doing what i want

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I just woke up and showered but I just finished finals week now I want to go do some fun things so let's start with an outfit I want to wear Jorts today my mouth I forgot to include what socks and shoes I was wearing and that brings us to the sponsor of this video bombas let's see what we got I got the half CF socks I also bought running socks like I can run anytime soon but that's that was just funny I thought I'd be able to run sooner but it's okay one fun fact one sock purchased one sock donated this is the one pair I actually want to try on very badly oo no tags okay let's try these on there's a right and a left sock let's not get confused [Music] now ooh These are nice oo ooh so many socks so many socks they also come with a happiness guarantee so you have free exchanges and returns look at this look at this they make all kinds of socks we got running socks casual wear socks they also make hiking and dress socks so that's super nice so get a pair I'm super excited to be working with bombas I always wanted a pair of their socks so I'm honored and they're super comfortable and I love them thank you so much bombas for sponsoring this video and new customers get 20% off their first purchase so head to Andrew Alexander and use code Andrew TW for 20% off a checkout thank you I just switched into clogs they look beautiful sweet I'm in the Target parking lot I got body wash mouthwash let's try it not the body wash my gums feel funny so I was thinking I'd get mouthwash and hopefully that would help I empty much better let's do this yum [Music] yum u we we biked down the street and got bag we're headed up to LA today I want to go to airan I want to do a little bit of shopping maybe pick up some new clothes should be a good day let's do an OOTD I'm wearing an AR apostel sweater Nike sweatpants bomba socks and foam posits I just went to airan with my friend we spent a total of $100 on our meal show them what you got steak mac and cheese some type of noodle and then we also got coconut milk that was was $15 how much was this $24 then we also got a Kendall Jenner smoothie I got fancy sparkling water oh God and my food is propping up my camera um mine was 30 his was 26 I got caradus steak purple yams What's this called capris maybe a capri salad yeah try it worth I don't know what the brown stuff is at the O what is this yeah maybe like a six for 24 bucks so that's insane you got scammed here's my meal L I got offered a $200 membership I uh politely declined there's um probably twice as much in here and I told the lady I don't need that much steak she said really I said yeah so let's try it honestly really good except for my cold steak it is cold these are my dessert my little yams we're going to try the coconut milk now tastes like coconut milk was it good yeah I dro the whole thing it's pretty good I love that let's try the $3 sparkling water this tastes like sparkling water sparkling water ah mac and cheese really pretty good it's good but not like great you could probably make this all yourself for 30 bucks now we're going to try the purple yam that probably cost me like five bucks yeah that's all right overall review I give it eight say seven if the steak was warm yeah if the steak was warm let's go shopping got on me [Music] [Music] taking a break from driving we're going to go pick up some coffee these are ugly all right we're in Newport and now we're going to go grab dinner we're getting Ramen and [Music] Sushi crispy [Music] rice we're home all right now I'm going to go get boba today wait these people look so familiar [Music] Andrew what's going on hi Boda guys look it's the beautiful twin sisters and Andrew or strawberry matcha and he's a hicha brown sugar and Mom is a latte okay okay Cheers Cheers Cheers delicious balls balls in my mouth they're in my mouth Certified gas I'm going to flick it on your face it wasn't even funny but what do you want to do let's go shopping okay you just went shopping yeah I'm going to teach Andrew how to plank hold my beer hold my beer some homade PRS the [ __ ] put her face right into like the liquid okay yeah that's really awesome Andrew's turn planking planking planking oh my go okay that's good Andrew hell yeah yeah so where are the bombas bomba CL dude no I meant in the store not on your leg please please that is all now I'm going to pack up my house because I'm moving but thank you so much bombas for sponsoring this video make sure to head to Alexander use code Andrew Twain for 20% off at checkout make sure to go check out their socks their shirts their underwear and their slippers I love their products and I'm sure you'll love them too so be sure to go check out thank you where is it oh there it is the bombas and my hairy leg ew ew
Channel: Andrew Alexander
Views: 105,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ur mom ashley, ur mom ashley brother, kelly wakasa, evelyn ha, amber alexander, mai pham, erica ha, ur mom ashley siblings, nyc vlog, new york city vlog, day in my life, college, fashion, lifestyle, what i eat in a day, tiktok, trending, for guys, for boys, skate, skateboarding, college freshman, clothing for men, skater, mens clothing, ACL surgery, bombas
Id: XDtekGdnWfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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