Don't fall for this SCAM at garage sales!!

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here I am walking up to a garage sale about to make a bad buy Batman oh Mr Freeze how much is Mr Freeze two that's cool yeah what about Batman yeah those are two each if I want that one this I might get this one mik milk chocolate probably still saf to [Laughter] eat I literally just you can use them for decoration I'm I don't want them because they'll melt in my car and then there will be snow puddles get he doesn't want me to take think we're going to melt I think we're going to eat them before they melt and he's just pretending he's not one two $2 for Mr free thank you thank you I like your your Rodman shirt thank you that's cool you do YouTube yeah I watch I watch all the time do you yeah ADH Dave is my name on there yeah yeah maybe how many followers you got like 58,000 that's good nice yeah we got a YouTube too but what's it what's the name uh BS Outdoor Adventures birs outdo Adventures just a little bit away from a thousand nice we hit a and it always happens BT's Outdoor Adventures yes Batman The Telltale series you know if this will play if you put it in a PS5 can't remember I don't not know that's I got that a while ago yeah a couple years ago so I don't know know how much is it problem I'll do $3 what's that these help with the problem or not at all no maybe actually how much are they all of them yeah take them for three box might help we have like we just bought all this glass wire from the estate sale over there and we don't know where to put it so maybe if we put it in some boxes that might help I'm going to grab you do that all right I'll pay her for that Scotty Cameron uh putter cover you selling the club uh we don't have the club just the cover I'm selling for 75 it goes for 100 e yeah I know Scotty Cameron's a good name yeah one of the cars in her driveway I that's fun where'd you get that guy oh Jacob oh oh d i I didn't even know dad put that up he's like I don't want him having this anymore like a switch blade almost yeah Jacob who three 650 you don't know if there's all the pieces in here or what uh yes there is he just bored he he got to the point where he didn't know where he messed up I hate it when that happens yeah and then I was just gave up and then I just started taking it apart last night how much is it it's all for a dollar a dollar a dollar it's all it's all built up five bucks how about we do 10 for everything okay that these yeah that work it's already been built a he's like he's like Mom you don't understand you paid for it and I don't know if you know you probably do know this but if you ever have a problem with Lego if there's a piece ever missing you contact Lego and they will send you to really even after it's owned that's cool yeah cuz friend of ours does Legos and he'll go online and he'll find the pieces cuz there's all the manuals are in there yeah or even if you just Google it they'll send you the pieces that you're missing wow all right well yeah good seeing you guys thank you so much for coming yep Saturday yeah I feel that way every time I go yard sailing I'm like why am I up so early These are nice purses are they real wow M didn't you used to go to Doney and Burke all the time or am I imagining that that was my other mother KN oh really I like knives and these purses I'm going to get all three of these donies maybe not that one that was pretty dirty I get these to those are nice 130 movies 30 for all 30 for all that's DVDs now nowadays huh told my wife put out here I'll look at them but yeah you're right it's kind of hard to justify buying them now in there and nobody really plays DVDs anymore unless you have a car that plays them I have a car that I do have a car that plays them so kid movies I think kid movies are like the just ordered a DVD online did you yep well I guess every now and then people are Oldtimer some good brands in here I bet you got all the good stuff inside still the good knives no no no this is all of them that's it I've had quite a few this sorry are you in the Marine Corp I get in the service but I cut my eyes were too bad so that wouldn't take me this one's a graded one he might like that any kid movies oh gosh but I don't want to deal with it it's just such a project yeah it is I'm at 1020 you give me this for 10 sure 30 bucks I just know nothing about it so this box goes with that one knif oh which one this big CSX one is that like the train company yes cool oh really awesome so were you a conductor no I was an office manager okay 30 bucks there was that like a a gift from them the knife yeah cool well thank you very much all right I think we're good thank you appreciate so many ducks in one neighborhood oh my lord they're everywhere we're in Duck Town seem to like all the Lakes it's part of the HOA they bring them in for you right that's what we're doing right now that's cool I'll sell that yeah how much was just this a buck I'll take that that's cool it reminds me of Groundhog Day I think that's what they're going for it's from uh not Groundhog Day catty Shack it says it right there yeah perfect that's awesome you're right yes catty Shack was what I was thinking there you go $1 let's see what else you got you guys having a lot of traffic uh not a ton we've had a number of people we've got a lot of people that just drive up and ask about um online games like the GES like we console like stuff and whatnot and I'm like yeah no yeah there's a lot of none of that the the whole gamer collector Community just does that they just drive around and say me I got to go find that person with the N64 yeah that there probably G four guys in big vehicles that have been driving around like yeah people people go nuts we a whole bunch of stuffies in there how much are the stuffies um what did we say like a quarter or 50 cents depending on what they are yeah 50 cents a piece guess I'll do two for a dollar awesome thank you and then that goes in the kids pile nice the girls are selling them thank you what about girls you made a couple get made another sale some plushies you guys got any squish mows you're selling we do not but there is somebody in the yeah there's someone in the hood that has yeah if you know the address my kids collect them so big curve okay and then turn all right flip moo 20 each five each gosh there's so many what they go to Costco smell they smell a little bit Yeah howdy hello you selling cards or something what's that oh no that's a tag squish well yeah uhhuh are they building any houses around here I'm not sure why do you ask it's a weird question not really is it I mean not for you it is huh I'm so confused looking for a bathroom our bathrooms oh yeah Didn't They smell like smoke yeah smell to bad many oh what is this top it like pop it see what else we can find here inflatable WIP David inflat of a wife hot dog shopping can't spend your money doesn't not criticize or complain never cheats always bold loves watching sports never has a headache and doesn't gossip to the other girl your wife doesn't do that anyway though you should probably get it for dad though get it for dad put it in the probably he'll appreciate it does it work I it up is there a lot of people doing sales in your neighborhood I don't know I haven't driven around yet you're the first one I saw so I didn't know you need a bullet David a what a bullet exess oh like a food processor no not really is that what this is oh okay no I don't think I need that was this Spider-Man and has like 8,000 Spider-Man oh look what year is it it's a good time to sell Halloween stuff how much for this little pile do she has more coming out there so 10 10 bucks okay okay you want to come does your wife need a bike no she just sold her bike I don't know thank you there you go thank you yes this is a squish mow neighborhood how much are the squish mows two for the small ones okay five for the medium and on the Llama you still got a tag on it two four six8 10 oh okay all the little ones you know the ters come with the card yeah so you stick the card in there it just kind of like protects mhm put the oh okay gotcha I got $10 worth of Squish melis awesome it's the front plate fast oh if you don't have a front plate this lets you put it on the front yeah that's kind of Handy how much is that oh um of course right $4 done all day is that okay yeah it's fine okay did you buy this one day yes it's a flip M it flips around than you here you go here's four that's pretty cute it's basically two in one cuz it flips you should have doubled the price oh hey now let's not go there you should have doubled the price cuz it flips there's still time oh would you take two on the octopus uh yeah we'll do two okay thank you all your neighbors spoiled me I've been buying them all day for two bucks oh yeah everyone in this neighborhood has either squish Mellows or Beyblades oh really yep yeah thank you yeah they are my kids all three kids collect them so thank you I'll pay okay sticker Starter Set where'd you get something like that yeah fle Market stuff okay it seems like a flea market type item yeah how much is it I two bucks yeah I'll take it for two bucks can't say no to that you can have that I can have that yes do you remember this movie I do it's classic I just got a Funko Pop with like the witch lady oh yeah this thing yeah this fko see them I see these Goodwills like I stop poke around I see them all the time and I always buy dark the guy who made The Muppet Babies yeah I give them away I sell them to friends I'm all I'm a big Dark Crystal it's a cult classic yeah thank you he like wanted to make a movie that was like you know PG PG-13 like for older for like adults and he made it and it flopped but he spent like millions and millions of dollars on it for seminal YSI Texas hold them I don't know M what's this keto I might extra Str than you how much are these um do um do you want the all of them yeah we do um five bucks for they're little as pet shop right yeah okay I'll do five on them thank you thank you appreciate it you have a good day take it somebody got out of the service well look at this that is cool are you guys the sellers no you're the buyers okay how much how much is your glove uh five bucks that's so cool yeah my dad I think it's like I don't know like it's like so comfortable yeah it's so comfortable let me pay you for this before I steal it yeah that's a really comfortable glove how come they don't make them like that anymore H like the old flat ones yeah they're so comfortable well happy Hunting bro yeah always shopping he this is cool Mom that's Starbucks mug mug there's a price tag them M Buck a piece if you want yeah I'll take them you got three of them three bucks these real Oakleys yeah man pry nice little scratched how much are those uh I'll do five bucks man pretty nice yeah old set of gas P yeah I know actually I don't think they're G I don't know what frames they are I don't either but I know I lose my glasses all the time so yeah how about the 90 did you ask a friend about I don't he has so many '90s cards he does not need more that's funny thing is I remember I got those for a birthday present I I'm going to hang on to them cuz they're going to be worth a bunch of money not9 exactly dude there were so many of those things that's eight cuz I got the three cups too cool I don't bro yeah know he's he's a collector he actually loves the '90s stuff I'm just not going to enable him all right thank that is an epic printer that is a professional photograph or uh picture printer wow my son's a photographer yeah it's got a great price on it cuz we got a new one war you that the the cartridges for it are expensive I don't are they because I just in case what's that thing this is a waycom tablet it's for art these are cool yeah that's another thing that that used in photography of some sort I don't know what he do with that this is uh is he an artist he's a photographer professional maybe for editing the photos does he do like hand touching he does all of his editing yeah they're really good deals just big stuff I'm going to have a car and is it out of ink right now the printer that one is yeah it's out of ink we had another one earlier go you had another one of these printers well it wasn't a a picture printer okay okay or a photograph printer I should say and Don don't you like fits and Floyd that not a good one that one you want ventage stuff oh okay oh man can we fit it between you guys is there room in between or no I don't know is there room in between this though could that be your armrest either no up to you man if you want gosh but shipping it would be yeah it's so heavy H so it's so big is the problem yeah like it's so tempting but it's so big going to go to the right person yeah absolutely it's a great deal it's absolutely a great deal yeah no you have you have solid prices I just you wanted to know if we were making a lot of money and I'm like no well sometimes it's just about getting stuff gone right that's it yeah would you do 10 on this tablet thing I'll take that I'll take one of your big items I just can't the printer is so heavy it's really nice it's like a $300 printer it's tempting Jimmy should get it Jimmy you live close why don't you buy that printer 15 do you want it I I just I'm traveling right now so I just don't know I'm I live in Florida I'm from Florida where Daytona Beach I'm from Fort Lauderdale okay yeah yeah I mean that's an amazing deal well it'll probably if you change your mind come back yeah well we're going to one right down the road you have it yet I'll have it it's going to be two weekends you selling your DVDs too uh yeah I don't even know what's there anymore yeah they 5 and a half years ago really you haven't touched it since throwing stuff game now I'm getting rid of old but one how much you want on this a whole dollar a whole dollar okay I'll pay a dollar why not see I Spanish so oh yeah Spanish mask there's all types of trailer hiding here how much are these little guys two little guys how much you want to give me for my two $2 there you go do you have any more stuff no that's it I think you know you got the little guys 50 50 50 years oh really 50 years you've had them for 50 years W I didn't know if your curio cabinets were full of these you never know but it's mostly glass stuff yeah mostly glass stuff yeah yeah those were I don't know what happened to the other one there used to be three of them oh really could be sitting on here I didn't look no you don't think so I don't think so when you move things yeah things get moved around and stuff like that Viva Las Vegas we have friends out in Vegas we like it nice nice little Knife Set how much is this $3 I could use it so that's a nice face yeah exactly he does a lot of cooking he does yeah you go $3 I can't go wrong with that Chef Boyard D chef I'm a chef can opener yeah how much are these I don't know they are probably five bucks for both of them five for both okay hi hi how you doing I'm not too ready here I'm I will have one tomorrow a big one how you going to have I know I cannot today so but tomorrow and the next week I will have a big thank you guys for golf clubs selling any they let's take a look old putter old driver all right that's that's got to be a horror movie coming soon traffic in my own garage between the car and the water heater you know we bought this I can't even get my truck in here I bought it from my brother-in-law and that wall wasn't there the garage one he buil a okay and that truck misses getting in by about oh my gosh this car we had a test drive so we got to go home and see if it fit in the garage yeah exactly what's in there decorations that would have been good this could be free on the free table driver it's so Jack nichlas Nicholas yeah Nicholas yes I say nichlas how much are they dollar each yeah I'll do it for that price you have any more Lego stuff you can have that that's a free yeah okay thank you um sh girly I think those could be either it's a baby I think could be either I can get them for my sister she's doe in December having a boy so I don't know I've got two grandsons do one October one January really we're making room $2 there you go man that's a cool license plate 1971 Mickey Mouse went Disney the first weekend it was open wow my dad took me we just Mo here from Pennsylvania yeah and you got that there yeah wow neat I've been look trying to look that up to see I mean you don't see them you don't know what that's worth that's cool weekend yeah very neat how much for these L dollar each I'll take them those are cute here put them in a bag oh that's what those are for yeah all right thank you man okay I'm walking up to a garage sale about to make a bad buy it's been a while since I had a nice bad buy video so I figured I'd show you this little fail of mine I just I should not have done this we'll talk about it in a minute oh look at all the fun toys how much are the Legos um oh my there's a lot of them okay the thing is with the Legos it's best that they're just all sold together to tell you the truth really and we're asking for 150 otherwise all the pie might be mixed or something okay because they got creative on some of the set but we have all the books um I'm actually there's a piece that's put together we don't have a book we don't have a box I was going to bring it out and that would be uh that one's 15 okay and that one not included in the bundle no cuz it's all put together any this included though cuz it's part of yes yes you you would just have to go through them and pick out what characters you want seems like I know believe even just putting it all together breaking them down in the box that's called work it is work yeah but I mean the the a lot of the mini figures are in there and stuff right yes well uh to tell you the truth they're here but yes otherwise the characters' be like in the box with them yes so you're welcome to look through it oh the night bu how much are these C and again there might be some night bus pieces though in there but it's uh that's why I was hoping to sell it all together um I know all those are those for real friends these are for real friends though they are yes how much are those get 35 for that one the bear is going to be 45 okay corn yeah 55 and these are just like PVC figures uh Disney oh yeah yeah the ones that's K you could get at Disney yeah yeah yeah like in the package and then you're like why did I pay $50 for this I know exactly cuz you were caught up in the moment that's why exactly how much are the uh these figures that one's uh 25 these figures how much oh those are okay so uh let's see that's cool yeah and so the Moana so let's just they're Ted just we'll do 10 10 for yes 10 for each kit each kit okay 150 for all the Legos huh I know I I was even like trying to figure out like it's got to be like $600 of everything cuz you see I don't know if you see this one is the height yeah I saw that one yeah the Lego Friends a guys what is wrong with me I don't know why am I still standing there so many red flags at these sales all the prices were astronomically High higher than eBay value value all the stuff was being based on like what they spent personally to buy the items not the actual value can I blame something let me blame the early morning it was like 6:45 in the morning can I blame or maybe it was 7:45 I can't remember it was early it was like the first sale of the day and my brain just wasn't working yet and so I'm still sitting there considering these Legos that are all mixed up and I'll let you know I've looked through them now and it's far worse than she let on as far as how mixed up they are we'll talk about that a little more in a second but let's just just see what goes down what did you find Mom how much are these though the Disney dolls are $3 a doll the regular ones are dollar what are these are these uh OMG no these are n a surprise what are those I think they're not a surprise yes and so you can see how like the kits and then there's the friends that go with it what do we say I don't know take your time looking I'm still pulling stuff out I'm going to take your Lego set you will all them yeah I'll do it yeah okay and I'm going to regret it later when I can't find pieces but whatever you know what I'm going to go ahead and grab the I'm going to go grab the other one in there that's put together to give that to you oh thank you yes I appreciate that she threw in the extra set she was sounding surprised she couldn't believe I paid full asking price either can I why wouldn't I say a 100 I don't know what's wrong with me because honestly I don't even think I'm going to get 20 bucks out of these because I spent like 30 minutes going through through them this morning and it's a nightmare none of the things are in the right boxes it's not like a few pieces are in other kits like literally nothing is where it's supposed to be it's all completely mixed like 12 Lego sets I would basically need to spend like 40 hours on a carpet or something with all these Legos just in a giant pile looking through instruction manuals trying to find each piece and putting together each set this was a bad buy this was a bad buy and I wish I hadn't done it and I you know I felt it instantly when I got into my car as I was leaving the sale I told my mom I said why did I buy that like I instantly knew it was dumb but I did it so don't worry though we're not going to end this here because we got to go to the next accelerator across the road where I screw up a second time and that's how you know you just were having a bad morning and you got to forgive yourself I guess Cali likes I'm fine I used to have that I bought bought that one and end up getting another one it's a Harley-Davidson plug-and Play It's Made for a Harley it's not it's how much do you want for it well I bought the converter and everything I sell it the whole package $40 the radio long you can look them up right off of harley-dav if you want to look yeah okay and the amp too well it's made for the iPhone too or no well that's just so you can do Bluetooth right is it Bluetooth you can do Bluetooth serious you can do anything you want you know it's wireless it's it's it's for an iPhone exactly yeah yeah so you get all that you got a phone on you you can listen to Pandora you can listen to anything there's nothing wrong with it I never installed it you never even installed it and it comes with that for 40 40 bucks and that just makes it louder right yeah yeah which is good with the motorcycles noise I'll take it for 40 bucks look at that dolphin thing for yay doesn't she do dolphins or she doesn't like the brass oh yeah I don't know she she likes him outside okay yeah thank you for that sir thank you okay so this is my second mistake and I'm just was confused by it because I was thinking when I went to list this that maybe the guy made a mistake but as I rewatched the footage it honestly feels like he lied to me I don't know allegedly he lied because it's not true at all like he said he never installed the unit this is a completely different unit in this box than what is advertised it is a Jensen heavy duty you can see the picture there Bluetooth radio this is a much older Kenwood that is worth almost nothing this is worth like $18 this stereo in here when I looked up what was on this box it's like a $4 to 500 stereo and he told me it was brand new never installed like this clearly got pulled off the bike and he put in the new one I mean I don't understand and he said he personally bought it I don't know it's a little frustrating um it's my fault I should have looked I looked in the amp box and that was correct and brand new and looked like the picture so I just took his word for for it on this one and it's just a very good reminder that we need to open up boxes at garage sales and make sure that someone's not being dishonest uh cuz that just as I watched back the footage felt like dishonesty maybe it was a mistake but just it was so adamant that it was this unit never installed you know etc etc etc that it just I don't know it's just frustrating so I thought I had a $400 score $4 to $500 score I actually had a negative $20 score although the amp itself I think sells um I haven't fully researched it yet it doesn't look like it sells fast but I might be able to get 50 to 100 from that so I still could pull a profit here probably just recycle this other one though because it's no one really wants it it's an old outdated unit doesn't have Bluetooth can't connect to your phone etc etc like he was saying none of that is true so like I said two bad buys right in a row to start off my day but don't worry I'm sure we'll have better Buys in the future we always
Channel: ADHDave Picks
Views: 48,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scam, garage sale, yard sale, garage sale scam, reseller
Id: 7pNrwi9Xa5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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