Dolma Assorted, the best recipe. The taste of childhood 😍🤤
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Views: 327,270
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Keywords: big chef cookinfg, dolma recipe, iraqi dolma, dolmades, country life vlog, حياة القرية, outdoor cooking, campfire cooking, cooking vlog, outdoor cooking channel, country life blog, country life, Village Cooking, relaxing video, Cooking Khanum, Country House, farming, village life, fruits cutting, köy yaşamı, relaxing video nature, Natural Juice, natural food, cooking, قرية, 村莊, долма, dolma, big chef cooking, шеф готовит, муж с женой, husband and wife, meat in vegetables, meat
Id: klmlUdLIKak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 4sec (2704 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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