Donaldson Interview 2017

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all that stuff when I feel want everybody in that ballpark to know I'm the best one that's on that trigger right here I'm the best one in the field in the real lion steps up the other line walk away Big Dawg just letting you know 2007 was the first time I had the chance to watch you walk into the Cubs Clubhouse spring training you've just been drafted out of University in Auburn huge presence walking through the door didn't care big leagues I'm here so when I think about your career and how you blossom into a superstar I can't help but think rebel and I just want to know where that comes from you know my mom was always you know the one to say hey it's okay to be herself honestly whenever I first broke into the big leagues I didn't want to step on anybody's toes you know I completely changed like who you were who I was and I was often when I was younger you had swag I had swag and I have I always had what people would call a player to my game and you know I was confident in my ability dream crusher Trust dreams on I'm on defense by taking hits away and sometimes it rubbed people the wrong way that's what happens when you're a dream crusher though you know I tried to tone it back as much as possible honestly just kind of Who I am I would do anything for the camera so 2008 Josh Donaldson gets traded to Oakland what was that like well on the headline on the bottom line it said John Donald Oh story of your career do you still feel like you're undervalued or underappreciated somewhat yeah somewhat but I mean at the same time it works for you it works for me [Music] [Music] and that's kind of is my story even from when I was younger and people didn't always see me as the best you know I was able to kind of develop and continue to have a vision for what I wanted to accomplish and really look to seek out knowledge and to kind of better myself and you know here we are today I mean your story the evolution of you becoming an MVP the grind the story you've had to endure but there's something different about you man this is the guy that scares me the most I mean he looks like he's going to hit a home run every time he comes to the plate we've talked a lot about the evolution of your swing and you going from the Midwest League freeze and getting the bat blown out of your hand to feeling like and to quote you I'm going to catch three barrels yep each day each day every day feeling like I have a chance to hit three barrels what did hey I gotta be honest with you back in the day like when I was a kid I used to drive down Jersey Shore my dad taught that chord white Porsche 911 goes rolling by I'm like one day I'll have done yes and now you're rolling in it honestly the things that I have it doesn't make me the person that I owed a lot after 100% I'm reaping some of the benefits you know the many hours of putting in the hard work hours of training the beauty of this story it's kind of like the journey for you to get here you play with guys like Bryce Harper Manny Machado those guys were kind of destined from an early age under yeah people wouldn't just go up and say hey that's the best player it was always the other way it was like I'm probably not going to make it bud to see [Music] 2012 I played nine games doing terrible I got sent back down I had to take a look at the mirror so I see where this is going I'm going down in flames I'm going down my leg going down my way our hitting coach he comes up to me they gave me what are we going to work on and that the do me are working on anything I'm working a lot going to work on that's for me [Music] 2013 is my first full season at big leagues at their sport and many people yet I went from mm well I think that they understand how that happens so what happens because what I was working on what I was doing was right my life like a movie we don't care about what the room the end when I looked in the mirror to see things clearer now you know to truly there's been so many things that hitters that we've been to talk that I believe are incorrect I look back at it I'm like why would I do I want to put information out there and guys are searching - the way that I've come to think about hitting now I want to feel like my swing in my fans it's just running into it and if the ball come even there another big guy who uses one hand or I believe this hand top and bottom hand I want to take your hands added they don't the hands are done Josh that's all I thought about I know I went in doubt take everything out of it you don't move your head and just let your hands play and a lot of guys hit like that a lot of got a lot of guys are hand dominant because that's all they know okay hi so take me through a few swings and what you're trying to accomplish you take this awesome let's let them see your hair yeah the only way to find out what your swing is is to have body awareness and to understand how your body is moving people talk about rhythm and timing but nobody explains what rhythm and timing is [Applause] so my rhythm is here this is the rhythm getting the barrel I'll put the leg up so rhythm is getting this up that's rhythm timing is timing my forward move towards the baseball in my hands going back at the same time that's what allows you to stay balanced pretend like there's a string to your front foot into your knobby your back so here seems like you want to pull the string tight make your own rhythm done so when I want to stop going forward the hands pop back and now I'm in a balanced powerful position where a lot of people kind of disagree who are in what I would call old school thinking of hitting you can't hit the pitch for the elbow going down this way if I go here and the pitch above now I got to try to come back up with my hips the elbows got to get above the plane of the pitch where it's going to create more of a flatter back path this way and now whenever I get here I still feel strong going from here and turning the backside this way one more like this yeah so you want it to come like that you want it to come like this through the zone in your words you can't hit down on that anything they want you to say when I was hot if you hit down on the ball you over spin it you know ball balloons it just sits another output or easy-out in order to get the trajectory that you want with the right spin you have to have a positive impact edible and what positive means is you're catching the ball and a slight bump form just like a thing behind the baseball in a turn in the jab you right here hmm like that's on the vehicle please you're not using your hand where it's like this yeah like all armors why are you so passionate do you think that pitching's involves so now hitting's got to got a follow suit I have a passion for hitting and I have cracked the code in your mind in my mind I definitely feel like their success because I've discovered things that guys who do hit that they do hang you know they see no Jay this is the start of something big we might be you delay hey what a nice we're on our way what I say is not the end all deal with it something different something you need to be able to stimulate your mind and understand what you're doing and have a reason why you're doing something if you can get those things under control and have those answers the path of getting more narrow are you content now do you still carry that chip on your shoulder do you think that'll ever go away I don't I don't think it'll go away I've always felt like I've had to prove myself every day you step you put on a uniform and you step out on the diamond my goal is to be the best player on the field that day [Music]
Channel: Bmatt0416
Views: 149,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8x5udwPiwek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2017
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