Don’t Listen to Andrew Huberman About this Fitness Advice

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so if you lay down at night and your toes are just kind of flopping towards the end of the bed your tibs are weak there is absolutely no sensible credible logical explanation for when you lay in bed when your feet naturally relax down that meaning you have a problem and for hubman to say it so matter of fact like it's known established science is complete and utter nonsense welcome back everybody I'm Dr Brian suder and my goal on this channel is to teach you about the medical side of the Sports World and sometimes that means means calling out and addressing some controversial and honestly Flatout ridiculous stuff that we see on the internet Dr huberman is a neuroscientist and without a doubt he's an extremely smart person who I think has done genuinely a lot of good to help people learn and become better with their Wellness their self-care and a lot of great things but what often happens with a lot of these types of personalities who Venture into the social media space and become very famous and well known because of their initial area of expertise is they run out of things within their area of expertise to talk about and so over time you start to see them stray into other areas of science or medicine based on what's popular out there in the culture this podcast that he was on with Tim Ferris back in 2023 is full of absolute just nonsensical reasoning and rubbish when it comes to talking about tib raises and shin splints and flat feet and floppiness in your feet when you lay in bed that is just complete flawed utter nonsense I'm going to walk through some of these parts and just talk about where he's completely flat out wrong and just help to actually tell the truth about some of these things we'll dive into that in a minute but first let's go ahead and give a quick shout out to the sponsor of today's video before we dive in and react to this podcast episode this video is sponsored by hellofresh hellofresh is America's number one meal kit and a service that I have 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with our anatomy tool with our B digital tool here we're looking at the front of a right lower extremity so up here is going to be the knee the femur and then this is the tibia the anterior tibialis is a muscle that sits in the anterior compartment of the lower leg there's different compartments there's four in the lower leg there's the anterior in the front the lateral on the outside the Deep posterior and The Superficial posterior where a bunch of different muscles are contained so tibialis anterior sits anterior in the front of the tibia tibialis so pretty aptly name the muscle is going to originate up here on the front portion of the tibia so it doesn't cross the knee joint and then the tendon is going to come down and the tendon is going to cross the ankle and then insert on a handful different bones here but primarily kind of around this middle CA form and first metatarsal so this is the tendon of the anterior TI whenever you activate it it's going to pull upwards and it's going to dorsiflex the ankle all very appropriate very accurate stuff other muscles in this anterior compartment you have the extensor digitorum longus and the extensor halis longus lifting up the toe the big toe and then the extensor digitorum longus lifting up the rest of the toes I warm up with tib work why training my tibs as they're called has tips of the new biceps TI of the definitely makes the calf work more effective never could grow calvs or get my calav strong gotten them you know substantially bigger and stronger by training tibs but more importantly perhaps so this is something you hear a lot and I think that's part of why these tib raises have become like the new hot thing in the social media kind of Fitness influencer world is that of course everybody wants big caves right that video is going to take off if you can talk about you know the secret to getting big calves and so presenting tib raises as something to get bigger calves is a very easy way to make people want to do it and to kind of latch on to this new found Secret in medicine that nobody has known about but there is no real even logic behind that because when you're doing a traditional tib Rays tibialis anterior Rays you're getting a little bit of passive stretch on your gastr and there's been some new literature that actually specifically with the pecs just doing stretching of the muscle can stimulate some hypertrophy but nothing to the extent that's going to cause that muscle to hypertrophy to where you're getting stronger and hberman talks later on about you know this idea like you have to work both edges of the muscle for balance right the the calves and you have to work the anterior tips of the front and the back of the lower leg and I think that's a good concept but simply going in and doing tibialis anterior raises is not going to magically unlock your gastrock into becoming stronger it could very well help with some pain you might be dealing with we'll talk about shin spint in a little bit so I think there is some true good times to strengthen your tib but it's not this matter OFA like he's stating here that oh it's it's the secret like it's the secret TR loocking your your calf strengthening that's just a way to get people to buy in to make it feel like you are an expert and know what you're talking about but more importantly perhaps helps posture got rid of my right side sciatica I always had this right side kind of leaning in pain and I can again there's just no logical even theory for why strengthening a muscle that only crosses your ankle joint is going to fix people's posture and sciatica and again these are sort of tools that you see people using in this world to to get more attention to sort of get more popularity and credibility with things is of course sciatica right very big buzzword to talk about in social media fitness everybody wants to know about the secret for sciatica so we're hitting calf strengthening we're hitting sciatica we're hitting posture he's hitting all these buzzwords that he knows people are going to be interested in and framing it in the context of these tibialis raises are going to suddenly and magically unlock that there's just no even biomechanical Theory or basis certainly no fundamental research right Dr hubman likes to share and talk about the importance of evidence there's zero evidence out there to support any of that the other part here with huberman that you have to remember is he is doing all kinds of other things in the meantime he's doing more General strengthening he talks about the squats he's doing he's doing a lot of other exercises that are good for sciatica that are good for posture it's not just The Tib raises that he's doing that are fixing his sciatica but when this stuff is presented to a casual audience they think that I have sciatica if I start doing tib raises I'm going to get better when in reality it's multifactorial it's everything else that he's doing it's the core strengthening it's the exercise it's the diet it's the whole body fitness that's helping fix his sciatica and his posture and whatever this vague non-specific you know thing that people can probably relate to of oh yeah my right side's off and so there's a really really important caveat that we understand when you're talking about musculoskeletal medicine that huberman here again because you're not an expert you're not really training this stuff you don't communicate that across forgive the I'm going to get teased for saying this for me anyway I can run like a beast now no knee pain no back pain no shoulder pain I can just run and run and run and so the training your tibs turns out to be key and it turns out it has everything to do with the again right he's been doing so many other things in the past couple years not just isolated tib raises and so to present tib raises as this magic cure all again it's it's almost like you're trying to to get people to convince into your program your system of tibra as being this magical thing that's going to fix all your problems and I'm sorry that just doesn't exist he's been again exercising in general he's been strength training he's been eating healthy all that stuff is what's helping him run like a beast not training some isolated lower leg muscle that doesn't even cross your knee joint it's just ridiculous again bring your toe we'll avoid jargon here bring your toe closer to the kneecap as you generate your stride not having the floppy feet so if you lay down at your night and your toes are just kind of flopping towards the end of the bed your tips are weak a lot of people with knee issues have weak TI this was the most ridiculous part of this whole conversation and it's something that again you see in this kind of Playbook of people who are trying to present this expertise of trying to get people to identify something that they will do think that it's abnormal in them and because you said it they suddenly need to start doing this thing there is absolutely no sensible credible logical explanation for when you lay in bed when your feet naturally relax down that meaning you have a problem and for hubman to say it so matter of fact like it's known established science is complete and utter nonsense but because he says this because he's Andrew huberman who everybody listens to and thinks is this all knowing person people are going to go they're going to lay down in bed at night they're going to say oh my gosh my feet relax and they drop forward like they naturally should and think that means they have a problem and this gets at a core problem with these sort of Fitness influencer Guru types of people is you're looking for a problem that's not even there unless you have some specific pathology pain shinin maybe like we'll talk about in a little bit there is zero reason why you need to go out and start training your tibialis anterior muscle and if you go and you decide hey look my feet naturally like they're supposed to relax and flop down in bed and then go start training your Tibi Al you're probably going to hurt yourself in some way but it's this idea that these folks like hberman can say hey well if if this happens to you it's a clear sign that your tibs are weak and you need to strengthen your tibs it's complete and utter BS your feet are supposed to naturally relax when you lay down like that it it's good in fact if your muscles didn't relax if you laid in bed and your feet were just rigid like this that would mean you have abnormal spasticity in your lower leg that you need to see a doctor for so this idea of like latching onto something that is visual it's provoking everybody will see it and do it then gets them to buy in and think that you're more of an expert and they need to go strengthen and train their tibs it's complete an utter just nonsense and it needs to stop because these people don't know what they're talking about within this area of medicine a lot of people with knee issues have weak tips KNE issues again another just a generic statement people with knee issues have weak tibs there are so many different things that can cause somebody to have knee pain and to generalize it on a podcast as if you have knee issues you must have weak tibs is Again part of this Playbook of these people who try and do this kind of stuff on the internet to get you to buy into what they're saying someone says oh yeah my knee hurts I must have weak tibs when in reality you might have a meniscus tear or a focal cartilage injury or pean serine btis or hamstring tontis or a whole host of other things that strengthening your tibialis interior might actually be the wrong thing to do well hold on hold on so if you're in the bed you got your sheets and blankets on top and your feet are flopping forward do you are you sleeping like a GI Joe figure with your toes pulled up to your knees what's no I just mean that if your if your toes are in a state of kind of like flaccid relaxation your if your feet are flaccid fled Toes light a lot of people who run are smacking their feet against the ground totally you know Ben queued people again it's ridiculous so the ironic thing here is the anti tibialis the the tibs as he calls them don't even affect your toes your Tibi Alis anterior is not doing anything to dorsiflex or extend your toes it's a completely different muscle and so that right there proves that he just doesn't know what he's talking about in this regard there's nothing bad about it there's nothing wrong about you laying in bed and your feet natur natur relaxing and so don't get people fixated on a problem that's not even there because then people panic they worry they think oh my gosh I have this problem when they don't have a problem because you're telling them misinformation ground totally you know Ben cued people to this tib work okay tib work is great for the calves it's great for the knee it's great for the hip that's all very clear and I think just a lot of people have overtrained their calves yeah and not balanc it out with tib work it would be like doing a lot of bicep work and not a lot of tricep work or a lot of quad work not a lot of H work you have to work both sides of the limb and I think our friend Kelly starett would agree I'm sure he would yeah yeah TI work has changed everything for me posturally I have no pain any longer I just want to log again this has nothing to do with you have you have been doing so many other things to help your pain and so to say tib work it's the Golden Goose here I don't have pain I don't I don't believe it I'm not buying it the work side this may be a question for Ben or someone more qualified but one of the challenges that I've had I agree it would be a great question for someone qu decades shinsplints and my dors flection is actually seemingly from a strength perspective pretty decent ankle Mobility also pretty decent although the left ankle's been broken so many times so Tim is saying right there that he thinks his tiby Alis is is actually pretty strong he thinks his ankle Mobility is pretty good good ankle have been broken so many times that it's it's a little crunchy but the point of all of that is that my my ankle Mobility is pretty good my dors flexion strength seems pretty good but I always feel like the front of my shins are about to explode someone could just pop them like a balloon with a pin and I've not figured out a way to address this yeah I vote tib work I used to have terrible shin splints okay yeah terrible shin splints from and also this is another thing that you see pretty often on these types of podcasts is this generalization of assuming what somebody has as a diagnosis what Tim is explaining here sounds like textbook chronic exertional compartment syndrome so this feeling of pressure pressure where you feel like the muscle is going to explode that is not classic what we hear for shens blunts it sounds like he's describing exertional compartment syndrome which is a very real thing most commonly affects that anterior compartment where the tibialis anterior resides where you get buildup and pressure in that compartment when you exercise where people will say it literally it feels like it's going to explode they say this exact same thing that Tim is saying and in those cases if you have compartment syndrome exercising your tibialis anterior is the worst thing you could do in fact those patients who have anterior compartment exertional compartment syndrome we encourage them to start developing more 4-foot running more 4-foot stride because when you run on your heel you require more anti tibialis work to control that dors of flexion to control that Descent of the foot and so if Tim actually has exertional compartment syndrome which it sounds like he might huberman telling him to do tib raises is the worst thing for him to do and is going to make his problem worse but because they talk in these just general approaches of well I must have shin splints and hubman says well this is what you need to do for shin splints you get more of this misinformation now let's talk about shin sputs because there's actually some validity here with the tibialis and what could be going on with shin sputs and for that we're going to go back to our anatomy model so if we look here again at our leg the tibia right tibia Shin spins what we think is happening with shinsplints is there's this layer along the bone specifically usually the medial kind of back half of the tibia called the periosteum this outer lining of the bone and there's some continuance between the periostium and the fascia that goes over the Anor tibialis so there seems to be some at least anatomic connection between the anterior tibialis and the periostium around the tibia that can be affected with shinsplints and so I agree if somebody has shinsplints again this is the difference between you have a specific diagnosis versus you just need to do it for longevity and wellness I do think there's value in doing some anterior tibialis strengthening to potentially influence that pull on the periosteum or off set some of the gastric nemia string so don't get me wrong there's some true validity and reasons and timing to do tib raises but not because your feet flop down in bed when you lay like a normal person from and also pain in my shins just from skateboarding taking so many these kind of Fitness gur everybody always has shin splints right they all have shinsplints they all have sciatica they all have posture problems again you see this pattern we're kind of hitting these buzzwords of things that get people interested in the medical field on the internet also given me I used to think I had flat feet mhm I have flat feet that's my source of my problem and I'd do all this toe strengthening foot strengthening stuff all these people in the yoga another thing that a lot of these people tend to have right flat feet another one we've we've hit them all we've hit flat feet sciatica uh shinsplints posture problems we've kind of hit the trifecta here of uh social media fitness Guru types of content turned out I don't have flat feet it turns out that The Tib my tibs were weak and so the foot wasn't to resting in the right position so for me it's been a GameChanger also you don't need any specialized equipment there is more AB more absolute nonsense so yes one of the tibialis muscles helps to influence the shape of the foot in the arch support it's not the tibialis anterior it's the tibialis posterior let's look back at our anatomy model so the tibialis anterior somebody who's not an expert in this who's not entirely educated might look at the tibialis saner and say oh well its job is to dorsiflex the ankle makes sense if my tibialis anterior is weak it's going to cause my ankle to plan or Flex down it seems like a logical step to take but it's actually the tibialis posterior that influences our Arch height this muscle intend and highlighted is the tibialis posterior it actually sits in that deep super it actually sits in that deep posterior compartment right we were talking about our compartments earlier runs here through the tarsel tunnel on the medial side of the ankle goes down and inserts primarily on the navicular bone this Anatomy model is not 100% accurate just for kind of your reference but the posterior tibialis is a very real muscle in tendon that's involved with foot shape and flat feet and people who have posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction get progressive collapse of their foot because it's not there to help bolster and support the arch so yes your tibialis plays a role in your foot shape and your arch height but not the tibialis anterior it's the tibialis postor but because these people are an experts they don't know the right connections they make these leaps that seem plausible on paper and a host like Tim Ferris doesn't really know the difference and so he says hm interesting writes it down and everybody is supposed to accept that if they have flat feet they just need to do a bunch of tiby Alis raises which is again completely wrong I think the biggest lesson in all this for me and I think what you should take away from it is don't go looking for problems that you don't have I don't want to go so far as to say that this is like being a grifter and all that kind of stuff and I don't think huberman has like bad intentions I think again it just comes down to the sense that when you become so so famous so quickly for being an expert in your field again this man's an expert he is a fantastic scientist in his field of study but that doesn't mean that you're an expert in everything else but people in those areas you quickly start to think that you are an expert in those areas I've gotten into some trouble with it on this channel right I've talked about some stuff involving like Endocrinology in the past that was outside of my expertise learn from that and so you need to be very careful about how people perceive you when you talk about something just because you're an expert in a scientific fi doesn't mean you're an expert in all scientific fields in medicine but people hear this stuff they look to huberman as this expert this resource and think oh my goodness I have all these problems my posture my sciatica my my shins splints my flat feet tib raises are the solution for everything it's just simply not true don't go looking for problems that you don't have don't lay in bed at night and see your feet naturally fall forward and think that you have a problem because it just causes you to get stressed and anxious thinking something's wrong with you that's not the case I'm surprised this hasn't happened with other muscles like I think the tibialis anterior is just the latest one before this it was the VMO right the VMO was the big sexy muscle now it's the tibialis anterior it's probably going to be something like the Sartorius or the gillus next this sexy sounding muscle that people typically don't exercise and train because frankly there's no real reason to gets blamed for all these problems and you can latch on to it and use it as the next big thing to promote and make yourself out to seem to be some experts so I encourage you when you're consuming this type of content whether it's huberman or Rogan or Alex Freeman any of these people that sit in this sort of podcasting club that we all know about know what they're experts in and know what they're not experts in and if they're not experts in certain things take everything they say with a grain of salt because all this stuff about t raises your floppy feet your sin splints your flat feet it's honestly a bunch of nonsense that needs a lot more expert context behind it that's it for the video everybody thank you as always for watching let me know any questions or comments down below and until next time we'll see you later bye
Channel: Brian Sutterer MD
Views: 119,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew huberman, huberman lab, huberman lab podcast, dr. andrew huberman the tim ferriss show, huberman tim ferriss podcast, huberman tim ferriss, tib raises, shin splints, andrew huberman routine, dr. andrew huberman, andrew huberman podcast
Id: IVJSf7Cj0Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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