Don’t Get Stuck at Saved | Levi Lusko

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I want to give us some theological context for what we're singing because there is such weight and promise and strength in understanding that our faith is solid it's not able to be shaken because it's not built on the sand of experiences or circumstances or emotions or people in your life our faith is built on the Word of God and the confidence that comes from him having made a promise to us the words we're singing your name is greater your name is hiring it comes from this whole song comes from actually the book of Hebrews chapter 6 and I just want to just spend a moment right here before we sing that again because I think when you understand what you're singing you Ava you have even more power in and I'm hoping and praying that that all week long when circumstances are scary when situations are frightening when you have apprehensive moments or anxious moments or moments of worry or just you have a feeling inside of you of dullness that you you find that rising up that that his name the name of Jesus is higher his name is greater and that you will find yourself standing and stabilized in the promises of God in the word that comes from the mouth of the Creator here's what it says in Hebrews chapter 6 and all this in the context of of standing still God doesn't want us to stand still even in quarantine in Portland even in shelter-in-place in Maryland even in the come to the state starting to open up a little bit in Montana he doesn't want us standing still spiritually he wants us even when we're feeling like we're stagnant because we haven't been doing the normal things we're doing that we're still moving forward in our spiritual race of faith and that's what Hebrews six is all about it's about those who have chosen to stand still stuck and saved now being saved is great but God doesn't want you to stop at just being saved he wants you to progress he wants you move forward he wants you to grow he wants you to become vibrant and powerful all of these flourishing things that we've been these weeks talking about and so talking about those who have just gotten saved and then they've stopped stopped trying stopped reaching stopped moving thinking that they've experienced everything that God wants them to just because they're Christians he says but beloved this is Hebrew 69 beloved we are confident of better things concerning you yes things that accompany salvation though we speak in this manner for God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love and then in verse 11 he says and we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end you had to hope to get salvation now we're hoping you put that same assurance of your hope in him until the end so that means don't ever let your foot off the pedal spiritually you got to keep growing and he says in verse 12 don't become sluggish but imitators who through faith and patience inherit the promises what the author of Hebrews is saying Hebrews is saying is is that there are some who have gotten saved and stopped trying reaching growing discovering learning being changed but I don't want that to be your story I want you to tap into all the things that accompany salvation all the things that come with what God did for you and Jesus taught in the cross that you don't stop and be content merely to know him and have begun a relationship with him but that you grow in your relationship with him and the million-dollar question of course becomes how we have to tap into the means that he gave us and the means that he gave us is the hope that comes from the promises of God and so right then he shifts gears and in Hebrews six he quickly moves on to the fact that God made us a promise and when he made that promise he could swear by no one greater so he swore by himself right you know how like if you were gonna promise something to someone you might say you might hear someone say it is so so craps right like I swear on my mother's grave right that would be a way to to make an oath because my mom is so dear to me so I'm choosing to put that oath on my mom I'm swearing by her name or we would even do this invoking God I swear to God or I'll swear on a stack of Bibles now we get to do that because our mom means something to us and God obviously we realizes is is bigger than us and outside of us but how does God make a promise how does God show that he means what he says the Bible says that God was frustrated because he didn't know who to swear on so he swore on himself he swore to himself that he would accomplish his purposes in us because God could not come up with a higher name and so by his own name which is the highest name there's ever been he has sworn to be faithful to complete the work that he began in you he started it how salvation but he doesn't want you to stop a Salvation there's new things for you discover there's growth for you to experience there's peace and there's hope and there's joy but you got to keep on giving yourself over to it you got to keep on worshiping you got to keep on dreaming and trying and believing you got to keep on serving and giving and loving and praying and caring you got to you got to continue all beloved [Applause] so he says this hope the hope that originally was the means of our salvation our trusting in Jesus is the same thing we have to continue to rely on so God determined 4:17 to show more abundantly to the heirs of the promise that's you and me the immutability of his counsel he confirmed it by an oath that by two immutable things both the fact that he was speaking and he cannot lie and the promise that he made that we might have strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us this hope we have someone in the chat write this hope this hope come on this hope this hope it's not uncertain hope it's not hope for hopes sake it's the hope that comes anchored by the word and the promise of God who cannot lie and promise by his own name and this hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast and which interest the presence behind the veil where the forerunner has entered for us even Jesus someone in the chat right even Jesus this hope we have because even Jesus even Jesus who became the high priest forever after the order of Melchisedec our great high priest entered the veil on our behalf he went to heaven he secured a promise for us and he's come back through his spirit he's in your home he's in your heart he's in your living room he wants to work in your life in a brand-new way new dreams new seasons new passions new hope come on new hope the hope that we had the day we got saved is great but I don't know about you but I want some new hope I want a new experience I want new fire from on high I want God to whisper new things into my heart I want to see new things about his character I want to see my kids do more than I ever did for the Lord I want to see God build our church build his kingdom touch the earth so come on let's tap into that hope let's lift up his name it's higher it's greater is it [Applause] your promise unshaken [Music] this higher your name is greater it all [Music] [Applause] good your son shaking Oh [Music] not be sluggish do you not be sluggish she said don't stand still don't become paralyzed by your circumstances keep moving for I like that because one translation puts that do not sluggish as don't let your faith become slack and I love that because he just just said that we are to see Jesus as an anchor for our soul and if you have a connection to an anchor you don't want to let that become slack you want to keep the connection tight and what happens to you if you keep your connection tight well you have a power to go through the worst things that you can face in this world you have the power to go through hard things but they won't destroy you if the connections slack if you let too much line out you won't feel it you can only feel an anchor Shayla if the connections tight the only time you'll feel the anchors connection is when you reel in all the slack that's why it's so important that we gather together in worship that's why it's so important that you've logged onto this broadcast because this is a mechanism by which we're able to come together as God's people assembled together in all the states of this United States in countries all around this world and we together who lifts up the name the tire the name that's greater we're all individually letting him heal our hurts letting him touch our hearts and we're all getting rid of some of that slack that accumulates because of sin because of static because of noise and experience and difficulty and hardship were reeling in the slack we're worshiping his name and when we keep the connection tight we go through hard things but we're not worried because we feel the tug of heaven on our soul that's what we saw in that video I got so emotional watching it because read and cook are part of our impact team and they they serve in fresh life kids and they're dedicated and the Sunday that they're talking about the the early morning hours that Sunday when that fire came moves March 13 March 14 it was the last Sunday we had in-person gatherings at our church locations in Montana some of the other locations weren't able to gather but as a final weekend before going into this Cove in season you heard them refer to that and they showed up that Sunday more their house had literally just burned down the night before and they showed up to church on Sunday but not just to come and attend they showed up to sit in one and serve in one and their clothes as we hugged them we were allowed to hug back then still smell like smoke my wife hugged read and smelt smoke on his clothing and then when I saw cook seated behind me I turned around and I saw her setting something down I should have been worshiping I'm sorry I cook I was stalking you and I was watching she set something down and I looked to see what it was it was a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts and I had to ask her what is that for she said well at the 11:00 I'm serving in fresh life kids and I brought these doughnuts for the kids in my class and I'm just wondering how do you come into the superpowers of being able to watch your home burn to the ground but show up the next morning with doughnuts for the kids in your class I'm telling you that's what happens when you got a tight connection to your anchor and that's what Jesus Christ is wanting to do in your life right now come on let's become invincible let's become steadfast and movable let's become like Reed and cook let's reel in the slack a little bit let's get tighter to heaven come on reel it in reel it in come on move your hands right there in your living room we're reeling it we're reeling it come on reel it in reel it in reel it in reel it in reel it in his name it's higher [Music] is ready [Applause] is unfairly your bro but shake [Applause] Jesus name Amen
Channel: Levi and Jennie Lusko
Views: 1,014
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: e_6v4HJI4jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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