Don Malarkey-July 4, 2010 - 2b - Don talking about Foy, etc.

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That was great, thank you for sharing. I believe he was one of the last of E company to pass. I believe Shames is still alive. Someone interview him!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/kenevans71 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Is that his daughter asking questions?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/skribe 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Maestro_lobo 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

They were professionals!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Frammingatthejimjam 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is gold! Thanks for sharing!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheLastZergling 📅︎︎ Apr 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Who were the two men he talks about who got killed?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bobobsam3 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
where were you in boy what did you do I I wasn't in in charge of the second platoon as platoon leader and so first went down for the uh no but I was sent West for and to look around and to come in from the west side which I did and and I got up to a gated air not a gated area but a rock wall area looking down into Floyd probably 250 yards away or so and and I thought I was standing down there looking for a machine-gun target or something and I called a mortar guttering up alongside me and I don't even know what his name was because they were added to the group that I had to the second platoon was gone just about gone and so as we were standing there looking down into Foy a german scene gonna flip whipped off and got got this guy five or six shots through the chest and no no medics that you could get near him you could see out in the orchard area ahead of us Eugene Roe running all over hell in the in the snow or the orchard treating guys that were down and so there are no no vein for the guy at all and he just died of you know quote quite quickly from the wounds then from then on why we got into the the western side of the town and of the as I got right pressed into the last building that I had to get him get around why I had a some of these guys in front of me and an MBA and around to the side and so I said a corporal in three or four guys around the side of the building on the right side of a building and then I told the guy behind me I said you cover me while I run out into this open area and and he said sergeant you're in charge of this outfit and that's what be running over in anything he said I'll go and he stuck his neck out there and would killed just like that and then I jumped out a tommy gun and the young German was was in a window an open window area another farm building and still standing with his gun and I killed him with a my tommy gun from there and and then that would that really the ended it for for the end of Foy and so then I went into the last other building that was there and there have been a lot of wounded guys that have been taken in there and so I ran in to see if there are any more Germans around and and I said no they're all they're all either dead or wounded or or surrendered or wherever and then while I'm standing there why I run out and back out and I I run into a an officer named Jean Brown that I'd known the University of Oregon and but I hadn't seen him since before the war really it's amazing that you would run into these people and such different circumstances yeah yeah in any way the when I first met this Jean Brown at the time that he was a captain he was uh he'd been he'd been in a wine company for about a week and then was transferred out of it a regimental staff so he hadn't been uh he hadn't been a combat officer but he'd been assigned to another company and that was called in in support of e company as they made that attack and God got hit bad and so he was in the middle of Foy as I was in that in that little town and that came right out lost building ran right into him he reprimanded me when I first saw him the very first night that I was in fought to call Georgia and when I went to get my mess get washed and inspected why I looked up and he was the officer in charge and I said hygena Aria any looked at me kind of funny and he said well I don't and and then about about three weeks later I got the first three or four hour pass that I could get to go into downtown Toccoa and so there were three or four of us went together skip was one of them not sure and and as we were walking along a little one-horse town at the co I want we run into a group of officers and this gene brown was in the group and I saluted him and and I said hygiene are you and so I walked past him and and he said and he said soldier I want to talk to you a minute so I turned around and I went with him and he took me in a store building closed up store building and and he said Donny said this is the army you can't be addressing me as you have been and if you continue to do that yo you'll disrupt me from any possibility of making myself a head leanness outfit so you got to quit doing that and he said he said this is the army well I had flunked ROTC at Oregon so it's no surprise to me that you know that I didn't know the regulations at all but anyway I hadn't finished by the same coincidence we served in the same battalion the entire war but I never saw him again until that that Dan foreign and the but after that why we were like you know I never had a swimmer do a damn thing and so when the war ended and I was in France I stayed with buck Compton and John he while I was sitting in Bucks office as I had moved into Paris and buck said you you come and live with me you know my apartment on on the same which I did and so anyway I'm sitting in there wasn't the same day but the next day when another another officer came walking in to see buck and there was Jean Brown and uh I said I aria and from that point on I never had two never had to say sir or yes sir or you know sir or what sir but he said he said I want to take I want to take you and Buck to dinner tonight and don't he'd made a lot of money gamblin in the company was the regimental commander uh sink sink had command performance gambling games that in his headquarters and Jean Brown would always be invited and he was a competitive bridge player and so they they gamble on everything and he won a lot of money and so anyway he wanted to take you know I want to take you and Buck to to dinner tonight so we met him it up at a low-level cafe along the shumsa leaves a and went went in there and had dinner and when the course of dinner why did a lot of yak and stuff like that and so then when when when we when we get out of dinner why we're standing up on the Shawn to Lisa and gene says I want to buy you two guys a girl time John Buck said no thanks and I said no affection so that was the end of that but he had a lot of money that he could have spent and he wanted to do something nice to us yeah I was trying to get you to not say that but yeah you say what I'm just teasing yeah it's a nice story yeah I like it though there wasn't anything wrong with that forgot he said no girls in Paris were professionals licensed professional that makes a difference well it does with them you know that was their job okay not new legal about it over there of course not no they make a lot of money do I push the red button to turn it off yes fight on
Channel: smithfinn
Views: 457,154
Rating: 4.9425015 out of 5
Keywords: Don, Malarkey
Id: BbdNBasTD7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2010
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