Donkey Kong 64 - 101% Gameplay Walkthrough | PART 1

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[Music] hmm okay [Music] [Music] here we go put your hands together if you wanna clap [Music] finally back he's bigger faster and stronger too he's the first member if [Music] he has no grace [Music] [Music] just like this crazy car just take this [Music] pistols he's here for you it's the last member of the dk crew this month so strong it is [Music] what oranges and coconut shells oh yeah walnuts [Applause] man the legendary dk rap i've seen a lot of people and articles and things online refer to that as one of the worst video game songs of all time but i feel exactly the opposite dude i think it's one of the best of all time i love that crud and i know at least one of you is going to be disappointed that i didn't sing along with it but if i sang along with it dude you would cringe so hard that your face would implode into a black hole and it would consume the entire planet so i'm not just trying to save myself from embarrassment by not singing i'm trying to save the planet from destruction by a black hole dude okay anyways hello and welcome to donkey kong 64. this is a game that followed the trend of 3d platformers in the late 90s and early 2000s to be a collect-a-thon lots of stuff to collect but this game takes it to the next level it is notorious for having a ridiculous amount of things to get and during this series i will be getting absolutely everything so without further ado let's go ahead and press the start button and get going on donkey kong 64. let's go donkey so of course we have to press start and then we get to a different uh little title menu thing here so we have our of course our adventure mode we've got some sound stuff i'm not gonna mess with and over here we've got kong battle and mystery this is a couple of options that i'll cover much much later in this series probably closer to the end of the game and then we just have some general options which i do want to go over we've got screen size normal or widescreen but this is an anamorphic wide screen so if i actually choose this then it's just going to make everything kind of squish left and right and not actually stretch it out so you'd have to have a tv or some kind of converter that stretches it out um we so i'm going to go back to normal for that we also have the chimpy cam this is the camera for the game you've got free and you've got follow i'm going to be using free but even if you go for a follow what's gonna happen is the camera will follow the kong a little bit more closely but you'll still have control you can still control the camera manually so for the most part i think follows actually better but there will be some times where you want to line something up very specifically where free is gonna be better so i'm pretty okay just having it on free i'm gonna go with that but you might like follow if you're playing along we also have story skip if you want the option to skip cutscenes you can turn that on i will not be skipping anything so i'll leave it off we can reset high scores not gonna bother with that and we're all set let's get out of here and let's go over this way and start our adventure this cartridge that i'm playing this series on i got this for christmas back in 1999 when i was only eight years old and here is my original file where i apparently only got 53 but i played for almost 48 hours so i played a good amount but never got near completion but for this series we will be completing it and i'm gonna go and choose this blank file right here and uh enough talking let's go ahead and get started and check out this opening cut scene [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] right right [Music] i've been waiting a long time [Music] oh [Music] hmm [Music] uh [Music] so god [Music] i want to do everything in your power to keep donkey kong distracted steal that horde of golden bananas so much and take care of his pathetic friends this time there can be no mistakes oh your excellency we've already taken care of business i hope for your sake you're right this time no while you'll be busy looking for your precious [Music] surprised [Music] squash dk dk come quickly they're gone they're all gone bork what's gone what are you talking about i mean if the kongs are gone that's fine i don't care about them but if my bananas are gone oh no dude so let me get this straight k rool had all of his dudes steal all of my bananas just so he could distract me so he could destroy the island first off why the crud does he want the island destroyed and secondly am i really gonna spend all this time collecting bananas even though i know his plan is just to distract me with those yeah we're probably going to but hey we've got tnt in our building for some reason i don't i don't know why i also got a a nice little hammock it's a too bad it's not a banana hammock but oh well and something very strange if we go first person and look over on this side there's just a realistic picture of a dolphin i have no clue why this is here the best theory that i found is that the gamecube in development was codenamed dolphin so i guess some games that were in development while the gamecube was being worked on sometimes slipped dolphin stuff in there so maybe that's related but i don't know man let's just get out here squawk is making some noise so let's go bug him squawk you're precious banana horde yeah so the text in this game scrolls very very slowly we can speed it up a little bit by pressing a but it makes it too fast and then it'll accidentally skip it so he's saying that the bananas and all the kongs have vanished so we have to go tell cranky the bad news and unfortunately our building here our little house doesn't have any safeway down so we're just gonna drop right to the floor hooray we've got the sign here which shows a way out that way and a training area which we can't do anything at right now but neither of those are cranky so we're gonna go back this way and there's cranky so let's go check it out and i guess tell them the bad news i don't know why we need to tell cranky but let's go inside hey cranky some bad crud happened my bananas are gone and i guess friends too well so i'm gonna try to like speed the text up a little bit like that well if it isn't my lazy good-for-nothing son lost your golden bananas again and where might your flea bitten friends be you don't know do you i'd have thought you would be able to smell the work of a reptile by now luckily for you old cranky's batch of homemade potions will give you all the skills you need for your silly 3d quest but you're not having any until you've completed my training barrels now buzz off and come back when you've done them all alright so now in the training area there's going to be some barrels we can go and do some training so it'll teach us a bit about the game and also unlock some moves for us but before we get there first off we have this text what do cranky mean about training oh well yeah it goes fast when you press a so let's talk about the moves that we already have by default we've got three main buttons we've got a which is our jump button we've got b which is our attack button and we've got z which is our crouch button so for jumps we can simply jump or if we run and then crouch while running and then quickly press a we'll get a long jump so we could do that as well attacks are a bit more complicated we've got this basic attack but if we press it twice then we can do that we can also attack while running get this kick we can uh attack while jumping to get this little slap chop thing and we can also do the run and crouch into b which will give us this rolling attack which is also a pretty quick way to move around so i'll be using that a lot and uh yeah i'm gonna go over this way because there's a little side path which has some goodies in it yeah we could go to the training barrels but let's go down this cave first and get ourselves our first of many many collectibles we've got some yellow banana bunch coins so let's go and grab our first three we also have this pile of dirt which says dk on it but we can't do anything with that right now so we'll come back to that one a bit later so now let's go on this way and i just want to show you guys there's one little other side area up here which is this little cave but we have no way to get to that right now so yeah we're gonna have to figure out what to do there and if we wanted to skip the training barrels we do have the way out over here but unfortunately we can't do crud if we go all the way this way it's closed off there's a button with my face on it but we can't press that so we're gonna have to play along with cranky and go and actually hit the training barrels so enough delay let's go and do these quads so you guys are going to be seeing me roll like this a lot so prepare for that crud let's go and get into this little thing here oh there's actually a backflip jump as well i'll show that in a minute which i kind of just used to get into this barrel squawks what do i do i'm in water i squawk press z to dive underwater then press and hold a or b to swim at different speeds pressing z will act as a water break to slow you down prove yourself by collecting the coin at the bottom work all right so we'll press z and i like to use a a is the faster one b is the slower one we'll swim right on down and grab that coin just like that we are done so before we actually did this training barrel if we went into water we could not dive so you have to actually do that to get that crud so yeah the other jump if you crouch and then press a while not running you'll get a little backflip as well so that's one more jump that we had access to well let's go inside the second training barrel here oh what do we have this time looks like some oranges squawk pick up the oranges and hold z then press the right c button to throw them just throw five oranges and you're done here alright so let's go pick up all five of these oranges first these are basically grenades so we can go like this to throw them but the thing is when they explode they can actually hurt us as well so we got to be careful of that but for this training we just have to throw all of them and we are good to go just like that we're done looking good so two more to go here let's hop into the third one let's see what we got what barrels squawk i don't know what to do to do with this man help me out dude squawk press b to pick up a barrel press b again to throw it pick up and throw five barrels to move on bork okay see i'm very simple we can pick up the barrel and we could press me to throw it and one thing that's not that useful but really fun is you can throw it after jumping and you kind of get this little double jump which i think is pretty nifty so again not exactly very useful but you could do it if you felt like it but there is three out of four training barrels done and you might notice guys the start of this game is gonna be very tutorial heavy so i'm gonna make this first episode pretty long just so we can kind of get past all this tutorial stuff and really start the adventure more properly but here is the final of the training barrels oh gosh squawk help me out squawk press a to leap from one vine to another and uh r when holding a vine to face the other way press z to drop from a vine now go and collect the coin at the end of the vines and also we can just jump out a tree to climb it although you can't climb every tree only these smooth looking ones you can climb there's some more rough looking trees later on which i'll show you guys that we can't climb so we can press it just like that to drop don't be sliding off there donkey let's grab back on and we can press r to turn around so just like that we're good to go and we got the coin and with that we're done with the training barrels hooray we did it we're so good at video games dude good job donkey not getting distracted at all we're focusing on the important stuff with king k rool oh gosh dang it squawk how many times are we gonna see you today hurry dk go and get that potion from cranky and let's get going fork all right all right we'll go do that so the camera controls in this game um you can use left and right on the c uh c buttons to turn around and you can also use the uh c down to sometimes zoom out a little bit c up is gonna give us a first person like this and my favorite button is just r which will flip the camera right behind you or you can just kind of hold our and it'll keep the camera centered behind you while you're holding it so there's the camera controls let's go get that potion hey cranky how you doing been a while it's a weird looking tv thing you got there you took your time donkey jungle rust set in david here drink this so we get this little potion here and with that we'll unlock the simeon slam buddhist bastion so that will give us a new ability and throughout the game we'll have to come back to cranky multiple times to get different abilities right you and your missing buddies will be able to slam the ground by pressing a to jump and then z whilst in the air it should get you out of this area oh one more thing i've got a real treat for you but only if you bring me 15 banana medals i think they look like this so there is the banana medal we're not going to be getting that any time soon that's going to take us quite a while so uh yeah that'll probably be at least like a dozen episodes before we get to that crud so anyways there's one last little thing i want to show here which is we got this little tree we can climb and for some reason over this way we have an item that is grayed out we can't collect that right now i don't know why these are here but well there you go eventually we'll be able to collect those and now after completing the training uh i think my game just crashed what the crud game what was that dude why did it crash well that's a new one i think i'm gonna have to start over and meet you guys back here i might turn on story skip just for now so i can skip the cut scenes to get back here more quickly but that's slightly unfortunate hmm okay not okay well i mean my file is still here and it has 13 minutes on it so maybe we can just load it back up and get to where we were ah there we are why the crud did it crash i okay okay so the training barrels are still done and after doing the training barrels we get these little vines above this tree so now we can go to this cave not that there's any reason to do it but i just want to be thorough and show you guys everything before we move on we will have to come back a bit later to uh get stuff here but for now we can't really do anything but this way we do have the banana horde and lots of banana peels and not a whole lot of bananas and we've got some more dirt right here that says dk on it so we'll have to come back for that later in the game not today but in a few trips and we'll come back for that one so let's go back and let's dive down into the water and if we dive in we could pick up some more grenades along the side here so we could get those to restock or supply but we've already got 20 right now so even if we pick these up oh i guess because i had to reload my game we didn't have 20. so maybe i should restock yeah normally you would have 20 after the training barrels but now it's time to leave this place we could leave it if we want by doing a glitch we could swim up on this wall right here and we can go first person then press a and that'll let us go right through the wall we can glitch our way right on out of here if we want to oh gosh i can't see crud uh where am i oh gosh i'm all discombobulated bro so right over right over this way oh gosh i'm right next to it that is the exit i do not want to take that swim away swim away okay what i actually want to do is get inside this tunnel here okay that was a little bit weird but anyways what we have to do is go over to this button and use the uh simian slam or whatever the crud and smack that crud to open the gate oh the outside what do i do out here help me out squawk squawk he's back dk king k rool's island is just over there he must be the one who stole your bananas and kidnapped the other kongs i do like cranky's voice squawk i've taken a quick look around but the only area that hasn't been blocked off is that island with a cave on it over there fork so that little island right over that way that is where we're gonna need to get to so we will get to that actually right now well okay just a second cause we've got more tutorial stuff right here we've got these little buttons these little bottle cap looking things with numbers on them so let's step on one help me out squawk find a similar numbered pad in the same area and press z to banana port between the two yep so these are basically fast travel which is extremely convenient and right here we grab all five of these and we also have a tag barrel which would let us change kongs except the only one we have access to is donkey so we're just gonna stay donkey right now but okay let's swim over to the little island over here we can hold down b to swim faster or we can just go underwater and swim even faster like that so we'll do that and we'll grab this other banana port point right there and let's go inside i didn't do that he did that himself dude most of the rolls were me but that one was that one was just the game doing it itself well i got this big guy right here oh hi my name's clumsy and i've been locked in here because i wouldn't smash up some little island but how could i such a lovely little island full of cute monkeys so i said no sniff k rool says i'm too soft to be a kremling and i'm too to stay in here until i've toughened up sob i'll do anything to be free again anything you say we'd have to wait for a bit for the cutscene to progress hey little monkey perhaps you could help poor old klumsy escape oh go on i'll be your bestest friend yeah we have to help this guy out so let's go uh be nice to him i guess yes donkey will help clumsy he gets so happy man look at him dude so you might notice around him there's a bunch of different locks that have numbers on them and those basically correspond to the worlds in the game so once we uh beat a certain level we'll get a key we have to bring it back here and unlock that crud but just by getting happy this guy destroys this boulder revealing our first golden banana of which there will be many 200 golden bananas in the game to collect but also we unlocked a little cave oh caleb's you're so happy now but k rool has taken the keys to this cage and given them to the biggest and most feared soldiers in his army if you manage to get hold of any keys please bring them back here to open my locks don't tell k rool though this has to be our little secret all right so yeah we have to go into the little cave he opened up hopefully get a key and bring it back here there's some more credit over here we can't actually do anything with so i'll just show it off just so you know it exists but there's a button right here if we press that it'll open up a cage to a golden banana but it's on the timer and no matter how fast we are right now we can knock it over there to get that crud i've tried you just can't get it in time it's all the way over here so close but you just can't quite make it and even if you could that golden banana would be grayed out you can't grab it right now so don't even worry about trying let's just go back out and let's take this banana port so satisfying man i love that crowd but let's go and actually get to the first level in the game right next to that golden banana and right next to our first new enemy we've got ourselves a naughty and these guys are pretty pathetic they don't really attack that much and even if they do one attack will take them out you could also kill them by jumping on their head but that's kind of awkward to do so i'm mostly just going to be killing stuff with the tax but there we go our first out of 200 golden bananas let's go inside and inside here we're going to have some more naughties i'll try to show off that we can kill them by jumping on them but we also have this guy over here you dumb ape i'm the mighty b locker aka banana locker and don't think for one minute you're coming in here without showing me some of your stupid golden bananas if i disobey that fat old full king rule it's the big sawmill in the sky for me so pay a pronto and i can get my wooden butt out of here so we have to have let's see if we can jump on these guys crud dude yeah jumping on them is actually quite awkward we kind of got them right there and you might notice when we kill these guys they do drop watermelon so that's actually a um a heel our watermelon at the top that's our health bar anyways we have to get the number of golden bananas that it says on there right now it's just one we have one so we're good but we also have these little rooms on the side that have question marks on them so let's go talk to the yellow one spooky don't be afraid young ones it's only me wrinkly kong my body may have passed away since donkey kong country three but here in spirits uh but i'm here in spirit to help you defeat those naughty crocodiles i can use my supernatural powers to reveal to you and your friends where that rogue k-rool has hidden some of your precious golden bananas you can come and see me wherever you see my face don't be shy now dearies but wrinkly kong i haven't let's play donkey kong country 3 yet oh gosh dang it's thinking naughty give me that watermelon so yeah we can come to wrinkly she'll give us clues about the golden bananas even though the golden bananas are crud are supposed to be distractions we're i guess gonna get distracted by them but i'm not going to be visiting wrinkly kong anymore because i know where everything is so i'm not going to need the the tips there come on i haven't got all day show me the bananas and i'm out of this swamp so we show them our one golden banana and now we can get inside our first level i know i know it's taking quite a while but well that's why this first episode's a little bit long [Music] huh [Music] oh darn that k rool he's scheming but let's get to our first level jungle james and get ready for some awesome music and lots and lots of squawk yep hey squawk dk gather as many bananas as you can before going through one of these portals so this is gonna be a scoff and trough portal which will lead to the boss fight for this level in particular we have to collect 60 bananas not golden but just regular bananas uh to fight the boss collect 75 for more bananas dk and you'll even earn a banana medal so we need 15 banana medals to show to cranky we get one of them by collecting 75 bananas there's a hundred to collect in all and also a banana port let's go ahead and grab that crud let's go beat up this nuani i don't think i need any more watermelon but i'll grab it because i can ah nuts we're already blocked off squawk help me out come on dk let's see if you still got that swing climb the tree and use the hoverbinds to reach the gate switch yep we won't be getting such heavy-handed tutorials for the entire game guys but this first episode we definitely will which is why i'm letting this episode be pretty long just so we can get through all of this uh heavy-handed tutorial stuff the game is actually fairly hands-off later on but uh yeah early on it's uh a little bit overbearing which i guess is fine so i just want to mention these uh weird-looking trees we can't climb those ones we can only climb the more smooth-looking ones like that so i'm gonna go all the way back here to this first one and climb my way up here and the reason i want to do that is well there's some yellow bananas to get so another collectible regular old yellow bananas there's 100 uh of these regular yellow bananas in each level and we're gonna collect all of them so there we go we hit that switch with my face on it and that will open up the gate right there and down there we've got some more yellow banana bunch coins so we'll go ahead and grab those three very nice very nice we'll see what those do in just a little bit let's knock out this guy first and here we have another block side path with these little buttons that have pictures of peanuts on them we can't do anything with those right now so let's move on to this tunnel see if i can roll into this guy got him and over this way we'll have the other side of the one banana port and also a little view of some more of jungle japes right here it's a pretty cool level dude i love pretty much every level in this game hey dk help oh diddy what are you doing back there well there's a golden banana in front so i guess i'll head up there for the banana i don't really care about helping out diddy all right let's go ahead oh darn it squawk okay rules minions have hidden 25 golden bananas around this area but you'll only be able to find five of them without the help of the other cogs oh i guess i'll have to help the kongs and to get more bananas so yeah there's gonna be 25 golden bananas per level and five per kong right there is one of them but we can't get that right now so let's go and grab warp number two so yeah right now we're gonna focus on the five that we can get as dk we're also gonna focus on another new enemy up there we've got that bee dude or the wasp i guess which is zinger those guys can't really deal with them too well so right now we're gonna mostly just focus on avoiding them if they see us they will try to dive attack on us just like that but we can dodge them pretty easily and grab banana port three and over here we've got this yellow balloon but we can't do anything with that and these little bouncy boxes we can't do anything with those either so for now let's just move on and go climb this big vine in the water hopefully hopefully i don't have another game crash that was still weird dude i played like 100 hours of this game on on this cartridge and i've never had it crash like that but up top here we've got a little building as well as this circle circle what does that do squawk help me out press z to transport yourself to k rules battle arena beat his goons to win a crown all right there's 10 crowns in the game to get another collectible so let's go ahead and press z and get to it our first battle arena and this one is going to be the beaver brawl so this is actually a survival thing and what i'm gonna do is just oh gosh that didn't work out at all it's a survival thing where we have to just make it till the timer is over that did not work out at all dude i had my plan i was just gonna crouch and then when they start coming at me i'm gonna jump and i'm gonna jump on their heads there we go worked out a lot better that time but we just have to not fall out of the ring and not die for the timer actually killing the enemies is not important we'd have to survive there we go and once the timer runs out we'll get the crown but this strategy usually works pretty well i like to spend a lot of time in the middle uh because if the enemies hit you it's going to knock you back so if you're on the edge when they hit you it'll knock you into the pit most likely so i kind of like to hang out on the edge like that but let's go ahead and actually let's go inside this building first we'll go up that tree in a minute let's go inside here and get to another new guy what's up funky we got funky store he's got like a giant rocket on his back so this is where we get to use those banana bunch coins hey been a long time donkey dude k roll's return is a real bummer so the main monkey's here to fix you up with some reptile kicking hardware check this out i've got this real cool shooter that'll trash cables army and it's yours for just three coins are we talking a deal here yep i've got plenty of coins so i'm gonna go ahead and buy that to get the coconut shooter heck yeah bro thanks a lot funky looks good donkey let me give you the load down to fetch out your put away or put away your shooter press and hold z then press the left c button press b to fire you can also press the up c button to use the aiming sight mode and if you're firing blanks i'm the monkey to see for ammo refills so we can run out of ammo we can come back to funky anytime he'll refill the ammo for us but there's little boxes those little wooden bouncy boxes we saw before are also ammo refills so i'll mostly just be using those but yeah there's that coconut shooter right over here golden banana we can't get but hey i'm pretty happy to have the coconut shooter so now we'll climb up this tree because up here we've got a five yellow banana bundle and also over there we've got a yellow balloon just like we saw before and if we actually hit those with our gun if i can aim properly i might have to shoot pretty early it's a pretty far shot and they don't travel all that fast oh come on oh come on maybe i will need to go to funky no we're good okay so if you hit the balloon you get 10 bananas so that's 10 percent of the entire level done in terms of yellow bananas so let's hop across these vines here right over this way we've got a tree let's climb that tree here's up top yet another bundle of five yellow bananas so there's a lot to collect but a lot of them come in bundles so it's not too bad over here we've got another golden banana that we can't get so we're gonna ignore that one and just go inside this cannon i'm sure that's totally safe but it'll blast us up here and that is where diddy is i'll i'll help you out diddy but first gotta go over here get some more yellow bananas and those bouncy wooden boxes i was talking about before that will restore ammo that is these guys so they'll give you five ammo each which is pretty good let's go ahead and grab that and now we'll grab that golden banana hooray so that is our first out of five to get here uh you might need oh crud so he said that you might need funky's help the reason he says that is because after getting that golden banana three coconut targets gonna show up so if we get out our coconut shooter and shoot those that'll help out diddy so that's our next objective here well actually our next objective is to go over this way and show off that we can use the coconut shooter to defeat zinger if i can actually hit the guy come on there we go get plenty of ammo right here a melon crate which has lots of extra health that i don't really need and over here we've also got a warp this is warp number two right here and here we have another one of those peanut icons so now that you know we can shoot the coconut ones you can probably imagine what we have to do with the peanut one and we can't do anything with that right yet so let's just go on down this way grab ourselves some loose bananas and we have a tag barrel not gonna bother with that or that golden banana back there that we can't get let's just go inside snides hq and see what we got inside here hey greetings snide's the name revenge is my game did you know k rool has been working on his blastomatic machine and intends to destroy your island but why why is he going to destroy my island i have no idea i was the chief technician on the project but that double crossing lizard kicked me off his team because he didn't trust me i'll try to help you stop k-pool's machine but you'll need to find me some of my original blueprints which look just like this i believe they were given to some of the king's toughest crony so be careful for every blueprint you return i'll give you one of those golden bananas k rule stool from your horde no blueprint no banana you never know they might just be buy view some valuable time that's the deal kong this isn't a gamecon those blueprints are vital to us both so please go and find some yo this guy was working on the machine to destroy my island how dare you bro but here you can see the the list of blueprints that we have which is completely blank so let's go ahead and exit we'll see if we can find some blueprints there all right so let's go ahead and move on and the way i want to go is right back over here we're gonna just dodge that zinger for now i want to go back kind of where did he was and now we're going to go and drop down the side here so we're going to drop all the way to the floor might take some fall damage but that's totally fine and chris flat there we go let's go ahead and grab some ammo here and we also got the banana port three let's go ahead and grab that as well as some bananas and let's go and shoot that coconut target just like that looking pretty good so that one is done next up we'll go and uh i guess i don't really need the ammo but i'll grab it anyways might as well get the one ammo i was missing so kill off some of these guys and we'll make it across here by the way you can actually jump after doing this little kick right here which is pretty handy when you just want to quickly cross a gap like this just like that boom so over this way we're going to have that other target which is above that particular cage right there but the render distance in this game is not all that good so you can't actually shoot it from here so if we get a little closer you can see it i feel like the game was designed with you being able to shoot it from here in mind but then it didn't work out so we have to actually go shoot it from a kind of awkward angle so we're gonna go take banana port number two here and we're gonna go and drop down right here this is where the cannon was before so there is the uh the cannon there and if we get right up on the edge here and then pull out our gun we can uh shoot the target from here so just like that there we go so that is two out of three targets done so now let's go and actually let's go down here i was gonna just walk over to the next one but you know what we could just drop down and take banana port number three and that'll take us directly to where i want to be so let's go right over this way and now let's go and shoot this yellow balloon from before there we go get those 10 bananas and now we'll go and shoot this target and that is all of them done and for getting all of those well that's gonna free diddy yippee way to go dk now that i'm free i can help you by collecting red bananas so yes not only is there 100 yellow bananas but there's also gonna be 100 red bananas and of course the five golden bananas that only did he can get and well there's gonna be three other kongs as well that we have to save so eventually there's going to be 500 bananas per level to collect quite a lot quite a lot but we're gonna get absolutely everything so i want to show up here real quick these gates are not actually open yet the the ones right there so we're gonna have to go get that golden banana that diddy dropped before we can do that but i just want to go over here and show this real quick first off we can get some yellow coins let's grab those and right here we've got a little switch with dk's face on it i switch with my face on it squawks what does that do squawk you need to speak to old cranky before you can use this pad i'll show you where you can find him alright thanks a lot squawk so he's gonna be in an area we can't access until after we go get that golden banana from diddy right through that cage there and one thing i want to point out for this series guys this game especially on the n64 version lags a lot so if you see a lot of lag it's not the video it is not your computer um this game uh just it has a pretty bad frame rate sometimes so if you see it running kind of in slow motion at times that is it's just on king 64. this game really pushes the n64 to its limits so it is what it is so let's go ahead and take banana port number two here and right up this way we're going to have the golden banana that diddy dropped so i want to go and grab that crudder there we go two out of five are down of course one of them is gonna be from the blueprint we give the snide but we have to actually find that first but now all of these different cages are gonna open up so we're gonna go check out all three of these different paths because they're all very important and the first one i'm going to check out is on the right side so i'm going to drop down once again and i'm going to try to attack midair no i didn't get it you can actually attack me there to kind of like stall fall damage but oh well so right over here you will see that we do have some red stuff that we can't collect as donkey and we have a new enemy here cause splat these guys are actually pretty tough but uh we can take him let's go ahead and smack this guy a few times let's get him oh gosh stop punching me bro oh gosh dude i don't want to die here oh he almost went for a big attack he can smack the ground and do a big shock wave just like that dude i'm not gonna die am i darn it could splat get out of here oh that was close okay so here we have a red yes a red blueprint we can't get that unless we get ditty so you might have noticed he had red hair well that's because he's gonna drop the red blueprints we have to find the one with yellow hair if we want to actually get the yellow blueprint but first let's go ahead and grab warp number four here and i should mention that is how i'm going to be structuring this let's play is i'm going to be very heavily focusing on an individual kong at a time you can kind of swap back and forth to grab things as you go but i'm going to try to like do all the donkey stuff in a level and then do all the ditty stuff in a level and so on because i think it's gonna be a lot easier to follow uh right here we've got a blue head cuz flat can't do anything with that and over on this little side path we also have a little wall with a rhino face on it so we can't go that way either so let's just go off this way towards cranky but yeah focusing on one kong at a time is really gonna make things a lot more manageable i think it's gonna make things a lot easier to follow as well so i i really think it's the right move i've thought a lot about it and i think if i swap back and forth too much it's gonna be kind of confusing but right there we just got our first banana medal because we got 75 yellow bananas looking good let's go inside cranky's lab here and see what he's got for us this time hey buddy well it cost three we have seven i've perfected another of my potions donkey and it's yours for just three coins you won't get much farther without it so i suggest you pay up all right so let's go ahead and say yes and we'll get baboon blast barolum perilous with this ability that kong pad we saw before will no longer be grayed out and we'll actually be able to use it you can now play the barrel blast courses find my pad with your ugly mug on it and press z to launch yourself on your way when you are in a barrel press z to fire yourself out all right and that's gonna be it for here he'll say come back on the next level to get some more crawdad so that's it for cranky on this one with dewonky let's get back out here i do want to go back to that vero blast course but first we got a little bit more to do on this side of the level first off i want to kill some of these naughties and try to get my health back up just like that and over here we also have another coconut target to shoot so let's go ahead and knock that one out and that will open up this cage right here which reveals a transformation box which will let us turn into randy the rhino so we're gonna do that as well but first let's go and grab these uh banana bunch coins and the actual bananas there we go so let's transform into rambi rambi what do i do squawk help me out actually i don't think it's squawk i think it's just randy himself helping us out to return to being dk press and hold z and then press the left c button press and hold z and then press b to charge attack all right so here's the charge attack which got me stuck on a wall hooray there we go charge attack we can smash into these little huts and we can actually break them they will stay broken so we only have to do this one time which is pretty cool so i'm gonna go around and break all of these different huts just like that there's one for diddy so there's a diddy switch as well as some red bananas there the ones on the other side were kongs that we don't have yet here we have the donkey one as well as the five yellow bananas for naughties we could just walk into them with randy and kill them and big naughty same thing they're same as regular naughty just bigger so let's go over this way and if we look at this path with the rambi icon on it if we hold down z do that charge attack by pressing b you can actually smash that wall right on down and with that we are done with rambi we have another scoff and trough portal here a boss portal but we're not gonna take that one either a bunch of watermelon that a little while ago i could have used but i don't really need that anymore and a rock right there we can't do anything with yeah lots of stuff we're gonna have to come back for a bit later over on this side another thing we can't get we have this little laughing weirdo right here but we can't do anything with them now but in a few episodes we'll be able to do that so we'll save that one for later for now let's just work our way back out of here and go back to cranky's area and hit that switch and grab those five bananas that were uh underneath that hut we broke with rambi let's keep on rolling and we'll get there eventually yeah this roll it is an attack so you can just roll right into these guys or you can kick them whatever grab that almost done guys just 15 bananas to go let's go ahead and hit that switch right there and that will reveal that golden banana all the way back at the start but now that we have so many banana ports unlocked it's pretty easy to get back there well let's go take banana port number four just like that now we can just kind of swim back along and the golden banana is right over here so i'm just going to dive in it's a little bit faster to swim underwater than it is above water so we'll do that and let's hop out get out there let's go get ourselves golden banana number three so we have one from the barrel course that we have to go play and one from snide by turning into blueprints so we'll do both of those let's start off by going and doing the barrel game let's hop up this tree climb up on top and let's take these vines right across all right let's do it so that'll blast us off we just go on it press z and lots of squawks oh boy so here we go we get dropped into a barrel and now we have to time our shot the thing is there's collectibles to get there's this yellow banana bunch coin there's also some actual bananas so if we miss those i'm going to intentionally miss the shot and that'll drop me out of the level i can enter back in and try again right there i got it though so we're good just got to focus up good okay this one has nothing so he's got to get the barrel almost missed it good if you miss you don't die or anything you just get dropped out so you can just try again oh got it don't miss the coin yes almost done just got to get that golden banana and got it okay so that one is done okay we've got that barrel cores done so let's drop down and let's check out the final of these little paths that opened because we have just a little bit left to do in this level right over here we've got a yellow haired ka splat oh oh gosh i jumped right into his attack you know what i'm gonna take the easy way out let's get those grenades going we'll just spam grenades down to win like five of these will take them down there we go dude so let's go and grab these coins as well as the yellow blueprint and that is all we have to do over here um i will show we do have a purple haircut right there we have a zinger but this zinger will drop a grenade on us we have to be careful about him and over here we've got a gate which is locked behind some feather buttons we can't do anything with so that's all we can do over here for now so all we have left to do in this level as donkey guys we gotta go give this blueprint to snide get that last golden banana and then we've got five regular bananas left to grab as well so i'm gonna roll all the way back over to warp number two cause that one is the closest to uh where snide's gonna be so we'll go right on back and we'll turn that crud in and you might notice because the banana porch was so convenient yeah up here we've got some more red bananas to get lots of stuff to do as diddy and the other kongs as well but because we're gonna be able to warp around the level it'll help us out a lot when it comes time to do the other kongs so we'll do diddy in the next episode we'll get all his crud for this level as well that's what we need kong let's get past that a little bit quickly but now we're gonna get a fun little animation and we will get that golden banana so every single level is gonna have one snide blueprint per kong so we're gonna have to turn in five blueprints per level so it's not that big of a deal but you do end up having to watch these animations quite a bit but it's worth it there we go guys six golden bananas in total because we got the one back on dk isle and then we got five from the blueprints and now you can see one little chunk of the blueprints are done so let's get out of here yeah only 194 golden bananas to go guys we're almost there i guess i could use a little bit of watermelon and the watermelon crate is not back so let's see if we can kill off this zinger to get some watermelon here there we go and now for the final five regular bananas that i need there is the boss portal the scoff and trough portal right over here if i get up on the edge oh gosh let's get right up on the edge there and look down you can see the cutout right there so i'm just gonna jump and hold against the wall and i should be able to drop right into that just like this boom and with that guys 100 bananas are done you could also just use the vines here to get across normally but that's boring so we do have the boss pour right here and to fight the boss we only need 60 regular bananas considering we have 100 yeah we're doing pretty good we could fight them right now but i'm gonna be evil guys we're gonna come back in the next episode and we're gonna go collect all the stuff in jungle james as diddy kong and then we will go and fight the boss so i hope you guys have enjoyed this pretty long first episode of donkey kong 64. they're not all gonna be this long but this first one had a lot to do so it's a little bit on the long side but that's gonna be it for today we'll go back next time we'll do some ditty stuff and i will see you guys then take care
Channel: ScykohPlays
Views: 307,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo, Let's Play, Walkthrough, Guide, Playthrough, Gameplay, Original, Scykoh, Psycho, Scicoh, Skykoh, Donkey, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong 64, Nintendo 64, 100%, 101%
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 39sec (3099 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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