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each one of us enjoying fresh grace upon the ultimate prayer in the name of jesus somebody believe he said loud amen now quickly how do you engage the turnaround god in prayer how do you engage the turnaround god in prayer what are the requirements to engage the turnaround god in prayer how can i encounter him in prayer number one define your expectation prayer without expectation will end up in frustration in the book of proverbs chapter 23 verse 18 it says surely there is an end and then expectation shall not be cut off surely there is an end and then expectation shall not be cut off there are many speaking mounts that are not connected to expectant hearts it is vital for us to understand that the expectation of your heart is what determines the manifestation of god's hand god will respond to you on the basis of your expectation where there is no expectation there will be no visitation this is so important so it's important for us to understand that you must define your expectation what are you expecting to see take place whether your prayer is for yourself as an individual whether it is for standing a god for others whether it is the advancement of the kingdom of god let your expectation be defined let it be clear god's servant has shared how sometimes some years ago it stood that the covenant our prayer and said lord give me one thousand souls this week give me a thousand souls this week give me a thousand souls this week a prayer that seems so unattainable but suddenly because there was a defined expectation there was a heavenly visitation and that week for the first time a thousand souls came in in a goal in the week in his outages your expectation must be defined your expectation must be defined number two vital requirement for you to experience the turnaround god on the author of prayer is anchor your desire on his word the word of god is what gives you a right with god until you uncle on his word your prayer is without basis the altar of prayer is not an author of sentiment it has an it's an order of engagement and you engage with god on the basis of his terms first john chapter 5 verse 14 and 15. the bible tells us there it says this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will and what is his will his word he hear at us he says and if we know that he hear us then whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we have desired of him so god makes it very clear if you are going to have you know answers from the turn around god on the other prayer you must uncall your desire on the basis of his word the word of god must be the foundation whatever god says in his word is committed to numbers 23 verse 19 he said god is not a man that you lie it's not the son of man that is repent has he said it will he not do it he says has he spoken and will he don't make it good anything that god says is committed to perform hebrews chapter 6 verse 16 all the way down to verse 18 the bible tells us there hebrews 6 verse 16 to 18. he says for men very swept by the greater and an oath for confirmation is to them and end of all strife he said god willing therefore more abundantly to show to the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel confirmed it by an oath so that by two immutable things it was impossible for god to lie and we may be able to lay hold on the hope that is set before us so we can uncall our expectation on god's word whatever god says god is bound to perform shout hallelujah i say shout hallelujah that's why if you watch here very well you will discover every prayer point is back with the scripture why it is the heavenly protocol when it is based on his word god is bound by his word number three engage your heart to approach unto god engage your heart in the book of jeremiah chapter 30 and verse 21 the bible says who is this that has engaged his heart has engaged his heart to approach unto me it always takes the heart until your heart is engaged in prayer god is not interested in the book of jeremiah chapter general chapter 17 and verse 10 the bible says i the lord i search the heart i try the rings to give unto every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings god responds to the connectivity of our heart god responds to the connectivity of our heart my prayer is that from this day onward your heart will never be disconnected again somebody believe you say loud amen number four engage your faith on the ultimate prayer engage your faith on the author of prayer matthew 21 and verse 22 he says and all things so ever that you desire in prayer when you pray in prayer believing he said you shall receive all things so where faith is present god is responsive it is faith that gives you connectivity with god faith faith it gives you connectivity with god where there is no faith there is bad network you call it's not going true but when there is faith there is clear network everything you are saying god is hearing and god is responding to from today god will keep responding to you somebody believe you say loud amen i said somebody believe me say loud amen i've shared before how number of years ago 2008 to be precise as we go sermon our father and he looked at me said david i know god hears me when i pray i know god hears me when i pray i can never forget it when i heard that statement i went and sat down i said what is it that will make somebody talk like this i know god yet because i know there are many people who are not sure when they pray whether godhead they are not sure but he looks with with a with a sight of certainty i know that god hears me when i pray you see when you approach god with the certainty of faith you are setting to come out with an answer from this day onward your faith will never fail again i said your faith will never fail again number five engage the power of thanksgiving to secure the answer when you go to the author of prayer your entry is with gratitude your exit is with thanksgiving you enter into his presence with thanksgiving into his court with praise be thankful unto him and bless his holy name psalm 100 and verse 4. so clearly from scriptures there is a protocol for god's presence there's a protocol for god's presence you enter with your expectation but if you exit with his manifestation you will require thanksgiving philippians chapter 4 verse 6 the bible tells us there be anxious for nothing but everything by prayer supplication with thanksgiving make your request known unto god from today your prayers will never lack answers somebody believe me say loud amen as we begin to wrap up this morning what are the facilitators of turnarounds on the altar of prayer two things and then we are going to pray number one sanctification we heard about it yesterday and also heard about it also in the prayer she'll pray out this morning sanctification john chapter 9 verse 31 and we know that god here had not seen us and we know that god here had not seen us when sin is allowed to fester god is disconnected isaiah 59 verse 1 and 2 the eyes the hand of the lord is not sure that they can't save his ear is not heavy that they cannot hear about your iniquity has put a gap between you and me that i'm not able to hear or say god cannot be connected when a life is not sanctified separated unto him sanctification is a vital necessity some years ago i was privileged to be working doing some work with our technical team here and i saw something for the first time as at that time a number of years ago i got there to the studio and i saw them isolating voices the choir was singing isolating voices on the on the mixer board and they would silence certain voices and pick one and only that voice will be heard they will pick orders they will drop one only that voice will be held and i discovered that no matter how you sing on the mic what is heard is determined by the one that is on the master board no matter how much noise you make in prayer what is head by god is the one that is determined by the one on the master bone and what does he do on the master board when he sees iniquity silence so you can scream and scream but your voice is not heard that's why i said if i regard the new iniquity in my heart the lord will not hear there is a mixer in heaven god says silence that one cannot be heard again but your own voice will be heard from now somebody believe you say loud amen finally number two number two key for you to enjoy turnarounds on the author of prayer is have a heart for god when your love for god is confirmed god's attention for you is retained all things will always work together for good to them that love god from today your prayers will begin to secure heavenly turnarounds in the name of the lord jesus christ rise on your feet with me this morning lift your hand to heaven lord i received this morning a fresh release of the spirit of grace and supplication pray that prayer from the depth of your heart right now i receive all all a fresh release of the spirit of grace and supplication upon my life my prayer life will never be dampened again lord my prayer life shall be on fire from today lift your voice and pray that prayer right now i receive upon my life a fresh release of the spirit of grace and supplication my prayer life will never go down again it will keep going from grace to grace from strength to strength and from glory to glory in the name of the lord jesus christ thank you mighty god in jesus precious name from this day onward your prayer life and your prayer altar shall be on fire in jesus precious name somebody believe a loud amen who are going to celebrate god the choir will be leading us as we give god the glory together give jesus a big big hand of praise [Music] praise the lord i [Music] i am so high [Music] [Music] praise the [Music] [Music] [Music] is oh praise the lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] darkness is [Music] [Music] [Music] i have a futon [Music] for me [Music] i put [Music] i am [Music] god has a plan for me i know with power [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i know [Music] give the lord a big hand of praise everyone amen i believe the visitation has begun the how our visitation is speaking already somebody's told is changing right there somebody now knows what to do to change level you'll never be found at the same spot again in the name of jesus the first time the holy ghost came down upon christ he said this is my beloved son in woman we're pleased the second time he said is my beloved son hear him just level changing somebody's living here with that consciousness of continuous and unending change of level in our work with god in the name of jesus christ again for his word give the lord a big hand and please get seated amen [Music] every apostolic grace is available to all and accessible by only those who are interested and craved for it i saw grace upon kennedy again i craved for it and i found it i saw short growth grace upon yonkichu i went after it until i found it paul the opposite you are all partakers of my grace it's available to all but accessible for to only those who are interested and genuinely crave for it one of my sons in the gospel i'm just blessed blessed because what god is doing is proving that what we are doing is no freak amen it's not fake it's real it's based on the world and so it keeps walking and continues to walk as i look at men and women here i just bless the name of the lord for what grace is doing in the life of each one and their respective ministries this morning one of my beloved son will be coming up here to bring us the second word in this hour visitation i saw in him an addicted learner i saw him someone with sense of value for grace it has it's a sense of value that determines a flow of value or virtue we need a sense of value to assess the flow of virtue and i'm glad to see the grace of god actively operating in his life with impact i'm blessed to call him my son in the gospel and his wife my daughter in the gospel please turn to your feet and welcome with me this morning pastor paul energy as he brings the world in this segment hallelujah hallelujah father we thank you because you are god el shaddai elion elohim we worship you because known unto you are all your works from the foundation of the world father you have never gathered the people together to waste their time thank you for gathering us together at this time to invest in our lives we vow to give you all the glory and we believe we will not live here the same blessed be your name lord in jesus precious name everybody expecting a turnaround encounter give jesus a clap and a shadow praise and please be seated in the presence of the lord [Music] i want to appreciate my father in the lord for the privilege to stand upon this exalted altar i want to appreciate him for the privilege of fathering and mentoring that has brought us so far so i want to thank you because you gave us the opportunity to see light and in your light we saw very very bright light there are things that we will never have dead except that we saw it thank you for blazing the trail and we appreciate you i want to appreciate our mother and the lord for standing so strong with our father thank you for making it easy for him we appreciate your smile some time ago god gave me a song that is around this title and i thought that before i step into the world there is somebody here that that may be your story are you wear down by battles in lies are you thinking of queen in the race there is no need to give up on your journey because i know my god will turn it around are you way down by battles in life are you thinking of queening the race there is no need to give up on your journey because i know my will there [Music] i know i know i know i know [Music] [Music] then he said have you so far from disappointment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] one more time [Music] give the lord a praise if you see god turn it around thank you father for turning it around i see a turn around in your family a turn around in your marriage a turn around in your destiny and turn around around your life in jesus name give the lord a praise as you take your sin [Music] hallelujah amen very very quickly we shall be looking at engaging the world for turn around encounters engaging the world for turnaround encounters in this session we shall be looking at the turnaround power of the world we shall also look at the various actions of the world that culminate in a turnaround and then we shall look at those activities that facilitate the ministry of the world all on the exploring covenant platforms for supernatural turnaround it is very clear from scripture that the word of god in addition to the prayer platform we just listened to is a major covenant platform for supernatural turnaround for two reasons first the world brings not just insight but impact that guarantees a turnaround the world brings not just insight but impact that guarantees a turnaround second the world brings not just revelation but what i call energization to guarantee a tolerance examples first in luke chapter 5 from verse 1 all the way to verse 567 peter had toiled all night and he caught nothing and when he encountered the world he said master i have toiled all night i have taken nothing nevertheless at thy world i will let down the net and when he did so he enclosed a great multitude of fishes until the net break a turnaround happened instantly at the point of the world someone is here today a turnaround is happening for you at this what point second at the wedding in canada of galilee when the wine was expired or finished and there was the knee the wedding was almost about to be ruined until mary the mother of jesus told them in john chapter 20 verse 5 whatsoever he said unto you in other words whatever word he shows you run with that word and there shall be a turnaround they run with the word and there was a turnaround everyone that is at the verge of embarrassment right now i announce to you the world is coming that will give you a turnaround in the name of jesus christ thirdly the beginning of the turnaround for the captivity of israel in babylon happened when daniel understood by books in daniel chapter 9 and in verse 2 the captivity would have continued but daniel understood by books what books the book of the prophet jeremiah that the people of god were meant to stay in babylon for 70 years jeremiah chapter 29 and verse 10 that was where daniel read and saw that the captivity said for just say the lord that after 70 years be accomplished at babylon i will visit you and perform my good work toward you in causing you to return to this place 70 years has expired and the captivity was not coming to an end until daniel went into the book and saw what the schedule was and he engaged the altar of prayer like we just heard and then the turnaround began beloved captivity will continue until inside and light is accessed a turnaround happened because someone stepped into the book and saw that a turnaround was long overdue now what are the functions of the world that can bring a ton around number one the world brings correction the word brings correction second timothy chapter 3 16 tells us that all scripture is given by the inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness the word brings correction it causes you to make it on the world causes you to change your course of action and beloved don't forget this many times it takes a ton aside to experience a turnaround many times it takes a changing of the cause of action in exodus chapter 3 and verse 3 when moses saw what he never saw before the bible said he said i will now turn aside when he turned aside that was when there was a turn around for somebody here god brought you here for return aside so that there can be a turnaround if you believe that say the loudest amen the world brings correction number two the world brings direction the world brings direction psalm 119 verse 105 thy word is a lamp onto my feet and a light onto my path it brings direction and the light of direction guarantees a thoughtless turnaround many of us have not left where we are because we don't know what to do every time you know what to do you live where you are every time you know what to do you live where you are direction is the cure for stagnation direction kills stagnation so the world brings direction somebody's direction is coming in this season so the lord is amen number three the word brings restoration in luke chapter 15 a woman lost a coin and the bible said she lit the candle in verse 8 and then she and she swept the house and she found the piece of silver that was lost by the light we just saw that the word is light onto our path the world brings direction there is nothing so lost that cannot be found by the light of the world nothing under heaven is so lost that cannot be found by the light of the world the world brings restoration number three number four now the world brings illumination the word brings illumination in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god the same was in the beginning with god all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of man and the light shining in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not listen to this the light of the world disarms the force of the night it doesn't matter the night you have experienced or are experiencing now it takes the force of the world to disarm the light of the world to disarm the force of the night night time always gives way to daylight by the power of the world if there is anyone seated here today and the enemy brought you here in the night time season of your life i am anointed to announce to you that that night is giving way now in the name of jesus christ the word brings illumination number five the word brings distinction arise shine for your light is come and the glory of the lord is risen when light comes people shine the only reason why a person will not shine today is because it's lacking in light in matthew chapter 16 and in verse 16 to 17 when from verse 13 when jesus asked the disciples who do men say i am when peter by light recognized who the word was he set him in a class of his own he put him he said blessed are those simon i set you apart from your contemporaries listen beloved brothers and sisters to be lighted by the world is to be outstanding in the world to be lighted by the world is to be outstanding in the world listening to this no force of hell can keep a lighted man in obscurity no force of hell for a city set on a hill cannot be healed everything that witchcraft has used to cover your life that cover is destroyed now in the name of jesus is destroyed by the light of the world in the name of jesus the the word brings distinction number six the word brings elevation galatians chapter 2 verse 2 paul the apostle said i went up by revelation listen revelation is permanently the doorway to elevation and listen to this to be lighted is to be lifted and shifted higher in life show me a lighted man i will show you a lifted man show me a lighted woman i will show you a lifted woman is to be lifted and shifted higher in life there are those who came in here on your return back to where you came from people will not recognize your level they will not recognize your level say the loudest amen the major difference between paul the apostle the late command who became the frontliner yeah paul paul the apostle was not there when jesus walked on the earth he didn't follow the apostles as a matter of fact the holy ghost had come and the holy ghost was operating he was not aware yet paul was persecuting the church and fighting them but suddenly on the road to damascus he repented and joined the apostles late late comma became front liner [Applause] by virtue of light it doesn't matter how late you came it matters how lighted you are there may be people in church for 20 years and they haven't seen anything i heard from our father in the lord some time ago where someone who had followed from kaduna all the way and came all the way to lagos and had been in church one day he had a message after almost 20 years and he said oh i'm just understanding the tight now after so many years it doesn't matter how late you came it matters how lighted you are is god speaking to anybody here at all paul the apostle by the power of light peter speaking said some of the things that paul speaks are things too hard to understand in second peter 3 15 that is peter the master apostle was finding it difficult to understand the light of paul no wonder nobody could see paul's break light only him carried half of the new testament and divided the rest for the eleven i see somebody shifting forward if you are that one you are saying the loudest amen say the loudest amen hear this movement from the background to the forefront from the pit to the top happens at the frequency of light from the background to the forefront from the pit to the top it happens whether the devil likes it or not your level is shifting this time around your level is shifting this time around you believe it say the loudest amen the world brings elevation number seven the world brings revolution that was what happened to peter where there was no fish in the river and when a fisherman of the caliber of peter tells you i toiled all night and i have got nothing he had really toiled he had exhausted his expertise he was born into fishing and they fish at night because the visibility of fishes are poor in the night and he had done all that and there was no no fish now what you do with a little body of water they call it a lake which means it was a restricted body of water it means literally fishes were not there you go a little bit and return back for another fishing season but you remember when the ward arrived there was a forceful change suddenly fishes began to announce to themselves from the mississippi river to the ohio river to the benway river to the niger river let us head to ganesha there is a revival going on there and there was suddenly a fast food change i don't know who god is speaking to here today but a forceful change is happening in your life a revolution is a drastic change of story a very drastic change of story that is what the world does number eight the world and then when the world comes of course the world must turn number eight we have seen that severally the world brings purification it brings purification psalm 119 verse 8 the bible said wherewithal shall psalm 119 verse 9 wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way he said by taking heed dieto according to your word how can a man cleanse his way and then in verse 11 he said thy word have i hid in my heart that i may not sin against you in john chapter 15 verse 3 you say you are clean you are clean by the words i have spoken to you so the the word brings sanctification it brings purification that can guarantee a change of story it was d.l moody who said sin will keep you from the bible and the bible will keep you from sin if you study it very well listen a change of character will ultimately culminate in the change of destiny when character changes destiny must turn that is happening to somebody here number nine the world brings impartation impartation of spiritual fire power impartation it says in ezekiel chapter 2 verse 2 and the spirit entered into me when he speak to me in john chapter 6 verse 63 it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profited nothing he said the words i speak unto you they are spirit and they are life in luke chapter 4 verse 32 the bible said his word was with power his word was with power when the world comes power comes in the same way that electric cables conduct electric energy in the same way the word of god carries divine energy and we just heard when your power is small you faint in battle but when power comes when fire comes when energy comes jeremiah said in jeremiah chapter 20 verse 9 he said his word was like fire shot up in my bones when that fire comes when that power comes who no no must know [Applause] i speak to somebody here right now by the time this shiloh is over you are returning with a heavier power you are returning with higher fire you are returning with higher force you believe it say the loudest amen job said how possible our right was job chapter 6 and in verse 25 and number 10 the world brings liberation the world brings liberation in psalm 115 verse 17 all the way to verse 19 he sent a man before them even joseph who was sold for a servant the bible said whose feet they hot with fetters he was laid in iron until the time his word came the word of the lord tried him and the king sent and loosed him when your word comes your chain breaks it is not possible for the chain to be in place when the word has arrived the king sent and lose him when your word comes your change breaks when your word comes your world changes the bible said in psalm 107 verse 20 he sent fought his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction john chapter 8 verse 32 you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free and what is the truth john 17 17 thy word is truth freedom is guaranteed when the word arrives revelation guarantees liberation somebody say aloud amen one day i sat in the office many years ago and they brought a young man this young man was mad they tied his hand with a chain and locked the chain with four padlocks about four people stood around him and they could not hold him and the mother stood by crying he is my only son now i looked at him on the spot and i looked at the people holding me i said i said lose him they looked at me and said what are you talking about first i said leave him they looked at himself and said leave who the person that is struggling and we can't hold leave him and they thought to themselves well if it pounces on all of us you two you are here so they left him and then i said lose him they looked at themselves again loose who all this why we haven't prayed any prayer yet lose him so they look they unlock the first padlock second padlock fourth padlock fought padlock and around the chain his hand was already bleeding i looked at him i said sorry he said thank you sir i said to him i said go on your knees he went on his knees i say say after me lord jesus lord jesus i am a sinner i let him in the sinister and i said and said say after me lord jesus lord jesus i am not mad i am not mad i cannot be mad i cannot be mad i said so stand up you are not mad mother carry your son so and they were going normal our pastor followed him he said excuse me sir what just happened i said i just came out of the office i was feasting on a firework i was feasting on luke 10 16. he said he that hearing you hear at me he that he that heard you hear at me and he that despises you despises me and he that despises me despised him that sent me in my mind i said his voice is inside my voice so when i say loose him the devil heard him [Applause] when i said leave him the devil had him i said he that despised me despised you commitment any devil that cannot refuse my utterance cannot reject your own and that guy was loosed on the spot by the fire of fresh light i speak to somebody here today the fresh light coming your way is setting your generation free one day i stepped into our healing and delivering service because our papa said examples communicate principles and then i was feasting from acts chapter 5 from verse 13 14 to all the way to verse 16. that paul that peter believers were the more added to the lord both mothers of men and women and then and then they brought sick people to the streets and couches and so on and the shadow of peter overshadowed them i said my god this man just passed blinded eyes open he just passed death is open it just passed people jumped no screaming i was very angry i said why have i been disturbing my life so i went with that anger straight to the altar i carried the microphone and i said i swept just came now sicknesses have disappeared check yourself if your heels come out they tripped out like a crusader altar called i say go back to your city did you hear what i said i said if you asked you were sick before you came here and now you are no longer sick come out they tripped out a mass wow if we are to take the testimony it continued endlessly what happened to you i came with cancer it has disappeared what about you my eyes just opened what i prophesy upon you freshness of light freshness of light freshness of light in the name of jesus take yourself my time is running out one of our children was born and the pediatrician told my wife that the child had a congenital malformation i'm a medical doctor by his grace and my wife too we understood exactly what he said it was a major organ defect that will threaten life that will cause failure to thrive that will cause everything and when i was told i told them i said every good and perfect gift according to james chapter 1 verse 17 comment from above from the father of light with whom there is no variableness no shadow of turning and then psalm 127 verse 3 said that the children are the heritage of the lord the fruit of the womb is his reward if god is the giver of this gift god cannot give what is imperfect the devil does not have a child to give god has given this child this diagnosis is robert hogwash balderdash is inconsequential remotely disconnected the first day of that diagnosis was the last day it was never cited a child forever starting messing today without a trace of that devil by the power of light i prophesy to you today the light that is coming is changing your story right now in the name of jesus take your seat quickly what do we do in the next few minutes what do we do to experience turnaround light from the world number one possess meekness the bible said lay aside every superflitty of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word of god james chapter 1 verse 21 beloved hear this arrogance is the foundation for ignorance anyone who is arrogant towards god must be ignorant in life if god can't reach you because of pride he can't teach you his light then make will he guide in judgment psalm 25 9 they make will he teach in the way he shall choose number two walk in uprightness lay aside every filthiness and superfleety of nothingness filthiness must be laid aside if you are to lay hold on inside lay it aside you know that light can never be brilliant in the presence of garbage it will never you'll always get smoke walk in uprightness number three function in excitement i rejoice at your word as one who found great spoil psalm 119 verse 162 if the world is not your excitement it can never be your enlightenment i rejoice at your world therefore with joy shall you draw waters from the wells of salvation isaiah chapter 12 and in verse 3. jeremiah chapter 15 verse 16 thy wars were found and i did eat them and thy words was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart for i am called by the name function in excitement number four pray for light and insight pray you can pray for light psalm 119 verse 18 open my eyes that i may behold wonders out of your book father show me what i haven't seen before and psalm 43 verse 3 oh send out your light and your truth let them lead me let them bring me into your holy heal send me light send me light pray for light pray for insight number four number five make inquiry as you study he says stand in the ways what is the way the world jesus is the way the truth and the life john chapter 14 verse 6 jeremiah 16 stand in the ways while you are inside the middle of the world lord what are you saying what are you showing is there something you want me to hear now or to see now i am not saying make inquiry as you study number six possess the attitude of expectancy don't just step into the world for religion have magnetic expectancy he said i will stand up on my watch and i will watch to see what he will say i am not just here carelessly i am watching as a hunter to see what he will say be on the lookout because what you don't look out for you never locate in life number seven document what you see write the vision make it plain it's in revelation chapter 1 verse 11 what thou sees write in a book i want to say this and this is from my experience when you pen the light you pull more light it is confirmed he said in mark chapter 4 verse 24 in the amplified version he said the measure of attention take it what you hear with what measure you meet it shall be measured to you and unto you that here shall more be given said be careful what you are hearing the measure of thought and story you give to the truth you hear will be the measure of virtual knowledge that comes back to you when you show god that you value what he's showing you by penning it down and documentation then he gives you more number eight be desperate possess desperation then shall we know if we follow on to know hosea chapter 6 verse 3 then shall we know if we follow on to know desperation activates revelation you desperately look for the word that i was we found because i was looking for it number nine engage the spirit eyes have not seen ears have not heard it has not entered the heart of man the thing the spirit has revealed to us prepared for them the things which god has prepared for them that love him but god has revealed them to us by his spirit there are things that the spirit will show you know the spirit of god is the spirit of wisdom and revelation according to ephesians chapter 1 verse 17 to 18. the spirit of god is the spirit of revelation the spirit of god networks scriptures in networks the most relevant scriptures to your situation by time john chapter 16 verse 13 the spirit of truth guides us into all truth how beat when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come and get the spirit praying aggressively in tongues as you study praying in tongues and asking questions singing in the spirit asking the spirit to lead you number 10 engage the blood mystery engage the blood mystery the mystery of the communion in luke chapter 24 and in verse 30 and 31 the bible said that the eyes of and it came to pass as he sat at meat with them he took bread and blessed it and broke and gave them and then their eyes were open and they knew him and he vanished out of their side you see their eyes open as he broke bread with them many of us take communion religiously and you take it on yourself there are times where if you call if you get a naughty scripture you can tear it open by the mystery of the blood that's what happened in revelation chapter five and in verse one where the book was sealed and no one was found worthy to open but the lamb that had been slain by the virtue of being slain by the blood with which he was slain he took the book loose the seals and open the seven seals thereof finally align with the ministry of anointed teachers aligned philip said to the centurion understand this now what diary does he said how can i accept one teach me acts 8 31 daniel 9 2 daniel understood by studying the prophet jeremiah and by studying the prophet jeremiah he saw light he never saw before it's a new day for somebody who is a person about to experience a turnaround stand on your feet with a shout out praise allow the shout out praise in jesus precious name thank you father for your word we give you the praise and the honor for the mystery of the turnaround your name be glorified in jesus precious name give the king of kings a bigger clap and allow the shadow praise as you take your seat [Applause] please visit hallelujah if someone has been blessed by that world fair reward from heaven give jesus a big hand of praise [Applause] in this service is shiloh testimony let the following testifiers come very quickly to share their testimony or omaya omaya j dave peters sister osaw precious [Music] evangelist osifo ahi day or more tile and brother who was a day akane i'll take it again brother what day o lawyer day on motel evangelist osifo he and sister osawaru precious brother omaya ji dev peter put your wonderful hands together for jesus as they come forth your name and what the lord has done praise the lord my name is omaya gdpr privilege to serve with the choir i have returned like that one leper to give god thanks for what he has done in my life um last year 2019 shiloh prayer hour i was just outside the coves and i was praying because i was also believing god to change my life to give me a turnaround encounter and as i was praying i was praying that god made me to walk like an ant and be blessed like an elephant and god told me something that no that's the wrong prayer that i should pray to work stress-free and to maximize everything profit in everything i do and i called some of my questions i said say come come come this is what god is telling me this year and i ran with that word and it has been a wonderful year for me all through 2020. people were saying locked down but there was nothing that was locking down in my life um just in august milanoo called sent me a letter that ah is increasing the rent that i should if i'm if i want i should if i don't want to pay i should pack out and that same august god gave me a land a prophecy and that property has been completed as a today i have returned to give him the praise i also believe in god i have always been a salary paid salary and i was believing god to give me a business of my own and that has been established also in this year 2020. i want to thank god because everything has turned around for my good praise the lord hallelujah miracle house and job via shiloh prayer 2019 put those wonderful hands together for jesus hallelujah your name and what the lord has done in one minute hallelujah last year 2019 i wasn't a member of this church but i had a spinal cord it wasn't an accident never i carry any load but i was sitting there in the office at the closure of the day i wanted to stand up i couldn't carry leg so it resulted that my spinal cord has been damaged i had this surgery at the orthopedic hospital i was going to the grave somebody now spoke to me about this place know about shiloh then they took me they drove me down to shiloh bed riding at the shiloh 2019 i began to hear the word of god and healing began to set in [Applause] i will urinate i would not know i will pass out faces i will not know so this shame and reproach reproaches was going around with me so therefore then i couldn't go into any meetings with anybody because there was tense all around me then at shiloh 2020 the message came as pastor david gino said it today that in proverbs 28 23-18 he says that surely there is an end and the expectation shall not be cut off to confirm the word of god that he sent to me last year 2019 the pastor said the same thing today why he was ministering praise god then i came for another program then i never made up my mind to become the member of this church winner i i now attended this program in a meeting with a king then i couldn't come into the into the tabernacle because i was urinating without me being known then i would stay outside on my couch and they were driving me but praise god today i've been driving myself praise god again what they planted at my back they couldn't find it and again praise god today because i told god that chilo 20 20 if i can be on my feet i will come and glorify you god in the midst of your people [Applause] [Music] today i've been driving myself i've been working i've been controlling faces i can control urine i don't mess around with urine i'm not smelling again the lord has given me victory i cannot stop thanking him he has done greatly what i can thank him for my things cannot even quantify please stay in the lord he is good hallelujah 20 years of constantly relating and spinal cord injury healed in the name of jesus give jesus a hand clap for praise [Applause] hallelujah your name and what the lord has done in one minute my name my name is mr special society i joined living faith church 2014 i had i had issues with my resort had graduated from the university for four years no results my results were seized i had so many missing results and in my family we are six girls and i happen to be the last girl so there has been this marital stagnation a friend of mine told me about shiloh when i just dreamed winner so i came to shiloh 2015 operation wonder double so after shiloh i had an encounter where god told me that there will be two celebrations in my life that year that same year i got my results i went for nysc i was gloriously married that marital state was broken and now that my sister got married that same year so i've come to return the glory to god 30 years marital seed broken the first of three sisters to marry give jesus praise your name and what the lord has done in one minute breaking limits my name's evangelist f.e.o sifu edda or dean living fit i want to thank god i came through the leading of the holy spirit again motto road a vehicle stood and i heard the voice enter second time enter i was led to go and fulfill my calling by papa idahosa blessed memory so i came to living faith in yanukaja and since it's a lord leading i decided to humble myself to what the lord is doing and to god be thy glory papa said after some months return to your state if you love this commission and i return to edu state behold my house that was given to me was the first place we opened home cell i started with home sale from there the homestead grew still working where i sat before they called me and honored me by giving me phd honors before i left i asked my pastor pastor moses see the letter they brought he said continue to do what you are doing for god so by the home side when papa said replication myself dickiness mrs uduabo we heard home sell five we are giving to us at the end our homeside grew one district became three districts and god honor me she won the ted among the nine men and two women we had the two women honored by living faith i became the third person i was sitting at the one as her mother said you are evangelist why should you be sitting down look at those people a dog considered of many tribes why not come and join us i joined them i became the only one remember to be doing it when papa is ministry i was handed a minister tired but to god be that glory nobody wants to join us so on my own i started recruiting people to join me at the end we became almost 300 having branches the best award was given to me by pastor peter hallelujah three-year siege of dead broken in the mighty name of jesus put those wonderful hands for jesus your name and what the lord has done i am brother kenney why judy i've been praying for god to remove this sickness this addiction i used to play gambling a lot i waste thousands i play babaji by playing nigel belt my people have been complaining i don't have savings so last two sundays service a friend gave me a tag i said if truly god is here god i want to stop this habit because i'm admitted to it so i was here last year service after papa say many things as i leave this room since then the delivered from the spirit of gambling they are the word of god lift up your hands and give jesus praise for this wonderful testimony you are the next to share your turn around the encounter in jesus precious name hallelujah [Applause] is someone excited by what god is doing here this morning for these wonderful testimonies give god another big big big big hand hallelujah [Applause] amen and what more for the two powerful sessions we had received earlier in this hour of visitation give god another big hand [Applause] god's word can be likened to blocks in building a house the more we hear the higher the building goes the first word came level of building second session came level of building another one is about to come right now if you are not tired of hearing the word god is not tired of building you up god's method remains the same i commend you unto god and to the word of his grace which is able to build you up build you up that is the mission of god's word to build people up to build up destinies to change people's level that we have received from word one from what two and god says i'm not tired yet if you are not tired of receiving the word then he's not tired of building you up are you ready to change to another level are you ready for another build up right now to build you up and that is a mission for shiloh 2020 turn around encounters come by continuous building like we received at the opening last night it is not once in a lifetime it is once and again once and again i have no doubt somebody is ready to receive that again give god another big hand [Applause] bring him to us the third world is someone who has been on over the years with the apostle over this commission the first person to hear about the vision and the only one who has remained with him over these long years she will bring god's word to us this morning and i like you to get ready for the world amen [Applause] hallelujah [Music] she has a way of bringing the world down to the heart when god's servant our father gives it amen then she will bring it down to the level where we can understand it more i know this morning god will give you more understanding join me as we welcome our beloved mother pastor of faith or nepal as god used his arm to bless us this morning give god a big hand everybody [Music] uh would you lift up your right hand to god right now and lift up your voice to him give him thanks for his blessings upon your life since shiloh 2020 began and ask him to speak to you again someone is praying and you are praying for yourself right now let heaven hear your voice give him praise and give him glory magnify his name and receive from him right now light at this moment begin to thank him right now for answered prayers father we thank you and we give you praise for in jesus mighty name we have prayed heavenly father we thank you again for shiloh 2020 thank you for the light of your word that you have received from yesterday thank you for the powerful word that you have sent to us this morning again in this session meet each one of us at the very point of our needs speak to us again change our story again and let your name be glorified in jesus mighty name we pray let your amen break limits give the lord a big clap of friend please you may be seated you can make it bigger and louder bigger and louder for jesus his word praise god [Music] i counted our great privilege this morning to be given the opportunity to stand here to share the word of god with us at shiloh 2020. and i know that that with god has in store for each one of us at this moment shall be delivered in jesus name i appreciate that privilege this morning god has sent us two powerful words and in this segment just a little to add to what god has already sent to us and in this session we shall be looking at engaging your faith for turn around engaging your faith forward can you say that with me please everybody please two scriptures as foundation as we begin to look at this topic hebrews 10 38 a very very popular scripture there is power in reading hebrews 10 38 the bible says now the judge shall live by what by what by what and that is you now the just shall leave and enjoy turn around and counters by what hebrews 11 8 the second scripture hebrews 11 8 by faith abraham when he was called to go out into a place which issued after receive for an inheritance what did he do what did he do i see another abraham living here from shilogram if you have that one let your aim and show it sense of god it's very important for us to understand as we go through shiloh 2020 that encounters a real encounters award turned around and counters are real and god specializes in orchestrating encounters for his children and the good news is this is an encounter ground whether you are here on ground at canaan land or any of the village centers around the world this is an encounter grant and so i've got good news for someone under the sound of my voice right now wherever you may be you will encounter god [Music] i don't think you heard what i said i said you as an individual would encounter god if you believe that for you let your aim and show it therefore i'm glad to announce to someone this morning on shiloh grant your struggles are over it doesn't matter what area of life where you believe god for an encounter whether it's in your family whether it's over your health whether it's in your finances whether it's in your career whatever area of life it may be i've got good news for someone today your struggles are finally over we just heard some testimonies a while ago you've been listening to the testimonies of others after shiloh 2020 others will listen to your testimony what is a turn around what is it simply define a turnaround is an abrupt rapid positive change and abrupt and rapid positive change something rapid something speedy something supernatural something sudden will happen to somebody here if you receive it shut the light i receive it and shout a believing amen to encounter turn around you are required to engage with your faith you have to engage with what with your faith and listen carefully everyone faith makes the invisible god real to the believer faith does what makes the invisible god real to the believer upon this mountain god will become real to you romans 4 17 talking about father abraham romans chapter 4 verse 17 the bible says as it is written i have made the father of many nations before him whom he believed even god who quickened the dead and colored those things which be not as though they were before god whom abraham believed even though his body was dead he believed god did it happen or not did it happen or not what people thought would never happen for good in your life god will surprise them god will silence your markers god will change somebody's story if you are that one shall they lie that amen hebrews chapter 11 and verse 27 talking about moses look at what the bible says by faith moses forsook egypt and fearing the wrath of the king he endured a sin god who is what invisible so faith makes the invisible god real to the believer by the time you are departing from this mountain like never before god will become real to you it was kenneth e hagin a blessed memory that said faith changes hope into reality faith changes hope into reality what is it that you have been hoping for and longing to see in your life the reality of it will depart with you from shiloh you must have heard many people give testimony saying things like i caught it i caught it do you remember that i caught it in other words the reality of god dawned on them upon this mountain what will give you turn around as a lifestyle you will catch it faith therefore is the determining factor of every man's status in new york in the kingdom faith is what the time is your status in the kingdom of god faith faith what is it that determines your status faith is what determines your status in the kingdom of god and the good news is upon this mountain someone's status is changing in every department of your life it is not the same you that came to shiloh that will return home where they used to find you before they won't find you there anymore can i help that amen but why is it that faith is so important to your turn around encounters why number one every upward change in the life of a believer will always require the force of faith every upward change in the life of a believer will always require the force of what of faith second corinthians chapter 5 and verse 7. ii corinthians chapter 5 and verse 7 the bible says we walk by faith and not by what by side in the kingdom of god you can only walk by faith you can only walk by what by faith we see the example of the life of abraham and without going too far we see this great example in this commission we can only walk by faith and not by sight when the commission began when the ministry started you could see the signboard by the roadside living faith church world outreach center but when you get to where they build the worst you would need faith to connect with the signboard that was the beginning the god servant captain from the onset i can see crowds of people sitting outside and then he will be preaching and be sweating tripping suit and running from one end of the altar to another faith pumping the word of faith into the hearts of men but is that where we are today somebody's status is changing you know what don't be deceived by your present circumstance your situation will change for the better hello i said your situation will change for the better where you are right now is the least place that you will ever be in your life next year shiloh people will have to look twice to be able to recognize you am i speaking to someone today say i receive it louder yet i receive it in case you came to shiloh sick in your body next year shiloh you will be alive and well and your transformed state and in case you have been given a death sentence over your life i declare to you by the word of the lord and by the word of faith as long as you engage your faith you shall not die i declare again you shall not die again i declare and declare you shall not die but you shall live and declare the word of the lord say i receive it you can imagine how they were mocking abraham but he stood his ground and at the end he became the father of many nations don't bother yourself about those who might be mocking you today they will join you later to celebrate your god can i hear like that amen they might be mocking you today when are you going to get married all your men are married tell them shut up you will still see me in my multiply state they might be mocking you today show me your children remember the testimony we had last night from mercury to triplets i see god releasing multiple children and babies someone under the sound of my voice you will return with your own testimony there might be more can you look at you walking like an elephant and eating like a cat they will so join you to celebrate your god right now in the name of the lord jesus christ every form of terminal disease under the sun of my voice i curse it in jesus name cancer you are caused in jesus name blindness arthritis pain eggs you are caused in the name of jesus christ if you came in here with any sickness in your body you are not returning with it can i hear louder amen every upward change in a man's life require the force of faith from this day forward the devil will not succeed in deflating your faith any longer can i hear like that amen this commission is a commission that is faith-based and so the subject of faith is a life-long curse you will not fail it in jesus name can i lie that amen why is faith so important number two no one can tell how real god is until he so have faith and the word of god comes alive your faith in god's word must come alive remember the story of thomas in the bible john chapter 20 beginning from verse 25 you can read at your time to verse 29 thomas said no i can't believe until i see jesus and i'm able to put my finger into the horse in his hand and by the time he saw jesus he cried the last master he refused to believe because the ones of jesus to him did not come alive in him amen first samuel chapter 3 verse 21 first samuel 3 21 the bible says the lord appeared again in shiloh and revealed himself by his word the word of god will come alive in your life like never before and from this shiloh you will become a practical interpretation of what encounters are can i hear like that amen why is faith so important if you must encounter turnarounds number three all the heroes of bible days and men and women of diverse encounters will go through their faith and you can see all of the record hebrews chapter 11 you can begin to read from verse 7 all the way to 40. you see a whole list there heroes of faith they encountered god by their faith therefore if you and i must also encounter god our faith must be in place for instance father abraham at the age of 75 was courting in his father's house but through faith he became a father of nations not only that he became rich in everything another abraham is living from here genesis chapter 12 verse one called him and genesis chapter 24 and verse one the bible says he became rich in all things abraham was old and was stricken in age and the lord had blessed abraham and how many things if that you say i receive it from this mountain god will bless you in all things and i hear like that amen how about peter the apostle is another great example peter told all night luke chapter 5 verses 3 to 10. but look at what verse 4 says luke 5 and verse 4. now when he had left speaking he said unto simon peter launch out into the deep and let down your name he obeyed verse 10. look at what happened in verse 10 peter obeyed and so was also james and john the sons of zebedee which we are partners with him and jesus said unto simon fear not from henceforth thou shall catch one peter had toiled all night but he heard the words of jesus christ he obeyed and jesus told him you won't only be catching fish any longer you shall become a fisher of men did it happen to him or not your toilets are over you might have been toiling in different areas of your life but upon this mountain as you receive the word of jesus christ and his word becomes real unto you your tolerance shall be terminated in the name of jesus christ certainly my toiling is over louder yet my toilet is over my struggles are over say believing amen how about joseph we are all familiar with the story of joseph in the bible he endured slavery and just like a dream of the night within 24 hours joseph encountered a turnaround and from the prison he became the prime minister in the foreign land someone's status is changing you might have been in the prison house in any department of your life before you came but you are ascending your throne after shiloh i said you will ascend your throne after shiloh i have goodness from someone here today your slavery is over i said your slavery is over so my slavery is over amen second kings chapter 25 sorry second kings chapter 25 and verse 29 we see the bible talk about king jehoiae achim for 37 years this man was wearing prison garments but when his encounter came and one day overnight within 24 hours his story changed and his prison garments were changed for a royal one no matter the kind of prison house that you might have been in because you are on shiloh ground wherever you may be whether on ground or lie god will change your story we can go on and on in scriptures how about esther he was a captive he was an orphan but by god stoned at an encounter she became the queen someone's story is changing say i am that person louder yet my story is changing so we see through scripture several examples all the heroes of bible days men and women of diverse encounters they had to engage their faith so you and i must engage our faith to enjoy encounters at shiloh 2020 we must engage our faith we must do what grace therefore to be able to engage your faith for your desired encounters receive it in jesus name to engage your faith for turn around encounters what must i do what must i do number one go for the word do what you want to encounter turn around then go for the word romans 10 17 the scripture makes it very clear romans 10 17 faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of who by the word of god to enjoy turn around encounters go for the world we've heard so much about that in the first and second segment acts chapter 6 and verse 4. the bible says very clearly and i love this it says we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the world we heard a lot about prayer in the first segment today we heard about the word also in the first and second segment we cannot do without the word if we must engage our faith for turn around psalm 119 the scripture says in verse 130 the entrance of your world gives light and when light comes turn around is inevitable therefore locate god's word for your situation in what area of your life are you believing god for turner and shiloh what has the word of god said about it locate god's word for your specific situation jeremiah 15 16 thy words were found and i did eat them upon this ground of shiloh you will find the word of god can i hear louder amen therefore in every word session pay wrap attention as if you are the only one present don't mind who is on your right or on your left god's servant has shared with us over and again how that many years ago he traveled to the u.s to attend a meeting and in that meeting he didn't even remember the name of the hotel he didn't pay attention to who was on his right or on his leg he focused his gaze on god's servant kenneth e hagin and at a point in time god spoke to him and said the button has been passed over upon this mountain someone is returning without batting if you are the one that you are aiming showing and when he returned from that meeting it was evident that indeed the baton has been passed over you are the next to share a brighter testimony so locate the word of god for your situation pay wrapped attention in every word session let the word of god have the final authority concerning your situation declare god's word concerning your situation it doesn't matter how you came to shiloh 2020 the good news is you are not returning the same way if you came sick you are returning whole if you came poor you shall return and read if you came confused you shall return lighten by the time you are living shiloh your status would have changed for the better can i hear louder amen therefore refuse to give up refuse to do what refuse to give up hold on to the word of god for you we have heard it shared over and again the testimony of a man that attended the crusade of the great man of god oral many years ago the man was crippled dr aura had preached and ministered many people had been healed but this man was not healed dr robert had gone to the prayer room to pray for people this man was not healed and oral robert was leaving after the meeting and the man looked at aura and said excuse me i'm supposed to be healed when to them i am supposed to be healed when louder please when the loudest you can why dr roberts looked at him lay hands on him prayed for him guess what happened was he healed or not say with me i am supposed to have an encounter today sit like you believe it the loudest you can tap your neighbor tell him how there's something you are supposed to have an encounter today say allow them as you have declared it god will make it happen for you that encounter that you have been long waiting for upon this mountain it shall be delivered to you can i hear louder amen as you begin to round up number two to engage your faith for turnaround encounters secure god's voice secure who psalms 29 and verse 4 the bible says very clearly psalm 29 verse 4 the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is full of majesty the voice of god imparts faith you can't hear god and doubt him you cannot you cannot hear god and doubt him upon this mountain you will hear god one of the prayers i pray often than not is lord give me hearing ears and seeing eyes upon this mountain god will pop your spiritual ears open because you cannot hear god and doubt him talking about this place you've heard god serve and share this over and again that the first time they were coming here he said to himself this cannot be the place this is too far i had all the reasons why this couldn't have been the place but when they got here held hands at the gate to pray he said god said to him very clearly this is the place that's the voice of god and because he heard the voice of god faith was teared up in him because he heard the voice of god he was able to take steps and obey and today is this a place or not you cannot hear god and doubt him you cannot hear god and doubt him upon this mountain your spiritual ears have been opened at the beginning of this year god's servant declared how the god said he will plant for himself this one year ten thousand churches have you ever heard that before hello you never heard that before ten thousand churches not just on paper physical with pastors with buildings 10 000 churches in one year i'm sure that quite a number of people must have been wondering ah but how can these things be but today has god done it or not has god done it or not that situation of your life that looks so impossible if you hear the voice of god upon this mountain it shall be practically delivered can i hear louder amen god bless you might look so far away from you but the good news is secure god's voice and god will do it in your life that situation of your life will change for the better can i hear like that amen i said that situation of your life will change for the better you are believing god for a turnaround in your career god will make it happen for you believing god for a turnaround in your family god will make it happen for you secure the voice of god and we see that all through scriptures for example the man saw that became paul in acts chapter 22 verse 7 acts 22 7 paul had god's voice the scripture says i fell to the ground and had a voice saying unto me had a voice he had a voice and so saul encountered destiny and became paul the chief of the apostles you may be at the back but by virtue of the voice of god you are hearing upon your ground you will get to the forefront can i hear louder amen how about moses moses encountered god's voice and he became a god unto pharaoh god said to him i have made thee a god unto the rule why because he had the voice of god upon this mountain that challenging situation of your life god will make you a god unto him let your aim and break limit in conclusion remember very importantly faith is in measures faith is in word but the good news is you can grow your faith and the major weapon by god to grow your faith is the word of god your faith shall no longer be stopped every situation is reversible by faith including your own and your situation again i decree and declare will change for the better can i hear louder amen i said your situation will change for the better so believe god put your faith on the line refuse to quit remember it is often said it is usually darkest before dawn you may be in the dark season of your life right now but i tell you something don't give up because your day will soon break save me my day will soon break louder i had my day with some break the loudness record my day with some break as i close i share my testimony many of you have read my testimony book rescued from destruction if you have any challenge over your life especially in your health and the enemy is tearing you in the face in the face just remember my name remember my testimony god who put me back on my feet against the wish of the enemy principally by the oppression of faith the force of faith he will change your story men might have written you up and written you off concerning your situation but i've got good news for you they will come back to celebrate with you i see many people here returning shiloh 2021 in their multiplied state if you are the one left to aim and show it if you are the one shall they lie that amen as you have declared it so shall it be for you rise up on your feet everyone right now wherever you may be lift up your right hand to the lord and receive grace to grow your faith no one can grow your faith for you you have to do it by yourself lift up your hand to the lord say after me heavenly father louder please heavenly father right now i receive grace to grow my faith for my turn around it is done i said it is done again i declare and declare it is done put your wonderful hands together for the lord i'm pleased you may be seated put those hands together for the lord for more for that word from heaven shiloh 2020 and turn around and count us please pay wrapped attention to the shiloh announcements for this first hour of visitation number one you are welcome to shiloh 2020 turnaround encounters in the name of jesus you are also welcome on ground here at canaan land the prophetic base of this commission shiloh is a prophetic gathering which demands the following for maximum impact in the lives of all participants number one a focused approach number two a spiritual approach number three a consecrated approach and a determined approach two to ensure your stay as a memorable one please acquaint yourself with the schedule of services and the facilities available within canon learn as contained in the information bulletin number three specialized sessions at chilo include the following from 1pm to 2 45 pm we'll be holding the following specialized sessions number one we will have the healing and deliverance class which we hold here in the faith tabernacle at the hope arm which is to my right here number two we will have the fathers and mothers of nations which will hold at the faith tabernacle here to my frontier at the faith arm number three will have a breaking generational courses which will hold at the glory tent which is behind where the choir is seated and at number four we have marital breakthroughs which will be holding at the honor entrance tent which is behind where the pastors are seated and at number five we have the academic breakthrough which are the hope arm tempt which is behind this arm here number six we have business and career turnaround which will hold at the youth chapel from 3 to 3 to 4 45 pm we shall be holding the youth alive forum here in the faith stamina put your son together for the lord number four praise the lord be reminded that shiloh 2020 encounter night continues tonight and the time remains 7 pm number five please be informed that your robot translation takes place at the youth chapel while the french translation takes place at the hope wing of the faith tabernacle number six shiloh offerings be reminded that those who desire to sow their offering in checks to write such checks in favor of faith tabernacle canaan land and all sacrificial seeds should be in favor of faith tabernacle sacrifice there are also a number of electronic giving channels on the shiloh bulletin and also on the 2020 however for all those outside canaan land please write your checks in favor of your local assembly number seven a detailed shield bulletin containing the schedule and time of services specialized sessions available facilities camp rules vital contact details and much more is available for your use if you are yet to receive a copy indicate so and the ushers will put one into your hands and finally number eight expect this this to be a mountain of diverse turnaround encounters in jesus name jesus is lord put those hands together for the lord hallelujah shiloh 2020 you are going to enjoy diversities of financial turnaround in the name of jesus christ but turn around is not wished it is worked on the order of giving libra giving shall we therefore begin to package together our shiloh offering and you have heard from the announcement the channels and what to follow in your giving if you are given right in an envelope just indicate your giving you are given a check faith canaan land is what you indicate and you are given through electronic media is in that paper of announcement in your hand and your life will never be the same again and for those in viewing the entire you are giving anything right on that check living faith church of where you are giving eg living faith church goshen and the lord bless you we want to appreciate the lord who has been given us everything he gave us life he gave us bread we have had powerful ministration today do you know the giver the lord gave the world so for all this amazing giving from god shall we package our talking of our precision put it very well and determine what to give from your heart and watch your attitude as you drop it not grudgingly of necessity for god loves a cheerful giver and i know there is a cheerful giver in the house if you are the one standing on your feet with your seed in your hand with your covenant brighten up with smile with cheerfulness from your heart begin to worship the lord with that seed in your hand lord i appreciate you i worship you you've given me too many things and out of the abundance you have given to me i brought this little token to worship you and acknowledge you my eternal giver my helper the one who gives me life and bread and all things father i serve this seed in my hand in the name of jesus christ say the loudness amen leave that offering above your head father unto you we give this seed accept all this offering from our hand in the name of jesus christ bless every giver with financial tolerance in jesus holy name please be seated with your offering in your hand the offering will be collected and the choir will be leading us in praise god bless you [Music] ah [Music] and the word was god [Music] review [Music] your [Music] so you shall remember [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] true [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] true [Music] in this world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give us [Music] us help us [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] [Music] mountains shall we give the lord jesus the biggest club offering this hour i know that i know that everybody is returning from shiloh with a change of story if that is you let me hear your loudest enemy [Applause] for all of us who are scattered abroad and like to strengthen your faith with these that was the vision of the great house that came down from heaven when it landed on the earth it broke into splinter houses and the same fire on the main order of the main house was found burning on these plenty of houses so no matter where you may be in the world the same power the same unction that's been manifested here by the power of god is there with you [Applause] last year first night as the world went forth a dead child far away in one of the green centers in kogi state dead child the world went forth from this forest the world went forth and hit the dead child and the child came back to life the child is here like today some of those things that look like weight and what do you mean a great house fell down from heaven and then broke into splinter houses the same fire is born in everywhere i had him said to me you'll be standing and speaking from one spot and it will be seen on the screen across the nations of the earth 1982 1982 there was no internet technology then [Music] 1982 there was no global news from anywhere while we are here today i can't tell what i've not found up there won't be less than 150 nations hooked onto this service right now across the nations of the world so be rest assured that the same liberation auction at work down here is walking right there with you one of us was afflicted with full blood cancer and was out there in the hospital in america that's where he lived the power of god went from this forest hit him there became cancer free now the truth is this wherever anybody may be in the world right now the same fire burning on this altar is impacting on your life and for everyone on ground you have this divine opportunity not just to be there but to be on ground where it's coming forth and so you have no reason under heaven to miss your encounter the good news is you are returning from shiloh 2020 with a new identity [Applause] you believe that let me hear your loudest amen have you been blessed by the administration's first second and thought lift up your two hands one more time and give god turns for his war give god thanks for his word give god hand for his world in jesus precious name we have given thanks jesus visit us in this last get segment and let your world have a free cause put in the hand of everyone what to do next in jesus precious name in jesus precious name [Applause] all heroes in the kingdom are faith made heroes all heroes in the kingdom are faith made heroes it is to everyone according to his faith it's a level of faith that defines the quality of our lives our level of faithful defines the quality of our lives it is to everyone according to his faith so faith requires some special attention because the joy shall live by his faith by his faith by his face that i i felt pressed by the holy spirit to put some little emphasis on this this morning by showing you how to build your faith because it's so important it's so important it's one thing to have an encounter is i'm not saying to believe in the reality of the encounter and to prove that to do by taking appropriate steps i have many things to say to you about your faith i can't do it now you may stone me you can't handle it now you can't handle it so you hold on you need some capacity to handle some things that god doesn't stop for you that's what makes faith so vital every vision requires faith for delivery so it won't give you any vision that your faith cannot carry so you need to develop your faith this building comes without a budget without borrowing without playing pranks without calling special meetings of any special group of people you need to mind your faith to grow your life you need to mind your faith to grow your life write the vision he said it's deliverable by faith hebrews i mean habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 deliverable by faith you need to mind your faith to fulfill your glorious destiny your enviable destiny in christ you need to mind your faith and i'm going to show you this morning by the holy ghost how to do that praise god faith does not drop on people please get seated faith is a virtue that demands the personal responsibility of everyone that desires to see it grow faith comes by hearing and understanding the world faith comes by hearing and understanding the world faith comes by hearing and understanding the world understand that the word audiences how can i accept once you guide me and when it's understanding often do you believe yes i believe spiritual understanding is what begets faith spiritual understanding of the truth is what tears faith is what built faith without enlisting in the school of faith you can grow your faith without enlisting in the school of faith under faith masters you can grow your faith now listen to me without enlisting in the school of faith under accredited faith masters you can't grow your faith listen without enlisting in the school of faith under god ordained faith masters you can't grow your faith that is validated by the testimonies of the giants of faith in our contemporary times you must enlist in the school of faith under god ordained faith masters who also are graduates of the school of faith under the masters before them you cannot grow your faith you can learn tailoring from a moto mechanic workshop you can learn fashion designing from a bakery kenneth said i read all i could lay my hands upon of sweet wigglesworth until something from him rubbed in on me he never met him once he just was a student of his school of faith he was a student of wichwood school of faith he had the clean word of faith monday but he needed to school himself he needed to school himself uh i had a global word of it mandate from the lord after an 18-hour long vision i've been in the again school of faith since 76 and let me substantiate this from scriptures ephesians chapter 4 and verse 8 to 11. verse 11 please to 13 let's save time 11-13 ephesians 4 11-13 he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and some teachers for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry and for the defining of the body of christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ so there are gifts of men whose mission is to bring us into the unity of faith from where they operate can i hear your amen let's get it clearer from romans chapter 10. how shall they believe on him of whom they have not heard how shall they hear without a preacher and who shall preach except he be sent the word of faith which we preach because we are sent and so our understanding the understanding of people opens up as we teach them very crucial you learn anything from those who have it those who don't have it can give it those who don't have it cannot give it such as i have peter said given to thee you don't have it you can't give it you can't give what you don't have you can't go outside there and give somebody a card that's not yours you say come take that card i give it to you by myself in the name of jesus and then the owner came and he found you fiddling with how to open the car he will call police for you amen you cannot give what you don't have the minister of predicate price opened up as he read the book rescued or delivered from sickness poverty and death little book that canadian wrote that opened up their ministry it was from the writings of also j smith that i caught the light and the fire of matthew 63 the book titled the man god uses that gave a claim beyond for my life i was 22 years old it was from the writings and the book of terror osborne that i heard the verse of the spirit of god for the first time go forward majestic body tonic unmistakable that voice hasn't changed since i called the first one this is the place you can't hear the voice of your father no no you know it i read that book in one sitting i was arrested by the holy ghost and it connected me to destiny no guest work here no guess work no guess work no guess work you can only access it from those who have it that is the humility we must have to learn that is the humility we must have to learn you can only have it from those who have it recently i stated by the inspiration of the holy spirit what you don't know you don't know what you won't learn you can't know and what you don't know you pay for it my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge what you don't know you don't know and what you won't learn you can't know and what you don't know we cost you something stagnation frustration devastation for my people have gone into captivity because they have no knowledge isaiah 5 13. my people perish for lack of knowledge lucia chapter 4 verse 6. our self-system was crawling and by the year 2011 i said no so i bought 400 copies of the book of yonkichu on building successful home service and gave it out to our 400 pastors here in lagos and said for each one to study and then we gather together and find out what we should be doing that we are not doing what we should not be doing that we are doing what we should believe we are not doing well enough says can i rocket it from 3 000 to 16 000 by the following year awesome god what you don't know you don't know what you won't learn you can't know and what you don't know you pay for it you want to grow land at the feet of those that are sent to set the pace for what you're looking for and register in their school to acquire it i sat with the books of kenneth copeland my very devout mentor and began to devote and then suddenly light broke out from heaven and changed my perspective changed my positioning and this is the grace of god today the least concern of my life is finance the list the list of the least forever you are all here you know what i'm talking about if it's needed it's a snap of the finger without calling on any man under heaven we saw covenant university built in seven months one of the first generation bank came down here and said which bank is bankrupting this project relax we are bankrupt from where you don't know bank road from heaven might tell you what you don't know you don't know what one line you can know and what you don't know you pay for it many are struggling night and day because they won't learn just take the book understanding financial prosperity and ask god to open your eyes to see what is being said praise god tell the book breaking for nationworship and ask god to show you what it takes many are struggling ministry but would they read especially ministry no no no how would they know it never i read six books to excellence in ministry like an echo plan powerful six steps to excellence in ministry powerful i have up to ten copies of it in my chef it helped to define the reality of takeoff and the excitement of continuity amen everything about life thrives on knowledge you can't have a change of level in the school of faith without learning at the feet of the masters god sent masters who also are graduates of other masters before them that's where it works we were in connect against office one day and he was reading the book of terror osborne on the faith that works you mean an evangelist teaching a celebrated word of faith apostle on the father walks with a smile you read against book you are reading from a leader you are reading from a reader it's not these floating kind of writings that don't have any base you are reading from a reader you are reading from russell proved what they know what they have acquired from other sources if any man therefore thinks he knows anything let him know he knows nothing yet as he ought to let me tell you what level god has ordained our faith to attend to if anyone believes in me the work that i do shall we do or do also and greater works than they shall he do that's where he's taking us to that the question is where am i now in that process that's what drives me where am i now in that process where am i now in that process doing beyond what jesus did doing exactly what he did amen but many of us will get there amen by an unturning commitment to taking responsibility in building our faith my mentor copeland said the lord said to him go back to all the teachers of vegan since 1962. so he went and chatted all the materials to refresh himself to step into the next phase of his ministry he turned 84 last week amen and it's refreshing to step into the next phase of his ministry now how old are we the lord told them get back to the teachers of vegan from 1962 and he went back and cut at all the cds and everything okay and what's going on today well i took some rest and i listened to it i took some rest and i listened to it that's how giants of faith are built that's how giants of faith are built that's how giants of faith are built i returned from a trip my wife said what did you come back with i said come and see we have always had a library in my home from day one that we got married nobody stays here you know i opened the first box books second box books he said what is it he said that's always i said the content of this book can make me a manufacturer of the things i will abort the content of this book you need a renewed value for knowledge you need a renewed value for knowledge now let me tell you this there are many encounters god has reserved for you but your faith is not developed enough to carry it your faith is not developed enough to carry it on the 21st of december 1995 we were going to dedicate the winners complex in town on the 30th of december and the lord said to me i will yet relocate my church we are warming up to dedicate this one to her another rehoboth her place of enlargement as i did in kaduna oh yeah let's go the site began immediately we are just about to dedicate this we are not only that's okay but the owner said he wants to relocate so let's follow him let's follow him i would advocate this church one year from today 18th september 1999 let's go he says so you need capacity to receive and to prove that you receive you pursue you need capacity it's not all this floating you know confession america proclaim and claim you need capacity you need our faith capacity must change level to maximize any encounter with god it must change level it must change level it must consciously cultivated not no assumption it must change level it you know it must take faith to come to this forest you should know that for god's sake particularly when you are ordered not to have any church in town you must take faith so what happens to all the people god do says to know what will happen let's go tell husband came here and he said david how people get here i said they're already here now we had not moved it was in august 1989 i said already here he said praise god those are all giants of faith even when i came up with my little faith i i just knew by my little knowledge it cannot be the place i have my if god asked me for they have given one thousand reasons i cannot be replaced but when gospel defeat capacity already built caught up with it somebody stole this change you know i have to digress to this because god has a lot of change of level packages but can your faith handle it and does not tempt anybody with evil if your faith can't do this we'll go from place to place right letters to all the banks you know we have been banking with you for some time god has given us a monday to build this church and it will cost you so much if anything you say come back tomorrow so you become your opportunity grace to be going from bank to bank i entered the last bank floor in my life 1989 apart from microfinance bank when you are dedicating it what am i doing i'm not borrowing i'm not talking about draft if i give my money and i want it i just sent to you i won't even talk to you bring my money i wrote a check and i said signature was not regular i said okay bring their chair book so i signed all these tables i said check anyone as regular point to it and i will feel all the money i have there they say they are so they say no no when i gave you my money to regular when i want to call it this praise god you need to build your faith to match the encounters god has installed for you you need to build your faith all these games all over town won't work you know i give you this you give me that you know walk and i give you this bottle of wine you send me so some money i say give homework i give you this book as a gift if you send this a man which covers 10 copies of that book don't work this is not the way to whistle nobody prospers by what they give him you prosper by what to give nobody prospers by what they give him you prosper by what you give yes this church didn't prosper me i brought prosperity here you prosper by what you give know what they give you nobody lacks what he gives you only like what you keep god is too big to beg ministers please hear me god is too big to beg if i were hungry life asks you if you don't wake up something will die it has died before that's it something is breaking forth in your life yes yes he said to me you have two eyes can you make one to look up i want to look down i tried didn't work so anytime you're looking until i never came to be looking after you you'll fix your eyes on me you'll never be ashamed well the good news is shame is over in anyone's life today someone received that let me hear your loudest amen i read the book like a mighty wing by mel tari and it was the act of the apostles being replicated it's about the revival in indonesia it gave me a consciousness of the present-day acts of the holy ghost my heart began to pound to see the act of the holy ghost we replicated in my lifetime in my i read that book 1974-75 but it just left an imprint on my spirit we are saying it today by the grace of god from one level to another all kinds of signs all kinds of wonders you don't wait for faith to grow you build your faith you don't wait for faith to grow you build your faith again my prayer is that somebody's stool is changing and if that is you let me hear your loudest amen if that is you let me hear your loudest amen one platform that enhances the growth of our faith is our love for god hear what he said john 15 15 i call you no more servants good friends because someone does not know what his master does but i've called you friend because all that i've heard of my father i have made known unto you love provides a platform for limited access to revelation and faith grows by spiritual understanding of the truth what is revelation being able to see what god is saying being able to see what god is saying nobody ever doubts what he sees being able to see the word of the lord which isaiah saw which isaiah saw which isaiah saw which isaiah saw isaiah chapter 11. chapter 2 verse 1 which isaiah the son of ammo saw he saw that is the word you hear there is a word you see when you hear it you are informed when you see it you are transformed you are transformed because as far as your eyes can see unto you will i give it you hear it you are informed by it you see it were transformed by it because as far as your eyes can see unto you will i give it unto you will i give it unto you will i give it unto you will i give it god's love at work in us is the covenant platform that provides access to the realm of unlimited revelations just be in love with jesus he keeps revealing himself to you from his word you see what many can see you hear what others may know here my son david my prospective covenant prosperity plan is not a promise it does not respect prayers it has no respect for fasting it's a covenant until your party is played i'm not committed that's coming from a verse because behind every scripture is the voice of god and his voice will destroy any doubt so please just not be loved only stay in love and keep growing in your love for god there shall be no limit to the rate of growth of your faith there shall be no limit i mean how could god be speaking to me from psalm 34 and verse 5 they looked onto him and they were lightened their views were no longer ashamed and my son you have two eyes can you make one to look up i want to look like is that in that verse no no that's god revealing himself from his word the larger your heart for god the greater you access to revelation the larger your heart for god the greater your access to revelation the larger your heart for god the greater your access to revelation the larger your heart for god the greater your access to revelation let's spend time in consciously building our faith under god ordained god sent faith ministers he said the word of faith which we preach which we preach which we preach and what's yet it the word is lady even in the mountain in their heart that is the word of faith which we preach the word of faith which we preach i shall defeat without the other shall be here without the preacher and we shall preach except he be sent the word of faith which we preach the word of faith which we preach can i submit with all humility when you pick the book the unlimited power of faith you are not reading from david you are reading from again reading from wikiless worth reading from copeland leading ontario osborne you are reading from all the ones that i had connected with and learned from without me saying they said it but it sometimes enter my spirit as i went through them and they culminate in the things that we are saying today amen so there is nothing i can believe no but we know grace multiplies by knowledge there is nothing i can't believe by his grace i've read a few things i've heard quite many things it has taken me off the chat with some unbelief of the shadows of unbelief a senior colleague said to me david you are going to full-time ministry how much savings have you got i smiled i said no if i have anything i will finish it before i go because he said carry no personal script and greet no man on the way the one thing i will come to you and greet no man on the way you know what he said and lobby around numerous resources he said to me direct now who pays me he said you are in my employment stay on your job i'm responsible he hasn't stopped paying me once once once i have not knocked on any dog once in my life you know we're ministry and we just you know ministry has to be people people as ministry so amen but it's my privilege to dip my hand in my pocket when i used to carry money in my pocket and give to somebody who's hungry now i don't carry money in my pocket because i can't carry what i have in my pocket i can only give you a note to go and collect what you need when you need the praise god amen somebody's told this changing let me tell you something that will help you i've been building my own faith library since i was 20. i've been buying books consciously and studying you know thank god for the bible but thank god for those who have through the bible and are telling us what they found thank god for the bible but thank god also for those who have proved the words of the bible and are telling us what they found so we can be for us to understand and comprehend i read the book a second touch i forgot the name of youtube maybe a coach or something but i kept hunting for a second touch in anything second touch second touch you see brighter the first thought what do you see i see men walking like trees say control hey i see me clearly many are still operating in the name of the first touch they are saying things gleamingly it's not clear they don't see shadows they don't see people please wake up hear what paul said an apostle of faith the books which i left with thee when i was at couples when thou comments bring with the cloak and the books and the books and the books and especially my notes on the books and especially my notes have you ever met a student without a notebook you can always tell is great every true student has his notebook i can't tell you how many of these have been used in my life this one came into my hand 25th 20th of november 2020. this one we write examples so we study daily we write exam daily and so we study daily wake up you need your notes that you refer to you need the books i don't know we are told the other time understood by books now daniel was a super gifted man they were 10 times better than their colleagues he was said to be as wise as god yet i understood through books i understood through books ideally understood through books all the giants of faith are life students of the world of faith because we are going somewhere and it's too far from where we are now in revelation chapter 3 verse 17 because you say you are rich you have knee for nothing not knowing that you are poor and wretched not knowing that you are poor and wretched compare with what i have in stock for you where you guys know please thank god for it but where you as no place compare with what i have for you you can imagine if this ministry got stalked in quarrel it will still be there if it got stuck in kaduna it would still be there if it got stuck down in lagos it will still be there thank god for where we are is by his grace but thank god much more for what he has in store for us amen your better days are still ahead your great days are still ahead there are many people today without any identity you soon become a global phenomenon [Applause] there are struggling businesses represented under the sound of my voice around the world today it will soon become an explosive business there are ministries understanding my voice around the world today that are struggling it will soon be clear of the order of new grace that has come upon your life in the name of jesus you know jesus built for us 10 000 churches this year without any stress without any strength without raising an offering amen without any pressure on anyone without any foreign input from many nations not even from our mission and he also built us 759 churches in the foreign field this year [Applause] come unto me or you deliver my heavenly name and i'll give you come on length of me but i'm making ruling you need meekness to learn who i told that earlier on the make really teaches way the make will lead guide in the way that it should go the make the make the make the make the make you know moses i can't believe in praying oh lord show me now that way that i may know thee you that saw god like life amen show me now that which way you saw the one that's common senate then in chapter 23 show me now that way you can't enlist in his school without meekness they check you with your equipment maintenance level may your never pass the test to keep learning at the feet of jesus through his sent agents he said they have abraham when they have moses and the prophets with them they won't hear from them now would they have anybody who should come down from heaven god has people you must hear to experience a change in your life people you must hear you won't hear them you see change people you must hear people who don't have a choice but here you don't hear them just stay there forever you don't hear them you're at the same time forever people you must hear people you must hear people i must hear people i must hear and thank god i found my own on time and i kept hearing them and hearing them and hearing them somebody say how many of the books are vegan have you read all that you ever wrote he said he's writing from heaven now which has not been published perhaps but all he ever wrote only ever wrote your story has changed to your feet if you go to an open market like we have it across africa and in nigeria [Music] you know what you're going for so you go to the store where they have it you want food items you don't go to where they say planks you go to where food items are stored you want textile materials you don't know where they say motosphere part there's no fun there you want faith go to them that say and buy for yourself amen you want the anointing go to them that manifest it and find out where they are from and you'll find rest for your soul you want prosperity go to them that have it with proofs amen it is wisdom to follow them who have obtained the promises not those who are explaining it those who have obtained it who have obtained it who have obtained the prophecy that there is nothing called lucky i mean law care is all about discoveries all about discoveries all about discoveries we had very powerful world this morning on prayers powerful world on the world and powerful world on faith and now i'm telling you your encounters can only be maximized with your faith capacity being enhanced and it's not what happens by chance is what you consciously cultivate is what you consciously cultivate it's what you consciously cultivate it's what you consciously cultivate lift up your two hands ask god for grace to enlist as a life student of the world of faith the only way to maximize the encounters that goddesses have for us i have many things to say to you but you can't handle them now i'll be when the spirit of truth is come he will guide you to all truth we shall not speak of himself whether whatever i shall hear that shall we speak and it will show you things to come it will show you things to come it will show you things to come it will show you things to come it will show you things to come it will show you things to come in jesus precious name a man walked to my office many years ago and was in tears and i said what about everything i do notice walking the devil is so hard against me i say okay um go downstairs we are up there in the old church get a book call satan get lost when you finish reading it you come back i'll give you seven days he went and came back i can't believe it was a man people with smiles i didn't know that without you i didn't is totally changed by light yes you want to exercise dominion over the works of darkness go to those who have it that's the way to do it it was beaming with laughter i couldn't recognize he's the same person he said you told me to get the booger and i taught you again you prayed for me i said no no no prayer is not the solution for light if there is no power in your house and you are praying will you now find power no no no no glory to god you go and pay for the cost and then they will return your power amen you can't pray for them to be confused where they're collecting the money amen he was baby with laughter a woman in church i was reading a book in french winning invisible battles and he's been having this siege following him around he felt a man was following him follow him every i went in the middle of the book the seat disappeared she became free while she got to the middle of double she got free go for light and we have amazing world of faith ministers today in this country who are not mixing anything with anything but just the world the wrong word of god build a demo and helping them to build others so you don't have any excuse you don't have any excuse you don't have any excuse every pressure on your life must be converted to pleasure on this mountain thank god for encounter but thank god much more for capacity to receive and made the most of the encounters we have it was me god told this is the place i may not tell anybody if i didn't want to tell them see i didn't even want to come here before i just keep it to myself most transformations are personal with you and god you don't embrace it it's gone you receive and wrong with it you manifest it but capacity is vital god does not tempt anybody with evil he won't ask you to handle what he knows you don't encourage to handle he won't ask you to handle it he won't ask you to handle what you don't have capacity to handle and it's not about what you say is about what is in you so build up build let me tell your neighbor it's time to build up it's time to build up it's time to enlist as a life student of the world of faith under god sent apostles pastors and teachers evangelists and prophets it is time to build up and enlist in the world of high school to build faith capacity to maximize every encounter from the lord amen give the lord a big hand to pray amen please get seated for a moment we have some books here that will be of help to you turn around power of the world the turnaround power of the world the unlimited power of faith anointing for breakthroughs anointing for exploits understanding the anointing the breakthrough power of vision when in prayer experiencing god in prayer not by power not by might understanding the power of faith wonders of kingdoms to worship following the path of the eagles they are among others but if you need any of them please check out and find those at materials and be blessed by and they are also sold online so you can avail yourself that opportunity and it will be a blessing to you amen tonight night of encounter begins at 7 00 pm amen [Applause] [Music] the preparation of the heart is what determines the answer from the lord i don't have any doubt that certain things have dropped for each one of us and this is our visitation am i do i have a witness here has anything dropped for you today did anything drop for you at the hour of prayer did you find anything in the world one did something happen to you in war two did you locate anything in water tree does this exaltation add anything to your life well the proofs will be there the proofs will be there i said the proofs will be there [Applause] the proofs will be there in the name of jesus stand to your feet so if you are being harassed by any demonic power any work of darkness go for the material satan get lost when they invisible battles overcoming the force of wickedness and you walk out of them i said as if they do not exist and that lies in sight and darkness and the darkness can't undo it there is no noise when led steps and darkness steps out no argument no debate no is stronger no it's automatic and the entrance of this world it gives light thank you jesus somebody's faith level must drastically change this time he said thy faith grow it exceedingly second thessalonians 1 3 faith growing at death speed because that your faith grows exceedingly exceedingly exceedingly high level rate of growth which comes through high level rate of commitment to learning at the feet of masters at the feet of masters at the feet of masters at the feet of masters your faith will not be found wanting i pray to you always match what god has in store for you you'll never miss the best of heaven's offer anymore lift up those two hands everybody and thank god for the blessings of this hour of visitation thank god for the blessing of this hour of visitation thank god for the blessing of this hour of visitation thank god for the blessing of this hour of visitation will you make that thanksgiving louder somebody out there make it louder if you have been blessed if you have been touched if you have been enlightened if you have been imparted sun came some more sun came some more give him the glory due to him that is the only way to get more of the blessing in subsequent sessions thank him thank him he's worthy his word give him the glory deal to him thank him and thank him and thank him thank him and thank him and thank him give him praise thank you mighty father in jesus precious name we have given thanks remember 1pm is a specialized classes that to be holding as announced earlier 3 p.m the utah live session very importantly we are all admonished to maximize every moment in this camp and in all viewing centers please maximize the presence of the lord the glory of the lord and they come no careless movement a moment meditating on the world taking time to study taking time to pray reflecting over all the teachings do that and you see god manifesting the prophets in your life in jesus precious name the remaining part of this day shall be your best time here in jesus wonderful name will you kindly bless your neighbor with the goodness of the lord surely god's goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life and you shall dwell in the house of the lord forever amen it is my year of breaking limits then what eyes have not seen no he has heard shall be experienced all through the year 2020. congratulations amen and amen god bless you mightily you
Channel: Living Faith Church Worldwide
Views: 279,208
Rating: 4.8463902 out of 5
Id: I_8nPy055k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 14sec (11834 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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