Dollar Tree Haul Werkin This Thing

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hello hello and welcome back welcome back to my channel I am Anna only my dreams your host the hostess what the most this and today is my birthday so this video will be a little different it is it's going to be a little different first I'm gonna open up this uh yeah I'm gonna open this puppy up let's have some of this oh man purple passion is good Oho this sucker is good girl mm this sucker is good okay that's good next thing yesterday I dropped a video I was here in my craft room just chatting it up this in with y'all and working on my what and I have this one hair I forgot to like tuck in here it is so hot I'm literally melting it's like a heatwave oh like a heatwave yeah it's a heat wave over here Maryland Lord okay this was from Dollar Tree remember I just shared this not even like a week and a half ago right I've already started decorating it I did it in my video from yesterday my craft room video where I'm chatting as I work and you know you can see the method behind my madness but here's like an example of the things that I do before I start using it so I can have fun with it okay and then that's a belly band so I could tuck something in there so there you go Dollar Tree Dollar Tree so I'll be journaling in this one next then um remember this is the month yay this is May so the dollhouse Club is going to get started sometime next week I'm going to post a video um with some information and I'm going to decide on the times when we could try to meet for like lives where we can communicate with each other and have some fun and maybe um put some projects out there and some other things okay so be on the lookout for that and uh I do have a whole bunch of shaning stuff to share with y'all I do I told you it's going to be different my birthday this is my birthday day and I'm just going to do this video different now I'm sorry if you don't like it it's my channel I'll do what I want I have a bunch of she and stuff it's all lined up over here and it's like a lot of clothes and then some cosmetics and stuff so I'm excited about the Cosmetics I haven't even opened up any of the bags so that's coming your way baby it's coming your way I just got a box from Target with stuff that I ordered from Target for the the house be on the lookout for that I have my two boxes from Ulta here and I'm going to do a separate video for them these are gifts to myself and I did go to Cracker Barrel with my husband this morning and we had breakfast together and that was really nice before he shot out to work he came back home hung out for a little while and then um he'll bring home cake this evening and what have you and we'll celebrate then and we'll carry the celebration over probably into the weekend so that's what's happening there so let's go ahead and get into this little short haul I consider a short haul and the first thing that I shared in the picture was the Tilda so um I saw a lot of you sharing they have different kinds this is the only kind I had in my store at least when I went in this one is a Bombay rice this has steamed Basmati with ginger and cumin and it's naturally flavored you can see it right there on the bottom and the best spite for this one is it's a product of Spain just heads up eight of 2024 but these last will pass that time because I've used these kind well pass that time it's ready in 90 seconds um these are awesome to have when you're in a rush having a bad day healthwise mental wise okay yeah I know May 1st I did not share a video I had to take a mental health day I did I was um kind of fighting the depression that day I just couldn't get myself together I just for whatever reason I couldn't get myself together but I'm here now so I'm really happy about that so be on the lookout they have a whole bunch of I'm going back to the rice now Switching gears uh they got a whole bunch of different kinds and variations of these and uh some of you that shared I think uh two or three different variations was Lee's home so go check out her video she just dropped it today uh and she shared two other variations that they had possibly three two or three so be on the lookout all right now in my store this is all I've been able to find from the Sesame Street stuff if you guys got the hookup y'all want to send me a bag a palette you can if you like but this is all that I found this is it so I'm going to sh with you what I found okay so this is the Wet n Wild L is for lipstick limited edition and it's so stinking cute it's just so cute I really wanted to see what the color looks like on my skin I don't know if this is going to be a hard one to oh it's not okay girl this is my day this is my day I already started laundry too I now fantastic birthday doing laundry okay so it's a really pretty color and let's see what she's going to look like I'm doing it back and back and forth a little bit that's really pretty this is a color I could definitely Rock definitely Rock and somebody asked me if I'm using self tan or no look this is from me driving right here this is the Sun hitting my arm and then the Sun not hitting my arm look at the difference it's crazy I'm going to have to like start putting I have these things I have to put on and I haven't um found them I bought them before from I think it was Shen they're like um sleeves and then they stopped like up to here and um they cover up your skin because I get sun rash so now I have to put my uh sun visor up on this side while I'm sitting in the car which for the kids so the sun doesn't hit me or I get this like really gnarly sun rash yeah I know but this is a really cute color getting back to this that's a really cute color as a matter of fact let me see let me see I know this is a forgot what color I used which one this was okay wow that that was on there pretty good all right let's see I want to see if it's like moisturizing or yeah it's smooth ah the color is pretty very light perfect for summer it's pretty I like it what okay let's clean it off yay should I do the tahal next but then I have a peachy cheat too I wanted to share I don't know I got to figure it out okay so this is the next one I thought this one was really cute again happy to be me Wet n Wild limited edition let's see okay I just popped her open and it's like a Lippy gloss okay so it has so it has shine and know I'm starting to talk Spanish so I was talking to my family uhhuh I was talking to my family in for Spanish very pretty lip Shine That's pretty if you see this get it yeah this is like the only one everybody's been sharing fairy tales it's called fairy tales very pretty that's nice and I got my brand new doll house over here was not brand new you know what the one my daughter gave to me I have to do a separate dedicated video for her I do okay here's the next one Elmo so this one says tickle me lip tingling gloss all right I want to enough it tingles I know my lips are going through it my poor lips my poor lips uhhuh now look at this do you see this right here does anybody else have that like it starts to discolor do you see how I got that discoloration right here and right here that's what I forgot to talk to my doctor about I wanted to talk to her about that I don't know if that's just like something that happens when you know when you get of a certain age and going through the change and your body's you know just going all wacky dacky I don't know if that it's that or if something like something I should be concerned about yeah tell me if you guys have something like that because I have it here and I have it here mm okay I'm trying to open this thing without this this sucker is closed up good why is this closed up so well okay I'm getting it open though I got it I got this yeah it's like your body goes through so many changes it's crazy yeah right okay so this is supposed to tingle the Elmo looks like that color is pretty smells like fruit like a fruit and I'm looking at my lips not you while I'm applying I'mma keep this on I don't feel any tingling I take it back I'm starting to feel just a little bit right here on the inside of my lip it's pretty though there you go it's pretty okay and the last one from that line that I have been able to find is this little guy here and um it's like more like a red some more like a red color and yeah I could feel it tingling right here in the inside of my like a n closest to my mouth part you could say there we go just popped her open and let's see if we could do a Swatch oh this one's really red look at that she's a brick it's like a brick R house she's mighty mighty yeah she's lit at all hang out yeah this is not my shade at all it's not but you know what I take that back it's coming out almost like a pink like a pink with sparkle when I look at it like here but it's still like a red but a little tinger orange it's like the weirdest color should I try it should I do it it's my birthday I'm doing this video different it's okay I can do whatever I want I'm trying to tell you I could not yesterday it was such a hard day mental health day I'm trying to tell you that was Beast I almost thought I was going to be able to get myself together today I really thought that was going to happen mhm but I was able to thank goodness maybe that's why I haven't really done much of anything else you know I didn't go shopping I didn't buy anything even when I was a Cracker Barrel I didn't buy anything it's a really pretty color just not with this burgundy but it does look good this is pretty and it has like this little glitter thing going on it's pretty okay so I like all four very nice very nice I like it okay that's nice okay the next thing that I picked up they had brought back the bodyology um nourishing hand soap Pig vanilla wash so I did pick up two of these and um this smells really really good so I got two of them I did then um I did pick up two of these These are the house self adhesive carpet tiles um again the house miniature club's coming up so I wanted to revamp one or two of my rooms so I got this gray Square which is very easy to cut and customized very thin and it does have an adhesive although I won't be using adhesive cuz this particular dollhouse just like um that one the bottom has wood like faux wood well it's actually real wood flooring realwood flooring so I don't want to adhere anything to it so you just slide it right on top and it's so thin that it fits perfectly same thing here so be on the lookout if you want to do some updates on your house during do house miniature club or make a room scene or something that's a great way to incorporate carpeting on a budget for a small area or a larger type area all right the next thing that I bought of course was the this one what I'm drinking right now and I got some sponges yeah and that is it they're like girl stop okay the sun-kissed I bought a sun-kissed strawberry mango thing the red one is downstairs though I wasn't going to bring it up I was too hot and tired but that's it that is it that's everything so I hope you guys enjoyed it you enjoyed the chat I know was a little different but it's my birthday and I was feeling out of sorts yesterday and I'm still trying to work my way through it so for anybody that's struggling with mental health mental health issues um please get the help that you need talk to a doctor talk to a helpline there's a lots of different hel lines that you can um contact to get free help and guidance um surround yourself with positive people and love and um try your best every day to even just get up out of bed wake up and um just start your day because that within itself is a great start so thank you so much for coming by and know that I love all of you and I appreciate your support and you guys rock bye
Channel: Only-In-My-Dreams *
Views: 7,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u4_9AP50Rxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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