing rusty shackleford says i'm high phil he says i'm looking at uh for a single guitar with a 25 and three quarter scale length that doesn't have a thick neck and isn't a gibson any recommendations uh yeah i would uh go with the sire uh uh l7 i love that guitar that was the guitar i reviewed it and i bought it to review it and then we flipped it because that's you know because that's how it works and when i buy stuff for the videos it's you know flip it so we can get something else to get out on the channel um but that was one of the few that i was like uh i don't know should i keep this one and yeah i have to be very strict about that stuff with myself because obviously if i start keeping too many of them i don't have the money to flip you know when i sell i don't have the money flip it back in the channel and that's kind of the smartest business decision so to speak decision so um that's the one i would recommend i like that l7 a lot planet what planet salinca silinki planet solinki he says he wants me accept his super chat and in return just announced that the dod fx17 is the best wah pedal man that's an old like is that the one i'm thinking of that's like here i'll share with you guys is that the one i'm i'm pretty sure that that is my first wall pedal because i remember being so distraught when i got it yep it was this is my first wah pedal let me share i'm gonna share with you guys right now this is it this is the dod fx oh that's a 17. same one 17 wall this was my very first wall it was a great wall it sounded probably as good as any other wall i don't even remember i just remember being so distraught because it was the only thing i could afford and i really wanted a wall pedal and it didn't look like a wah pedal it looked like a gas pedal from a 1957 truck and i was like oh this is not a cool wah pedal and uh but uh i remember it was great i remember liking it so that's uh i just remember like that being upset as a kid going how come it's not cool looking like kendrick's wall or visewall i wanted to morally or a cry baby didn't have that kind of money at all uh not even close uh the dod fx17 and it was that perfect timing where gear like that was just not you know no one wanted anything that wasn't look that didn't look vintage because the grunge thing was huge so you know i walked in the store and you could pick that up for a song and i was like all right and i but i used it for years loved it um okay this is from local dry cleaner interesting he says thanks for all you do phil you ever think about how strange our acoustic ah audio adjectives are okay i know you're going for this uh describing tones as dark bright thick um shouldn't make sense but it somehow works i agree um really what it is technically we should be talking of course in you know like this is troublely this is bassy this has more you know mid-range uh broader mid-range this has um think of this when we say ice picky it doesn't make sense because what does ice pick you know you think about an ice pick chipping on things and you think okay that's the sound but it is funny how we do that uh and i think it's because and i've always said this i think it's because our ears and our tongue in my opinion our ears and our tongue work the same way i know i'm gonna get for this okay so uh excuse my language but i just know it this is like how i like to say this my your ears and your tongue work the same way in the idea that the things that you think taste good or taste bad and the things you think the things you think sound good or sound bad really have to do with just how you grew up and what you ate and what you listen to for instance i like this story this using this story if if you and i the audience apparently the whole audience and i went to an italian dinner tonight and had a meal we had spaghetti and meatballs and you guys said oh i don't like this it's too sweet and i went oh i don't like it it's too you know it's too salty um that probably has little to do with the quality of the food it has to do with how we were brought up eating that type of food which is why people have different tastes around the world you're brought up eating different things in that history of that i i like to call that mom's cooking you grow up on your mom's cooking or maybe your dad's cooking but i call it mom's cooking you grow up on your mom's cooking and therefore the first time you start going away from home and eating places everything is benchmarked off mom's cooking like whether and that's even if your mom cooked bad it doesn't matter if you cook well or bad the same thing with yeah somebody's saying spicy same thing so essentially your taste bugs are a memory right you're tasting something and then you're like comparing it to some your the history of all the things you've tasted before that and that tells you if it's good or it's bad so that's a perfect example of that i don't think your ears are much different i think your ears go off that history concept in other words you hear a guitar tone you hear a band and it sounds like this thing you know or it just like your tongue maybe it found you at the right age when it was the thing that was the first experience of that and it was just the most powerful experience you've ever had and then therefore that's where it's rated off of forever um and so the reason i say this to you to your statement uh the dry cleaner local dry cleaner is that um i think that's why we're allowed as a community because obviously we all do it it's rampant throughout obviously everywhere it doesn't have to do with the internet it's everywhere that we use like this is dark oh look at this chocolatey tone look at this creamy tone look at this you know we don't use salty too much though isn't it funny don't go oh man that amp's so salty um but what's funny is is that we use those terms because i think the we the way we use taste bugs and our hearing is essentially the same same way just my two cents i'm sure some of you will go what the hell was that about but that's essentially it it's a that's how i that's how i think it works and that's why i think we're allowed to do it uh johnny says your first marshall is the best yeah and milky tone yeah you can go crazy with all the terms everybody uses so okay um fernando says hey phil what do you think about duesenberg guitars i've tried a few the ones i tried were really nice i've never officially reviewed one on the channel that'd be one i'd like to review and get and do a deep dive on it i really like to get into the guitars like that when i find when i do those type of videos when i do a review videos i get to play stuff but all all the deep dive like i said is is is the same video i was doing before but formatted in a way where the information is coming in the same order in the same way so you're you know where it's you know comparable to the other guitars i've done but also for me it's a little bit more of what i was doing off camera on camera i was testing things and then giving you my my feelings on it now i'm kind of showing you why you know how i'm testing things so that's that's all but for me that's why i like reviewing a guitar because i find sometimes you know i can tell right now reviewing guitar is the ultimate way to get to know it for me i could play guitar for a year and not know it as well as if i dive into it really check it out and try all the different ways because you're you're only not just testing it you're looking for things that are good and bad about it and it's it's really insightful still rude says thanks for the wait thanks for completing my transformation to middle age dad by getting me to spend friday nights here that's cool there's nothing wrong with being a dad middle-aged dad an old age dad a young age dad looking to get my amp oh looking to get an amp for pedals i play indie shoe gaze is it an effects loop needed any amp recommendations uh you don't need an effects loop it is nice to have if you are want to run you know your delay and reverb and other type effects in the effects loop if you're going to use the amps overdrive i'm about to review an amp that i really really like uh and when i say about two it's about to release it it'll be this weekend and uh i i think it's a really cool idea it's the cheapest pedal platform amp on the market is what they're kind of going after really cool idea i was really shocked actually really shocked about it um so that might be something to consider but essentially when you're thinking about pedal lamps or an amp for your pedals essentially all you're looking for is like i i like i use a princeton vendor princeton with a 110 or you can use a 112 fender or you can use a little marshall dsl there's so many platforms it's just pick a price and then find the amp that fits that price is probably the best way to do it for most people you know because it's i mean all you need is a good clean platform to run the pedals through doug says hey phil you heard anything more about the sedgt from prs thinks uh i have not but like i said last i'd i'd heard obviously they were working out of the production in indonesia for the se model and i would imagine uh based on how long it took from the time they did production on the john mayer silver skysc to the point where it landed like i said i picture it to be late in the year i would really be shocked it's possible that they release it next month in june there's a lot of products coming out in june a lot considering you know today's day and age um i i am would be really shocked if it came out in june uh i'm i would think that it would probably come out in september or next year if it doesn't come out by september september it's definitely going to be next year's launch i don't think they'll do it right at christmas but you never know but i got definitely the impression it was a fourth quarter or a next year product and it was that was loosely i can tell you like was it music man's got the new eight string coming out ibanez has got some new guitars but more they got another a signature guitar version of a signature guitar coming out that's gonna be cool um there's a new mini head see the friedman mini head right there some of you guys know because you guys seen the leak uh i can't unfortunately leak it to you because that's part of the stipulation and send it to me ahead of time uh the new one is right there [Music] and you can't see it i can't show it to you uh so but i can tell you uh because this is kind of funny and you'll put in the comments i'm fine but i'm not going to verify it i can tell you two things this new the new mini head comes out june 2nd so get your wallets ready and it is one of the amps let me get out of the way it is one of the amps that is behind me it is it's one of those any of those any of those amps pick one of these amps behind me and that's a small version of that i think that's vague enough considering it's coming out in a week or so okay john doe says recently purchased a 94 95 fender made in japan photo flame tele love it by the way i got weird jumpiness when trying to tune it uh the high e and b strings only any ideas sometimes uh yeah the jumpiness is caused by one of three things you're gonna have to decipher which one of the three things i can just tell you what's cause what what the three things are it could be your tuner if you're using a really crappy tuner that is not very accurate what happens is it it's sensing something and then it jumps because it's just not very good that happens that's not likely because most likely it's it's pretty hard to buy a crappy tuner in today's day and age i mean even 10 ones from amazon are going to be more than adequate to do what what you need to do it could be the nut something's sticking in the nut and then it's jumping that is very common uh usually you can tell if it's the nut you'll hear what i call the ting it's almost like somebody plucked the string very lightly and it just goes really high um that's possible and of course it could be the tuning keys tuning keys slipping and i've said this before what i would do is obviously make sure your tuner is correct so you that's easy to tell if you have another guitar that's going to be super easy tune into the guitar with your tuner it's not doing that you know it's not the tuner the nut i would do first listen for those sounds but even if you don't hear those you can get some lubricate you can use a pencil lead um just put something that will make the the slots and the nuts slick and that will help a lot by far and then if you do that and it's still doing that the other thing you can do is pick one your er the b string just pick one and take that tuner out and put it in a different spot and put a different tuner there and tuning key and uh if it problem follows the tuning key then you know it's the tuning key those are the three things in the order i would do them because it's going to be simplest to hardest and that should solve your problem greg says hey phil skunk stripe protruding on my fender p bass is an easy fix do it yourself repair yes i personally think uh if you if you have whether you have a uh a polyurethane or if you have lacquer or if you have no finish whatever your finish is uh on your neck or no finish i would just use um you can use if you don't want to use steel wool like triple odd or uh steel wool or something like that you can use 3m pads uh that are pretty pretty you can google it uh i don't i have them downstairs in the shop i always tell me someone have one in case this question comes up upstairs they make white 3m pads that are basically they look like scotch-brite pads but they're the same consistency as steel wool so if you don't want steel wool around your stuff you can use those as well you can also use 3m sheets which are just like microfiber cloths basically not microfiber sorry micro micro sanding things like uh sheets and um that's all it needs it's just a little bit of that the other thing you can do is actually put in a case and put a humidifier in it and see if that fixes it but my experience it's not going to fix it because what's really happened is it's lifted a little bit out of the maple and it's sticking out and you have a little bit of that bump but what's great about it is that bump is so small even though you can feel it because it's very sensitive because that's where your fingers are touching when you sand on a little bit it'll just gloss everything over and um it'll look great and then uh if i was doing it let me tell you how i would fix it i would probably just use the 3m sheet or some steel wool i would sand your neck up real nice real fast take 20 seconds uh and wait for the edges to kind of smooth out i don't feel them anymore and then i use a swirl remover you can you get that from meguiars or i use it from stu mac squirt some of that into a rag cloth microfiber uh a cloth meaning a cotton or flannel or a microfiber squirt some of that stuff in there and just rub it on there just to kind of buff out any of the little maybe micro little they're not gonna be scratches but there's gonna be a little bit of a haziness from where you've sanded it that fixes it it's an easy fix it's exactly what i would do and what i could tell you is this that's what i would do in your guitar if you brought it to me and you wouldn't be able to tell that's what i did to it you'd get it back and you're like oh you fixed it and i'm like yep that's what i would do so so that's what i suggest you do all that stuff on amazon collectively shouldn't cost you more than 10 15 bucks uh luciano says hey thinking about changing nut in a strat because of tuning problems is it true that graphtec tusk q-nuts sound different from bone or plastic yeah but how much different you know it's it's it's a it's a small percentage let me put it this way if would i here's a here's something i would say if i came over your house when you were sleeping took a bone nut off of one of your guitars and put a tusk nut on would i think in the morning you'd strum it and go what the hell just happened no i don't think you could have noticed it if you a b them could you notice it maybe maybe the bone would sound a little brighter ping's a little harder and the graphite would ping a little harder off than the bone mostly in the open positions and pretty much non-existent at all in the any of the fretted positions which is all of them but six so no it's not a huge deal what it is to me it's not really it's not really a difference between there's brass there's bone there's graftec graphite there's tusk which is uh tuscan new bone which kind of corian kind of materials there's melamine which is the plastics that are harder plastics there's all that stuff i think i prefer like i said i prefer certain ones that are harder because again the harder it is the less likely you're going to have to fix it later that's one of the benefits and the second thing is certain things certain materials i like working with because it's easier and faster and nicer and more consistent than others but essentially the tone chasing of that only thing i say is the the soft plastic stuff i don't think it sounds very good but even then it's not even a tone thing it's more of a just it's more of a tuning issue and it's more of a longevity issue the quality components last longer that's basically the biggest thing crimson crimson says hey phil any suggestions for a good funk pickup for a sterling stingray i don't know i have no idea that's uh i feel like i'm scratching my head on this um i don't know uh funk pickup no maybe the bartolini soap bar that fits in there would be pretty pretty nice because it's got some more mids and that would help snap a little harder maybe that i would probably go with that richard says you talk a lot about pickups and demo them separately as a neck and bridge and wait okay am i mistaken or do you put less focus on the middle position of the hh design well the middle position is the least used by guitar players without a doubt we know that just because i mean i've seen a thousand billion guitar players play guitar and that's not what the position they go to most of us aren't going to the middle position middle position we use for certain things but it's not the dominant position usually the bridge and the neck so yeah when i demo a pickup i'm going to go bridge neck and then middle and the middle is going to get some time but usually that's not even actually that's not even accurate at all i mean it's accurate but it's not the most accurate statement for when i demo a pickup or guitar when i do my guitar i try to focus on the thing that's the most unique about the guitar the most so sometimes you might notice like i play the bridge pickup for you know a while and sometimes you may notice i play the neck pickup for a while and they're not equal and it's because sometimes i if i'm playing a jazz guitar i might go okay well they're going to probably play the neck pickup more and if i'm playing a rock guitar i go well they're going to play the bridge pick up more so tend to try to lend it lean into the things i think you guys want to see the most because again i'm trying to give you the most information without spending an hour on the instrument on a video so you just have to do it what i can tell you is in almost all the cases the way i play the guitars it's almost all equal time and playing it's just what gets edited down it's also what i think conveys the message sometimes if you notice like i did it on the on the ps video the coil splits i came back through them like twice almost that's not normal in the videos but i was having trouble conveying all of the sonic properties they were delivering so i kind of wanted to hit a little a little harder thunder falcon thunder falcon says what was the name of the video where you put the metal zone against all those high-end petals i don't remember was that me that could have been me i have 800 something videos now um i did a video where i took a metal zone oh you know what you're probably thinking of i did the metal zone against um remember i did the middle zone against a 1300 pedal that was the video i did that's my cab m video i just got the new cabin plus sent to me right here this is the same if you guys remember that cabin got my like my product of the year uh the cabin plus is something new it's got a preamp in it and i'm working on a video right now with this thing that uh i'm very excited about um because i wanted to want to check that out and uh but that's the video you're looking for it's the cab m because it has those two pedals comparing them the convert says hey phil ever want to get a rickenbacker on the show ever want a rick bass for yourself question must be harder to come by have a great weekend um i don't want a rick bass because here's why as much as i love the way they sound they don't fit my st by playing style the way i play bass uh it's not the instrument i i like i'm really really really happy with jazz style basses i mean i have my warwick and that's definitely a different kind of feeling base but essentially it's jazz style basses are what i like and i just don't have a lot of uh need me personally for a a rickenbacker did i say warwick i meant rickenbacker uh but that's why if i was gonna do a rickbacker i would do a guitar on the channel because like i said that's something i i think is cool um but definitely the rickenbacker base as cool as it is and i love it as a base it's just not a base i would i would own because i don't play anything that would would uh my style this the problem i have is where i keep my hands on the base physically there's all this stuff on the rickenbacker that's in my way it's just physically hitting me you know it's my wrist just it's just not it's not the style base i i would use i just love them though but just not my style it's one of those there's a few instruments like that that are just i love them i wish i was you know i wish i played a style that would kind of align with them better but i don't cj wants us to know hey bud i have a get go godan godan session ht that i adore what are your thoughts on their guitars you know i always i always praise the godan stuff we always talk about getting some more of it on the channel i've only had one go down on the channel when i bought one obviously as you can imagine the issue is again there's only really three ways for a guitar to get on this channel i either buy one for myself which does happen um a company sends one out which is very helpful because i don't have to buy one and you guys request it um companies in my experience i mean they might work with some channels but godan does not work with any channels that i know of and so you know godan is a company like when i did a video about some of my favorite guitars i did a video about that and i mentioned godan and i did another video that where i highlighted godan and both of those videos ended up getting a lot of views over 100 000 views and godan actually reached out to me through facebook and we're like hey we love the videos love your channel i'm like cool uh you ever want to send anything out this is what i said you know that's why i said everyone's anything out and and they they don't do that or they weren't interested um so so stuff like that like i said you guys just got to mention it on the shows put it in the comments of the videos obviously patrons mention it and patrons get priority because obviously they're supporting the channel a lot financially so that stuff is but doesn't necessarily mean just because they're supporting channel they're the only voice i listen to i listen to everybody because keep in mind sometimes i can tell from when you guys are kind of talking about something if if i can buy it and then do a video and the video can make enough to where it makes sense to buy that you know i mean i'll do it so there's all kinds of ways i'll get a guitar on the channel um godan is definitely a guitar that i liked it on channel the the thing i had was actually a better question or not a better question another question somebody asked once that i didn't get a chance to answer was happened months ago when somebody said you always talk you know i always talk up goat ends but i don't really own any i talk up godans because i believe they're as high of quality as some of the highest in guitars on the market and more importantly i think they're as as good as some of my more expensive i don't say boutique but more expensive high instruments that i own that being said that's why i mentioned them to you because it's a lot easier to say hey look there's this really great guitar for 900 bucks or 800 dollars then there's this really great guitar for three thousand dollars however when you own the 3000 guitar there's no real desire for me to go okay i'm going to sell my 3 000 i want to get a godan i mean there's no there's nothing like i'm not missing anything so a lot of times when i mention brands um the sire guitar uh the the sire hollow body was like that i really like it i have a gibson es35 i liked it as much as my eso 35 if i didn't have the resources to buy that 335 or do the trading and stuff that i did to get it i would definitely have bought this the sire and that's why i really mention that stuff to you guys because again it's just like anything i've been you know i've been collecting stuff for a long time it builds up over time but that's why i like to highlight that stuff on the show because you can't just highlight everything that's like hey by the way if you've been playing guitar for 25 years and then you can trade up you can eventually get one of these expensive ones uh didn't godan get in a fight with godzilla probably landon says you have to be able to say go dan properly you know i don't think they care i you know what's funny it's uh it's uh if there was i did a video i did a video once and and i was gonna do a whole series i thought this was so ingenious i was so proud of myself i said let's everybody's always correcting everybody what they say and uh and uh i said i did a video where i went around the damn show and i asked companies how do they pronounce their names and what i learned from that video is there's no real definitive answer you'll never get an answer for for everyone who says go down somebody's going to say godan and for everyone says go in someone's going to say garden and there's just no way around this and people fight about it and then it just makes me chuckle the paiso piazzo piazzo thing always makes me laugh here's why i find that when it comes to piazzo i say piazzo that's the way i say it 90 of the time that it comes out of my mouth when i'm on a video i say piezo because dane zelinski was in a video and i watched once one day and he said piezo and i saw other guitar manufacturers say paiso so i go oh it's paiso because really people speak in their accents just whatever they are from wherever they are in the world their mouth shape sometimes changes the way they say words um and so i always kind of chuckle there's just no way around that but really what my favorite thing ever was uh my two favorite things that i always kind of laugh if you guys want a good ch chuckle um i say warwick and um and and some people i don't even know if what the right way to say is it is warwick or warwick or whatever you say here's what i know hans peter made me steaks at his house where i sat there in his very beautiful home in germany and he made me these amazing steaks and we drank beautiful german beer and he doesn't care how i say warwick and larry dimarzio i talk to him a few hours each week and he doesn't care how i say dimarzio and i always tell people and so you know for me oh god i couldn't tell you i'll say 60 of the people i know can't say my name right and so i always laugh so um and i know you're thinking mcknight that's not what i'm talking about philip is my name but everybody calls me philip like you will p instead of ip and i always thought what a pretentious dude should be like it's phillip two l's there's two ls and one it's philip i'm phillip so what's my point my point is no one really cares how anybody says anything except for some people so if you're the ones that care about stuff like that i you know what i enjoy your commentary so keep it up that's the one thing i can tell you you are entertaining in the idea that i think you have a point i just think a lot of people don't care michael says hey phil i got the tour servo and it's great on its own however i'm curious how would you use it in a typical signal chain at the front when i try the servo at either the end or the beginning of the pedal chain it seems to get bit lost well yeah it's going to do that that's what it's it's due it's there for when you're clean it's going to make your clean sound huge and then if you want it to boost you can use that boost switch it's two different things i think that's the way i kind of figured out that pedal for me personally i have two of them by the way and they're on both pedal boards and i almost can't play anymore without one uh it's it's almost like a crutch and to me it's i it's to me it's using it without the boost off switch it's just this fattening thing where it just makes your your tone sound fatter thicker and cleaner and have more top and sparkle kind of like a bb sonic maximizer and kind of like a compressor it's like doing those two things and then if you boost then you can you'll see it react to overdrive pedals and other otherwise yeah it'll just get lost because as soon as you that's what you love about it because think about this what i love about it is i'm playing with strat i'm using that to make the strat sound huge i hit the overdrive and it kind of goes away i don't want to step off of it and step on the overdrive i love the idea i step on the auto drive and it fades off in the into nowhere land because that's less things i have to kind of so i think it's working the way it should um if you wanted to be in the single chain as a boost you got to use that switch and you pretty much got to pull it to the to the most boost because now it's going to send more signal through that's the way i'm using it so you know i am not making it very far through this beer okay it's very good though barney wants to know boss katana base or ampeg rocket 210 ampeg rocket 210 but i have never tried the boss katana base i it might be good i i just know i like the ampeg rocket stuff i think they're really really good the ampeg rocket stuff i just had a uh my friend uh get get into bass and he sent me a text he's like what bass name should i get and i said oh the ampeg rocket stuff that they just came out with which is super awesome the 210's great the 110 is great the 1 8 is great the 112 great all super cheap i like the fender rumble stuff as well too i think i like the fender rocket stuff a little bit more i don't know it's not that it sounds better i just like some of the features and i definitely like the way it looks and it's about the same weight and about equal in quality so very cool but i have not tried the boss katana but i don't have a need for anything when it comes to bass i don't need anything besides just bass tone i don't need effects and stuff but i haven't tried the boss katana stuff at all so uh andrea says hey phil just wanted to say you are a huge inspiration and have helped me through hard times i think you for that that's that stuff is always a little powerful when you guys talk like that i always uh am humbled by that because it's uh one of those like okay thank you i'm glad i'm glad hanging out is good and good entertainment i hope you guys enjoy it i enjoy it as well and then hold on i wanted to say the last super chat is alif sure it's olive i'm gonna do it backwards alif uh uh josh smith uh did a super uh super sticker i like to look at these by the way keep it up oh and it's a bird saying keep it up you think they make these things bigger i have a huge screening for me it's massive this like thing is like tiny um alif says guitar brands that have action less than one millimeter at the 12 fret it's not a brand it's what it is this when it comes to action which is why i like to cover in each guitar that i review is they have to have to get low action you have to have great fret work so the brands that do the best fret work fretwork can potentially have the lowest action in my experience it's not even brands it's different models in those brands have the best friend work so now the good news is if you want one millimeter action if you want super low action um it can be done on a squire on a hundred dollars wire as long as the fret work is done right not every squire but it can be done like i said i did a video where i had sweetwater placa squire and that thing was fantastic and like i said it worked forever um i don't know who has it now i sold it to zims and i don't think he would want to sell it for a while i think he had it in store forever because he wanted to show it to people because i i showed it to him and he's like this is crazy i kept it for like eight nine months it was really cool if i needed another strat i would definitely kept it i just kind of decided at one point i was like okay either i flip this and get it something else on the channel or i'm gonna shove new pickups a new bridge and do all this stuff in it you know and then i was like oh that'd be cool and then i go well i have other stuff to do so okay hold on i'm not old i'm venice says my action on my 12 string is almost 4 millimeters i'm taking it to tech yeah 12 strings men they're a nightmare and here's some bad news 12 strings this is why it's important that they're they're made well some really bad 12 strings can't even be tuned to standard you have to go at least a half step or a full step down it's very typical with all that tension the next can the next can't take it so larry fun time carl says one millimeter is about as low as i would ever go it's low lower than i would play as well too but i have uh i have people that want it at 0.75 and they you know that if you're light-handed and you shred that stuff you know it's exactly what you want you want it just to be effortless me i just don't i don't like i i think i've told you guys this before for me i i've even changed over the years because doing youtube videos i've found that a little bit higher action makes the guitar sounds a little better so i generally want to do that for the videos amanda she wants she said the chat must be super hard for phil to follow so many different topic topics yeah it's a it's a it's a it's a uh it's chaos it's awesome ryan says i love how rip phil gets a quarter of a beer it's like drinking with my 15 year old you know what's funny is that's not it i actually if you guys haven't noticed uh and you probably do notice maybe you maybe haven't noticed i um as we do the shows as i get towards the end of the second hours when i start slowing down it's like i've been talking for almost two hours i've been thinking about all these things you guys want to talk about i'm managing all this stuff it's a little bit a little bit to do it's one of the benefits of the of the shows that have multiple you know um hosts they can bounce off each other and let one talk for a second while the other one's doing stuff it's like when you're doing it all by yourself and you're maintaining this stuff it it's not hard by any means but it it does have a i notice uh at the end of every show when i'm indexing and i can see that i'm slowing down a little bit and yeah beer is not helping obviously though you can see i'm not drinking very much and it's nothing for no other reason then you know i'm just talking and looking at stuff okay let's uh let's finish up on one good last good topic question we'll call it a day uh so if you have a new question put it to me while i look real quick and again put your question marks at the beginning so i know it's to me um hmm i don't know we may not have anything i'm gonna have to send on this oh we'll end on this note it's a good question kill every venue says do you think getting a sire les paul is worth it over a harley bitten unless paul you know when it comes to the quality of the guitars like ert their their quality um i have three of the art guitars uh there's two more coming there's a headless and a les paul uh guitar coming my next urt video i think is gonna be the les paul um i was gonna no not as paul's gonna be headless i was gonna do the les paul and i think er asked me to do les paul but the problem is is 60 second home just did that same guitar and so did daryl braun i saw their thumbnails and i was like oh i don't know how many videos of the same guitar everybody needs um but um when it comes to those qualities guitars is very good when it comes to harley quinn's the quality's been very good uh i think the sire stuff is and in my opinion the sire and the hurt is just a little bit better quality um consistently and but i mean i've heard people say you know they got a bad sire just like i heard people say they got a bad harley bin in my mind i think of the other thing i think of the sire is being slightly better than harley ben a little bit but i also think about the brand value proposition sire is is one of those brands that has done something very well more so than the other companies when you think about firefly or harley benton or ivy or you know sawtooth those brands and harley ben is definitely i think the premium from all those brands those brands are definitely the economy brands there's nothing wrong with that but that's the economy brand line then there's certain brands like sire that have created the same product and they sure they added a few more features in some cases but more importantly they've added a brand a brand value that hold on now i'm losing my voice they add a brand value that helps sustain the sustain it for many years uh you can tell what they're doing and that being said i you can never say one's better than the other when it comes to what you're doing if you if you want to buy a harley bin and it's less money i can tell you you're not going to be missing out just like if you buy an epiphone or if you buy an actual gibson they're they're all different price points and it's just about what you what appeals to you i've said this many times i focus more on the guitar's features and how it looks and how it sounds those things matter to me and and if they're hit and the price i want to pay so that makes that makes it easier sire's name is marketing genius yeah i could be um but like i said uh the quality of them seemed really good in indonesia's guitar yeah all the sires are made in indonesia and it seems like all the electronics are coming from korea and my guess is because the owner is in korea and i'm sure he might own the facility in korea too that's doing all that stuff i'm not sure so um it's all right on that note we're going to call it i hope you guys have a great weekend um if you guys haven't seen the video of the ps2408 check out that video because it's not about the reviews anymore on those videos i hope you guys enjoy it's all about like every video is more i'm trying to make them teach teachable videos where you learn more about the guitars the history of the guitars i mean there's a lot in there that video was another one 22 hours when you watch that video if you want a good laugh at what a what a joke it could be to be a youtuber i want you to think if you guys watch if you haven't seen the custom 2408 video and you're thinking about interested in watching it when you watch it when you watch the video that's under 20 minutes or 20 minutes i want you to think that that was i want you to think about the fact that that was 22 hours of filming and editing to make that [Laughter] even i scratch my head on that note i'm gonna let you guys go thank you guys for hanging out with me i will see you next friday at the same time three o'clock pacific standard time until next week know your gear
Channel: Phillip McKnight
Views: 52,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wekaG6mym00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 0sec (7020 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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