"Dominus" mortar aiming and correction test #1 - Short distance.

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so this is the test of the motor the dominus motor we will shoot something like 120 meters from here and you will see all the processor of managing fire ok first of all we have to find the point to receive a point from the forward observer and put it in our computer we will use the garmin computers the gps to make our lives easier and the second thing we don't have a local map for the moment next the squad commander will put the coordinates we will calculate the distance by the coordinates that we will receive and he will use the floating board for calculating the distance let's say we don't know the distance yet and then we will make the first shot and for the observer will start the correction process ready to receive ready to receive the next coordinates Roger that now what we have here is a Florida observer coordinates and the target coordinates so no the that observer is 106 meters from us and the target itself nearly 150 meters so now we have to set the motor and aim it on the target not what we got to do we calculated the angle of the target and forward observer and now we will use the plotting board so to draw it the middle actually it is our our squad okay yeah now we're driving 156 meters so the target is here so the next we will draw the line to find our forward observer the four observe is 112 meters so he is here this way we will know how to correct it after he will give us the distances for example we will drop it 20 meters and the mine will go left 50 meters he will tell us what he sees and then we know how to correct it now we know the azimuth the angle for the for the target and we will know the distance so now we have to aim do you have a compass here it is 207 degrees is our azimuth stupid desert meter and the distance we can see here on a saddle the Domino's has two modes of fire the low distance in high distance you can see it here in the saddle you see dimensions here it is for charge we call charge 1 mode 1 and charge 2 mode 2 so this is you can see it's 300 meters on maximum and 170 meters 4 for the mode 1 so we will use mode 1 to do that we have to just put this ring here so it's opening the the hole and exceeded gas is going out and the energy is lower so the mind will go slower and won't go further than what we need now we have to connect the air tank here in a regular way it's HP tank now our Dominus now under pressure and ready to fire now we have three members of our squad it is the squad leader Nikolai me mark I'm just pulling the trigger and - here she is bringing the mines we will shoot one hundred fifty eight hundred fifty six meters just after these trees you will see where the mine hit the ground so the first mine we will shoot this is a smoke mine that will show our foreign observer where it hits the ground and then we will use the explosives to hit our targets ready to fire splash now we're waiting for the corrections right 50 meters okay this is our hit is we have to correct 12 degrees left [Applause] so we turn it it's supposed to be 195 okay when standing on bipod we can correct only 5 degrees left or right so we have to move the entire mortar to correct so now we calculate it and we have to correct it 12 degrees left so after the calculations we know that we need to have definition 195 so we're ready for a next shot now the next thing that we have to do is to drop the shot for 20 meters so it's went 20 meters further than we need the next shot will be the spoke as well because now we pretty much fine-tuning our calculations and we will go from there so we're putting the mind inside but we have to use triggers the shot splash so we're waiting for so it's went right for 30 meters you know mother okay so we need to turn and left for another seven degrees we have to receive the definition 190 exactly okay you got it now it is pretty close to the target so we will start shooting the explosives splash we heard the mine went off now we're waiting for the precious ten meters right so we calculating now I believe the last time we have to move it left two degrees we just took another two degrees left and let's hope it will hit the target this time let's hope splat five six seven we heard the report of the explosion okay five meters left okay one one degree right it's supposed to be 189 you
Channel: Airsoft Pyrotechnics
Views: 3,426
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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