Donna Haraway / Speculative Fabulation

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now this your speculative in French translates for me into the English speculative fabulous and the difference matters because of the connotation of the word narrative in English is not as open as nación is in French and speculative narrative narrative suspect speculative narrative in English has already been occupied by a particular branch of literary critical theory which I am NOT very drawn to there are some thinkers and writers there that I think it's not like I'm against it in some way but it's not what I mean because what I mean by a speculative fabulous inácio speculative in French but not in English okay he is much more closely tied to the everyday storytelling practices of storytellers aren't all writers who aren't all professionals who aren't all you know maybe the ways mothers tell story mothers and fathers still tell stories to their children or the way someone tells the story of their life to a reporter or the way an Emily Carr writes you know writes her stories or I think over the way-out are so little Guin does does her work I think of speculative fabulous as this this fabulous making this this fabulous young the fable as a place one of my former graduate students Martha Kenny talked about wild facts facts that are not that won't hold still wild facts inhabit fables in the fable is a really important form in fabu dicey on is the making of fables and speculative fabulous young not narrative as it's been domesticated in literary theory but the fabulosity all the world which is often full of animals and full of critters who maybe don't really exist I don't know full of creatures of the imagination full of children and animals and creatures of the imagination an impossible world but also full of adults full of the the serious narrative speculative fabulous on a science fiction speculative feminism fantasy speculative fantasy of an Ursula Le Guin so for me SF is absolutely a critical germ seed a rap you know point of eruption of my own work as you know I'm a scholar I've made my living as a scholar I live in this house because I was paid as a scholar you know I would be foolish stupid to disown it that is my profession and I practice my profession as a fabulet and by that I do not mean I don't tell the truth you know because I care among other things I care about what's a fact and what isn't how it holds together or does not I I think I believe that teaching intelligent design in a biology class in high school is a kind of child abuse you know I think evolutionary theory is you know I will enforce it with the law if necessary by which I mean I will I will take part in curriculum struggles with the publishers or with the school districts so I will fight for something that I think is so some way some ways of life and not others and I don't think that is instead of being a fabulous I think that this is about taking fabulous speculative fabulous seriously most of my biologist friends don't you know I really get very upset that language they really want you to be you know for science is the truth and this other stuff isn't and you're talking about fabulous enlike that is really you know wrong-headed really crazy you know and I say no no we need to talk about a speculative fabulous and science fact in the same SF figure so that's how I use it
Channel: Fabbula TV
Views: 51,408
Rating: 4.8879161 out of 5
Keywords: Donna Haraway, Speculative Fabulation, Fabbula, Narration Speculative, Storytelling, Virtual Reality, Science Fiction, Scientific Fact, SF, Fables, Wild Fact, Fabrizio Terranova, yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2016
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