Doing The Dirt Work For A 13 Million Pound Grain Bin!!

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conditions have gone South yeah it's wet it's muddy our work Zone here is now all water due to 3/10 of rain overnight and slightly compacted ground it's going to be sloppy in the work Zone today [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so today's plan that pile of gravel in this hole so he's working on getting the slop out of the hole so that we can work with it so he's going to take off probably 6 in yet again and then we're going to try and get gravel in here before water gets in and causes issues with us wow glad we did that [Music] yesterday this wasn't our brightest moment to park everything in the field but we also didn't think that thought it was going to rain last night imagine that it rained what there's the Packer Man I'm The Pack guy yeah you're you're the best you're trained in and everything yeah Ben hasn't came over yet no you do a good job so this is what I went and picked up yesterday obviously it's familiar to you guys we used it when we built this grain B two two years ago yes so br's all too familiar with the the vibrating Packer your hands get that tingly feeling after driving it all day you know like when you mow your lawn and get off and it feels feels a little strange all right we got the payloader dumping in dad's got the excavator I was using the skid loader to spread it around but I hit a couple soft spots that need to be dug out so he's now spreading it out the skid loader was overheating because the drivetrain is so full of mud that we got to get the spray tender and wash the tracks out cuz it's literally using all the horsepower it has just to drive itself works great the volume is unbelievable yeah no wonder it couldn't pull itself yeah hanging up like the mud backs up in here all the way around and just causes friction well hours have passed and we have uh maybe gone backwards in progress we're just really fighting this water issue we've puked one sum pump we got a used sump pump from Eric so now we're down to one sum pump I've sent one guy to go get more sum pumps pump water out of the hole but the water really isn't coming into the hole all that fast at all actually but as you can see that mushy clay when you run the vibrator on it just wants to keep coming through so we're really struggling with that that's why spend this massive Gap cuz no one's mood is too happy because we're kind of like don't know what to do and it's very frustrating redoing like we might we're going to definitely have to dig out all those soft spots and then maybe it'll be fine it's been a day Brody it's been a day hasn't it yeah very stressful this is worse than it's anything I've been involved in it's 410 410 this morning I thought things were going to get going and we just finally got stuff going so we basically dug out a third of this hole again after getting gravel in there letting that soak up with the wet clay redigging it back down to solid clay and yeah we got random spots of water bubbling up but what what do you expect in the water cable is so high we got our some pumps going to the tile still dug back into the bank so we can fill this hole and keep pumping water try to keep the water table down as much as possible which don't seem like it even works don't even come into the hole other than that P of two tile lines we should have did this right away yes next time we learned something today I am so glad our plan was to dig this as basically a long rectangle and get ready for another one whenever day that comes to be 5 years 10 years I so glad we vetoed that idea because hopefully if or when we need to do that again it's not this wet it's like a dry ear I'll take it I'll Farm in a desert any day and dirt work well I think uh it's time to get the box straper in there and start doing circles so the reason that we're using our old box scraper is cuz the Johnson the new Johnson uh high grade I think it's what it's called it is just too long it's too long for obviously it's way too tight in there how is the stress level coming down coming down but you can see it in my eyes how worried I've been oh man he's had a couple of temper flareups couple half a dozen doz I have a problem with telling people what to do so then they don't but when I see it being done then I know what I don't want so I'm more of the guy that go do something and don't get offended if I tell you no that's not how you do it you got to do it this way but I just don't remember actually how to do it and some of this here stuff why did we think what we done was going to work what do that mean where we put our suol why did we dig them inside the grain B Circle that's stupid got to dig it off to the side so when you back fill the hole a it's been like The Dumb and Dumber show here I hate to say it I I don't think good with a bunch of guys at you get anxiety and I just maybe should have been out here for an hour or two all by myself if I could get up really early in the morning and come out I should have done that his problem is is he gets up in the morning and starts driving around and then drives around till 9:00 and everyone else is yeah it is last 3 days you haven't show up till 9:00 no it's 8 driving around 8:30 well I'm looking got to see what you got to do in the field too it's more and then I asked did you see that the the field that the neighbor damaged their black beans on oh no I wasn't paying attention I was looking on the other side of the road to see what was going on I think those beans will be fine it's a give and take with this spray you hurt me I hurt you we all hurt together all we halfway there not yet not yet my head is above ground so that's good we got both pumps running this tile line it's going in here pumping over to that tile and then over here we have this tile line that go comes from over there pumping into the downstream and then we got this tile line that we're trying to get set up with a schedule 40 pipe that should not Crush one pipe complete Bard's only had 120 ft of this and we're going to use oh go on we're going to use like every bit of it to get from right there over to there this this has worked out too well Randy so far so good good morning Saturday morning yeah I went home last night and I told everybody thank goodness it's Friday on Snapchat and Instagram and here we are and here we are it doesn't mean nothing anymore that it's Friday I guess we working the whole weekend so get this filled up a little bit Fuller yeah we're goal is to get pipe in the hole today because well rain Monday rain more rain and it's windy as it gets and 55° outside beautiful corn cor growing weather huh and it's a little light mist I don't know where that come from but I think we missed summer this is actually September weather with the drizzly actually thinking the soans probably think it's September going to shut down already when they're this big get the combines all right the guys are getting dirt built up in this area so we can continue our pipe this is where we had a sum pump pumping we pulled the sump pump this morning or half hour ago dad dug this out that was all Sufi clay and we got that built up and packed in there real good so hopefully we can tee off of this right up to our existing pipe this fitting here 65 bucks unreal that looks good [Music] we're doing this really sophisticated with a level just like a plumber quarter bubbles they're going to really make you dig here you went too low you need to adjust the laser all right we're doing the same thing here as we did in the other hole cuz obviously it's kind of hard to work with slop we've got our pipe all graded out here so as soon as he gets the slop out of this we're going to immediately get gravel in and get the Packer on it There It Is Well there we go completed tile job uh there's the one heading east that one coming from the pit that one coming from the south all tied together now we're going to get a good foot on there before we uh unleash the Packer on it we don't not want to poke a hole in it or crush it or damage it cuz this was a fair amount of work but we're all connected up water's flowing downhill I'm satisfied we're working the Saturday well if you want to talk about chaotic the hole got even smaller because we trying to build up now we piled on top of that line and so the hole got smaller in diameter because we need to raise this about a foot and a half before we can start packing and driving on top of the line so around and around we go dad's dumping with the excavator out so I can scrape around Johnny scooping trying to fill the center and then the Packer we got to stop and wait every once in a while so he can pack different areas when traffic is not uh so dense and then Jordan's having actually a hard time keeping up such a little tractor and box scraper but it sure gets big in spots like this it's kind of Tippy you look tired bored yeah they're not quick enough yeah you got such a big unit I know supervisor payloader is now driving in the ramp is firm enough and not so steep so he can actually drive in here which is increasing the speed that this process is going cuz the skid loader don't really need to uh haul very much like from the edge of the hole he's actually hauling from the pile right now and I'm just leveling it off Eric's getting it packed we're about 2 ft above our tile line that we put in earlier today I think we will be quitting here probably pretty shortly we're at a man manageable level now uh if it does rain and we get to spray all day tomorrow so if any of us want to moow Lawns at home we need to take the afternoon off and that's just the truth there is some times that you have to go home and take care of business at home but I feel 10 times better right now than I did well about 20 minutes ago when you guys started watching the video which would have been me yesterday when it was all mud and disgusting at the bottom like it's come a long way obviously you can see the pay loader there's no way that thing would have drove down here and it's not even squashing in like we've got this thing dialed hey get off my back in J it were you tailgating me yeah just a little bit like it wasn't already out of control togle gets the back ho into the Mi look at this this is chaotic look at this how much equipment can we have in an 80ft round hole I don't know it's like a circus they just don't it's like an ant ant mound they just go to the pile come back and dump it is incredibly fun [Music] nah [Music] well I tell you what quitting at 1:00 it's 2:38 and if I wouldn't have said something you guys would have just kept bringing gravel man don't feel like we're making any progress it keeps coming in it just don't keep going up oh do you forget how deep we were the excavator cab was barely sticking out two more feet our pile is really dwindling down we're to the tallest part though but it's not very thick now we know where we can get some more well guys I think that's going to be it for today and of this video I appreciate you watching hope you enjoyed it it's something a little bit different obviously you don't get to see this all the time and we don't get to it is kind of a fun project yesterday not so much today I really enjoyed it so any anyways uh don't forget to subscribe and give the video a thumbs up we truly appreciate it and we'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 76,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OhriMclOMS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2024
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