Don’t trust the meat industry? WAIT until you watch this.

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a brand new investigation looking at 10 of the biggest meat companies in the world has revealed that the meat industry is using the same tactics that the tobacco industry used to use throughout the 20th century the investigation was carried out by an organization called d smog who for the past 15 years or so have been exposing how the fossil fuel industries use pr campaigns and industry funded research to create confusion in the general public about the impact the fossil fuel companies are having on the environment and so in their latest investigation instead of looking at the fossil fuel industry dsmog looked at the meat industry instead and they analyzed hundreds of documents statements internal memos and presentations from these companies and lo and behold would you believe it but it turns out that the meat industry is doing exactly the same thing but before we get into some of the tactics the meat industry have been deploying and look at some of the examples of the shady business they have been up to i just want to say a huge thank you to today's sponsor which is skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of different courses about a wide variety of different subjects it's specifically curated for learning which means that whether or not you're a pro or a beginner these creative courses are suited and tailored for you a course that i would recommend is called indoor gardening grow house plants veggies and herbs and it's by actor chowdhury skillshare offering the first 1 000 people who click the link in my description a free one month trial of their skillshare membership so check that out if you would like to now let's get back into the video and let's talk about some of the things the meat industry have been up to one of the companies that the investigation looked at is danish crown who are the biggest meat producer in europe the investigation noted how in recent years danish crown have started using a label that says climate controlled on the port products that they sell now this label is put on packets of pork products that are produced by suppliers who work for danish crown and who have signed up to their voluntary certification program perhaps unsurprisingly every pig producer who supplies these products to danish crown have signed up to danish crown's sustainability program so just to clarify danish crown have created their own sustainability program they have then signed up all of their pig suppliers to the sustainability program and now use a label that says that these products are climate controlled they even ran a huge advertising campaign where they made the claim that their port products are more climate friendly than you would think except danish crown alone is set to consume 42 of denmark's emissions budget that was set up by the paris climate agreement by the year 2030 and on top of that the emissions that danish crown produces is equivalent to 29 of denmark's total annual carbon emissions which ironically probably makes their products even less climate friendly than you would think danish crown also claim that the port products they produce now emit 25 fewer emissions than they did back in 2005. they support this figure by citing a study that they themselves commissioned and that has actually been criticized for not calculating the full life cycle impact of their products basically they didn't include things like land use and land use changes and interestingly a separate piece of research conducted by the world resources institute concluded that the pork industry in denmark actually produces four times more emissions than their industry-funded research claimed that they do in 2019 danish crown had another study that they'd collaborated with the same researchers on tarnished because after an investigation was conducted it was revealed that danish crown had not only influenced the report they'd actually co-written it as well but this manipulation of data is a recurring theme this chart here shows the emissions in megatons that some of the companies have self-reported versus the emissions that two organizations using a un emissions assessment model calculate the companies actually produce the ahdb which are a uk-based farming organization were also one of the companies that were investigated in this report in fact the ahdb and also the national farmers union which is another farming organization here in the uk claim that only 10 percent of the emissions produced in the uk come from the farming industries however what they fail to include in their calculations are things like feed production the emissions that these organizations fail to account for are indirect emissions sometimes referred to as scope-free emissions and they are often where the majority of the emissions produced by animal products come from this figure also only accounts for emissions that are produced in the uk but this is especially concerning as 70 of the cropland that is used to grow crops for the uk is not actually in the uk and around one-fifth of the uk's overseas emissions comes from crop production in south america and these are emissions that are not factored into calculations that are conducted by these organizations and it's a similar story in the us as well with the lobby group animal agriculture alliance and the us government agency the environmental protection agency both failing to account for land use and land use change when they calculate the emissions that are produced by the animal agriculture industries and what this does is it creates the impression in the general public that the emissions produced by these industries are lower than they actually are the ahdb here in the uk are also big proponents of the idea that grazing animals should be seen as a climate solution because grazing animals can sequester carbon now to support this claim they cite a study that was commissioned by the meat industry group beef and lamb new zealand and basically this study concluded by making the claim that beef and lamb farming in new zealand can actually offset 118 percent of the emissions that the farming produces in the first place however the new zealand government then released a report criticizing the research stating that there were fundamental limitations in how the meat industry funded research had derived their results such as using inconsistent or inappropriate values for emissions and excluding certain emissions from the calculations as well they stated that in reality the farming would only be able to sequester enough carbon to offset 33 to the emissions produced by the farming in the first place astonishingly the ahdb also co-developed the uk's national dietary guidelines alongside public health england why is a farming lobby group who exist to serve the best interests of farmers and who are funded by farmers allowed to be a part of developing our nutrition guidelines and so whilst this may be confusing logically speaking it actually starts to make more sense when we view the relationship that these organizations have with governments in fact the ahdb last year was given 500 000 pounds by the uk government to run an advertising campaign promoting the consumption of cow's milk unfortunately as has become painfully obvious there is little to no separation from the meat dairy and egg industries and our elected government officials a separate piece of research revealed that in the us in the past 20 years alone over 100 million dollars has been spent by the meat industry lobbying to the us government and when the amount that has been spent on lobbying government is viewed as a percentage of the company's total revenue well tyson have spent double the amount that the oil company exxon have spent the researchers also found that all of the u.s companies that were analyzed had funded organizations campaigns or pieces of research that seeked to undermine the perceived impact that animal agriculture has on the environment the dsmog investigation also highlighted the failings of the media in holding these companies accountable and scrutinizing the claims that they make one of the problems highlighted is how meat companies can make claims about aspirationally wanting to be carbon neutral in the future and then the media will positively report on these claims without the meat companies actually having to implement or do anything as a policy fellow from harvard law school put it if you have virtual consensus on one side and a few people over here many of whom have received funding from the meat industry that should be reported it shouldn't be seen as two equal interlocutors presenting equally valid opposing opinions and i think one of the more demoralizing aspects of all of this is how environmental organizations and environmental campaigners have fallen for the lies being perpetuated by the meat industry i mean how many environmentalists do we see supporting and talking about this idea of regenerative animal farming a concept that is not supported by the scientific community and has even been debunked and scrutinized by the scientific community ultimately if we wouldn't trust philip morris to be objective about cigarettes and we wouldn't trust bp or shell to be objective about fossil fuels then why do we trust the ahdb the national farmers union danish crown jbs or tyson or any of these meat dairy and egg companies to be objective about animal farming i mean why is it that the scientific community always seems to be at odds with the messaging coming from the meat dairy and egg industries why is it that animal farmers are constantly having to defend themselves against the scientific literature that is being produced by the most respected organizations in the world it's time for us to stop viewing the industry-funded research that is produced by the meat dairy and egg industries has been equal in credibility to the impartial peer-reviewed meta-analyses that are being produced by the most respected organizations in the world and that are showing us that we have to radically transform our food system and get away from animal product production and embrace a plant-based food system instead as it stands the meat dairy and egg industries are simply using the tried and tested methods that were used by the tobacco industry in the 20th century and that continue to be used by the fossil fuel industries right now they commission their own data that they then manipulate to suit their own agenda and then they use their pr team to disseminate this manipulated scientific nonsense to the general public to create doubt in the general public and to downplay in the general public's mind the impact that animal farming is having and all whilst this is happening these industries are also lobbying to our governments and influencing policies such as our nutrition guidelines and unfortunately the media is too impotent and too ineffective to actually scrutinize the claims being made by these industries although it should be duly noted that whilst these techniques did succeed for the tobacco industry in terms of delaying widespread recognition about the harm that cigarettes cause ultimately the truth still came out the same is also happening with the fossil fuel industries as we speak and so whilst the meat dairy and egg industries may think these tricks will help them at best for them they will only delay the inevitable so make sure to check out the report i'll link it down below in the description with a few other pieces of research that i have referenced throughout this video and which i think are really important and highlighting just how manipulative these industries are at calling us it's scamming us at downplaying the impact that they have and for ultimately destroying the world around us and killing trillions of sentient beings needlessly every single year this time that the facade these industries have built crumbles and falls apart and thankfully that is happening and investigations and exposes such as the one that i've referenced in today's video just further prove that these tricks and these manipulative tactics are eventually going to stop working for the meat dairy and egg industries all right guys thank you so much for watching i really do appreciate it let me know down below in the comments what you thought of the report what you thought of what the meat dairy industries have been up to and i promise you the things that i've discussed in two days video are simply the tip of the iceberg they don't represent everything these industries have been doing they only represent a tiny fraction of what they've been up to and they've been doing this for decades so do some research for yourself have a look at some of the links i've posted and again thank you so much for watching today's video [Music] so you
Channel: Earthling Ed
Views: 65,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earthlinged, earthling ed, vegan, veganism, why, be, go, earthlings full movie, activism, vox, vice, documentary, animal rights activists, exposed, shady, scandal, uk, just egg, fbi, top 5, shook the world, animal rights, extreme, debunked, lied, pandemic, shocking, desmog
Id: n--NJuPMg8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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