Doing Jazza's ULTIMATE CHARACTER DESIGN Video With a Twist (Story & Speedpaint) #UCD1

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anyone who watches art videos on youtube has presumably watched a ton of videos from jazza and you're very likely subscribed to him i know he was the first art channel that i ever followed on youtube i would watch his videos in the background while i was at my first animation job something like eight years ago now anyway as lots of you probably know jazza recently brought back his old fan favorite series the character design sessions which he's rebranded as the ultimate character design videos in them he randomly generates prompts for a character and then designs the character and tells a story about that character that felt so up my alley in terms of stuff that i do on this channel so i figured since jazza was encouraging other artists and youtubers to jump on board this idea i thought i'd do one on here but with a bit of a pop cross studios twist first of all i'm going to come up with three characters a protagonist an antagonist and a monster and i'll come up with designs for all of them and tell a story about all of those characters and how they're interacting and of course because this is pop cross studios and a lot of what i do is focused around pop culture crossovers i'm going to use a bunch of different pop culture books and cards and games and stuff like that to generate the prompts for my characters in this video something that you'll likely see in a montage that's going to start in one second right after i encourage people to hit the like button to help with algorithm nonsense oh actually i don't even need my like thing this shirt that i got from crazy chicken animation store is kind of a thumbs up there you go there like button anyway let's get into that montage let's go okay first things first i'm going to take my janky old busted up phone case with some very nice art on it by derek laufmann and toss it behind me onto the comics sitting on my bed i'm gonna do that three times once for each of the characters in this video and that will decide the first part of the prompt for each of these characters let's see what happens totally missed should have seen that con come on [Music] hit the like this is this is not going as well as i anticipated come on come on oh that sounded right [Music] okay that's that for our comic book characters now onto some video game characters because super smash bros ultimate has so many different characters in it i am going to use the random character selector in the game and whoever it gives me is who i'm using for each of our characters in this video okay and now i'm going to go back to one of the most old and nerdy art challenges i've ever done on this channel which is the random booster art challenge what i'm going to do is i'm going to open three packs of cards pick my favorite card out of each and use those for our respective characters in this video [Music] okay now for the final piece of this puzzle i'm going to generate the universe or genre that this story is going to take place in by rolling a d20 three times whatever the numbers add up to i'm going to count back through my own instagram and whatever the drawing is we're gonna put these characters and this story in that same universe i'm doing it this way because as people who watch this channel regularly know i really like when i write characters into the same universes as characters from past episodes so let's see what we get [Music] okay so for our final recap here i need to make a story about a protagonist that's a mix of carnage zero suit samus and vibrava facing off against an antagonist that's a mix of jason todd king k rool and turdinator and then somehow also work in a monster that's a mix between naruto greninja and a rooting malloc and all of that has to happen in a steampunk universe and i don't have a ton of time to do it because i spent way longer than i should have on that opening whole spiel of me picking my prompts i'm used to working under tight deadlines i'm sure i can come up with something i've got a bit of research i'm gonna do then do some writing start into the designs but as far as you're concerned it's time to start into the story and artwork let's see where this goes vivravia iran hated being on earth it stunk of smog and everywhere you turned there was a deafening war of steam engines powering everything under the sun it was a primitive planet compared to the ones she usually spent her time hunting on but currently she had no choice the creature she sought on this planet was the one mission she believed she could accomplish that would prove to the guild that she deserved her rank back she soared above the street through clouds of deep fog for the third week in a row the wings she'd built herself from technology she'd wrangled up on earth were satisfactory but nothing compared to the usual armor she fought with but to get that back she needed to re-earn the guild's trust she sneered at the thought they should trust her already regardless every fiber of the bravias being had been locked on to finding this elusive beast for the last few weeks the creature's stats were largely unknown because of its incredible stealth abilities but it was known that it was around 12 feet tall humanoid in shape and had nine sticky tendrils possibly tails it was also rumored to be able to hurl some kind of energy projectiles but there was no confirmation of this most of the hunters who tracked the beast had vanished on the hunt even some of the best had fallen at the hands of this thing into her 14th hour of searching that night vibravia's eyes were starting to droop she needed a boost a boost from the very thing that had gotten her disowned from the guild she tensed all the muscles in her body and through her skin seeped out the parasite siva bravia's species was one born with a protective parasite in them like a far more dramatic version of adrenaline in humans useful to enhance strength speed and fighting ability in case of emergency but the more one of her kind used it the more the parasite had the potential to take over their mind and drive them mad her perceived overuse of this parasite is what pushed the guild to deem her unfit for the hunt they thought she'd become too violent and sadistic killing targets when an arrest was possible so her mission stood capture the most elusive prey on the guild's hit list and take it in alive to prove her steady mind and tonight she'd finally get her chance leaping through tunnels of smoke from rooftop to rooftop by bravia saw the creature she readied her gun stretched her parasite across her hand forming a massive claw then soared down towards the target she was closing the distance fast nearly on the beast she raised her gun to shoot but just before her shot could ring true a plume of fire burst in front of her she evaded too quickly and lost control of her primitive wings and crashed onto a nearby building sorry lady a voice said leaping onto the roof but that freak is spoken for vibravia's wings were too damaged to function but with full use of her parasite she could continue the chase on foot she fired backward at the interloper but continued after her true target you listening to me or what he charged after her with agility that nearly rivaled hers as he approached bounding after her on roofs he shot streams of fire out of cannons on his forearms a burst grazed by bravia's arm and her parasite reeled back emitting a furious shriek the distraction made her slip she tumbled off the rooftop and crashed four stories down to an alley below the parasite recovered and vibravia pulled herself up as her new opponent leapt across the roof above sorry lady but if anyone's killing that thing tonight it's gonna be me vibravia inadvertently snarled at the boy she needed that thing alive but that didn't mean she had to leave this kid in one piece but see jason rule better known as cruel red nowadays had a score to settle with the beast see it had been quite a year for red having a moral crisis after being brought back to life by a gang of murderous vigilantes that he'd once fought against joining them as their new leader with an altered outlook on killing villains and monsters but it had all started with this very creature killing him while he was showing it mercy this time he'd be ready for the fight not only did he no longer have the hindrance of his old moral code but he also had all the best gadgets that his new gang the crocoter raiders could build him he was catching up to the creature and it noticed the thing slid to a halt and turned back to red in its hand whirred up a glowing yellow sphere the ball grew and grew but before it could be fired vibravia leapt up from the street behind the creature and grabbed it around the neck its tails flailed and hammered against vibravia even with her parasite's aid she was struggling to hold tight perfect red said landing on the roof with them now hold it steady a cannon of fire erupted from his forearms viravia hurled the creature aside and fire engulfed her her parasite shrieked all around her and discombobulated her furiously through the confusion she whipped up her gun and fired it wildly in the direction of red he spun around and the bullets plinked off the armor shell on his back with his stream of fire ceased vibravia lunged towards red grabbed his arm and slammed him to the ground the parasite stretched back again over her hand and she raised a claw in a blind rage but before she could slash there was a bellow of screams from the street below they both looked down to see the creature charging towards a crowd of horrified civilians the bravia was briefly distracted but still had every intention of slicing red in two lucky for him he could take advantage of her quick laps he spun himself out from under her and leapt towards the street yelling back come on it's gonna kill someone vibravia was struck for a moment unsure what to think had she just prioritized killing someone over catching a target not to mention the safety of those civilians regardless he was right she followed him off the roof and charged after the creature it flung itself into a group of horrified onlookers and snatched three of them up in its tails it hurled them all toward red and vibravia leapt in to catch the other two setting them all down safely the creature suddenly swung a large padded hand in front of its face and as it did puffs of smoke appeared all around from which four more identical creatures appeared they all scattered through the crowd vibravia charged at the middle one on instinct but when she lunged at it it turned to smoke once more and she fell through it once more anger was building up in her gut if this thing escaped that would just mean more time on this filthy planet she went after another and another shoving scared and scattering civilians out of the way after slashing her way through more puffs of deceptive smoke she finally saw the real thing not again you freak the crowd had cleared and in the middle of the foggy street was the creature tails wrapped around every limb of red staring straight into his eyes it lifted him off the ground and wrapped its hands around his head stop it not again help his tough facade had faded and vibravia could hear genuine horror in his voice his helmet creaked between the beast's massive hands vibravio was momentarily frozen if she did nothing he'd be out of the way and she could take the beast for herself but the very fact that that was such a tempting option revealed everything vibravia needed to know about her own mental state she pulled back her gun and fired it rapidly with precision aim at each of the creatures tails they flailed and fell limp dropping red to the ground the creature tumbled backward along the street then started off fleeing again red still panting fearfully looked back at vibravia she recalled her parasite back into her skin burying it deep within herself as she turned and walked off uh thanks i guess red said as he leapt up and charged on after the beast once more vibravia trudged through the echoing streets with new perspective the guild may have been right about her maybe she wasn't ready to rejoin their ranks but knowing that was the first step she needed to take she would become good and honorable and worthy of joining the guild once more and then prove it both to her comrades and herself maybe not today but someday alright i am quite pleased with how this came together overall i mean there are some things that are better than others i definitely like the creature design the best i think the red hood one is a little bit weird looking but not too bad overall i also probably could have worked more of the steampunk world into the character designs finally for the story i kind of wish i'd had a little bit more time to develop vibravia's character arc of self-realization but given that i only had about two days to do the art the story and of course do everything for the video again pretty pleased with this and of course if anyone hasn't checked out jazza's ultimate character design video make sure to go watch that i'll link it in the cards and wherever else jazza has obviously been a huge influence on this channel because he was the first art channel that i ever followed and it was really fun taking on you know his character design challenge even if i change it up a bunch to fit the format of my channel a little bit better and i'd love to see more videos like that from him and that's more likely to happen if more people go and watch that so you know go give it a watch or another watch and if you're new to this channel make sure to check out some of the best stuff i've got on here i'll put a playlist of some of my favorite videos at the end on the end screen thing but some of the best stuff is turning pop culture characters into dragons venomizing stuff and one of my personal favorites from a few weeks ago is probably my spider-bat let there be carnage episode it's a marvel dc mashup thing with a story kind of similar to how i did this video but anyway everybody that's all for today i'm christian pearson this has been pop grass studios home of the nerdiest art videos on youtube thanks so much for watching everybody and i will see you all in the next one goodbye
Channel: PopCross Studios
Views: 123,495
Rating: 4.9773293 out of 5
Keywords: UCD1, ultimate character design, jazza, draw with jazza, Ultimate character design challenge, popcross studios, art challenge, speedpaint, story and speedpaint, pop cross, character design, how to draw, digital art, naruto, pokemon, magic the gathering, ucd, jazza character design, cintiq, anime, manga, greninja, pokemon cards, random booster art challenge, comics, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, art, drawing monsters, drawing naruto, carnage, drawing carnage, samus, Gotham Knights
Id: 4FHPJMNvpww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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