Don’t Watch This With Your Parents!

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you guys ever had your parents say like well your dog it's at a farm now we rehomed it we gave it to a farmer they lied well our parents actually rehomed one to a farm remember Mom and Dad did not rehome our dog to a farm yes they did bro that dog is dead I'm calling my mom right now hey did we ever rehome our dog to a farm no what dog are you talking about I'm so sorry go honey extremely dangerous do not attempt under any circumstances to put a phone in the microwave oh my gosh it really will explode in 5 4 3 two one yeah yeah let's talk about that as a man you cannot ask for medicine unless you are down bad I I had a bad headache and I was like I can't I feel like I can't even talk about it I I'm like struggling what why like I like look disgusting like the thing is like I literally woke up today and decided death is is someone is someone being a pck me girl no what are you say I'm just like ugly right guys right I'm so ugly I'm like famous for being 14 and pretty like I'm ugly right no I like literally what I'm saying is like my freckles are all splotchy I have pimples everywhere stop yes you do I I have pimple on my lip somebody looked in the mirror no I'm kidding I'm kidding joke no and then I just yeah my self pan didn't work out if it helps Harper think about how think about how me and Matt feel we grow hair on our face well I kind of do yeah it's coming in soon I will be at the ripe age of early 20s yeah soon I will be growing hair and then think about all the stuff I'm going to have to go through shaving every day and you know shave every day well I will one day day one day when I grow hey think about this you at least get to hide your imperfections with makeup cash just has to wear his on his face no there's there's there's man makeup there is he used to wear makeup and so did I wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what's man makeup the one that you used to wear you used to wear makeup I did you didn't even know that until two seconds ago no me and him used to both wear Born This Way concealer Bor concealer yeah you remember the name you weirdo what really good concealer he he had to go restock obviously wear concealer hey why do you wear concealer cuz I'm a girl and I mean I'm not homophobic or anything I'm not no but why no but why do you wear concealer like because I mean it hides my under eyes and I'm not even wearing it right now that's what they all say yeah yeah that's why we were concealer High pimple or we did when we were like 16 but that's mad weird hey no we were on film no m m it's mad going to lie try to it is for we were on film I want concealer we only did it when we were like going on a shoot or something or like that makes sense but like we were filming actually remember one normal day we did not just put it on I remember one specific time I did Cash's makeup for a meet and greet oo listen I had I had bad pimples when I was like 16 they were like fat and they would just be like it looked like I just got shot with a paintball gun L that's kind of what I look like now without makeup my AC has been so so bad Alex you getting the pop zoom on me right now let's go get that pop Zoom going pop Zoom me no recently I've been like looking back at the podcast and I've been like looking at myself God I'm sorry guys like I do not think I look like that in real life like I I like my hair like starts going like this she looks much worse in real life oh it's a joke it's joke and when I was holding their hands for the Symmetry thing um the uh Dallas cowo cheerleader in math I did this I don't oh double chin yeah I know double chin do you guys want to see it K always thinks I'm making fun of her double chin because I always grab her like this I look at her grab my double chin I look at Kate and I'm like I do this I'm like you're so pretty and I'm like you like grab and she and she's like not and she's always like stop grabbing my double chin I was like I'm not I'm just like petting your like your UND skin like your I'm just petting your jugular it's nothing I'm just petting like the unders skin of your like chin just like like come here go go come here I know what I feel likez I looks like a cameo with that Adam's apple looks like a what dude I just saw your Adam's Apple dude just went up four stories like an elevator I just saw it man don't look at it no are you self-conscious no show I don't know should I be show your Adam's Apple real quick show it and make make it move dog e what make it move dude I'm not even kidding that thing has this much clearance it goes from down here to down here what it's just Adam you got one too not really it's there I I know how you do that I don't have that like that why don't why don't girls have Adams apples anybody wonder that I actually just decided not to have one oh you should done that like you know like when you're being crafted you can click yes I want this or no I don't want this look you think you think people are ever going to like get a surgery to get a bigger Adams apple or get it taken away ready guys ready Harper is showing us uh an edit of herself wait what are you showing us your double chin yeah okay I I don't really know that is a bad double chin wait text that to Alex so he can pop up on the screen later you guys you're fine Harper no then that's pretty bad that was a crazy double chin no soan no it's not even it's not even rude cuz I know wait text that or text that to me sorry text to him no I literally know literally know what finish your sentence do you guys see all the edits they'd be making of us yeah yeah they always they always have me going to send it to you on actual Tik Tok cuz I can't say it no don't send me that video on Tik Tok who DMS on Tik Tok weo text what a weird human being where'd it go dming on Tik Tok does anybody actually DM on Tik Tok yes no way literally my you my no way you message your friends on Tik Tok you better send it to my to my actual I message or I'm not opening it I don't know if I've everen when you're at the level of me cash you got to turn off all notifications for the when you're at the level of me cash oh there's no you can't have notifications on I would get 10 million notifications cuz you're so but yeah but like I like how he said when you're at the level of me and cash like he excluded Harper and K from getting manyi notifications I mean they clearly still have it on so Harper did you text it to me actually what's crazy your phone I am I'm watching Tik Tok and on my phone cuz like I don't even know I don't know why I'm logged in but I was logged in for something and I'm still logged in on my phone on your on your Tik Tok my Tik Tok probably for a brand or something I don't know but she has her comments on so every morning I wake up and it's like somebody comments on Harper zler Tik Tok notifications obviously someone commented on Harper zler Tik Tok she has 4 million followers um listen I'm just trying to like do you like having your notifications on no I don't know how to turn I don't know how you have them on I don't know how to turn dude off for the whole the only notification give phone I'll turn them off I like my I know she does she likes looking at her phone and every time she looks at it's like you're so pretty you're so gorgeous let's see har notifications it's her pick me up we're going to go over Harper's notifications live three a lot of live a lot a lot of live groups yeah she has a lot of Life 360 I'm just my family's group and my my old Middle School group Live 360 Instagram a bunch of calendars Snapchats a bunch of Starbucks notifications same honestly that's why I get my Double J over 100 emails wait what do you get from Starbucks um I sometimes get to chat or uh uh why a uh a I can't function well on my phone I'm sorry oh your friend's calling you no when Harper goes to Starbucks it's Brooklyn we'll call her later um wait wait wait guys you guys got to let me finish these she has 87 Life 360 notifications wow that's great 70 missed call notifications yeah a a lot of people These Guys these aren like notifications like when you open these are like the notifications that are on your screen well that's do you have wait do you have do you have do your parents make you have Life 360 yes what kid has Life 360 voluntarily bro I don't I do I certainly would not but I was just curious oh a lot a lot of bank bank notifications what you banking b bank so what do you get from Starbucks I get a uh what's it called so I get either three things so food options a a chocolate croissant or a um a chocolate croissant what's wrong with it chocol croissant a chocolate croissant I mean cant I I don't know but I just I don't really eat a Starbucks but a chocolate croissant seems crazy is it like a croissant with chocolate sauce on it no it has two chocolate sticks in it and they melt it and I eat it I want a chocolate on so do your parents have Life 360 to make sure you don't go there too much because otherwise you're going to get a really bad double chin yeah no actually kind of crazy the other day I was going to pick her up for a shoot and I left early enough cuz I wanted to stop and get Starbucks and I was like oh I'm going to call Harper and see if she wants anything and I was like hey do you want anything from Starbucks she was like I'm just going to Door Dash it no I said I already got some door dashing how often do you door Dash a lot do you guys want to see my ERS you door Dash you there trying to get extra money no because you're fun do you uh do you ever check up on your parents on Life 360 no what they're always checking up on me so from now on if I'm going somewhere I'm not supposed to be going I'm just hey well maybe you should check up on them touchy subject maybe they're lying to you no like you Mom parents Li sometimes wait can they see like with the speed limit you're going oh my gosh wait hold on okay cool conversation I'm trying to see that fun we lied to my parents about Live 360 so bad oh my gosh the amount of times I tried to get past Live 360 as a child I did this is all my orders right we out pizza at the Hut on live 360 out pizza at the Hut on live 360 those are all my orders we got two conversation's going right now bro I'm at a I like all the pizza in the Hut is really huting my brain we're talking about really hting your brain wait I know Pizza Hut's the best pizza restaurant pizza Rush that's the best pizza restaurant that's all I had to say I was no it was so sad what we did to my dad on like 360 first of all youall have to know my dad my dad is like the sweetest guy ever and he's the only person in my family that didn't have an iPhone oh so you had to get live get worse could have F he just doesn't have an iPhone Scott was rocking with the Nokia a noia he has a noia do you even know Android User in the room is cringing no okay to be fair my dad just works for Nokia so he gets like a free phone like he's never paid for a phone so he like built it so he was like yeah he like crafted it himself no he gets free phones he's never paid for a phone but um good anyways obviously you don't have find my iPhone when you're a Nokia user so he was like obviously he starts texting me and my brother were like 15 and 16 years old he's texting us like 15 minutes for the message to send yes he's like no he was like uh send us the link to Life 360 he sent us the link to Life 360 and he was like you guys need to join it like I can't see your location I don't have to find my iPhone and so we're in the back seat of the car and me and Michael are like stressing like obviously we don't like like want like 360 what are we going to do by this we're like stressing like we're both sneaking out in the middle of the night doing stuff we're not supposed to be doing so we're like y do shaking that's what I'm wondering what did you do what were you doing uh you two were picking me up in the middle of the night that's what I was do dude I'm not going to lie one time M took one for the team actually no I'll talk about that in a second okay but anyway so my dad's like taking one for the team too many times he's like download by 360 and me and Michael are like stressing and like we Michael's like oh Dad it didn't come through I don't know why like a very well came through and my dad's like oh okay I'll try again and he sent us the link like five times and we're like yeah it's just broken cuz you got to know Kia he literally said that we were like we think it's your phone dad he was like this stupid phone it doesn't do anything and we never got Life 360 and we you should have got it cuz sometimes you had you got to keep tabs on your parents sometimes they be lying to you about where they're at yeah but um parents lie like one of uh you guys ever had your parents say like say uh well your dog we had to we had to rehome it and and send it to the we it's it's rehome to a farm it's it's gone to a farm it went to the doggy place it went to the dog it's at a farm now we rehomed it we gave it to a farmer the dog you guys ever had your parents say that or what about they they lied it it died what about it did not they they lied it died whoa who whoa whoa no no no no wait no we actually had do you not remember that what me and I actually had a dog while our parents actually re homeed one to a farm remember no okay so I don't know who's gonna tell him Harper you want to tell him he's making tell him what CH you think your parents actually had a dog named Jake he was a little beagle they did not rehome the dog do dad your dad would not take the time of day to rehome a dog yes they did oh cash cash I hate to say this but can I see Gerald real quick no you can't see let see let let me see you cannot have planning that okay Harper hold Gerald no what so this is what happened to Gerald no no did not happen that's what happened to J let me let me see that again no not after that horrific scene cash mom and dad did not rehome our dog toone yes they did bro that dog is dead died gone my mom buried alive that day now you're cash oh no cash your heart's going to be broken okay don't call him just gen think the dog's living happy life on a farm somewhere he might be dead now that was like 10 years ago but they did have to we did have to be home our dog no no no oh I feel bad we're telling him this live on the podcast no one told him oh I'm calling my mom right now I can't believe nobody told you gosh cash just hang I'm so sorry hey did we ever rehome our dog to a farm no what what dog are you talking about I thought I can think of I'm so sorry I hate that for you cash so what do you think happened to Jake bang bang sorry he was barking too much so he went bang bang your dad took care yeah cash honey his mom's calling him back a a yeah poor his dog his dog got killed it didn't it it was put out of its misery I don't know maybe they took it to the vet maybe it died peacefully yeah I doubt it though but it didn't go too a far your dad doesn't just he he doesn't quit we should we should stick Gerald in the microwave and not turn it on and no no and turn it on yeah can we stick Gerald in there hey Gerald's not fitting in there yes Gerald is oh what the that's GNA catch on fire guys see hey hey open it open it come on Harper they're gonna catch it on fire move what if it explodes oh what are you doing get away what are you doing nothing why did you just throw her like that I'm loock it's not stopping Gerald's in there catch it okay nothing's in there I thought something why itell like uh oh bro oh no his dog now Gerald dude are you kidding me Cher just a little cash is going through the five stages of grief right now she's amputated okay hey hey we'll get you a therapist bud just go find some tape hey you came up here just in time M's going to put him in the microwave I don't tell that why'd you tell him that just leave him here with us and you can go find some tape dude yeah you get another one for like five bucks nobody will be the same as Gerald was gosh Gerald looks a little crippled up no it's it's actually not funny what he went to be what do you mean he's he joined J Gerald is no more he's he's no y'all never take me seriously bro can I see Gerald no well Harper stick his phone in there stick his phone in there no stick something in there I don't know stick something in there yeah yeah no no yeah yeah I paid for that what no stick that thing in there right now no Kate take it take it Harper Harper take it Harper no no no Harper listen to me I'm the voice of reason put it in there put it in there put it in there no guys I'm just going to have to buy another one of those there's water in there that's fine that's fine that's fine stick the puppy in there here put this thing in there no no put his drink please please please please please put his drink in there can y'all stop playing around he's coming back soon put the drink in there okay yes yes yes stop it stop it oh yes hurry no there's water in I don't care put it in there you ever put water in a microwave pop that baby for 10 minutes 10 minutes come on 10 minutes it's going to rupture the house I don't know what it's going to do but turn it on guys what if it explodes that would be hilarious turn it on sit down I hope it doesn't that's only 50 seconds do longer do like 10 minutes set it for 10 minutes no it's about to burst no it's not going to do nothing oh I don't think that microwave is going to get returned bro I'm been about to die I'm about to die yeah I'm glad I'm stressing I'm stressing what if it explodes I don't think it's going to explode no no it's not going to explode it's been in there 20 seconds and it's still fine on fire don't stop it Kate Kate do not press a Buton I'm so scared Maverick y'all stress me out when you start messing with things I'm stressing you know how you just felt that's how I feel now listen what think about how your husband feels don't press the button Kate no stop Kate stop you're M I don't want a house fire it she ruins everything all the fun guys I'm so I'm like shaking what if I I'm so nervous what if I go down there it pops in my face no no no no just leave it in there cash will get it out later yeah just leave it in there I'm so nervous a I'm just going to go what what are you doing I don't know should okay now it's just us two well can we talk about how you just yell at me what are you you spoon Harper that's a spoon yes put the spoon in there that's a spoon put the spoon put the spoon it's raw metal it's going to spark everywhere stop math no the cup was painted Stop's fine yeah see is it no no yeah a little yeah it should be fine I'm nervous I'm nervous put it in there it's going to explode put it in there yeah the also the house is going to the the house is going to explode with it no no no just put it in there and then later ask cash to turn on the the microwave while he's sitting on it oh yes when do you think cash is gonna come back though guys he's like whenever he's gonna get a new Gerald he's emotional he's looking down they're trying to fix him up probably emotional damage it's very emotional man oh why is it so tense right now cuz I'm what are you doing turn that get trying C my house on fire is there any other lies your parents told you as a kid I mean like you know don't turn the Harper oh oh sorry do not watch this episode with your parents this is like we're giving you guys so many bad things to do how to parents hack Life 360 uh you have putting things in the microwave oh they told you they would like tell you like you can't have the light on in the back seat at night oh that's the Bigg that's one of mine turn on the lights in the car or else the police call oh cap such cap you can turn the lights on the police aren't doing nothing coffee STS your growth okay yes I have drinking a lot of coffee and I'm still like 5 foot but but Kate also drink a lot of coffee and I'm like six foot so I'm turning around this car if you do blah blah blah no they're not okay they might that's a case by case basis really I feel like they never turn the car around Alex my dad turned around well you know another one that still scares me when they say they're out of cookies they're never out of cookies they're lying yeah they always got a stash of cookies hidden somewhere like that's all of them Liars parents are liars yeah they are but like when you swallow gum and saay with you for seven years guys remember remember when um like a few years ago on YouTube I used to watch YouTube every single day and they would do like Tik Tok hacks they saw online and maybe if you put a goldfish package oh what the and the in the mic he looks much better I dare you to turn on the turn on the microwave while you're sitting on it it would be funny huh turn on the microwave when you're sitting on it nope first of all nobody touch him we weren't going to nobody wants I can barely repair him seriously he's still flimsy right here I heard can I hold him no I will be hey cash from the bottom of our heart turned on we're not sorry at all dude just turn on the mic it's a stuffed animal on a stick okay well I like stuffed animal it's just a head I like stuffed animal you go ride him let me see how you ride him dude let's see wow do you find joy in that play the music okay play play him roaring that it's amazing that this kid's like a millionaire don't touch him I'm not going to specifically you okay can I touch I wouldn't I'll be so gentle with Gerald no can I just touch his no wait what I want to apologize what happened over there no no Harper you got SM I'll keep him safe no seriously just stop touching him guys okay I won't touch him only you turn on the microwave for 10 minutes see if the microwave warms up your booty yeah huh see it's like a seat warmer in a car turn it on the microwave yeah maybe we could replace seat warmers and just have microwaves under our chairs what button uh hit the green one at 30 seconds yeah hit it again hit it again huh hit it again hit it a couple times at 30 keep going yeah okay it's on is it on yeah it's on something's starting do you want me to keep it on yeah I guess just keep it on is it warming up your B kind of is my butt is getting more I'm not going to lie see we can replace things in cars with that my butt's actually getting warm imagine you're driving down the road you just want to reach under your seat throw your Hot Pocket in open that baby back up you got a warm butt and a Hot Pocket you hungry Jeff no I'm not hungry especially why is the dude I smell something yo you locked it press zero Lo cash cash it's locked you have to press the green button to unlock it it oh oh what is it I don't smell anything it smell how do you not smell that I don't smell anything you guys put a smells like burnt electrical we not bringing that back you put a wait how did that not catch on fire I don't know you try to L my butt on fire you know what will catch on fire liar Li pants on fire what what what you let him try to light my butt on fire wait but guys remember we weren't really sure what would happen no stop remember you guys tried to let my butt on fire yes besides the point remember when remember when hey back to this subject remember we were talking about how parents lie no no no remember no what the freak are you okay why are you mad bro because you already hurt him and you literally like that actually could have literally L my butt on fire cash listen buddy do you understand hey hey body my body relx relax and take a drink of your sippy cup and you'll be fine no take a drinky cup what you do in my cup bro nothing I just I think it'll calm you down it'll calm you down it'll calm you down just take a drink of your sippy cup you feel better did he do something to it not that I know a little warm it tastes like water um no but guys remember that's actually not no no I would expect this from you guys and it's kind of funny don't get me wrong but you try you like you know my butt could have caught on fire you already guys every day cash comes to me and he talks to me about how his butt's on fire like so every day I he about it yes metaphorically but how was I supposed to know how was I supposed to know listen but with two T's this time it actually could have been on fire it was kind of close and I don't know how it's not on fire with a freaking spoon I was hoping it would light on fire thought put a spoon in the microwave it would like catch on fire immediately should we try to catch something on fire no I know what to do not while I'm sitting on it where's that phone if you put remember that phone no no if you put a bag of like Welches or goldfish it will shrink up into the microwave and be a little mini thing remember like two years ago on YouTube Harper Harper I would but I don't think your head will fit no no a bag of chips wait did you get stuck in a microwave is that what happened to you bag of CH you no putting a Doritos pad that's just not real no I think it might be real I think if you put something in the microwave it like crumples up no shot I not like to like like half size turn that way down yeah okay let's see it's fine we don't need that no no we we do need we're going to test it right now we do need the Goldfish hey can you sit on it while we do this experiment did you take the spoon out no no oh it's shrinking oh oh it almost caught a fire it was sparking all right it's done now let it out oh stop it that actually did almost C on fire now let it out oh my gosh it smells so bad I don't want to touch that there's one in my car outs goldish in it in the in the center console goldish yep go get it it's broken wa that smells so bad smell anything do I have gold dude it smells it smells yeah it smells like a burnt s'more dude it literally packaged up those goldfish so nicely I literally told yall see why why do they make the bag it to me why do they make the bag so full of air and like scaming this is how much goldfish you're actually getting I don't smell anything do I have Co or something like what oh please stay away from me she got a vid wait guys no you have to take the Goldfish out for it to make it look look at look at how much goldfish they sell you this is how much you're actually getting that smells so bad that smells horrible what a scam I still don't smell you want to eat one yeah that cannot be good what are you talking about it's a little warmed up goldfish never mind there you go rather die than eat one of those I'll eat one eat it now that one touched her foot okay here you go eat that one you dude come on yeah yeah exp let me see it let me see we don't have to do this it's a nice it's actually very warm wait did you eat it yeah wait eat it again I think Alex is in front of the camera let me see it I want to I want to make sure he wasn't in front of every camera like five of them yeah good I swear I thought he was the fake I thought he was going to go guys I'm scared wait why do I have this y'all want me to put this in the microw put it in the microwave hey Alex is saying that those explode again don't watch this episode with your parents and certainly don't do this because if your parents this is L episode of things of don't tell your parents don't do this in front of your parents and also try this at home but not in front of your parents don't try it don't try it don't try don't try at home in of your don't try it home at your ex's house yep right Break um hey I feel like should we get like maybe like a uh wait you getat them cheating you take their phone you say what are these messages put phone in microwave turn microwave on okay wait wa wait exposive battery will this explode or are we talking catch on firea put it in a microwave no Mt but what if it actually like explode it's not going to explode it's not going to explode it's just going catch on fire we got a fire extinguisher somewhere right somewhere we have a we have a micro fire extinguisher our fire extinguisher is like this big um extremely dangerous do not attempt under any circumstances to put a phone in the microwave what I'm fully about it that's what that's what this says just do it wait watch no no you're good I just L at the little thing you're good throw it in there I don't believe M at all no no no we're fine I heard him on the video for two seconds we're good we're good I that video highly legal and dangerous hey gets open dude I'm going to come over there and do it if you don't do it well okay it's the best idea slide that in there I wish we had that toy you know what I think we threw it away let's do it phone the microwave wait but should I run away huh no should I go no no no cash is going to sit on Yes actually no come over here no cash is going in my stay over here all right pop that baby in there wait hold on that's my phone oh don't put your phone in I almost put my phone in there all right ready oh my gosh it really will explode I just yeah yeah yeah go ahead and let's go the button watch we're about to watch it live it's going to explode Kate wait let me see please be quiet please watch you see Catching on buy oh my God yeah wait fast forward no just wait I literally just watched it explode the microwave didn't explode no yeah that's fine watch just wait it's about to happen Kate we're not watching that we're about to watch it that she's so embarrassing turn that start that thing gosh okay okay uh here we go I'm leaving Tesla launching in five four three two one oh my goodness turn it back on turn it back on oh my gosh that thing actually got fire I don't think that phone works no more I don't think it work no more that phone does not work no more no no it's like a no ke should we turn it back on turn it back on finish that thing it's going to where's the fire extinguisher okay calm down I have a built-in fire extinguisher this is I thought he's going to hit me oh I feel like he's going to hit me it's lighting up oh oh it was actually on fire it's still on fire it's oh my goodness keep it going keep it going let it cook let him cook don't let it cook no more let him cook no just keep it going yes bro this is the most entertaining thing we've ever done on the podcast please let it keep going let it keep going it's okay it's okay burn it burn it no no we already we l it on fire enough what let's continue the episode this is part of the episode just be lit it on fire it's not going to do anything else no it what if it explodes it smells so bad yeah I'm not going to lie it smells like burn chemicals acid battery please just keep it going it smells bad in here and my butt is getting warmer every time I sit on this thing man it's fine it's fine it's not like the actual microwave is going to explode this smells horrid it smells great then turn it back on turn it on smells like it smells like a candle oh it smells like the opposite of a candle it SMS like Victory it smells like Victory C it what do you mean we just did bro you really think we're done you really think that that cooked does it look like the phone is what the oh my God a I turned it back on dude I want to see what happens like is there like crazy damage going to happen I feel like I should have eye protection yes you think I you think it's going to just get engulfed in flames in a minute wait dude what if it did get engulfed in flames that'd be hilarious dude look I see it I see it smoking now oh my goodness oh my goodness uh come on that's all it's going to do dog okay it's no that's not that's Harper come eat that's not all it's going to do Harper still wants us to go she's like go more I know I keep hoping it's just going to blow up all right all right come back let's let's finish the episode guys smells so bad let's finish it with you on the seat while it's cooking yeah just leave it going for a while all right come on Kate you're safe Kate no no no what if we're not safe guys also okay I hope you realize I hope you realize Kate just how unsafe you feel right now that's how he felt as he was brutally attacked and you didn't stop it you didn't even say cash they're hurting Gerald nothing just let him get beat for no reason okay you know standing by and witnessing it and saying nothing is just as bad as doing it speak up to bully me oh yep speak up I low speaking of bullying guys take a look at Kate are we not going to give her a round of applause for not wearing a blanket in sweatpants in a hoodie oh well she actually got dressed today snap appla guys I get dressed like 50% of the time Harper Harper guys Harper Kate got dressed no I'm not I'm not snapping until you why that phone on fire that's that's the kind of energy I like exactly exactly all you know what I think we should light a phone on fire give me your phone no the one in the microwave well um before before you came up here we were talking about things our parents lie to us about is there anything oh yeah our parents did lie to us about something what oh they said they love Maverick my parents lied to me yeah Gerald said he loved you that was a lie good thing I can ask him okay that's not very nice he said he he said you interpreted it wrong uhhuh wait I don't think I interpreted this wrong please save me cash was holding me hostage put me out of my misery that's how what he do this help sign yeah he did the help sign why is the microwave whatever that was doing okay the microwave is making a lot of funny noises and I don't I don't know how I don't know what to do but I'm just hoping that my butt doesn't explode just do it just turn it on it's not like the microwave is going to explode with you on it you're too yeah I would never do that yeah but if it did you'd just blast off if you did if it did you would go into the ceiling and fall back down wouldn't that be so you wonder why they call it a pretend you got it off me I want to see like a reenact I got it just like that probably how it actually maybe more like probably like that so why didn't you some makes a meme out of that why didn't you at least jump I jump I don't need to jump if I'm blasting off please Photoshop him into like some crazy stuff you do you think when the astronauts are in the rocket and they're about to blast off they jump no no they're definitely like this they're definitely like what like what they what face would they make hey wait we ever showed Kate's vertical yes we have have we do it do it let's see that vert show them your vert Kate come on vert no show them your vertical go ahead I'm not doing if you do it I'll do it well you're not going to be laughed at no okay you won't be laughed at just maybe shamed no I don't know the right word but just come on let's see your ver remember keep you got to keep your knees straight once you jump jump no no but like with all your might like like just here's here's here's a normal vert an average human well I mean I'm probably above average human but anyways all right you go that wasn't bad he like looks like he floating I know I feel like I'm floating that feels like a blast off to me try it again I want to see Harper wait wait you do it you do it go on the floor show us your bir oh why that bad Justice for Gerald give me Gerald no but that wasn't bad right no it was pretty good exact for the part where you fell yeah you couldn't stick that was highly embarrassing yeah I would hate to be you give me Gerald what were yall talking about when I was gone you were crying talking about how uh we uh lied to our parents our parents lie to us uh and don't lie to your parents can we look through unless it benefits you no no no no don't do that financially relationshipy or any other way especially if it'll increase your vertical like what Harper have you ever lied to your parents yes okay obviously that was a rhetorical question yeah so what about what say something your parents don't know what's a lie that you could like tell on here or you could EXP exp in here that like you lied to your parents about I can't expose this one lie it's a green paper lie it was in sixth grade something happened and I promised my parents that when I was 18 years old I would tell them okay say it here and we'll bleep it out if you want to I I can't I liter like it's not even bad tell your parents no it's not even bad it's just like something in my mind that I've kept a promise to myself forever and I haven't told anybody but you're going to tell us no what no I I can't I know you tell me if there's like a $500 Sephora gift card in front of you would you do it for a Sephora gift card a promise I made since would you do it for a Sephora gift card no it said 3 years for $500 Sephora gift card you would you do it for a pink Bronco yes okay well okay so she has a price limit yes to her morals like seriously like there's nothing like it's not even a bad I'll you a pink Bronco actually actually for real for first show me it for show me he's just going to Google a pink Bronco was I'm going to show I'll get you pink Bronco I actually saw pink Bronco on Facebook Market I'm trying to think the worst lie I ever told my parents the worst lie I think I told my parents was um H yeah that was pretty bad um but I think I already told that one here let's see I feel like the worst lie I ever told my parents was that you didn't like me actually I know the worst line my parents ever told told me is that I was their kid what you want it yeah I'll give it to you no let me see it that that ain't no pink Bronco that's a pink Bronco that's a Lego pink Bronco no it's a pink Bronco that's more like a miniature little toy car pink Bronco no it's it's it's real it's just real being Bronco yeah you know one time me and my parents actually had a we actually had a conversation on if I was their kid or not what cuz Maverick convinced me I was adopted wait can I just see that dinosaur you didn't tell me that yes you knew that dude I'm sweating from sitting on this mic the way I such a good gaslighter that's insane you knew this Maverick is pride in it dude yeah Kinsey the other day I lied to her about something and she was just like keny's M's girlfriend yeah she said something and I was like yeah no and I I I just went with it and then I was like no obviously not when was the last time you hung out yesterday not a li joke we joke yesterday I thought she lived in Missouri he does he drives down there every weekend she lives in like Waco no sorry Waco not Missouri Waco w wait so what what did you joke with Kinsey about I don't even remember but it stop crushing that up something not that important it was like uh I don't know and you lied and then I was like did you really believe that that's crazy wow what a good gas I'm a great gaslighter all the time terrible I'm trying to think bro do you guys you remember telling your parents what do you mean she didn't look like that on FaceTime she didn't wait what what you trying to say oh I I wait wait hold on we got two conversations going on again we got to pick one she did not look like that on FaceTime what are you trying to you think that's not her no she's more blonde what oh no oh no you you guys know that sound no no you know no no okay no that's not no he just wanted to get you just want that Maverick is so good at singing com comments yeah yeah is fishing right now for comment he said let me cast my real for Maverick is's so good at fishing comments is clearly jealous you guys have never complimented his singing oh oh they will compliment my singing right now oh if I Let Go compliment no don't start singing she going to move to LA no no if if if if I sang on here i' I'd let go okay in fact I would go so hard on the microphone I didn't do it can you sing like did you not get it I just rhymed oh yeah that was great so sing a song I Would rhyme but my big thing is is I think we're running out of time wow no one saw that coming I didn't I was like what's he going to say I was like what's the next l i but the big thing is I time the camera say do I have a double chin I say no that might have been a lie I don't think that rhymed with time oh okay let's see what else let's see else think that rhymes might have been a crime wait wait wait let's see what else let's see what else at I don't think you're very good I don't think you very fine Harper after the episode she says thanks for having me goodbye very quickly doesn't hang out with us won't even tell me good night should have probably said goodbye she teleports out of here she's so quick with it no just wait till I get my money right and buy the um tele Apple teleport machine she what what what the real she going to try to gas you have a new phone case every time you come over I know that one's kind of cool though wait I actually want to sing do it sing for don't okay yeah what type of song do I sing a lot sing your freaking I don't know the other day I heard you actually sing good and what was that what the no what was that song what that that was a genuine compliment yeah he was such a Jer to me dude we're singing on the microphone trying to make a song we've been singing there all day I fin I say yeah years we've been singing on this studio it's actually on the other side of this wall I've actually heard I'm saying a story she was about to tell you tell them how bad you are singing no yeah are you going to I actually that was so important to interrupt no I actually heard um I I was actually giving you a taste of your own medicine what oh yeah good oh anyways no I actually heard um that yeah what did you hear I heard I always hear Cash's voice and then and then one time Chase turned off the autot tune and he was like oh har Honey Boo Boo we all heard Queen I heard literally what I heard was turn off the what I heard was like I literally first of all I want everyone to know who was like haror song has so much autotune he set it up put the auto behind her voice I never claimed to be a mixing Master producer cash said Harper you can sing good but I'm going to make you a rapper yeah no and and then and then everybody's like why is there so much a I was like I didn't choose that you did choose that or you you would wait why do we have to put autotune on it mhm because she's too nice to tell you I don't want aun no it's her song she could have been like hey let me see without Aude we turned it off that wasn't going to happen really we had we had to crank that baby to 101 no they know it went that high cash just didn't want to be the only one on the song with autot Tunes but we'll have a singing off Harper go oh this is not good oh God okay F this is like this is like uh I feel like we're P Queen be you started out so you start okay okay okay I sound the exact same when I sing it okay okay so it starts off like like Piper um Piper Rock no no it starts with Piper I didn't want to write this song about you but this one was easy it really uh came from the heart stop don't cough on her do not cough on her interrup herination OCD don't do that and with all that said and done I really hope you enjoy this song and if you don't I honestly don't care Piper Rock H more like Piper get rocked you checked your comments recently it's never going to stop why you scared to fight me I'm 14 yeah but guess what babe there a new Queen be new Queen be a Newen everyone Newen well my part was kind of like a chant like supposed to sound autot tuny like it was supposed to sound like a robot so like that was my part like I literally sang my part like this there's a new Queen be no no you like I saw you in the this new Queen [Music] [Applause] be so many times he's like there's a new shut I probably you guys are probably right and he was like no that sound good so finally Chase is like I think you should just stay one you guys want hear song So C is just like fine there's a new queen bee there's a new Queen be here here's a song Here's a song we're going to be dropping soon my vocals are you actually dropping a no shot you Cas this is going to copyrighted you play that what by ourselves the the beat oh uh yeah yeah the beat here wait is that okay okay yeah that should be copy play my part play my part we're totally wait wait wait wait let me let me say something if if that gets copyrighted and there's just a cut in the episode we just played a song and it got copyrighted so we had to cut the episode you can do that on YouTube if you get a copyright strike yeah so we're safe play my part you're on that song uh well you didn't want to sing on the mic very long so I didn't get to keep your part oh so he deleted you wer can y'all just do a off yeah perfect style Pitch Perfect style we'll clap for y'all you first [Applause] wait oh no wait that was kind of good why you always say that to me bro stop saying that kind of no because I think I hear you try so many different things on the mic and like 95% of the things that they try don't sound great what the you got to no y'all should see K on the micone y'all should see Kate on the mic y'all thr so much shade over there I'm glad I'm over here this is crazy you when you sing good you sing good but you guys spent so much time like what you just did that was good but you guys spent a lot oh no I was good you thought that was good oh no hey hey stop bullying each other you like that y like that oh no yeah you like that H me up come on I don't like it anymore tell me how great I am oh no come on oh no okay the comments the comments Glory okay stop please stop no because I hear you in the studio both of you no encourage himu please nobody encourage him he's so bad listen y'all try take this music Let it take a gopel movie cuz we make go okay I guess he hit that note but like not in a good way yeah he hit it like he punched do do my name isina George I don't know that I know that yeah my name is Regina George and I am from One Direction is that maybe it's the she walks that's my heart through the door past the G no no they always think just like she already want it hey I said can you give it back to me she said never dreams and we danced all night best s knew every now I can't remember said I think I think go with oh yeah that's how that song goes let's see let's see okay I actually try to sing it but I need like a song I can actually sing okay do Old Town R cash always tries to get me to sing and I just can't I'm that's not bad keep going can you shut up with that line I swear if I hear you say that one more time like oh I'm going to take my wait no I'm going to take wait uh let's see let's see yeah everybody put your earplugs in real quick ready ready um here we go all right wait actually do you want us to uh probably for your own sake all right ready guys I'm going sing now here we go um okay I I'll sing our new song that's coming out I'm so sorry everyone this is our new song that will be coming out in the near future all you ready oh noit wait not yet not yet you know me not know myself when I'm I'm looking for help is that good listen well that will the comments will decide they're going to judge you so hardcore so ready ready oh that was not good hey I thought it was pretty good to my just go again just go again I to feel like in the moment like like can you stop recording me please Harper I'm not recording you yeah give me your phone no okay I'll take your phone fine okay and the cash okay I'll take myON wait wait yeah let me see I'll do selfie I'll do selfie M give me your phone too but no no phon no phon I'm not I'm not filming you no Kate put your phone everybody put your pH I'm not filming can you stop that I don't believe Inon I just need a good song that's literally all I need bro guys sing a song um well recommend one like Taylor Swift probably is all I got oh you know that song where it's like was it over you know you you seen that song do do that he likes that song that s hard that song's hard that all the time fall out of line out of line fall anywhere with you I'm by your side singing in the wait what's what uh singing I know all I know is the maybe we fall out of line out of line I fall any I want to be here not going back B no no saying saying what's it called please save me say trying to think um my ears are bleeding sing lose control anybody here can hit that hit that no let me see yeah yeah you got to try you can hit it you could be like I lose control no how about you hit it I can't I'm not a girl try that's a dude okay when you're not here with me I don't know why it's so funny when when like tries it's so funny it's not that funny Harper yeah even he's laughing at you Harper go just go oh me in the lady I used to have okay just saying back in the St I think's hurting this episode is so good and it's just a stra dister it's going so bad back in the St me my us to Eun wait why would you I just needed to prove that that was not Gerald singing no Jal is singing hold ready wait all of us youve lost everybody save us please save me I can't take this [Music] anymore please me out name was TC hey man T-Rex her name was TC oh miss please don't click off the episode hey they have they're all gone please don't leave audience please don't leave me Cas you been doing please stop you stop and you stop I think you actually not me m it's I lose cont that was you smashed that yeah you know what I'll actually try to sing on this podcast one day and when I do and when I do I'm going to think of a song for the next episode that I can actually sing and you all will be amazed you just sing it and yeah me like me and Harper we don't sound good yeah we don't really care but we don't care we just sing a song bro I did I literally just you sounded bad I I literally tried to sing I literally tried to sing with him and y'all just hated on me hey well I don't I this episode was it was a good episode it was a good episode and if y'all are still watching don't you have something better to DOI see Miss me all right bye everyone I'm so sorry y watch this [Music]
Channel: LOL Podcast
Views: 772,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E18EM9jT6ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 1sec (3361 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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