Doing a CNE Behind You for Real Tingle Immunity - ASMR

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there you're here to get a check up on your receptors is that correct okay well I already can tell that you need an update based on your bio mechanics here so I'm gonna get up behind you and assess your back plate region just to sort of take that apart see what we're working with when it comes to your eyes nose ears taste all that good um so I'm gonna enter you in a sort of sleep mode where you're just gonna kind of exist here in front of me yeah I'm gonna go around start sort of working sorting through your wires and whatnot that's okay you trust me okay well you're in good hands so I'll make sure anything bad happens to you all right Okay so accessing your back plate here I'm gonna have to work around the sides quite a bit I mean it doesn't look too bad there are about three to four wires that definitely need to be transfer so I'm gonna go ahead and start working on these you've got wire for every planet's gonna be here I side node so I'm gonna go ahead and pull that pluck that out remove that we'll get these replaced momentarily but for now we're just doing some troubleshooting so let's see you've got a looks like a it's gonna run contingent contingent rather with your a sense of smell go ahead and get that replaced as well as well from your tests you weren't running optimally there either so let's go get that one pull it out that one's about it I don't know you at least seven inches make a note of that we'll get that crimped I'm just grabbing that good and it looks like we've got a taste receptor here and this one's not as important as the others we will get it removed and pop that one out good and last but not least here in node which is very important that one doesn't seem to be in bad shape we're going to go ahead and leave that one there I might reinforce it in a bit but we'll just see how you do so [Music] that I need to we're going to go ahead and replace your titanium model get you outside there good and just and that down good and tighten this down as well good good job I can tell that we're probably gonna need to replace those batter IES pattern maybe we'll do that at your sense of feeling in your face I'm good just popped it back in there and okay I'm gonna come back around and we'll get started on some of these tests Birch I'm thinking about a little bit test here briefly all right now that we got that fixed I'm gonna do a few tests texture and everything's things breathing smoothly here um it won't take but a couple of minutes so we'll get started right now I do when I'm done hang tight for me tighten this pool dear right three good and we'll just do one more for good measure here let me know if this gets to be too much pressure good good okay how's that feel that should have loosened up your nasal cavity quite a bit good okay so I do need to sort of just excited sorting when I was up behind your neck plate there just go and we got a couple more and walk into your testing I'm back here and just get that crimped into okay and then one more and then I'm gonna have to purge some of your pressure valves around here ears and then we can do this test it's gonna be a long wire here picked a good day to get work done it's raining out there right now you won't want to be out there in that weather anyways you're not missing out on anything implement this wire here and get that crimped into place all right how's that feel s good perfect okay awesome like I said I need to do some work on your pressure valves here just starting on this left side all right Taps you can hear just small bursts of air levels nitrogen levels experge it one little person on succession that'll do it for that side I'm gonna have to come around you after all this and do some more purging but after that we'll be good to go I gotta test you I'm all over the place I'm sorry okay cool so I know just gonna get going last year here now pressure brushes are important from platforms such as what you got to do every day okay all right all right so we're gonna do our test now this is very straightforward I'm gonna present you with a eye chart we're going to categorize both eyes uh individually and simultaneously they'll move to your sense of smell a sense of taste the ability to hear and your touch so go in depth on this when we're just working on getting you up you have done quite a bit ahead and cover your can you read the third line down can you read the fourth line down right to left for me please can you tell me what color this is what color is that okay can you read the small print there at the bottom of this chart or is that too small okay wonderful job we're gonna work on this other eye Now sort of the same thing and bring up your work can you do me a solid and read the second line from the top okay can you read the third line and what about this line here can you read that line for me all right what color is this and this good job okay both eyes open I need to adjust your focal pattern there I'm just going to do a couple tests here's click number one is it better or worse how about number two better or worse okay between one and two one and two one and two how about two and three two and three two and three and three okay beautiful all right you're looking really good just like you should um what we're gonna do now is test your sense of smell I've got three tubes here these are all different um a robot such as yourself wouldn't know so things like nitrogen uh CO2 um carbon monoxide which is not good for humans but you should be able to pick up on all three of these different things and I'm going to spray them in different successions and these might not all be what I just said but you'll be over a robot so here's number one I'm gonna step away on you take that in good it's precisely great here's number two good fantastic work and here's number three foreign this is not very important or excuse me your sense of taste or that this is not very important for you because after all you are robots we're probably gonna do one little one pile test and so I'm gonna go ahead and pop this in here a lot of taste slap there and just fits right in perfectly good the flavoring and what does that taste like good perfect and now you're sense of hearing actually you know what I'll just admit that administer that test when I'm working on the back panel wrapping things up let's go ahead and do your sense of touch and feeling on your face and your hands so go ahead and give me your arm there thank you and I'm just going to do a few Taps here okay you feel that good and other arm good all right just feeling around your face go ahead and close your eyes for me let me know where you feel pressure let me know how you feel for sure good good good good they're not it's not exactly calibrated I think you could probably use a couple of these new 2032s year model specifically requires those to be at a higher percentage oh but voltage output to get how you're feeling nodes to be operating at full functions so we'll go ahead and change that you can hear our momentarily wants to be testing your hearing again but okay as far as that goes I think we can take that get that taken care of with the new 2032s so I'm gonna go ahead and step behind you again we'll get the hearing test knocked out and get those batteries changed okay hearing seems like your hearing nodes are picking up pretty well based on my charts here I'm gonna go ahead and get this go ahead and get these batteries installed good I'm just gonna pop open the battery tray and car battery popped in there good very good I'm gonna go ahead and get them take a look with my light here and it looks like no corrosion no issues with pressure or any sort of fluid leaks everything seems to be in great fashion so that's good let's go ahead and test your sense of hearing now you're building here so I'm going to go between each side so starting on this side apricot apricot Batman buttocks fortitude dude purple Brown relax relax all right and then we're going to do this other side mechanics mechanics plentiful okay how about when I do this finger fluttering let me know if the sound is equal in both ears okay good all right my friend I'm gonna come back around okay my friend that'll wrap it up here he did a fantastic job very proud of you and the little robot that you've become glad we were able to get all that stuff sorted out so you have any more questions for me all right well sleep well thanks for watching if you enjoyed this leave a thumbs up love you guys see you next time good night
Channel: Cap Bailey ASMR
Views: 125,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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