Don't Buy These Watches ( You Will REGRET IT!)

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see these three watches here we've got a GMT Master 2 Pepsi we've got a Hulk and we do have a Pake Philip naus and there's one of these three watches I would never ever buy and I really urge you to do the same so make your pick you pick one good keep that in mind cuz we will get to that in a bit but first let's look at the other watches you should definitely avoid buying okay I'm sure you have probably been there I've been there for sure um there's this watch that you really like to own but it's you know too expensive or just you know currently not available or perhaps both and you keep an eye on it for quite some time because you want it so bad but you know it somehow just never seems to work out the way you wanted to and then you stumble upon a watch that looks very similar it is almost the same it is a little bit less expensive there are some drawbacks though I'm sure you like it but hey it might scratch to itch it's not the same watch but it looks very similar so you just go for it and there you go perhaps a couple of hundred like dollars or Euros out of the window and then you sit there with your watch and you know perhaps one or 2 months or 3 months later you're still keeping an eye out for the one that actually got away that you really want of course I'm talking about the homage watch the term homage is a bit of a gray area people Define it differently depending on who you're asking some say it is a copy and it is only allowed if it's from you know within a brand let's say like the Blackberry 58 from Tuda for example Maring themselves other say it's for a game and everyone is you know copying each other anyways it is basically the substitute you buy instead instead of the actual watch the real deal that you wanted like me I bought a SEO tank instead of the actual c tank and yeah that is my homage watch that I maybe should not have been buying so what should you be doing instead well as you can see I have been there I thundered but believe me most times it is not worth it because you end up you know perhaps I'm really regretting it but still wishing for the initial watch that you had in mind in the first place that you know spark your interest for a good reason and then you end up spending more money or you know losing it on and something that you don't really like 100% really enjoy and you could have saved that money towards the real deal I know this is all about delay gratification and I'm having a hard time with it too but here would be my advice for you guys only buy an omage watch or something that is very similar to the thing that you actually want if you are 100% sure you're never going to go for the real one anyways so you might have watched my Omega speed master moonwatch video the other day the one with the white dll that got newly presented I was super hyped about Ed or maybe you've seen the moonwatch release when everyone was queuing up when it was first released that was one of my best performing videos you know content creators here on YouTube and other platforms they love to Hype up the hype watches because you know we enjoy the hobby just as much as everyone out there and when new watches release we get really excited this is just a fun thing to talk about and it's great way to make content and yes we tend to Rave or rage a lot but either way I truly believe that's all coming from good place and we're here to entertain you guys but that also makes others including myself feel like they're you know constantly missing out because there's constantly something new and something excited to go for and um oh gosh there's that sweet feeling of getting your hands on something that has been just released you know getting your hands on really hot piece of course I'm talking about the trendy watch that you should not be getting or you know the hype watch as I like to call it as well there are lots of reasons why it is so much fun to you know participate in the hype and I get it sometimes things get a bit stale and it is so tempting to jump from you know one new thing to the other to avoid getting bored so what should you be doing instead well again I have been there myself I immediately bought the Cog when it was released I also bought tooa from citizen I also immediately like the next day bought my or acis appcycle when it first was released and I'm not saying that these are bad watches or that I'm you know sitting here and regretting my life choices and feeling miserable about it but in hindsight when thinking about it it might have been better to just you know have waited for a bit before going for it you know perhaps waiting for maybe the other color variant that would come out um eventually that I would have enjoyed more and just it would have been overall smarter to wait also for the watches to hit the secondary Market maybe you know save some money on it Etc so essentially though it is tough to resist it sometimes don't just jump to follow every new trend or every hype that watch there is and you know try to really take some time to figure out for yourself if you really must have to this watch or you know if we just make you think that you have to so most of the best deals on watches are made when you're buying from another you know private person that is not a dealer not a professional but it's also where the most risky thing is at but then when you actually go to the point of you know physically buying the watch you meet up somewhere and it can get really awkward you're meeting this person they will present you with a watch and then you look at it and something's not adding up right maybe it it looks a bit weird it does not feel heavy or lightweight enough whatever it is you have a bad gut feeling about this but then you're in front of another person you don't want to be rude you don't like confrontations if you're like me so what do you do do you end up buying it I mean yeah you don't want to like embarrass the other person you don't want to embarrass yourself you turn a blind eye on it and you just go through with it well that's a huge mistake don't do it I totally get you but please this is about the possible fake or the bad deal type of watch watch you just have a bad gut feeling about when you see it in person but you do not dare to bring it up if you're like me it is an awful feeling and you don't want it to be true but here's what you should be doing instead you have to walk away from it I know it is easyest set and done but believe me you can do it it does feel heavily awkward if you're like me and you might feel very paranoid about it but everything is better than biased remorse that you get from deals like that and hey trust your intuition intuition could be right I mean the worst Cas is that you will end up with perhaps a fake watch something that is broken or just something that just really doesn't suit you and you will be burning a lot of of money that could be spent in better places and talking about burning money um this might be something more people encounter than they like to admit again myself included here but there's this watch online perhaps you've seen it somewhere and you keep you know tiptoeing around it it's it's not really the right time to buy it nor like a good idea in general but then you got this impulsive feeling and out of a whim boom you go for it you buy it and Jesus Christ of course I'm talking about the water is too expensive it is right at the moment like perhaps when you're like swiping your credit card or like doing the transfer online you feel it deep inside of you in your heart you know this is a bad idea it is too expensive doesn't mean it's a bad deal in general it's just a bad deal for you given your Current financial context your situation it's an awful feeling when you already know this is such a bad idea and again I get it I've been there believe me but here's what you should be doing instead similar to the trendy watch situation this is all about delay gratification I know it is tough and you know everything around us is designed for instant and quick ratification all these apps on your phone and that will leave you empty again after a bit but there are lots of tools out there to help with budgeting so you know buying your dream watch should not and will not break your bank that way which you know at the end makes it so much better and so much more to enjoy and though some might argue that watches are not a necessity but a luxury and it should not interfere with your ability to you know feed yourself or give yourself a home so when I think about the Novelties from last year I mean think about the Rolex Sky dwellers that came out last year with those amazing DS especially I love the the greenish one and it you know made me think hey perhaps I could pull it off but no I cannot and I will never be able to pull it off because that skydweller is a thick boy it's a 40 mm thick watch it's 15.4 in luck to luck and this watch just won't ever happen to me I am talking about the watch that just does not fit you It just fits badly and you know I'm not talking about the preference in terms of the look if if you like a specific look then go for it but I'm talking about the watches that are either too big or too small to be worn comfortably it's just never a good idea and it will like literally hurt you it will be uncomfortable to wear so what would be a better idea well you got to find other options you have to make peace with the fact that just some watches are not for you I had to make peace with that too but the good news is there are plenty of watch brands out there coming out with you know just smaller watches from their like popular models for example we've got the murf from Hamilton they offered it in a 42 and then people are like we need it smaller and then they listen and now they're offering a 38 mm MF and you should be looking out for exactly those kinds of watches do you know that feeling when you look into your watch box or watch roll and you see all of your watches but you don't think or you don't feel like you've got any to wear because you not keen on any particular watch in your watch roll but you cannot quite put your finger on why why that is well I'm talking about the repeat watch very often you are dealing with buying the same watch over and over again and I'm not saying this is a bad thing to have a preference but if you keep going for the same type of watch like four or five full steel watches with a blue dial and a date complication you really keep yourself from experiencing all the other cool watches the hobby has to offer so that does not mean I'm not saying that you need more than one watch but here's what you should be doing instead just to give you an idea if you keep building your collection and you feel like you know something is off something just doesn't look right and after a while you aren't excited about your watch collection it might be worth you know looking into it from this kind of perspective stick with you know one type of watch per purchase I would say and perhaps pause for a bit before going for the next one and ask yourself do I really need another no dat diver right remember the watch for from before have you decided yet did you think it's about the Pepsi because everybody and their uncle has one or perhaps you might thought it was the PCH because you know the this is so overdone or uh did you spot the actual issue here with the Hulk yep because that is an actual fake watch fake watches have always been around and they keep getting better and better uh so much so that some even argue it would be you know more sensible to buy the fake instead you know the authentic watch because you cannot tell the difference anyways so you know who cares but listen I believe you should care about this and you know let's not for a second think about ethical implications here um that that's a given I think but if you're knowingly wear a fake you are sending yourself even if it's just subconsciously a very certain message that you are somehow a fake too I know sounds harsh but that's how it is you willingly let other people assume something about you and something that you wear it just is not true and then sooner or later I believe actions like that will catch up on you I would in that case recommend going for omage watches from you know series watch friends if you you know not plan on saving up enough money to go for like the authentic watch so that way you can wear a proper watch without having to rely on a fake watch right now you know exactly which seven types of watches to avoid how they present themselves and what you can do instead let me know in the comments down below if I have missed out on another watch to avoid and give this video a thumbs up if you have enjoyed it if you want to learn more about fake watches I recommend checking out my other videos I did on fake watches I will link for you down below and if You' like to see more watch related content like this one I suggest subscribing to my channel so I will see you in my next video bye don't do it okay bye okay
Channel: Jenni Elle
Views: 87,769
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Id: SQ9n0EoWQ9o
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Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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