Don't Burn The House Down! | Roblox

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so your parents are gone and they only gave you one rule don't burn the house down what is going on TFG Squad my name is Brandon and welcome to Roblox don't burn the house down so like I said you're all home alone it's day one here we go hey kiddo I'm going to be home late from work I left a task list for you please finish the list before I get home don't get into trouble and don't burn the house down your mom okay thank you for the message Mom that seems easy enough all I have to do is do her tasks and not burn the house down I can do that I need to take a shower I need to clean my room I need to feed the dog none of those seem like things that would burn the house down but I have a feeling they are going to all right so let's see parents room is locked is this the front door how do I get to the shower how do I get to the what is that sound what is that s oh is this the TV can I turn that off I feel like the TV might burn the house down well we're going to ignore that for now all right I don't really know how to take a shower but I'm going to try is this the bathroom here we go here we go all right so here we go take a shower how do I take a shower I'm trying to take a shower there we go I didn't even take my clothes off so I'm not even using soap did I do it take a shower okay I completed my first task and believe it or not I did not set the house on someone's at my front door your friend Joey is at the door oh no Joey says hey let's chill right now I'm not grounded anymore oh I see how this game's going to work so I need to make decisions based on what happens in the game oh so the shower was never the risk it was my friend Joey you know what my friend Joey looks nice enough even though he was just grounded yeah just for a quick time just for a quick time hey Joey wow these doors are really tall or maybe we're just very short I'm not exactly sure all right what do you want to do with Joey watch TV let's eat something let's uh let's eat something let's let's go into the kitchen H oh we've got we've got a dog named boxy it's very close to my cat named Roxy so I will not complain about wait is that poop on the ground is that oh there's dog poop on the ground I cleaned it up hey I got 10 bucks I got 10 bucks for cleaning it up that's not too bad all right I need to get a little food for my man Joey um I could either give him a chicken a lobster or a watermelon or none of it cook ramen okay this seems easy enough please don't catch on fire please don't catch on fire please don't catch on fire so far so good okay how long are we going to cook this Ramen there we go Joey's eating Ramen okay wow I actually thought I was going to burn the house down there I'm going to be honest I thought the microwave was going to burn the house down all right here we go beautiful okay just hanging out with my friend Joey eating some Ramen that was fantastic that was yummy hey let's go watch some TV all right that sounds good enough that sounds good enough all right what's on my task list again I already showered I need to clean my room and feed the dog wait is this my room I can clean my room really quickly put away put away put away put away put away this is the messiest room in the world Joey don't you do anything stupid Joey peed what I was laughing so hard I had an accident uh I'm just going to tell him to leave please get out of here Joey Joey please get out of here I completed another task he's running my man is running your friend Joey made a mess you need to use the laptop to call an Uber go to Target and buy some cleaner and paper towels then come back and clean the mess before your mom gets home okay this is just fantastic this is just fantastic you know what my parents only gave me one rule don't burn the house down they didn't say anything about peeing on the couch although I have a feeling they probably would not be happy with me peeing on the couch all right you know what Let's do let's feed the dog really quickly how do I feed the dog is there dog food dog food dog food get the dog food there we go I got the dog food okay by the way if you guys want to see more Roblox on the channel don't forget to hit that like button and make sure you guys subscribe to the channel right now all right boxy is ready for his food I'm going to take the food out there we go I completed my final task but I think I need to do this before I can finish day one all right so I need to call an Uber how do I call an Uber do I look like a guy that knows how to call an Uber is there like a phone maybe if I go outside I can call an Uber the front door is locked why is the front door locked how do I call an Uber man do I have to buy a phone or something no uh to earn cash wash laundry pick up poop finish tasks buy a Roomba or visit venmo on the laptop oh maybe I could call the Uber on the laptop where here's the laptop okay uh Uber Uber Uber there here we go uh Target oh here we go yeah the front door is locked but we're going to completely ignore that okay this guy is driving like an insane person slow down buddy I don't feel like dying today I look fine I don't look scared at all we made it to Target I need paper towels and spray cleaner oh but these balls look pretty fun these balls look pretty fun okay now why is there a Panda in here hello sir okay that's fine all right so I need to buy spr gray cleaner let's go with the purple one for the frustrated gamer don't forget to pay your items before you leave okay and I need to buy paper towels that's medicine that's Electronics that's cups where are the paper towels oh here we go here we go paper towels let's go bam and then I need to pay hopefully I have enough money hopefully I have enough money click to pay I don't I don't I have no idea how one roll paper towels and spray cleaner will be more than $25 but you never know in this economy oh we're good y okay apparently it didn't cost me any money I will not complain about that all right we made it back home so now if I go up to the couch I should be able to use the spray cleaner and the paper towels and I've completed my tasks I actually made it throughout the day without burning my house down someone's at the door is that Mom no technician I'm here to fix your power box I need to come in and inspect a few things oh gosh stranger danger or sure come on in I am a child that is home alone Stranger Danger get out of here okay well um I'm not a stranger I work for the city you're fake bro that's what I'm going to say okay I will leave but it's not my fault if they shut off your power oh no wait come come back come back sir oh that might have been a mistake that might have been a mistake what does this button do oh that oh no they shut the power off in my house oh no the power to the house has been shut off you must restore the power right away oh this is f complete the obstacles to get to the power box what why would my house be built like this why would they build no I already messed up complete the obstacles why an obstacle course to get to the power box in your house that literally makes no sense at all okay that doesn't make any sense all right uh oh here we go here we go yo this is a fun game by the way if you guys ever buy Roo in Roblox don't forget to use star code TFG it's free for you guys to use and Roblox supports my channel when you guys do oh is that Mom mom got home day one complete yes here we go day two hey kiddo I'll be back around lunchtime please clean those stinky dishes in the kitchen before anything the whole house smells like rotten meatloaf also don't do anything that will get you into trouble your mom okay nice to talk to you Mom all right so it's day two right now I need to wash my dishes water the plants sweep the house the HM maybe I should watch a movie before I finish my tasks then I could clean the house after the movie what do you want to do yeah let's watch a movie why not let's enjoy said movie it's a little blurry don't you think that Mom could have splurged for a slightly better TV with better resolution they're not even that expensive anymore you could get a TV for under a hundred bucks you fell asleep after the movie oh that's great meanwhile I didn't do any of my tasks what's oh no oh no oh no oh no what's he going to do ew oh no boxy's eating something bad he may get sick that's just fantastic that is just fantastic you're finally waking up hopefully mom's not home yet okay what were my tasks again wash the dishes boxy is very sick call an Uber to take boxy to the vet hurry before it's too late oh my gosh oh my gosh you know what I am going to oh my God boxy's just dead boxy just looks dead right now all right let's call an Uber let's call an Uber fine I don't want boxy to die Uber um Pet Hospital $35 I don't have enough money oh no hang on boxy I got to clean the dishes uh where are the dishes the dishes are here let's wash the dishes you need to get boxy to the hospital I know but I don't have enough money I don't have enough money to do that oh gosh all right well you know what that's fine let's water the let's water the plants let's water the plants did I leave that on I left that on I left that on that's not going to be good turn that off there we go all right eat a water the plants you better give me at least $10 for that I better get at least $10 for watering the plants or else box he's a dead man plants are good I didn't get money for that oh I need to water all the plants I thought it was just one plant oh well that's why I probably didn't make money I need to do all the plants okay how much money how much water are we going to give these darn plants hopefully this is the last one hopefully there are only three plants in my house and that's it come on come on come on come on is that not it is there more there's there's nothing in there was that not all the plants no that wasn't all right I did one two three wait did I do this one no I don't think I did this one actually yeah I didn't do this one all right maybe this is the last one hang on Roxy or boxy I kept calling her Roxy all right come on is that not the last one you've completed your task and I got 15 bucks all right good good good now let's go Uber Pet Hospital I have enough money for the Uber $35 round trip all all right good hopefully boxy is in the car with me let's find out once again we're going a million miles an hour and I didn't see boxy with me did I forget to take the dog is boxy here hello oh goodness get that little dog some help please have a seat and we will let you know when the doctor has some updates okay all right so I guess we did bring boxy oh this this lady looks upset run up towards the light get boxy to the top before his time runs out oh my gosh okay um oh goodness oh goodness so now I am responsible for Roxy living or boxy I keep calling him Roxy okay if I die so does boxy let's go for it let's go for it come on boxy avoid the balls even though normally dogs love playing with them here we go keep going keep going keep going I have 40 seconds oh this is easy sauce this is easy sauce you made it to the light boxy is waking up so if I fell during that obstacle course my dog was done for wow that was a lot of pressure I don't know how but by some miracle boxy is awake and back to normal have a great day all right so we made it back home and boxy's good uh wash the dishes sweep the house all right so I need to wash the dishes I need to wash the dishes wasn't there something wrong with the dishes why was I not able to oh it's because boxy was dying it's because boxy was dying wait why was I not allowed to wash the dishes but I was allowed to uh water the plant you know what that's totally fine all right washing the dishes okay come on Bren here we go task number two oh no you wash the dishes but now the sink is clogged you will need to call an Uber to get to the hardware store and buy some Drano then come back and unclog the kitchen sink before Mom gets home this is just fantastic this is just fantastic okay what was my last task again uh sweep the house all right I can probably do that but let's do this first I need to do Uber and I need to go to biffs hardware store oh I don't have enough money I don't have enough money oh my gosh all right can I do the can I do the laundry that wasn't really one of my tasks but maybe I can do it to get extra money ooh I can ah so there's ways to make extra money in the game I get it here's the sweep I got no I didn't want the dog food I wanted the sweep there we go all right uh oh here we go sweep a little over here broom broom broom sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep broom broom broom there we go okay was that it oh there's another spot over here here we go brush brush brush sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep broom broom broom all right I feel like I'm playing a game of baldi's Basics right now got to sweep sweep sweep all right here we go looks like there's one more spot over here I also have the wet clothes let's put the wet clothes in the dryer bam okay okay that's good that's good maybe I'll make a little bit more money that way sweep sweep sweep dry dry dry broom broom broom okay I completed another task I washed the dishes or no I swept the house I didn't wash the dishes yet I dried oh I got clean clothes and let's put the clean clothes there and I got more money for that okay okay so now I got 60 bucks which should be enough oh my gosh the dog keeps pooping on the floor although I get 10 bucks for it every poop that I clean so you know what boxy keep pooping my man all right let's go back here let's go Uber let's go to Biff's hardware store all right we made it to Biff's hardware store and I need Drano I need Drano here we go okay I got some Dro it says don't forget to pay for your items can I not pay can I like steal leave don't forget to pay darn it I thought maybe I could just steal for the it or steal the items all right there we go thank you for shopping at biffs no that guy looked pretty intense my goodness is gracious Biff is like a drill sergeant all right nothing wrong with that let's leave and let's go back home okay the name of this game is do not set the house on fire I mean I got to set the house on fire right I got to set the house on fire but there we go we Ed the dro we unclog the sink and we've completed our final task mom is back home why does Mom look like she's our age mom looks like she's like a middle school girl that's that's a little odd all right here we go hey kiddo I know we were supposed to go to the mall today but sadly they called me in for a meeting at work great also please order dinner for us using door Dash because the stove is broken don't burn the house down your mom okay you know what I'm so angry that we're not going to the mall I'm burning the house down I just want to see what happens so the stove is broken which makes me think it could set the house on fire okay I'm also going to go over here to the fireplace and I'm going to set that on fire beautiful come on Baldi set the house on fire my man what is that ah while you were cleaning you must have moved the gas line you must fix fix the gas leak right away before the house blows up I okay I think I I think I might have burned the house down subscribe to my other YouTube channel it's called TFG Vlogs and I will see all of you in the next video [Music]
Channel: The Frustrated Gamer
Views: 148,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox dont burn the house down, dont burn the house down, dont burn the house down roblox, Roblox, roblox gameplay, new roblox games, new roblox games 2024, The Frustrated gamer roblox don't burn the house down, The Frustrated gamer roblox, the frustrated gamer dont burn the house down, tfg roblox, the frustrated gamer
Id: A3T8A5jTKhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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