Don Stewart | Vertical View | Bible Prophecy Update | 5/25/21 | Pastor Joe Pedick

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[Applause] all right well as i mentioned earlier we have don stewart here with us let's give the lord a hand for don stewart welcome him out [Music] [Applause] how are you doing don i'm doing okay let's see what you should turn on just need to slide this up try that there we go hi everybody how are we doing this out of the way well i'm going to embarrass you a little bit tonight wait a minute now i know what he's going to say but okay go ahead you ready okay i'm ready i'm ready it is don stuart's birthday today thank you thank you thank you yeah yeah i want to just thank the person here that's responsible because if it went for my wife madeline who's here tonight i wouldn't be here because as i told you the story when i got the chinese communist party coronavirus in december um was by the grace of god i'm still alive and so uh she she's the one that uh you know and so i will give her all the credit and all the glory and i couldn't be more blessed to have her in my life so i love you madeline so right here don't stand up you don't want to stand up yeah there's you okay all right that is i'll tell you um god is using you in great ways don and we we appreciate you it's a blessing just the lord has given me a brilliant mind and being that i just wanted to make it a little different tonight i didn't even i haven't told i haven't even told them about this yet but uh because because it's your birthday and because we're all we're blessed by having you here with us we're blessed we just want to just uh start by you know asking you about you know we do testimonies here sometimes and it's so powerful and uh we had four people do their testimony here just recently and i mean it's just it's powerful to hear somebody's testimony so uh maybe there's people here that never heard how did you come to christ how old were you when you came to christ and and and in your ministry how did you start in ministry so i'm curious i know i've heard bits and pieces of the story but i really would like to know all right how long do you want me to take as long as you are as long as you want we've got a lot of yeah we got a lot of things to cover but no that's okay no i appreciate that yeah i became a christian in march of 1970 i was um 19 years of age i turned 71 today and it was yeah seven years okay thank you thank and i was about as lost as a human being could be i really was it was you know the hippie era this and that and uh what really got me thinking about life and death was it was a saturday night when we're all out i had a volkswagen shove it in love it vote so i can bless you know somebody remember those in those days and i grew up in the city of tustin and we were cruising as usual and there were some guys from out of town that got in a fight with some other guys at a party earlier and they made mistook my car for the guys they got the fight with so basically yeah basically uh you know they they kind of pulled us off the road there's about four of us in the car start just wailing on us and i'm loaded i don't know what's going on hey man but one guy oh no one guy actually broke a bottle and stuck it up to my neck he said i'm going to cut your throat i go hey man no real you know it's one of those i was you know i was too stoned to be scared but anyway about 3 a.m and went to the police station these guys all got arrested we you know we report them to the the police and about 3 am i'm sitting there thinking man i'm only 18 19 i could have died yeah what would have happened you know i never thought you know you don't you think you're a mortal age right and so to make a short story long soon thereafter i i went on a friday night with calvary castle calvary chapel costa mesa someone told me about a church that didn't mind people with long hair coming you don't care what you look like you got to be kidding me and so i showed up and like i've said before it was one of those nights i looked around at the people jill and i said to god about halfway through god whatever these people have i want right now that was 51 years ago so i'm thankful for that and uh what was that [Applause] how i got in the ministry i was i was going to play people knew me in co in high school as the athlete i was very good at athletics baseball uh football track and that and so i was gonna play college football and all of a sudden everything changed i wanted to serve the lord i started reading the bible you know 24 7. and so i want to go to bible school rather than go to you know secular college there's going to be a physician i want to be a doctor but also want to be a athlete too but bottom line was uh i started studying and one thing led to another and i started a little small church in l.a that i'd go to every sunday about 20 people this one large family and they had a free sunday every you know they the men of the church spoke every sunday but one sunday they had a free sunday so after about six months they said would you like to do a talk because i was going to bible school at the time i said me they said yeah oh my goodness okay and i'll never forget it i remember when i got up the first time to speak it was so humbling because i felt really the power of god with me and then the whole ride home i was thinking i can't believe it as you know joe the god of the universe actually used me to talk to other human beings about him yeah and i never got over how wonderful it was of the honor it was and it's still 51 years later it's still wonderful and it's still an honor so anyway that's how i got started and i just started studying and learning i went to bible college graduate school and you know then i met josh mcdowell in 1976 traveled with him for a year we started he asked me to write a book with him in march of 1970 came out july night and excuse me march 1980 he came out in um july of 1988 became a christian bestseller called answers to tough questions and that was about a hundred books ago that's how many have written you know yeah so it's quite a while but anyway that's but you know i'm just blessed to be a believer i'm still here's the thing i'll i'll end with this when i became a believer at calvary costa mesa there was a group called the love song that had just came come to christ about a month before and the first i think it was the first friday night the second friday night i was there they sang a song called since i opened up the door and the words were since i opened up open up the door can't think about anything but jesus anymore and that was my testimony and it still is 51 years later so that's it kind of a nutshell that's wonderful okay the other thing i was as i was pondering our conversation tonight i was thinking about with chuck smith because i know you you were working with chuck smith uh many times on the radio for many years how many years do you know about oh many many many yeah probably at least seven years we did uh i did one time five days a week with him then when he as he got older and he got you know more sick just a few days a week but yeah i was there with him all the time like nobody else watched him and like i mentioned before he not only taught me how to live as a believer he taught me how to die too because his testimony at the end was something very very wonderful knowing he only had a little while to live never wanting any any type of you know feeling sorry for him never even mentioned anybody but gave it everything to the end so yeah pastor chuck was only my idol and you know what's interesting too just one other thing about chuck i would you know i'd be answering most of the tough the bible questions the difficult ones but when it came to counseling questions and wisdom he would answer these questions and i think i would never in a million years be able to give an answer like how does he know all this how does he have this great wisdom and you know you know what i'm talking about this this is this is really unbelievable god gifted the man so i'm very blessed to have been able to work with him yeah i remember some situations when i was serving at calvary costa mesa and there's some like real you know traumatic things happening and we're all like all worried stressed out and and then chuck would just come there and just so calm and so and ever you know just calm everybody because he's so calm so so i learned a lot from that that uh be anxious for nothing and i saw that in him so how did you get started with you know introduced to chuck how did all that happen it was interesting because i became a believer like i said at costa me so i started going there all the time and uh there is you know that's a good question how did they start uh you know so many years ago it was it was how many years ago they had don mcclure was in charge of a bible school they had 1972-73 and i started teaching a class and that i asked if i could teach because i was going to bible school at the time i learned a few things they said yeah and i guess chuck finally kind of heard about me what i could do and so he asked me on staff and i was on staff about three different times there and uh one of the jobs that from 78 to 82 is called pastor at large that means i would go and travel and represent calvary to the world because people didn't understand what's going on there they thought we were just a bunch of freaks they're a bunch of kooks a bunch of weirdos you know a bunch of long-haired people that uh you know really didn't have a relationship with jesus so i would you know i would actually travel the u.s and other places representing the lord but what god was doing at calvary chapel and given the testimonies i did that for four years after i worked with josh from 76 to 77 so uh that was kind of you know what i did and i come came back a couple of times and now i'm uh doing other stuff today like our website giving away the free resources writing new books and that and it's still there and like i've said as long as i got my my voice and my marbles i'll be speaking you know i've got i got you still you still have both of them you still have both of them that's good many marbles okay before we get started with that i just wanted you just did three more books well actually yeah i did three yeah three just three yeah three new books three two when i was sick you know yeah it's just amazing yeah so you have a book table here but uh my it's my uh 25 favorite messages that i preach there we've got ancient mysteries of the bible solved yeah that's and that's my favorite one is it that's the favorite one okay and then also is the bible the ultimate source of authority yeah this one here now unfortunately we're out of already let me tell you this one here can we order it yeah if you're interested because one of the things that goes on is people and again there's a free download on the website we've got the book here but it deals with the claims basic of the roman catholic church they have the final authority orders in the bible and the bible alone so we talk about peter we talk about you know uh does he have the final authority is it rested in the bible or in the in the church and so we spent a lot of time on that because it's a question that needs to be answered because many of you came from a roman catholic background and the church is supposedly the last answer of everything the magisterium is given to the pope the bishop you know the bishop of rome the vicar of christ the substitute of christ on the earth and there's nothing anything near that in scripture nothing whatsoever we talk about that in a nice way uh we'll have a roman catholic friends but we don't believe that there is a human being on earth that represents christ who is the vicar or the substitute of christ the final answers are in the word of god in the word of god alone not in the visible church so that's what this one's about so it would be helpful you know very good people but again it's already there on the website it's the bible the ultimate source of authority and it's a you know free download there if you want it awesome that's so awesome i just want to uh two verses that have been this morning it's interesting you wrote you wrote all these books i'm i'm actually for the first time in my life writing a book and good yeah alex morash goes co-authoring with me and we're working on this book together and he asked me he texts me this morning and he says you know what's why are you you know what is the motive of this book and that these verses popped right in my head and i i want to read that it's psalm 145 4 one generation shall praise your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts so that's what the book's all about declaring god's mighty acts and that's why i wanted you to share some of your story too because it's so powerful when we declare his mighty acts it's not us but it's him and then the other verse there was the two verses down was psalm 140 5 6 men shall speak of the might of your awesome acts that's the lord and i will declare your greatness so uh that's why you know so i'm motivated by i'm excited to work on this but uh i again these two verses for tonight we just want to glorify the lord talk about him look at what's happening today there's not much going on today is there not much at all so let's get started sure let's let's see what we have here if we can get started what's happening here let's try that again really is there a problem over up there am i doing something wrong oh there it is full page that was me my bad okay oh this is a good one this is a good one so lincoln uh i won't i'll just stop there but uh uh he's met up with netanyahu he hints that israel may take independent so he excuse me netanyahu says that israel may take independent action against iran and then the secretary of state anthony blinken he's going to meet with him but he has no remarks on this so this is interesting because i think about how in matthew 24 where we're going to hear of wars and rumors of wars but these are two big players in end times in history for biblical end times so we've got here israel saying that with or without you americans i'm gonna go ahead and attack iran and so they're they're talking tough yeah they are and they have to because uh america is not a player in last days bible prophecy in america is literally nowhere to be seen in this uh latest episode that went on in israel from may 10th you know the 11 day award till the 21st and uh it was really really unfortunate one of the sad things but predictable from our point of view is that this administration which has there's one headline i have it's basically meet the team of israel haters that joe biden has assembled that kind of tells it all doesn't it would not mention the name of hamas the terrorist organization attacking israel they try to make moral equality with who hamas is a terrorist organization which their charter says calls for the destruction of israel with israel defending themselves against the 4 200 rockets that came over in those 11 days the united states in fact what's sad about all this you know bite claimed you know that the basic was he is the one that got the cease fire going like he's the great peacemaker and all of that and and yeah it's sad isn't it but it's uh a situation where israel of course realizes iran uh is is there committed to their destruction committed to the structure of israel just like hamas is and one of the sad sad stories gang is that the the axis there with hamas and iran okay together they're not the only ones that are pushing for the destruction of israel we'll have not only that and in western europe and the european union but also what's really really sad i don't know if you're going to get to that are many unfortunately way too many members of the democrat party today the leftist members that are coming out basically calling israel an apartheid state not having the right to exist not wanting to sell weapons to israel during this time and it's that's the real sad thing there's a couple articles there to talk sunday i'm doing another one tomorrow on this whole subject joe and the whole idea is that we have lost the united states of america um the heart to back israel yeah and once we do that you know what genesis 12 1-3 says yeah i will curse those that curse you first those that curse yourself yes i will bless those that bless you i will curse those that curse you and that's i believe the blessing of the united states of america has been because we do back is or we have for many years even some of the these you know presidents that we think oh you know we don't really like their policies but they were standing up for israel and so if we are on that side of blessing that's good but the problem is we're not there today and god says i will curse those that curse them and i i'm finding that they're talking out of one side of their mouth saying oh we we you know they have the right to defend themselves but yet they're doing some terrible things that we're going to look at here tonight that's against israel they're not for israel so here did you see this one yeah the support for this is this is the saddest story of all yeah this is the set look at the headline gang support for israel among young us evangelical christians drops yeah and it's gone to the place where now the bible and about half of them said they don't go to the bible to get their view on israel it's what's another sad thing these are supposedly bible-believing christians evangelicals evangelical christians more supported joe biden than donald trump in the last election they don't see any reason biblically well they don't read the bible they don't see any reason to support israel and yet this is the future what's coming up in our country the of the christianity and if this is it we're done i'm sorry we're done yeah this is it yeah it dropped it says 75 to 33 for among evangelical christians and that's it i i think of uh first timothy 4 1 where it says now the spirit express expressly says in the latter times some will depart from the faith giving heeds to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons and this is a doctrine of demons to to come against israel and to turn your back on israel it's demonic it's evil because again god says i will bless those that bless them i will curse them they curse them and if if this is where our country is going we're in trouble we're we're in big trouble and remember the united states was not in last days bible prophecy and we were hoping it would be you know we still hope there'll be a revival in the country but with this article it tells us like what's going to happen like rome we're going to implode from the inside we're going to fall apart inwardly no one can defeat us militarily but we can fall apart inwardly and that's exactly where this country is going but but heartbreakingly joe there's so many christians that aren't teaching about israel aren't teaching bible prophecy that's why these these kids just don't know they've never been taught they've been taught the word of god and what happens well here it is you know they just don't see what god makes very clear in his word like we talk about all the time israel is god's time peace in the last days if you don't understand that you really don't understand what god's doing today yeah it's sad it's sad the whole replacement theology liberal theology and they're just kicking israel out and thinking that the church has replaced israel which that's that's not biblical and it's not good but here's here this is great because you know this gentleman right here this miracus he's going to teach the kids the real thing so he's going to so homeland security secretary marcus revealed that his department is working to create tools to help american children figure out when they're being fed dangerous disinformation yeah what could possibly go what could go wrong with that yeah here it is you know you've got social media doing it uh and again together with them you've got uh this administration what disinformation is and disinformation by their definition is what we believe you know judeo christian ethic the bible the word of god uh the truth and it's it's it's sad but this again this is this is why we are in such bad shape and how quickly which everybody has realized how quickly things have changed this is only the end of may now and how quickly they've changed since january 20th in this country but this is not a surprise been predicting this if you watch the program used to call breaking news we talked about this for months and months i said uh you think things are going to change slowly no no no they can't wait to see these things change and we're seeing this and basically the disinformation it sounds to me almost like the re-education camps in north korea the brainwashing you will believe this you will you know do this yeah it's only given that the information they believe is true and get getting rid of all the other information it's said i think of isaiah 5 20 woe to those who call evil good and good evil and we're living in those days whoa isaiah 5 20. that's what's going to happen the last days they're going to call evil good and good evil that's what we see yeah dangerous dangerous stuff okay what do we have here next oh i did how many people saw this so it says famous pastor here yeah cunan uh spreading among evangelicals these pastors are trying to stop it and so conspiracy theory preaching i'm number one on the list cnn says look at that amazing but we can you can trust cnn though and they're telling you that it's wrong you can trust them right no so so that's for that's for wait a minute i didn't see it this is from cnn this is for your friends famous now yeah the world famous we're in a place where we got a conspiracy pastor here yeah go ahead go ahead you pastor joe pedic of huntington beach california spoke about popular conspiracy theories surrounding the inauguration of joe biden i'm being told there is something big going on to happen before the 20th supposedly they're trying to arrest a lot of people etc etc a representative from his church told cnn business he does not believe in conspiracy theories but he was simply conveying information he heard and did not know if any of these things would happen exactly well yeah so there you go but i'm number one on their list if you look at the list i happen to be number one now wait a minute now what is this political okay no no no but what does that say about everybody here today and watching i know yeah they're following a heretic no no you're not i don't know where yeah the my theory in this is uh i think it could could this possibly be political um i could see michelle steele goes to church exactly if they can discredit her pastor of course maybe they can uh win some points on the other side or the people they want to whatever it is but it's i think it could very well be political so here i i mentioned something in where they where i did mention something i said i don't know if this is true i don't know if this is going to come to pass this is something i've been told so they take that and because of that one statement which i've been teaching for like 25 26 years and this is the only thing they could ever find because so yeah there you go but i i kind of like being on this side oh yeah the other side of the if they're if they're singing my praises then i'm in trouble no no no no no that's that's really true we're known by who doesn't like us and there are certain people we don't want him to like as well yes you know because we're preaching the truth the gospel jesus said this world you're going to have tribulation they hated me first they're going to hate you too so they're ultimately hating jesus joe but cnn huh you made the big time yeah there you go wall street journal called me up i did it yeah i did a quote for wall street journal the other day here we go so we'll see interesting yeah okay how about this we talked about this there uh last week yeah you and i by the way did you see joe on his channel with me on on world news briefing he's fabulous if you didn't you got to watch it he's a great joke fabulous job yeah you're the pro i'm just no no no no no no no no no no you did fabulous i love it okay here we go uh so hamas rockets kill at least 20 civilians uh it's in gaza it's their rockets that aren't making it to its destination correct and so uh they're the news is reporting this as if israel is killing innocent people when in fact it's their own rockets that are killing their own people and it's just uh just it's terrible yeah and and and they don't make any distinction they're reporting there's an abc's la story a couple days ago right before the war ended saying how a rocket an israeli rocket killed a family of seven there in gaza and how terrible was killing all the children well the rocket was shot from gaza didn't go very far it killed their own people but of course israel gets all the blame because that's what always happens you think like you said they would come out and say oh you know what now we found out the real information forgive us we did the wrong thing but no there's an agenda there yep big time i was just as i was looking through this i uh someone mentioned that the iron dome intercepts 90 percent of all the rockets so they have the iron dome and it in a statement they put out it says it protects all israeli lives not just jewish people they're protecting all people that are living there arab jews they protect everybody and then i thought of this verse in isaiah 31 5. i thought it was very interesting don it says like birds flying about so will the lord of hosts defend israel defending he will also deliver it passing over it he will preserve it so i just thought this engine like birds flying about he's going to defend them so we've got interesting just interesting it could be conspiracy stuff though yeah you never know what cnn says you are so i know so there you go okay let me get you caught up here sorry okay good my bad all right no problem okay this one here yeah this one you love this one oh this i sent you that one didn't i yeah i believe you did yeah it's terrible okay look at this oregon health oregon health authorities is required that people in workplaces businesses and religious sites show proof of covet 19 vaccination in order to be allowed to masterless entry to the facility so you have to have a vaccine in order you have to have proof of your vaccine in order to enter without a mask in your workplace business and also churches guys so what do you what would you say about that i just don't visit oregon yeah that's that's that's easy that's easy yeah maybe things will turn around so well here in california yeah they'll all come over this way that would be nice exactly yeah that would be nice okay what do we have next oh this this shouldn't cause any problems of course not court packs uh push for by biden is trying to pack the u.s supreme court so he they kind of mentioned that they might do that but they're having the meetings they started meetings with this uh last wednesday uh talking about uh trying to bring on more justices on the supreme court yeah and and the problem is as we know the court in recent years has been legislating from the bench they're just supposed to they're not the ones that make the law they're supposed to interpret the law but they've been feeling free for years and years now to do that and if you have a you know right now let's say well it's 5'4 you've got five conservatives four liberals i count uh john roberts as one of the liberals and uh basically if you add a few more uh you know if you added four more whatever number uh they want to pack it for life they really do and a legislate from the bench and uh it's um it's one of these things you know this this is this we've already had always had nine from the beginning of the country but now because they're you know they've got they're on the minority they're on the supreme court they want to pack it there and uh recall jill biden was asked who he would put on the supreme court during the campaign he said i'm not going to tell you yeah he didn't tell us you know every other candidate so if someone's you know i'm gonna put the best people on but here's one possibility like donald trump listed like 45 people that were possible candidates you know by well i'm not going to tell you like we were all waiting with baited breath you know firm to tell us but this this is sad because we know which direction they're going to lean and it's um is it going to happen well we'll see we don't know we don't know yeah let's go on to the next netanyahu confronts lincoln good for him iran deal paves the way for nuclear iran oh yeah so he's he's not happy at all he's confronting him because the u.s is talking about lifting all sanctions giving money billions of dollars to iran going back to the old deal and netanyahu is confronting him saying don't do this it's very dangerous and so uh we have this on and this is so interesting because here we see right before eyes as we're looking through all this we're seeing america we're not going to be in bible prophecy end time prophecy and you're watching us go down fast but then in the news you're watching iran and right there front and center israel front and center russia's making claims that because of the war that was going on that it's it's hard on their security so they're getting involved with this whole thing and and it's just interesting that how uh the bible said that these particular players will be there in the end times america won't and so i see it happening it's happening very fast and uh so we have to for bible prophecy done we have to as this country we're not going to stand with israel it's going to be the god of abraham isaac and jacob that will stand up for israel during the great battle with gog of magog when they come down and attack and so we're we're watching possibly the formation of that what are your thoughts yeah uh zechariah 12 3 the bible says moreover on that day i will make jerusalem a heavy burden for all the nations and all who try to carry it will be seriously injured yet all the peoples of the earth will be assembled against it the whole world will be against israel we're told but um god will be you know god one with god is a majority god will be for israel but that's what we're seeing and unfortunately there's a story i have i don't know if i sent it to you that right before the end of the the the little latest skirmish there in israel uh andre laura of the he's andrea i think i pronounced his name right he is the um soviet uh what is he is his exact title there russian forest minister sergei larov he pushed for an international effort to defuse the conflict calling for a quartet to meet on the situation now you know he called for he called for russia united nations the european union and who's going to agree with them the united states of america we're in the same category the russians believe now as they are and we are this administration they are they're apartheid calling israel apartheid straight israel haters and that in fact and then he wanted the general secretary gutierrez to chair the meeting who was an anti-semite who came out and started talking about you got to stop shooting missiles you know at gaza you got to stop you know killing civilians this i didn't say a word about hamas starting and they're all terrorists and they're you know their charter calls for the destruction of israel but the fact that they would even mention the united states with these three groups as though they're of one mind speaks volumes doesn't it joe it's terrible yes it does and it i'll tell you things are like you mentioned they're happening at breakneck speed it's i mean right before our eyes we're watching this happen right before our eyes but the good thing as believers guys we we read the we're reading the end of the book we you've read the end of the book we're on the winning side so we don't have to fear you know that you could list you can read all this and you can become fearful like oh no what's going to happen to the united states i like to think good thoughts you know that's just the way i am you know i like to look at the good side of all this i hope my prayer is the rapture of the church is going to happen we're going to be taken up and we'll be with the lord in the air and then the united states will totally go downhill and then all this terrible stuff will happen but that's my that's my hope that's my my prayer that that takes place yeah uh you know again we're um i use the example it's a hurricane that's coming you know uh an earthquake as we all know happens immediately we're not you're not prepared for we know what to do but you're never thinking about it five seconds before that a tornado you get a little bit of time a hurricane you got a lot of time you know what's coming and you can prepare for we need to prepare for it by being salt and light and recognizing that it's going to be difficult times that in the last days the two groups of people be persecuted will be christians and jews right and we're going to be uh considered the ones that are the problem causers we are the cause of all the problems in the world that's why we have to be uh eliminated one way or another but the good news is the lord has warned us about this ahead of time so we know what to expect and even the better news is we win in the end we know he's gonna the victory is coming revelation 19 as we come back with him as king of kings and lord of lords so we are optimists just like pastor chuck i used to ask him on world news briefing chuck we've had 45 minutes 50 minutes of all these bad stories why are you still smiling and he says because i got some really good news for everybody and he preached the gospel and said we know how it's all going to turn out we've been warned about this ahead of time we're not ignorant of these things and so as heartbreaking as it is we know we're you know it's we're encouraged right yeah god's god's got it yeah yep god is not to you know when someone once said it might but ed heinsen you know prophecies not to scare us but to prepare us exactly just to prepare us we know we're going home we know we're going to be with the lord it may happen in our lifetime it may not the rapture of the church but as you mentioned on we're to be salt and light in this earth we're to share you know we're going through the book of revelation on sunday and i'll tell you what the more i look at the judgment that are going to take place on this earth i don't want my enemy to be here when you know i don't want anyone to be here during that time and so it hopefully it encourages us to go out and share the good news of the gospel of jesus christ okay another we're just going to different places here back to oregon though uh here we go you reason number two not to go to oregon now all right the school board may require classrooms to fly the bml blm flag and the pride flags there you go is that did we lose her no i mean um you can't really make this stuff up gang but it's not surprising it started in oregon not not in the least this this all this stuff it's the very very left of state as a word it's heartbreaking to see all these things that are going on but um sad thing about this but again not not surprising in the least that uh you're seeing that and it's not going to be an anomaly we'll see at other places uh it's fascinating because you're seeing almost like two countries now the red states and the blue states now aren't we yeah i don't oh there we go oh there it is it wasn't showed up let me see do i have to i gotta just read this i don't know we're just having a little bit of technical difficulty here there we go yep why do we do this why don't we jump to a question real okay sure because we've got a question actually this is one that dale asked the last time you're here and we didn't get a chance to get to it good question dale says how and why should we continue to pay bills credit card payments and go about our day as normal etc if an end of our livelihood and freedoms as we know it seemed like they they're going to be they will be here short or for a short amount of time shouldn't we stock our cash and resources and and not pay worldly debts at this point you said that okay i agree i don't know i just i don't know i'm just joking i would love to do that but it's i don't think we can find a scripture for that can we there no no no no it's like the other this is a good question though sometimes it's a great deal right but sometimes you get to that place where you're like a great question it's like why do we even do this why are we then but the good answer now i want to hear yours and but i remember the last time we were together i was i'm going through the book of jeremiah and we talked about this but where it says thus says the lord that we're to build homes and dwell in them plant gardens and and and eat from them take wives be get sons and daughters and uh pray for the peace the part that really speaks to me too it says seek peace for the city where you live for in its peace you will have peace and so i think that's what's important that we should do is just we're to occupy we're to do what god has called us to do and um and and as bad as it gets we have to realize as we go through this that god is with us though and that we should shine okay what can happen i i i understand dale because when we get involved with all these crazy things even in orange county it's so crazy where it seems like even orange county itself is under such great attack and i believe if they the strategy is if they can take orange county down they can take anybody down and so we've been under such attack but i want to say this guys we're you guys are salt and light what we're doing here at this church and doing what you guys are doing keep doing that don't get discouraged but i get it we can sometimes get frustrated like does this even you know we should just maybe just check out but no according to scripture i believe that we're to occupy do the best we can pray for the peace of our city because in its peace as we have godly people raised up when you have peace in your city then we'll have peace in our city so sorry about that no no that's good that was great okay now remember what jesus said render unto caesar the things that are caesar's we have a responsibility to do it some people say well nobody cares anymore you think people don't care try missing a payment then you'll find out that people do care okay um no we've no we've got to be good citizens we're here our citizenship is in heaven paul tells the philippians but we're here to be again to be the salt and light we're here to you know bring some sanity into a very crazy crazy world right now there's ever a time they need the sanity it's right now isn't it joe so no we we pay our bills we be good citizens we obey the law and uh you know many times we're looked at as fools for doing this but okay god is the one keeping score and someday when the judgment takes place and the rewards are handed out it's those who follow the truth and follow what the lord says but again like the jesus said well i'm going to render unto caesar the things that are caesar's and to god the things that are god's okay so we have that responsibility so you can't i'm sorry you got to pay your taxes and pay your bills yes and i believe the battle also done is that that we don't get to a place where we get so upset and we get so discouraged because that's the attack to bring us down and we have to fight that we have to you know be anxious for nothing don't worry about it and keep giving it to the lord and that might be a daily thing that might be hour by hour it might be for some people minute by minute but we have to cast all of our cares upon him we can't you know get to that place where we're just angry and bitter we have to really fight that because i know i could get that way so i'm an emotional kind of person sometimes i get real emotional about this and i have to get before the lord and just say lord you know help me buy you know may your peace guard my heart guard my mind and that's a battle for all of us but great question though no it's good yeah and i'm gonna echo that look it's very easy right now to get discouraged to see what's happened you know exponentially in our country just in the last few months and it's heartbreaking but on the other hand if we know what the bible says about the time of the end we were expecting things like this to happen we didn't think it happened this fast we didn't know we'd see it right away but here it is but we rejoice because as mordecai told esther maybe we're here for such a time as this you know to be the ones that understand what's going on daniel 12 9-10 in the last days the wise will understand the wicked will never understand what's going on we get it we know what's happening and so we should be optimists not pessimists yeah it's tough no one says it isn't but please disillusionment discouragement uh if you trust in the lord he's gonna bring us all to the finish line one way or another okay and so um this is why we have the peace of god going through and peace isn't the absence of conflict not at all it's there something supernatural that takes place during the difficult time so that that's the message i can continue to give and i know you do too joe to be encouraged because this is it's been predicted but you know it's it's not great to experience but we're we were expecting times like this but again we know the outcome we've seen the end of the movie right they read the last chapter of the book and that's why we're optimists exactly and it's a powerful witness too you know when you're able to handle difficult things with the peace of god because the world doesn't have the peace of god they don't have that rest that we have in christ and it's it's you know so just encourage all of us stay in that place you know it even says to for us to to enter that rest to it's that place where we can stay and believe me i find the more i have god's peace in this world the people around me that aren't believers they get frustrated they're like why aren't you getting mad or why aren't you and they're trying to get me upset and they try to get you upset but then it's a powerful witness isn't it totally when you have the peace of god which surpasses all understanding they know you're in a tough situation but then you're handling it in a way that they've most people maybe have never seen before so good deal one more question that we'll go back to these uh kathy had a question it says please expound upon the current situation about the temple mount and the rebuilding of the jewish temple yeah okay actually this whole last episode that happened on may 10th by the way it wasn't coincidental may 10th was jerusalem day may 10th was the day on the israeli calendar that celebrated the uniting of jerusalem it's june 6th on our act calendar 1967 so it's been 54 years and that was the day that the rockets started flying but before that like a week or two before on the temple mount in the city of jerusalem uh there were these skirmishes that gone on there was fighting amongst there there was blockage of people coming up to the temple mount the temple mount we need to understand is the place where the first and second temple stood solomon's temple actually it's david's temple the only temple solomon had was in his forehead but it was david gathered all the material solomon built it that's the jay vernon mcgee line by the way i was off my nose i'll take it but uh he he built it because david was the man of war it was destroyed by the babylonians in 587 bc rebuilt later expanded by king herod that was the one jesus came to pronounce destruction on it it was destroyed the year 80 70. scripture says a third temple will be built in unbelief of jesus in the city of jerusalem again the free book on the website educating our you can free download i've written a whole book called the jews jerusalem and the coming temple explain it in great detail but the bottom line is this sooner or later uh there will be a third temple built there on the temple mount it'll be built in unbelief of jesus because we don't need a temple anymore he was the ultimate sacrifice we don't need sacrifices isaiah 66 talks about this temple it's like you know sacrificing a pig or breaking a dog's neck uh god doesn't honor that now because by performing sacrifices you're rejecting the sacrifice the lord jesus made on your behalf and on my behalf but the jews will be building it in unbelief it's coming and the temple mount continues to be ground zero center stage as we often say israel is god's timepiece the nation is the hour hand city of jerusalem the minute hand but the temple mount is the second hand and many things that happened these last couple weeks were based upon events on the temple mount hamas is still blaming israel they're saying uh you know it's they wouldn't allow you know the muslims on the al-aqsa mosque which is there on the temple mount and they and they say we're fighting for that the jews have no right to exist as some of our congress people have said this too now unfortunately the democrat party united states of america and basically um you know the temple mount as they have to get rid of all the jews from the holy land and the temple mount is the ground zero there so we keep our eyes on it always it's a fascinating fascinating subject but again that's where we keep our eyes amen great answer to a great question so i put up here from epoch times the middle east dispute is about religion not land yes yeah yeah yeah it's just a wonderful article it's fabulous yeah this is this is very important it's not about land if it was about land why are jews in brooklyn getting beaten up why are jews and beverly hills getting beaten up why are jews around europe getting beaten up why are why are they being yelled at and cursed everywhere worldwide they're not in israel that's what dennis mentions they're you know they it they hate the people it's a supernatural demonic hatred of god's people that you know the descendants of abraham isaac and jacob and he wrote dennis wrote a great article there about that because people say well if you only give a mind for peace then everything be happy or you have you know you know a two-state solution no no no they don't want a two-state solution they want a one-state solution they've been offered a two-state solution as dennis mentioned about five times they've rejected it every time because they don't want any jews there and again if it was only about israel why again are the riots and people getting beaten up in new york who are jews in beverly hills who are jews and places of europe who are jews around the world why because they hate them because they hate them because they represent the faithfulness of god because god says at the end of the days they're going to still be jews living in this world and it's very true and it's totally scriptural yeah and it's sad but it's true it's spiritual and they don't i believe many of them don't even know it no they don't but there's that hatred and it shows i believe their heart towards the god of abraham isaac and jacob they just hate god and so they hate the people of god and even though many of them aren't saved yet the jewish people but yet god still has a plan for them and many of them will be saved uh in the letter like dennis says in this one line if you could read it the muslim world sought israel's destruction from the day israel was established in may 1948 before it occupied a centimeter of the west banker and gaza well it's all about gaza it's all about the west bank well why do they destroy them when israel wasn't in gaza or the west bank no they hate them and that's you had to understand that's why dennis is right it's about religion about the truth of what come from the jewish people judaism christianity yeah and we need to pray for dennis prager because he's brilliant but he's still not a believer yet i know he's jewish he's jew he's a wonderful man too yeah he is he really is okay i wanted to get your take on this ufos are very real 60 minutes in a report they're still unidentified and they aren't american so i talked a little bit about this uh on sunday i quoted second thessalonians 2 9. the coming of the lawless one is according to the workings of satan with all power signs and lying wonders with all unrighteous deception among those who perish we don't know my speculation which i don't know one way or the other again i'm a conspiracist kind of guy i guess but no i'm just joking but uh but my thoughts are that could very well be used when the rapture happens we all disappear it seems to be interesting that all of a sudden just now in the we see all these other things that are taking place but yet we see just even the government not only i talked about this sunday but not only the american government israeli government they're coming out with footage of these unidentified flying objects and so possibly the delusion might be the stronger illusion might be when we're gone they might say oh yeah aliens took those haters and those terrible people away yeah i get asked quite often what does the bible say about aliens i said you mean canadians um oh no oh you oh oh no people from other planets okay first of all let's understand something are there such things as unidentified flying objects yes they are unidentified that's the whole thing we don't know where they are yeah exactly so yes there are such things as unidentified flying objects the question is does it come from some other world in that and um the bottom line is that no matter whether it does or doesn't we know how this whole world is going to end but you're right joe what's going to happen is when the christians are gone one of the theories well there's a couple of you know aliens have taken away all these neanderthals they've got rid of these people you know they're non you know like we're called regressives by you know gavin newsom our governor and so um you know that it and there's an interesting thing too i thought of this before in the 1960s there were two harvard young scholars one of them was stephen gould they came up with a theory called punctuated equilibrium and bottom line of this real simply stated evolution instead of taking a long time you know very slow gradual from molecule to human actually in the past it was certain bursts have happened all of a sudden it happened instantaneously where you know um a reptile laid an egg and out came a bird believe it or not that was what professor goldschmidt of university california berkeley said a couple generations ago because there's no transitional things in between so one of the answers going to be well this is one of these burst evolution we're moving forward we got rid of all the the neanderthals we got rid of all the people who you know the regressives and so now we've got a brave new world coming with people that are just all a bunch of leftists like us and that and so um and so what are they they're unidentified we don't know what they are okay yeah and be very very careful to me i always want to leave a supernatural explanation as the last explanation i wrote a book years and years ago with josh mcdowell about uh what we called uh understanding the occult and i did a lot of study on that and most of the stuff that goes on under the guise of the occult is not supernatural at all it's all fake it's all you know sleight of hand stuff and it's you know it's it's to confuse people and delude them and so we just don't know so we've got to be careful now not to say that maybe what's going on but they are unidentified we don't know where they're coming from but we do know how again how this story is going to end we know that jesus is telling us the truth and so uh we don't worry about you know um you know the uh some of the movies we've seen that actually are preparing the world for that like uh you know we've we've seen many of those the day the earth stood still that one the the original one with michael rennie in that where you know the coming down and saying you know we in the universe are sick of you earthlings and if you don't change we're going to blow you all up and that sort of thing um the bottom line is uh they're not identified we don't know what they are but we do it's what we don't worry about what we don't know we should be concerned about what we do know we do know god's word is true christ is the savior so i don't want to stick on that stuff yeah during that twilight zone episode was so funny they came to serve where the aliens came they would come to serve you and they get on their aircrafts and then they find out they're on the menu they're going to serve them yeah i remember that that was yes yeah in fact yeah in fact yeah they're going to serve them for dinner yeah if you never saw that one lloyd bachner was the guy you remember him he's he's they're going to stay the spaceship to go to this other planet they finally got they finally started you know translating the language of these people and he's getting on the spaceship they said we've we translate though it's called to serve man well this is great to serve yeah well they found it's a cookbook you know and so uh so anyway that was uh yeah yeah yeah anyway okay enough of that you were all that trivia okay i want no i i won't say what i was thinking of saying now i won't tell them some of you'll get the joke later but uh okay let's let's move on okay uh tucker carlson is uh coming out against blasting fauci and saying that so this is a good one the media's lying about the covet lab leak for year for a year and so he comes out uh against which is very good uh fauci fauci has nothing to do with this does he do do you think he's in cinema isn't he a good guy yeah interesting gain of function this is a whole other story here um in january of 2020 when the chinese communist party coronavirus started hitting the world i i was reading i was reading some of the papers in english the one from hong kong went from communist china and right away it became very very clear to me knowing a little bit of the history that this was not something that happened in nature we are told it was just a coincidence that a country with 3.7 million square miles the virus just happens to show up in the same city where the only level 4 lab in the entire country which has you know sars it has the bird flu it has uh h1n1 all the ones you go through it you know ebola in that uh the lab just happens to be in that city it was just a coincidence this wet mark in the city from nature it came about no it's a bio weapon it's been developed you know to kill people and that's what has been planned to do and before if you would talk about that even during the trump administration the last year and a half you were considered again an imbecile neanderthal and they made fun of everybody now what we're seeing fouch and these other people are all backpedaling say well you know maybe something to it maybe something to this this lab idea that it's not just something that came from nature really yeah and so it's it's fascinating to watch this um uh anyway but yeah it's it's a people it's a bio weapon they've been working on this for years and years some some of this had escaped earlier in the early 2000s from the lab they had in beijing um whether you know i whether it escaped accidentally or people tried to sell it i believe they released it purposely and they you know what we do know this they weaponize it to the entire world because the people in the four corners of the earth received it because it was the chinese new year and the chinese government communist chinese government knew it wasn't human to human transmission when they said we're not really sure and what happens they go to the four corners of the earth these poor people not knowing they're they're carriers of this and now what do we have we have you know all these people suffering and dying and all these different countries but yeah i'm so fouchy now as uh backpedaling too and saying well maybe it maybe it was after all something that came about in a lab in wuham china really really come on um it is it was taxpayer money went towards this yeah that's another story too yeah how it got there so it's um it's going to be interesting how this turns out but we're not surprised not surprised at all okay what do we have here hamas co-founder uh to the uk on television he said that israel has no right to exist yeah yeah rare interview he's the co-founder there uh this is what their charter claims they have no right to exist people think well they're just this nice group you know that the downtrodden people here that the israelis are picking on and yet here comes from the horse's mouth they have no right to exist this is our land our country uh robert spencer from jihad watch wrote a great book called the palestinian delusion and basically others have written about it before a woman named joan peters from the carter administration the 70s it's really interesting jimmy carter is anti-semite he had one of his uh people there joan peters do investigation to show that the palestinians these poor people have been kicked off their own land to do great research well she wrote a book called from time immemorial which basically took the rel the evidence the opposite conclusion she came to conclusion which was true that these people are not native to the land that they moved there to work there uh yasser arafat was born in egypt they're not from there they haven't been there from time immemorial and robert spencer in the palestinian delusion talks about the same thing but here you keep telling the big lie this is our land you're taking ireland no it's never your land three thousand four thousand years ago god told abram in genesis 12 1-3 this is your land the land of your descendants in deuteronomy 1 8 when they're about to enter the promised land that's when god said this is the land i've given to abraham isaac and jacob and one of the great stories too thankfully in our country in may of 1948 something like 30 minutes after the modern state of israel was announced in tel aviv harry truman a democrat the president of the united states said we recognize the right of this country to exist the united states stands behind it because harry truman was taught deuteronomy 1 8 and he believed that this land belongs to the descendants of abraham isaac and jacob and to have a guy like this say this it proves where the other side is coming from they want to see the destruction of israel not based on facts not based on truth but based upon their own uh islamic ideology which is totally contrary to history and of course totally contrary to scripture very good this one i i like this one here we got a drone manufacturing company there in iran somehow exploded so they're not sure how it exploded so israel downed an iranian one of these uh these drones so we talked about uh last week about the drone so a drone was flew into uh towards israel israel took it out and it was filled with explosives so that happened and now this is a plant that they they make these drones these are uh some really high-tech drones and somehow some way they exploded nine people are injured and they're not quite sure who do you think did that i can't imagine imagine who did that round up the usual suspect has caught rain set in casablanca now here's the point i want to mention i'm glad you brought this up this is the fifth major conflict since 2005 between hamas and israel beside a bunch of skirmishes every time hamas wins i hate to say it they're getting a billion dollars 500 500 million from egypt 350 million from qatar and about 350 million from the united states of america unfortunately to um to rebuild what do they do they build more sophisticated weapons they get you know they're longer range they're larger this and that so i want you to think about this first i like joe to talk about this because it looks like we're about out of time joe sooner or later they would develop weapons like cruise missiles that go along the ground and that that israel could not shoot down but remember jesus said if he doesn't come back there would be all flesh destroyed particularly in israel so we're getting to a place now the weapons are getting so sophisticated so good yeah that this can't keep going on this way because sooner or later even the iron dome couldn't stop correct and that's why i believe israel is just so quick to respond when this type of thing happens because they realize that there's going to come to a point they're not going to be able to handle it anymore so they have to do this they have to take it out as soon as they can that's why they're telling america if you guys don't do it we're going in they have to and that says this is for their security they have to so they're strong and god is with them and the good thing is that god is watching over them god is protecting them the only country in the world that tells us that michael the archangel is watching over and daniel we're told that doesn't say that about america but in israel the archangel michael is watching over israel and i believe is that you see all these i mean four what did you say four thousand two hundred and forty three hundred forty three hundred rockets and they should have been demolished but yet god i believe supernaturally is protecting and i believe it's just a just shows us that god is not through with the nation of israel so wow that went by pretty fast here it's uh we've got about a whole minute do you want to uh as we close out uh the main reason why we do what we do yeah as you talked about earlier yeah very cute once you share okay thank you joe okay we all want to make it very clear to those that are here those that are watching what we do here is a means to an end and the end is to get people to understand that god's word the bible is true and the real message that we have in this church as christians is not the second coming of jesus christ but when he came the first time dying for the sins of the world taking the penalty of your sins and mine on himself he became a sin offering for us that we might be made the righteousness of god in him he offers eternal life to all those who believe in him and answers the three basic questions that every human being wants to know who am i why am i here what's going to happen to me when i die what's my identity what's my purpose what's my destiny the word of god answered that question through the person of jesus christ and what we show here what we do every month on vertical videos show that what god's word has predicted is going to take place at the time of the end is 100 accurate it is all falling into place like daniel was told so long ago in the end the wise will understand because we take the word of god seriously it's all laid out for us so the opportunity tonight if you're here or you're watching you don't know christ as your savior the bible says today now is the day of salvation to trust him the evidence is there god has spoken and that's why we do what we do to be salt and light to bring people to the lord jesus christ and we thank god for this opportunity for this platform we can use to do it and that's basically the main reason we're here right joe amen exactly why we're here i'll tell you my life has been radically changed and god touched my life in a wonderful way i you know was in darkness and god just turned on the light and changed my life and he wants that for all of us there might be some of you here today that maybe you're just not walking close with jesus and you need to walk close with him we're we're just sheep and we need to be close with our shepherd so if that's you today just i just want to encourage you draw near to him he will draw near to you he loves you so much it's miserable if you're living you know if you've got one foot in the world and one foot in church it's a miserable existence it doesn't work it you god wants you to be all in for him all in for him and let me tell you walking with the lord all these years it just gets better and greater he is powerful he's awesome he wants to do in your life in all of our lives he wants to do far more exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or even think of another scripture says i is not seen ear has not heard nor has it entered into the heart of man those things that god has prepared for those that love him when you fall in love with jesus when you seek him first he takes care of everything else he'll be with you he'll fight your battles so be encouraged believers keep looking up our redemptions drawing near the things that we're looking at in scripture we're seeing it in headlines time and time again we have a lot more we can share and this is just a tip of the iceberg god is on the move and i just want to just put a shout out and say i hope you know god is on a move here in this place he's doing wonderful things we're watching people get saved get transformed growing in the knowledge of christ and that's what we're called to do so be encouraged believers but if you're not a believer if you're not walking with christ today is the day today you don't need any special prayer other than you pray you call out to god you ask him to forgive you you believe that jesus christ died on the cross for your sins rose again from the grave accept him receive him and ask to be filled with his holy spirit turn from this world turn from your sin and let jesus christ be lord of your life amen let's stand up as we close here yes we we want to have we're going to yeah ask jose to come on out and we want to sing happy birthday to don today yeah we're family here so that's what we do we're still a family we're not this mega church where we don't it's very personal and you're you're our family we love you so uh jose is gonna lead us in that because he's got the voice i don't have the voice oh let's all sing it together though yeah let's do it [Applause] okay if you've been at this church long enough you know we don't just stop there we sing this song you ready to do this with us may the good lord bless you may the good lord bless you may the good lord bless god may the good lord bless you so we even got to brought you a cake here so uh if you don't mind if you blow out the candles and then there's cake here i hope for everybody we're gonna have to cut it in small pieces okay but we'll have the cake in the fellowship hall like i mentioned we'll have we'll have cake in the fellowship hall if you want to join us down the hall here i just want to close out by saying now may the lord richly bless you may he fill you with his love god bless you
Channel: Calvary Chapel of the Harbour
Views: 31,280
Rating: 4.9467111 out of 5
Keywords: Christian church, church in huntington beach ca, churches in huntington beach ca, hb, Huntington Beach CA, seal beach ca, in person, Prayer
Id: sCJWNqkdPQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 8sec (3848 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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