Donald Trump & Melania's Best, Worst Campaign Moments [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]

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more of that existed interview that Donald Melania Trump sitting down together for their first joint interview since those accusations of sexual misconduct surface against the candidate with her husband by her side Melania Trump address that issue the campaign's impact on their family and what she'd like to do is first ladies you sit at the beginning if you run you'll win you still feel that I feel that I feel that I see the connection with the American people and my husband and he created a movement and the crowd and the people that are behind him it's unbelievable to see does it make you want to get out there yourself and help him out the final two weeks we will see my priority is my son bad on our son Barron and I support him 100% and I'm there for him every time he needs me and I'm I join him we will see she's actually going to make two or three speeches she's amazing when she speaks she's an amazing public speaker so she's agreed to do two or three speeches and I think it's going to be big speeches important speeches you mentioned think it's gonna be great you mentioned Barron and I wonder you know we're gonna be talking to the other kids in just a minute how has the experience been for him he's heard his father's say a lot of tough things heard a lot of tough things said about his father how does he take it all in I teach him I explained to him so he knows what's going on and he's he's taking very well I keep him balanced and just have him childhood as normal as possible and he's enjoying his school and his sports he's a great athlete and I just want to have him out of the spotlight for now does he ask you about the news though yes old he asked me about the force all the time it's like his daddy follows the mansion how's he doing in the polls he's of course he misses he's that a lot at these days but he's doing great and if you could look back over this campaign and say two things what has been the best moment what's been the worst the best moment the movement that he created and so the people what she wants to do for the country and the worst I would say dishonest media and unfair media you guys talk about this a lot what it what is so unfair about what's about the coverage overall well I could just speak for myself that I don't want to mention this specific act but so often they'll say Oh Donald Trump said this or he said that and what I said wasn't wrong what I said was fine if a Democrat had said it if Hillary had said it people wouldn't they wouldn't have even thought about it but I'll say something that's absolutely perfect George and the next day it's headlines Donald Trump said this or that that comes now no no no look I went to an Ivy League school I was a good student of a very smart person I know what I'm saying no there have been some instances or I could have done a little bit differently but sometimes I'll say something that's absolutely perfect and I'll get a call after an interview like with you did you say this or that and they'll spew it so unfair to people see it for themselves they make up their own mind they don't really because what happens is you poison me much you really do the media poisons the mind of the American voters they really do it's unfair but the thing is the American voter is really smarting I mean I'm gonna see how smart they are but the American motor I think the American voter is smarter than the media it's clear you both feel very very strongly about this clearly you know we all know you answered some questions about this since that Access Hollywood came out you know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful I just started kissing them he apologized to you for that but you said at the third debate you didn't apologize to her about the women the stories are all totally false I have to say that and I didn't even apologize to my wife who's sitting right here because I didn't do anything is that okay with you they were there were lies and as I said before all the requisitions they should be handled in a court of law so you believe the lawsuit should go forward yes I believe that and because to accuse somebody without evidence it's very hurtful and it's very damaging and unfair and but honestly do we still need to talk about that I think American people want to hear the problems that we have in America she's so right about that they want to hear what we will do to make America better let's talk about jobs let's talk about secure our border that's what American people want to finish I can't apologize for something that I didn't do nothing ever - but it's more likely to go away if you don't sue we'll see what happens okay let's see what happens on the 8th November 8th have you thought more about what you'd like to do is first lady I will focus on helping children and women and also about social media in this 21st century what's going on it's very hurtful to children - some adults as well but we need to take care of children to keep it away from your kids it is but we need to teach them how to use it what is right to say what is not right to say and because it's very bad out there and children get hurt by by social media by what's going on and by negativity you give them advice about tweets yes I do all the time well look it's a modern-day form of communication George and you know I have between Facebook and Twitter I have 25 million people it's a much it's a big asset I have to use it right but it's a Pigasus so tell you when you use it wrong she she can give me further advice but what you're saying is true that I've seen so many people hurt so badly not just children I mean just people are hurt so badly by new social media and she feels very strongly about it she understands the dangers that your New York Times was all the people they say you've insulted and that's on Twitter that's ok most of them deserved it well you want to think that I'm surprised let's go check it I can't believe I didn't include you know look I believe in fighting back when people are against me when they tell lies you know I have the power of this this instrument and frankly sometimes I'll use that and I agree sometimes it will revert back or sometimes maybe it doesn't come out you have to be careful with it what do you think about Hillary Clinton not as a candidate I know you believe that mr. Trump will be a better president United States what do you think of her as a person I don't know her that well I think she's out there fighting I think it's a political machine behind it behind her she's protected a lot and they will not say everything what needs to be said and finally you're okay with what happens no matter how the vote goes on November 8th yes the life goes on no matter what happens but he's gonna win I think so we've I think till the end thank you both thank you very much thank you interesting to see their dynamic together as well and also you know I found out something yesterday I and I didn't realize this Melania has actually never been to the White House oh my goodness no once so if they win it could be the first time
Channel: ABC News
Views: 1,556,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Politics, Presidential campaign, Presidential candidates, Donald Trump, Trump, Trump speech, Donald Trump Speech, Trump Interview, Trump attacks, trump women, Donald Trump Polls, Mike Pence, Donald trump abc interview, Donald trump full interview, Donald trump george Stephanopoulos, trump Stephanopoulos, melania trump interview, melania trump speech, melania trump video, melania trump michelle obama, melania trump snl
Id: 1RlWcAlm8J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
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