Doja Cat - Say So (LIVE at the 63rd GRAMMYs)
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Channel: dojacatVEVO
Views: 8,015,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doja cat, streets, grammys, doja cat grammys, doja cat live grammys, doja cat grammy awards, say so grammys, say so grammy awards, say so performance, say so live, doja say so, doja cat remix, streets remix, streets video, doja cat streets, doja, silhouette challenge, doja cat silhouette, streets silhouette, silhouette tiktok, doja cat tiktok, say so, doja cat say so, doja cat rules, like that, hot pink, doja cat hot pink, hot pink sessions
Id: bHEo4jQp7iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 6sec (186 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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Im not sure, but i was really hoping there would be some sort of lighting in the cat helmets on the backups. LiveDesign hasn't posted this years Grammy plots yet
Could be literally any standard laser projector, no real way to determine the model unless they release the plots or someone on the crew chimes in. probably Kvant or something of similar quality.
Overwriting the comment that was here.
I’d love to meet whoever programmed that. It looks awesome.
Just lasers, making pretty shapes.
Holy lasers. Someone likes their lasers.