Don't Fall For The Hummingbird House Scam

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hi everybody Welcome to Saturday live at the backyard Bird Center and Mark's backyard birds today you know go I've always been accused kind of of being My Own Worst salesman because I tell the truth and every so often a product comes along and it infuriates me when I see it out there uh and no none so more than recently the whole uh internet barrage of hummingbird houses oh my goodness folks don't buy into this stuff humming birds do not nest in cavities they don't go inside of holes and trees they don't go think about their wings and how they many times they flap and their body styles and lifestyle they can't go inside of a house to nest and it is the perfect example of some unscrupulous person having an idea that they can make a lot of money and the internet has just giving them an Avenue and and places I'm sorry like Amazon and some of these other place they don't care they don't care what the truth is they just want to make a buck two and so they put this information out there pops up on the screen and people click on it and they buy it and and they put it up and it it it's a well maybe they're pretty and they're garden decorations or they become a a Haven for bees or or you know inside of there but they're not going to to attract hummingbirds and they're not going to nest in them and I and I understand especially now it gets really exciting because hummingbirds are moving moving North now they're coming up from the south we're about maybe two weeks away uh here in the Kansas City region for where we expect their arrival we always say around tax day you can help them nesting wise uh we have a product called hummingbird helper which is really just wool cotton the the the comp for them to be able to pull off little tiny pieces of it and use they use spider webs to secure their nest and to build their nest but they are not going to Nest inside of a a house and that so don't let that don't be fooled by that just you s stick with the simple they're going to choose a place where there's some good shelter um they love to Nest around creeks and streams is and they love to Nest where there's a limb hanging over with leaves over the limb that they build on so they get rain protection and things like that so the hummingbirds are going to Nest on their own and they're going to be just fine don't get fooled into buying a hummingbird house because they do not use them it's a good idea for a program I know it's a little uh you know off topic for me but I I just don't like people taking advantage of nature to make a buck and taking money from you so good idea for a program give us a like give us a share if you're on YouTube please subscribe until then come by let's talk Birds
Channel: Mark's Backyard Birds
Views: 2,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hummingbird, hummingbird house, hummingbird nest, hummingbird nesting material, ruby-throated hummingbird, ruby-throated hummingbird nest location, ruby-throated nesting material, what do hummingbirds use to build their nest, ruby-throated hummingbird migration, hummingbird houses for nesting, hummingbird house scam, wild birds, bird watching, bird watching for beginners, conservation, nature
Id: 9Yz_avI7edw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 0sec (180 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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