Don't buy these audio interfaces. Get these instead.

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hey guys wanted to go ahead and do a variation of a video I did earlier but this is going to be but these are there's a lot of good interfaces here and interfaces I don't recommend but what I'm going to do is just narrow it down so it's a lot easier for anyone who's looking to check out an interface all right so let's narrow it down this is the baringer um2 um people are attracted to this because they like the price of it uh go ahead and cross this out of your list because this is not a good interface and I'll talk about why so the first reason is that it's B basically it's very noisy very noisy the second is that the drivers are not supported third the build quality is very bad on this interface so instead of getting the Behringer um2 what you should get instead is actually the MRA solo which I would recommend so that narrows down and removes one audio interface out of your search okay the next interface I want to talk about and uh I'm just going to say this uh but just note just hear me out before I actually point this out this is the Focus right solo so I want to talk about a few things this is a good interface however you do need to know a few things you want to avoid the well in my opinion I think you should but it's all up to you the first gen you want to avoid the first generation and the second generation I don't think is as good so you want to go for the third or fourth generation so why that's the first thing I want to say now P you might ask what is the difference between the solo and and the 2i2 well the solo has one it's the preamps are the same between both of them but there is one small little difference that might um be an issue for you uh aside from the fact that it's one input or two input you should know that with the Scarlet solo this knob here on the solo is the same knob that changes your headphone volume and your monitors that for me is kind of like annoying so that's just something you should consider um but aside from that the solo is solid what I don't recommend is getting the Scarlet solo 2i2 and I'll explain the problem with the Scarlet solo 2i2 is that it's pretty dangerously priced to a lot of other great interfaces things like the id4 Mark I the SSL 2 The Volt 276 The Volt 2 the M 2m2 which is recording right now so I don't recommend the Scarlet 2i2 instead I recommend getting those interfaces instead because the price is so close to those and you're better off spending that extra $3 $40 that get those interfaces instead so that basically so I'm not saying you shouldn't get a Scarlet solo tour to I'm just saying avoid this and consider the parameters regarding that which will narrow down your search a little bit and perhaps consider you for these other interfaces instead all right next interface I want to talk about um for me this is a crossout I don't recommend this interface this is the audient evo4 um I used to love this interface until it's let me down many times so the first issue is that it has Emi issues and this is a mouse this is Wi-Fi access point what that means is if you have a cell phone or anything with Bluetooth around it you're going to get a lot of noise on it um yes the answer might be well just don't have that around your interface that's true but most most other well bit interfaces don't have that issue but the the most glaring problem for me is just more of a problem a me problem not a you problem but it's something you should know the problem is that this one interface this one knob controls everything this one knob controls your microphone volume your headphone volume your transition from Daw to um you know microphone your it controls everything and that's actually really bad because when it's actually well it's bad because it's this one thing and it'll confuse you but second of all it's not faster right so because you're literally going through kind of like a menu system here and then you you're kind of going like this and you're kind of changing that you're going like this and it's a menu it's slower it's much faster in my opinion if you have individual knobs sorry where you have an individual knob for you know your your volume for your microphone for the speakers for your headphones this is faster so I'd argue that this just is this just has problems in that this one knob has problems and I have a much more extensive detailed review on why I don't like like this interface in another review in my one of my videos but uh I don't recommend the Evo for so to me in a way um you can actually crosses out of your search in my opinion I wouldn't get this so that narrows it down the interfaces are getting better or or I think so okay next interface I would cross out this is the audio box go uh I bought this because when it first came out it was actually super portable that's why it was called Audi box go it was actually really portable at the size and at the time that it was released it was one of the smallest interfaces I've ever seen I was like oh my God I get got to get that until just a few few months later they came out with zoom came out with the zoom am22 but in my opinion this interface has some issues um the first is it has stepping issues that means if you use so I don't recommend using a dynamic microphone with this um with this particular uh audio interface that means if you use something like an xm8500 um your volume will be really low from all the way up and then when you get to around 10 your volume will crank up so you're in a situation where your volume is too quiet or it's too loud there's no in between no transition whereas other interfaces don't have that issue the other problem too is that if you use something like an hd6xx and you're listening with headphones the volume is very low on this very very very low so the headphone amps are pretty weak on this so I don't recommend this um interface so obviously we're narrowing narrowing it down next interface I don't recommend is the sure mvi I don't think this is a problem for most people cuz I don't think anybody's going to buy this in fact I bought this used uh because it was just on a deal it was like someone sold it for really really cheap the problem with this interface well the reason I bought it was I like the portability of it but the problem is this is actually pretty heavy it's deceptively heavy like weighs very like a brick the other thing too is if you want to adjust gain or anything like that you're doing it like this like a phone and this is unnatural I just don't think this is actually very practical so to me this is out so we were really cutting down the interfaces down um where and the truth is these these are all good these are the interface I recommend which are the id4 Mark II the baby face Pro the ssl2 the M M2 things like that um but let's just keep going down we'll talk about the zoom am22 I love this interface but you might not love it so when people review this interface they're going to say oh it's like noisy because it's just like cuz this has the same preamps as the zoom H5 or the zoom H6 but I want to say something it's not that bad very it's honestly it's when you look at boot Junk's old videos he's been doing fine with the zoom H5 and zoom H6 and I honestly think those are perfectly fine you know there's no issues there but it has those same preamps that being said I love how this has a a gain knob for it has a gain knob it has headphone volume you have monitor infut outs it's one input and it's very very lightweight and portable if you want a travel interface this is the way to go there are obvious obviously questions saying the sure MV 2xu might be even better for the interface I haven't checked that one out but this is a really great travel interface but this is kind of in the yellow category where I like this but you might not like it okay so that narrows it down we're almost done um so all of these interfaces I actually do recommend which are the volt 276 the ssl2 the id4 Mark II the baby face Pro the zoom F3 the zoom F6 and the Motu M2 so where does that leave us well there's one interface that's not here that I don't have that I personally don't recommend and uh you probably guessed it it's the Apollo twin and let me explain the and again this entire video is just narrow things down for you let me make it easy for you ask yourself a question do you own a PC or do you own a Mac if you own a PC the process is simple don't buy an Apollo twin it won't work on your computer or it's going to have or it'll work it'll work but it won't work right so that makes it very simple for you if you own a PC don't get an Apollo twin period trust me just if you have questions just look online just type in go on Discord you're going to find so many people having problems with the windows and Apollo twin they don't for some reason the makers of the Apollo twin they don't care about Windows people that's just they're not like rme who actually cares these guys when they make drivers they actually care okay so um if you own a PC and you want to go endgame it's the baby face Pro or honestly and this is a hot take just stick with what you have you know like your SSL 2 is fine for all professional recordings that's perfectly fine you can stop right there and you're done right okay so but what if you do have a Mac what if you do have a Mac should you consider the Apollo twin honestly I'm going to be honest with you no you shouldn't buy it because you know what you know how much an Apollo twin really is worth it's actually really $2,000 or more because what happens is most people buy the Apollo twin but they don't just stop there there's these plugins that you have to keep buying they're about $150 or $300 and people just keep buying these plugins it's kind of like DLC SE on video games you know how people hate that or like um subscriptions like like uh where you got to keep buying and buying I don't like that I don't like where I have to keep buying and buying and buying I want a oneandone interface I buy it once and I'm done you know what I mean so in my opinion that's a problem the other issue is that and here's a hot take you're screwed either way and let me let me explain so you could say well I'm not going to use any um I'm not going to use any plugins I'm just going to use it as it is well if you're not going to use any plugins on your Apollo twin you're no better off using an ssl2 in audio quality they're about the same and we just extensive tests showing this and I I've known this firsthand just testing it out it's like it's not better but if you get plugins you're screwed because you're basically buying more more and more you never see people stop at one plugin they keep buying more and more so either you're spending a lot of money and you're wasting a lot of money or you can afford to waste that amount of money but in general like you never see someone just buy one plugin and in the end it's a $2,000 interface and I would argue you'd get your dollar would go much higher just buying a oneandone deal so yeah that hopefully that narrows it down and you get a sense of which interfaces to avoid which ones to check out and that narrows the pull down at least up to as of today
Channel: Dracomies
Views: 127,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Wow9WlA87w0
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Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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