Dogs are WILD! | ep 22 - History Hyenas

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the problem is we've had so many conversations recently [Music] [Music] how excited do you get when you hear those hyena cackles over New York City freestyle beats because as soon as they star me in the matriarch Kris Edie I'm ready for battle what's up everybody what's up on my cousin Gaga Gaga Cox and my wit my my [ __ ] my matriarchs how's everybody doing throw your pseudo penises in the air everyone give the PPS pseudo penis salute right now throw you throw your pseudo penises in the air and wave them like you just don't care a cackle that's a [ __ ] monkey yeah that is not a high either well guess what cuz I'm a [ __ ] Brooklyn Queens among you are a borough ape yeah more sure because it's a hundred and ninety five degrees Celsius in New York City today yeah and this literally the kid is a farmer sleepy [ __ ] Ted right now cuz it's too hot and the air conditioned doesn't work cuz Bobby Kelly won't get a new [ __ ] air condition he just wants to get more sandwiches yeah and he also it still has these um these Kodak yeah film cameras here we're we're in stop-motion when you watch it yeah it's like it's like why do you know it's like flipping through a picture book they're like [ __ ] underwater cameras find out but aren't underwater it's 2018 they have high-definition and we're still this is like a black and white TV of cameras yeah it's a Zenith camera cuz yeah cause you're a [ __ ] wild kid yeah I mean you're wearing you just had to drive my car here because I'm [ __ ] blind yeah cuz you're blind you got want to get LASIK surgery so they diluted his pupils yeah and yeah I'm wearing a black shirt you're wearing a white robe with like a black and white cookie yeah we are Zac Isis is here he's got his guns out he's got a sleeveless shirt on yeah and you could just see his arms his [ __ ] hairy arms yeah well you can see his arms but you have to sit through a lot of hair to see him yeah he's got hair up to his shoulders I mean he's a chimp for my jacked he's pretty [ __ ] jacked jacked up yeah and also his finger is freaking numb from breaking up a dogfight he's true Queens trash today we're gonna be talking about dogs how the evolution of dogs you know pretty much prolonged our society and the reason why we're not hunter-gatherers anymore is because the dogs and I had a dog when I was a kid her name was Cruella she was a Dalmatian wait her name was what Cruella crew a long we named her koala because 101 Dalmatians was my favorite movie when I was a kid so my mom come back back up back up back up Wow take me back here yeah you're 12 years old yeah Christy Stefano Chrissy date yeah there's kids in the neighborhood who definitely have mob connections figure some of the kids were having sex already having sex already now you still suck and you thumb at this pointer now i'm stiii don't know I'm sucking my thumb but I'm definitely still sleeping the same bed as my mother so when nobody knows that but me and my mom yeah so we're talking about 14 15 17 18 yeah it start when ta 29 yeah it stopped it stopped when I was about 16 I was about as you're open kid yeah my telling people anything yeah cuz you know cuz I'm a big kid 25 yeah so it's hard to say anything to me okay you do know how to choke somebody out yeah did learn that moving crime a grown-up Krav Maga yeah so the thing is yeah not a lot but you can't choke somebody I talk somebody out babe but so yeah when I was at 16 17 I finally stopped sleeping about my mother but this this is about we got Cruella about 11 or 12 years old that's how you got so stout are you you definitely so stout you think so cuz you know a lot of kids who end up being so stout and if you just started listening to the podcast is your first episode so stop meeting your a true-blue sociopath yeah sociopath if you listen to the Psychopaths is wild episode you would know sociopaths aren't born like that they become that way yeah this Chrissy D has a little bit of a heart he's got a little bit of a heart but he's so stout bad yeah and a lot of us do it like mom relationships yeah yeah yeah you sleep in a bed late yeah that's why you tried to poison your mom's dog with [ __ ] Clorox bleach yeah you're so stout bad yeah cuz I you know I used to watch 101 Dalmatians every single day after school well all my boys were out playing sports and banging girls and watching TRL's watching 101 Dalmatians cut the bill yeah are you gay kid I'm a gay kid yeah lady in the [ __ ] you still watch a lot of dog cartoons cuz you may be a gay kissing kid yep you can't come out to your father's long dead I can't even process it my brain won't even allow me to look inside my soul to even see if those gay answers are there yeah I told my dad Six Feet Under I can't even think about it and then you may even have to wait a little longer just in case his ghost is lurking around yeah because yeah you usually got about three to six months after somebody does is High ghost activity yeah yeah you watch you see you're a little gay kid in low jammies with footsies on what foot stalking you done watching 101 Dalmatians white friend grams yeah your friends are out there throwing firecrackers at Chinese kids yep and you're and you're inside suck you dumb watching a cartoon watching 101 Dalmatians yeah Pepsi Pepsi bad I can't [ __ ] handle y'all I do not make sense on this planet Wow yeah so so my mom she bought she came on one day with a puppy yeah dalmatian puppy because she wanted it you know and I tried to squeeze it cuz you're on the spectrum no no at first I loved it a lot but you know she came home at that you know I think secretly because she liked the movie too but all she want they to firemen she's a single lady at the time Catholic woman from Ridgewood yes she thinks what gets firemen Dalmatians yeah so and then she let me name it and without hesitation I named it Cruella yeah cuz you know Cruella De Vil she was a little scary you know a [ __ ] of a character so I named her I named our dog Cruella kind of as like you know I love you but also stay away from me yeah kind of thing and then I remember one time so sorry that's what the characters like cuz I don't watch cartoons cuz I'm grown up my whole life I had to be grown up when I was four cuz my parents left me alone with a brain-injured brother and just said figure it out figure it out so I've been sixty years old since I was five so Cruella Deville she basically was like the mean lady who like you know basically hates the dogs right so I named the Dalmatian Cruella and I remember I loved the dog but she used to bite up my sneakers a lot yeah and then she bit up my sneakers like more than more than a few times and then she bit up a baseball card and then she peed in the house and as you just bothered me a lot so one day my mom ran to the store it was like a Saturday morning my mom ran to the store brace yourself dog loves ya and she had she had ran out to store cuz it was okay she needed Clorox there was a bottle of Clorox you know empty bottle so I took a little bit out that of the residuals of it and I just poured it right in her ball and then she drank the water and then started puking up everywhere and my mom was like oh my gosh myself a stomach virus is like yeah she does and I yeah and then and then we have to give the dog away about two weeks later we gave the dog away and I don't know where what happened to it since then the dog died no it did not know the dog now the dog didn't die I swear to God don't just lost half our listenership I know people viscerally loved dogs because it's in our evolutionary brain right we look at dogs it's actually people it's an unconscious thing right the reason why you look at a dog and you love it so much is because dogs enabled us to survive yeah you tried to kill meds but sometimes people hold dogs more sacred than people yeah there's a reason for that yeah and that's why they could that's why they can't stand those up with the Chinese doing out there with the dog with the dogs yeah no I get it and yeah so now how much clark's you put in there no the truth is I didn't purposely do it what happened yeah you try to get listeners back here Chrissy yeah dude Chrissy hold on it State of the Union speech yeah what happened was is my mother it was just it was truly was an innocent mistake my mother she the dog didn't die but it did throw up my mother told me because she knew Carell was just a young you know teen you know puppy [ __ ] [ __ ] dog that would put her lips on mouth or anything she said with the Clorox bottle she told me she was like hey Chris can you put the Clorox bottle my mom was cleaning in the back of the house she's like can you put the bottle of Clorox up in the top shelf before koala gets and I was like playing video games like yeah I'm gonna do it right now she's like okay do it right now she's like cuz the dogs in here and she may come out and then the dog you know I just forgot to do it and then nobody heard from the dog for about 15 minutes because she was [ __ ] licking the Clorox up off the floor that second story doesn't seem as likely cuz the dog wouldn't yeah which I would now me and Zach we're trying to figure out which one of those stories is the truth and which ones alive I promise you're a true-blue so I promise maybe suck you may be born yeah that's why I got the poor treating head you Midland yeah the thought yeah you maybe tbp well I'm trying to figure out your TBS right now at CBP I know you yeah I know you TBG a hundred percent but I'm trying to figure out if you're also a sir or P yeah wild yeah no but so that's one of those stories yeah now one of those stories that you want to miss faked yes Zach which one do you vote for first story second story the first one is a very high unit thing to do I'm gonna go with that first one I'm going with that because the first one knowing dogs the way I do one of my biggest passions in life one of the things I love the most yeah the dog wouldn't go lick to Clorox on you know unless it was mixed in with the water you know it would smell the Clorox yeah and it would stay away from it no my dog would dislike every Queens those stupid stupid dog control yeah it was fine it just threw up a couple times threw up some blue [ __ ] and the dog was fine we had to give it away yeah because it well because you kicked it a few times bad I never heard it I never my mom was actually one of them a decision giveaway cuz it um my mom was cleaning inside like a closet and the dog jumped up cuz it was [ __ ] outrageous the dog would say so dumb they should have so much energy and donations are actually they're very can be very vicious yeah no not a good family and not wiser commercials but actually they're the reason Dalmatians donations were bred to protect fire trucks yeah so they're [ __ ] and the horses of the fire trucks yeah back then so they're actually [ __ ] very yes officious they bit us a couple of times and it would just jump more kids off at you yeah yeah but also but also it's like what you know again another just Queens trash and you do is get a Dalmatian a dog that needs a lot of exercise that means your honor just put it in a one-bedroom apartment in Queens yeah it's a real dumb thing to do yeah so [ __ ] all over the house and then one the day it knocked over my mother's good China that was yeah yeah my mom got rid of it cuz it knocked over some really expensive plates you can't blame me you can't blame them of that look if there's no passage about the Dalmatian in the in the new or old testament yeah I'm not gonna blame her right you know it's it should be in there yeah I mean for Catholic people they should have passage about dogs and what to do No yeah and then the only other thing I did do with mom's Catholic back my mom's Catholic that bad the only other thing I did with dogs that was [ __ ] up I will miss [ __ ] up he's a lot he said now I never [ __ ] I used to play what one of them's dick I'll bet I swear I used to I used to think it was funny in a jerk to jerk off one of my friends chihuahuas I swear and we would laugh at it yeah because I'd pull his dick a little bit yeah what about the Chihuahua I don't know we just should [ __ ] die you should just rub its dick a little bit and we would laugh at it yeah yeah yeah yeah I swear to God I just where to God we used to play with nice where is that for the casters no no that's true that's so what would the Chihuahua do he would just lay there on its back and we would die laughing I mean all my boys would die laughs would add where the glue come out nah we never got glued on no he would get excited and we would just pulls dick a little bit and people die kill Chris pull the dog's dick and we would laugh yeah it was funny it was funny your wild kid got sick you want me to tell you an unbelievable story about our good friend Mike cannon with a dog or do you want me to tell you about my dog first I could I can tell you an unbelievable story about my cannon and dogs right now we'll start with yours and then because because that sounds like a closer yeah I mean cuz the next story about to tell you is for a while but so what Larry I named him Larry's little dachshund good dog name no good dog name because you know my mother's like what does he look like to you name him and he looked like a little Jill yes I'm Larry that's what it look like you're jus dog big yeah yeah yeah dachshund yeah so but you know dachshunds were that was one of Hitler's favorite dogs because they would they were real dachshunds another dog real vicious nasty I got a mini dachshund but the dachshunds they were used to burrow into in World War two to go into holes and look for bombs or Italy used to attach bombs to dachshunds and have them go into holes and blow themselves up so that was interesting that I learned to add when I did research on dachshunds when we got one but so what Larry what I used to do unfortunately it's because I was I was a 19 year old kid and I was using steroids at the time playing still read mind come to it no no yeah I used to I should pop winstrol and I would be what what's that it's a steroid and I would get like roid rage and [ __ ] used to do steroids yeah did a first semester in college well I'm from Queens learning a lot about you right now yeah yeah yeah by the way Yanis just put the snooze in so [ __ ] alert chuckling so you did he did starts for his semester just a semester yeah and I was [ __ ] abraca yeah I was dunking on people but you had a little rage too well not a little rage I just was like agitated I never hit the dog cuz I actually did love Larry but still even to this day like I'll see him and you know I just don't do anything I don't put my hands on are you still with us Larry's still with us lares about eighteen years old I'm just got surgery he has no feeling this to back ladies kind of just dragged himself around a little upsetting but but developed an immunity to Clorox poison yeah yeah your preferred method of killing a poison yeah yeah so we're a serial killer so what happened was and you did stir I can't I don't even know you cuz this is the episode I found that the most about you this is this is Christmas Bob wah this is the dark side yeah yeah yeah you're letting it out you know what I give you credit though cuz you're an honest kid we've all done bad things I'm an honest kid an honest kid you ask it because the truth is I do love the dog and I loved it but I just get what get agitated there's a little selfish I'm out that way anymore but I was growing up and the dog would be in the crate all day I would go to college you know and my mom would go to work so my mom was coming home until 7:00 but I would get home sometimes at like two o'clock in the afternoon three o'clock in the afternoon and not let the dog out of the crate until my mother got home cuz I don't want to deal with it yeah it would just be sitting there crying trying to get it to pong out of the crate and I would just look at it and eat pizza and turn on ESPN and take a nap or go in the room or go outside I just would cuz I want to deal with this so you didn't have a good experience to die and nobody really explained to you what a dog is what but I knew that that was inherently wrong to not open up that cage and it's not like it happen all the time but if I was in a bad mood I wouldn't open up the cage and I really feel guilty about that now well he only was crying to get out of the cage because he probably was thirsty wanted a drink or he added give him water yeah yeah because you you or he was really had a lot of energy yes dogs actually like the cage if you kind of conditioned it to be like a den for the dog because dogs are den animals for the cage is kind of a simulated version of their death and I was also kind of a little bit of a stupid kid because I used to think for some reason cuz again nobody taught me about dogs or animals so I used to think that a dog could consume water kind of like a plant and it didn't have to drink if you just poured it on fur it was just get hydrated so there would be times I would pour water into Larry's crate this is true you're making that sorry this is true and I would pour water into its crate and I just think it would soak it up through its fur yeah nobody told you didn't ya nobody that wasn't my dad wasn't around well my mom was busy working woman well let me explain to who my dad was so my dad's the kind of guy like I remember my dad came over to visit me once and my dog had um there was a salami chew toy that my dog had but it was a dog story my dad cut a piece of it and ate it because he thought it was real salami yeah so that's so my dad didn't really know anything either and then my dad threw up and my mom what my my dad was like you know Lynn this salami is no good shoes like it's the dogs chew toy I just um yeah I just developed an even deeper respect for your success yeah I mean you come from the place where at some point your life you believe that pouring the water yeah dog you thought a dog was like a like a house plant absolutely like it was basing yeah Chris don't forget to water the dog and the plants yeah you thought your mom you thought your mom was being irresponsible for not reminding you right when she said what are the plants to include the dog that's like also - it's all about honestly till about fifth or sixth grade I used to think that cows yeah I just think that I didn't know that they that milk came out of their utters I thought the white part of their fur was the milk and the spots was steak that's what I thought I swear to God and this is just a lot of jumpers trying to shove a cheeseburger in your ass cuz he thought it was also a mouth yeah and there's a lot of things I thought that you know like HIV and AIDS because you know everyone thought they were gonna get it in in Queens yeah you know it was like a boogeyman disease yeah I thought that I didn't know that you had to happen and like give it to me sexually or I give it to you sexually I don't like if if I made out with you and you had a certain type of saliva chemistry and I had a certain type of saliva chemistry that could be the wrong type and it can mix and we could both get it yeah I thought that for a long time cuz you how long did you think um for how long of a time did you think that if you touch did you you could catch it for that I still believe I still believe yeah that was still day yeah yeah and and cuz I'm not gonna lie to you yeah that the first I told you the first Jewish person I ever met was about 23 years old the first time I tasted Chinese food yeah was was about three years ago Wow yeah we just walked past them yeah yeah and I told you last part cuz I thought Indian food was Native American food yeah yeah that's the true thing it's unbelievable that you could be in a place so close to the hub of global civilization yeah Manhattan I mean we're talking about maybe what a mile away from Ridge right just a straight shot yep mile or two away from Ridgewood yeah you're a little village a mile away from the most important city culturally in the world and you don't meet a Jew in a city full of Jews 23 years for 23 years unfortunately yeah but that's butBut buzz yeah I've said it before I think I'm gonna say it again and I think there's gonna be a lot of times I'm going to say it in the future yeah you are Baro [ __ ] trash yes bad not bad once yeah bad bad bad yeah yeah there wasn't one of my birthday parties from the time I was 1 years old to the time I was 30 years old that wasn't catered by John John's pizzeria on foreign staff in Ridgewood Queens John John's pizzeria was that that was pepperoni wheels for everybody would get pepperoni wheels we'd get no would get one PAP one plain one Sicilian yeah and maybe like one buffalo chicken or something random yeah and then we get a whole tub we'd get a tub like I'm talking about over a hundred chicken fingers and gallons of honey mustard sauce and all that did you get any zeppoles for dessert enough enough for dessert we'd always have cannolis cannoli you can always take my aunt Janet and make tiramisu my aunt Annie would make peanut butter cheesecake yeah and then we would also have a cake it always be from Baskin Robbins it's pretty classy yeah yeah that's a good ice cream as ice cream cake goes yeah Baskin Robbins yeah top of the line yeah and every year on Christmas I'd get a Christmas ornament no garlic Christmas ornament yeah you saw me today I love garlic nuts yeah video can I tell you the my cannon story what does okay so your stories are pretty good at today yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so my cannon okay great comment go to aya I am my cannon on on you know social media whatever he's got a great podcast himself called the Irish goodbye and if you go back to one of our earlier episodes it was a guest he was our only actual guest in the entertainment business comedian gasps yeah we it was the only actual guest that we scheduled everybody else just showed up yeah he's actually only guest who gets paid money to try to entertain people yeah yes it's my cannon he was actually one of the only people we've had in here who we knew 100% was not gonna poison us yeah yeah cuz he's a good kid Mike also a handsome kid with salt pepper hair yeah but he does kind of look like Katie Lange a little bit yeah well he yeah he looks like he's got an estrogen therapy so Mike cannon was about 15 16 17 years old somewhere in there his parents went away so this kid's from Rockland County so when you know up there in Rockland County you know they they have house parties it's like kind of we've seen the movies you know got bad kids are doing drugs you know well for the people outside of New York Rockland County just to explain yeah like Westchester right just above Manhattan it's above Manhattan but it's you know people go there they got nice houses up there everybody's father's you know always either cop farm and they work you know they work on Wall Street but it's like you know it's just crazy why kids or actually all kinds of nationalities demographics so he's having a house party one day and you know they're smoking weed drinking beers whatever and they pour beer into the family dogs ball and they start blowing they start blowing bong hits into the dog's mouth the dogs drinking the beers the dogs drinking the beers getting bong hits to the face you know cuz either you know it's just it's just you know trash you know kids just not knowing what to do I can picture my kin took with that little weird thumb he's got a real disgusting gusting yeah tweet at tweet at my cannon right now timeout gross his [ __ ] thumb is just giant him about then tell him to show you a picture of his little baby dick thumb yeah yeah great kid [ __ ] cute but my cannon yeah by the way my cannons wedding best wedding I've ever been to so you got some pressure on you now great wedding great what yeah yeah yeah so my cannons um so what happened was is he was at this house he's at the house part his parents leave and he's doing bong hits on the dog has beer in the dog's ball so what happens is the dog dies okay they killed the dog know that that concoction of stuff killed the dog yeah as it will so don't do that if yes I'll do that ever so dog dies okay so now they got a situation he's 16 year old kids the dog dies what kind of dog is it how old they were golden it was like a family dog yeah kill the [ __ ] lab yeah so the dog so mike spare no the cops are gonna investigate it because labs are basically the white people of dogs yeah if that was a pity they'd just be like you know what yeah house wouldn't even cops wouldn't even show up you know you live around a lollipop just to say it's gang-related they just say it's gang-related that's what they say but if you got a [ __ ] golden retriever down yeah Aaron T yeah detectives are coming to your house that's a commercial dog yeah so so Mike's with that so he's like he doesn't know what to do so he starts digging a hole he's just gonna bury the dog he doesn't know what to do Wow with that his pal John Wayne Gacy yes next time I see Michael Pam calling him John how crazy is this Mike has all the cats that have ever been his family buried in his backyard Mike buries his cats in his backyard still to this day he had a cat Frank we were supposed to do a gig in Syracuse actually Syracuse funnybone and he cancelled the day off because his cat died that day and he buried in his backyard that night and when you go to a party at my canons house where he's from his dead cats are in the yard in a pit how many of them four or five that means he's killing him cuz who has four or five cats throughout a lifetime yeah he's racking up bodies yeah he's the John Wayne Gacy of goddamn cats yeah he kills cats so what happened is Mike's parents come home unexpectedly yeah so he freaks out he's still high he's still drunk and he's got a dead dead dog in the house that's their dog that's the fit that's the family dog excuse me that's the family dog Wow okay so what he decides to do yeah what his plan is is cuz he just got his driver's permit so what he does he takes the dog up at carries the dogs dead body out back gets his father's car and puts the dog up against a tree and takes the car and backs the car up into the dogs dead body this is brutal to make it seem like the dog got hit by a buck it seemed that dog at my car he backed he fought put the corn drive and reversed it three times each time slamming the dogs already dead body into the tree to make it look like a car accident unbeknownst to Mike his mom and dad were watching him through the bay window entire [ __ ] thing so they watched their son take the dogs dead lifeless body put it behind the car and drive and reverse it three times into a tree my got in the house he said his parents told him to pack up a [ __ ] they took him right to military school and they then yeah the last two years with didn't see his friends he finished he graduated from like some military school upstate [ __ ] wild is that yeah so he was a fucked-up guy he was [ __ ] he was [ __ ] off he wasn't doing good grades yeah so they said you're gonna go be a soldier kid cuz you just killed our beloved family dog yeah and now you're so stupid yeah you're so stupid yeah you're taking the dead dog and you're back in the car into the [ __ ] tree absolutely to try to smash this dog yeah Wow that's one of the most horrific and hilarious stories I've ever heard I got to admit does it make it's making me feel opposites I don't know if there's very few stories that have made me feel to opposite emotions at the same exact time yeah it doesn't it doesn't make [ __ ] put little clocks and don't both sound so bad no no yeah yeah so yeah you're you're lower yeah you guys you guys are both outer-borough yeah drunken munkey trash the only things are the other bad thing I do with animals and this is the last thing is we used to go around my friend got a sling shot yeah my boy one time we would break bus terminal windows we'd drive up and down francis Lewis Boulevard yeah and break bus terminal windows with the slingshot but we will also look for stray cats and try to hit the cats with the slingshot yeah that's about it yeah cats like whatever you know Psychopaths can yeah a little bit still bad but cats are gross yeah can we admit that I want disgusting animal we got to talk to some of the girls who are listening here now yeah we know a lot of the girls here are gonna be you guys are really confused right now right we are history hyenas okay we are in nature in history podcast nature sometimes can be brutal you know most of the time most of the time now if you're you're probably listening from the safe distance of Alabama or you know maybe North Carolina Staten Island Staten Island some nice suburb yeah so you could be I'm saying the rest of the people from around whether people in New York are kind of they don't got a problem with this yeah I'm talking about those people out there yeah you know you live it you live by a Danny's you live by maybe a Cracker Barrel yeah you listen to this you're probably going wow he's got we got some monkeys up there yeah and yeah you wouldn't be wrong yeah but here's the deal when you grow up in Queens New York the kids from Chrissy's neighborhood when they're young a little bit like hyenas yeah it's almost kind of nature yeah it's almost like nature it's like a nature kill you're hitting a cat with a slingshot yeah it's kind of like you're doing it for survival anyway in a way yeah yeah because because the truth is you know when we were kids we just felt like you know the cats are just around they're [ __ ] eating my mother's grass and [ __ ] they're eating the plants you know I [ __ ] cat you'd always hear your mom dead these [ __ ] cats yeah so what happened we get a slingshot we start taking them out because we love our mom and dad and we love the United States of America protecting neighbor that's that's what we do yeah it's like animals are very territorial so when you're a kid you do things like that that's what it is and look you listen okay that's what boys do we are you people from wherever you live you're the kids around those negative bad things - yeah cuz now now I'll tell you how much I change it out yeah like my daughter there was a my daughter found in like an aunt in in the house the other day and she wants to go step on it and I said don't do that and I'd let it go on my finger and we put it outside yeah yes an aunt yeah but why yeah you actually killed a bug in my car and then you feel bad that you killed the bottle I felt bad I killed dogs you can kill yeah there's a lot of them they got plenty reserves yeah they don't do anything for ya but they got families and hearts and [ __ ] cuz you know like they they do ya miss them you know yeah yeah people miss them yeah nobody's gonna miss a cat no yeah they're solitary creatures everywhere yeah keep to themselves you know accidentally step and catch it cats were domesticated they believed in Egypt right to kill rodents obviously that's what cats do that's whenever you go into a supermarket in New York City I don't know where your guys you guys have Walmart's so you don't really have bodega cats yeah but when you see a cat in a bodega that cat is there because the mice and the rats won't even try to come into the bodega cuz they will smell the predator cat presence in the bodega and they will stay away from that but the trade-off with the bodega is you're always gonna get a sandwich that's gonna have no mouth [ __ ] on it's gonna be a vermin free sandwich but every sandwich you get is gonna taste like tuna fish this is what it is in card yeah and cardboard yes yeah it's just cat food yeah so it's gonna have a little bit of dust on the roll yeah but they're good sandwiches yeah and like Yana said you will never ever ever have vermin in that film yeah because the cats keep the vermin away cats are there's a big thing our cat's domesticated kind of because they're so independent right that you can't really say they're domesticated right you know they're kind of they're independent cats murder everything around the house they murder birds they prey drive of a cat even a domesticated cat is still 100 percent they're buying like dogs they will kill what and their opportunity killers and they kill just to kill not even to eat so will a cat though a cat you know after kills a few mice that mice won't even come near the house so the Maggs start to get smart enough to know in the rats that there's a cat in that house they can smell it the same way so if you have cat multiple cats meows you will not have a vermin problem you will have no vermin from and whatever vermin problem you will have they will be dead look the vermin will try to sneak in because the food yeah [ __ ] vermin yeah gady [ __ ] rat rats you know you call someone a rat I mean yeah rats mice will try to get in if there's food available their opportunity scavengers that's what they do they also kill and hunt but they're scavengers especially around humans rice cabbage so they'll try a lot of a lot of them will stay away but they will die the cats will get them right the cats will sense them smell them find them chase them and then bat them around first what they do is they probably break its neck this is how evil cats are they'll break the little Mouse's neck and they'll let the mouse flop around and they'll get it to the get the mouse to a point where the mouse it feels like it may have a chance to get away but the cat nose has no chance and every time it tries to get away it'll bat it more and bat it around more and play with it until it dies it beats it to that beats it to death slowly tortures it actually tortures it that's if that's your opinion or that that is not a scientifical pit that's the size of it fat a 100% fact they murder these things slowly yes and there's no real understanding for why they do it okay so but the fact that they do do it is like I said a fact yeah now if you handle a cat the key to domesticating a cat fully domesticated cat to human contact or whatever is to handle it a lot as a little tiny cub cat domesticated you know hidden if you handle the kitten a lot that's the key if you don't as an adult the cat does not give a [ __ ] all about humans and will cats will survive on the street on their own the hooks will die well if you declawed cat it's you [ __ ] [ __ ] it yeah you kill the cat when you take away its ability to hunt take a base ability to defend itself against other cats that's really [ __ ] up our highly territorial we'll fight other cats if your neighbor has a cat and you have a cat those cats [ __ ] hate each other and they will fight right they will fight and they mark their territory with piss and they purr ah they they will on its own a cat knows how to avoid a car on its own a dog will just run right into it dog needs us to communicate to it right with what to do right dogs are actually as smart as like a two-year-old toddler Wow as far as communicating cooperating with humans dogs are more cooperative with humans than our closest relative chimpanzees so in a lot of ways they have determined even recently this is recently in studies that dogs are in a lot of ways more intelligent than chimpanzees which is this is the type of more responsible for our evolution than a chimp well chimp we evolved from the chimp has nothing to do with her the only thing that chimp has to do with evolution is that well we didn't evolve that's another thing people have a miss we didn't evolve from the chimp we share a common ancestor with the chimp okay so we evolved from that common ancestor the chimps went that way and we went that way so we share a common ancestor with the same neighborhood as the chimp we are 90 what is it 96% it was 98 maybe 98% of the same DNA yes in dispute evolution is not a debate religion is 100% I hate to say you love us and you may want to turn off this podcast if you want look we're still entertaining kids it's a free country you can believe whatever you want to believe you can believe whatever you want to believe I'm a spiritual kid I grew up Christian whatever yeah but that we share okay we have the apparatus and the intelligence and the research and then the know-how now to determine and to analyze DNA we are 96% the same or 98 what is it 96% the number of genetic differences between humans and chimps is 10 times smaller than that between mice and rats so there you [ __ ] go so the weasel we're closer to a chimp that I said yeah and they Chur it works you see these animals they evolved from other animals and you can clearly see it in their village this which means face for our kids from Queens yeah so in their phenotype that's the structure of the face for the kids from quids I'm talking to you [ __ ] kids Guido yes pockets for everybody yeah cuz marketed objects is a lot of my friends from Queens listen up now so they don't yeah and a lot of them honest bag a lot of them unfollow Yanis cuz I said he's a [ __ ] liberal car oh yeah that's what they said a lot of my friends are falling on us but you guys should follow him cuz he's [ __ ] very entertaining yeah and I'm not really that much of a liberal come over to my friend to my friends yeah Stalin to your friends yeah absolutely like a [ __ ] so like a communist yeah yeah yeah so that's a pretty much solitary will survive on their own and actually will patrol the area of your house and kill everything in its [ __ ] sight it's actually a big problem they killed a lot they kill a lot of the local wildlife and in cats cats they have a secret life as a killer that the owners do not know about if you let your cat out of the house it will kill [ __ ] everything smaller than it that it will find and it eats it it doesn't eat it it just kills it sometimes it might if you don't get anything all the cat food you bought yeah because it's not eating the mouse for protein it's just murdering it it just has the prey Drive that's the kill drive that's in there is just their cat and cats need to kill yeah cats will kill and it is what it is dogs since now we get into dogs you want to tell you something else interesting about a cat to physical therapy school yeah it has this thing's got a penis you can jerk to make your friends laugh yeah it's got a spiked dick - why cats got spiked dicks bed kites but you wanna hear something [ __ ] wild yeah let me but all all cats all felines have spikes on their tongue to lick two lick meat off of bones so it's the the scratches the meat off the bones they've evolved to have if you look at a cat's tongue on their microscope its little blades it has blades do you find it when elixir no you do yeah yeah yeah you could pull up you can google how does it have a spiked dick and what is it spike spike a cat's vagina because they're [ __ ] punk rock oh I don't know that's a good question if that's true is it true yeah that's why it's a very painful sex heinous yeah yeah look at close-up of a cat's tongue under the microscope or CAC spike tongue and then also look up cats look at the tongue and then look at that look at that look at this yeah yeah now those are blades those are like [ __ ] blades too when they're licking the bone they get whatever little meat residue is there that has protein in it and it gets all the rest of it yeah Google cat cat spike penis cats and all the cats speech different all the different types of cats on the planet are really the most ruthless and efficient [ __ ] killers on the planet yeah look at it spike dick now - yeah look at that dick it's got spikes on bikes on it so really hurts the female cat yeah why is that can you look that up Kyle what's what's the evolution of that just looks like herps on his dick yeah does that look like herpes on a dick oh that's gotta hurt right a little spiky thing in the posh [ __ ] that's [ __ ] violent [ __ ] wild well I was gonna say something about cats before this block I forgot you blew one up with a firecracker when you were four nah yeah one of the main purposes of the barbs on a cat's penis is to keep the female cat from escaping before mating is complete mating is also painful for female cats both because of the barbs and because the male cat begins by biting the back of the females neck Wow yes basic it's basically rape yeah I was gonna say yeah you want to talk about meat oh it's been going on a long time with cat I mean that's [ __ ] brutes but goods that have like evolved into yeah right yeah it's totes brutes mcgoats I mean isn't all of isn't all of procreating in nature they'll essentially rape I think louis c.k has a funny joke about oh really it goes like yeah it's like animals is just basically rape they raise like hop on it is basically kind of what it is but it's not rape because the the female chooses the foul male always kind of chooses who she's gonna make with in a lot of ways right and it's based on who the strong is the stronger guys got a fight and figure out which one that's why when you hear like you know women women go like you know if toxic masculinity where you want it you want to know it's like Einstein said if you want to know that the real truths look deep into nature and you will understand everything better male aggression and testosterone has been 100 percent shape to revolution by female mate choice interesting 100 percent yeah so male testosterone and our viciousness of course there's a dark side to it but has been preferential to women for our survival up until this service based economy that we live in now probably around the Industrial Revolution that's where it's kind of like hey guys calm down the machines are doing your work but up until that point you wanted the strongest the most ruthless dude to protect you and your family to raise the cattle to to lift whatever machinery it is those were things that helped our species survive right so cut the horseshit everybody right we're all going crazy yeah you people are crazy right cut the horseshit right you're not making bad points yeah we need to figure out how to way to curb it and and maybe evolve past a lot of the violence that comes with but don't act like don't act like women are these innocent victims you guys have been cooperating with us in our species survival more over dictating how our species gonna survive with your mate choice since the beginning of time we're no different than every other animal and that's what it is in every other animal the female chooses who is going to [ __ ] shoot her go inside her boys we go we just got a new character I want to melt welcome a new character to the podcast I'm Happy's here and this guy is known as FN FC FoxNews Freddie feta cheese barks News Freddie feta cheese folks am i sayin anything that's wrong y'all [ __ ] foxy faux Fox News Freddie feta cheese isn't why I mean you genuinely just yeah yeah yeah that was a short Hannity [ __ ] fastball it's sure though yeah it is actually yeah even Zack sawed it back away from the michael oh well it's true we're both complicit in and now yes sir I grab fold and don't act like there weren't women queens who caught people's [ __ ] heads off in fact the maybe the worst serial killer of all time yeah was what's-her-name from Belgium Belloc Google yeah the worst female serial in history I think she is the worst serial killer of all time and it was a woman and it wasn't the way women typically do it by poisoning and all that [ __ ] this chick tortured and and dismembered and sexually abused and like virgin girls little girls and and and children yeah it was absolutely brutal what was her name I'm gonna find it for you right now cards you know I gotta go back you sent me a lot of unnecessary text um Elizabeth pathari Elizabeth booth or Elizabeth but that hurt my feeling I see you love social contacts back I'm because every time I talk more than a cat I'm more of a cat than a dog every time I get in my car I call you yeah you don't yeah yeah cute kids look you see I shoes from Hungary and she was um she's been labeled by Guinness Book of World Records the most prolific female murderer though the precise number of her victims is debated but she's accused of torturing and killing right now over 500 young women between 1585 and 1609 I'm sorry six the high similar victims cited during pathology travels 651 yeah and it's probably more it's probably around 800 cuz she acted with impunity for about 20 years yeah yeah oh she killed haha hold the women in solitary confinement and Queen Elizabeth probably the greatest rule of all time I'll give that to you but she caught [ __ ] ambulance who'd she caught she cut Mary Queen of Scots [ __ ] head right off right the [ __ ] off get it yeah toxic feminine it hey nature is [ __ ] brutal yeah that's why we're bringing you this podcast to talk about history sometimes through the lens of nature absolutely times nature through the lens of history but we're trying to bring some [ __ ] sanity back to this [ __ ] curled that has fallen off the extreme rails but what did I tell you though what did I tell you what do i Fox News Freddie Cheese Fox it's a car support yeah fffff see in the [ __ ] wild guy Fox News Freddie feta cheese yeah you're want I'm happy that we got a new character but what I need to tell you is that everything you say is true but you're wasting your time and energy trying to get anyone to rally behind this because it's too far gone so just enjoy your time just enjoy every day and let you know extreme people who want to tell you that you're a piece of [ __ ] for eating you know antibiotic [ __ ] filled chickens and I'll just let him say whatever they want to say and do what they want to do and make you feel bad for not being a vegan or driving a [ __ ] unicycle or protesting every [ __ ] day just let them let those people just let them get in their energy out and do what they need to do and you and I will just keep living our life and we'll just have fun in the small dose we have fun we'll [ __ ] sit down by the water will realize every single day is a Sunday afternoon yeah when everything we shoot cats with the slingshot caps with slingshots cause every time you get a little lonely I'll get little soft serve ice cream kiss you on the lips whatever you need though you know so so if we're doing that anyway we're doing I can't handle it I know I can't hand yeah I guess I you know I gotta get out here's a thing his hand let me tell you something honest every single time you guys see one of his long you know his classic you know 40 paragraph posts about what the problem in the world is just know that an hour before that he told me that exact same thing and told me word for it don't worry I'm not gonna post this on social media there's no point and then I start the timer within 15 minutes it's posted on social media so true yeah help I get so what's happened to this war so SH with social media I'm so sure you're so so social social [ __ ] bad yeah so listen if you appreciate the civilization that we live in now the ization so hilarious where it is and you also we might one um you wanted me to remind you of a word that I said ah and I found that the other day could you like please and it was of the word was evidentially evidentially yeah Chris he said evidentially the other day and I was like please write that down to your burrow trash yeah I was like evidentially eventually that happened to be the wrong reason in which we was talking about what was gonna happen yeah evidentially she had said to me a few times well evidentially your honor evidentially that doesn't that doesn't pan out evidentially yeah evidentially I want to point out your honor to uh the evidential x' that I have a Peter these are my ten points of evidential you're [ __ ] wild I'm smart kid with a PhD who says evidential I'm from New York City look can't say yeah so here's a new segment we're doing called before we get into uh dogs and we'll talk about their brief well I mean we've been talking the podcast is 45 minutes in and we still haven't talked about the thing we want to talk we're too stressed yeah yeah yeah we taught this pot we lose listeners day by day day by day now we gain fans now by the way all the fans of the podcasts we're starting to every single day now somebody's starting to yell something history I he knows related calls TBH geez tvp's or do the tackles thank you so much - um - Lexi I told you I gave you a shot on the podcast hold on wait I just want to [ __ ] get this right the matriarch is Gro the matriarch is growing big hump bad bad bad bad bad yeah um thank you so much - um I think it was Lexie G she's all yeah Lexie G thank you so much for coming to the shows and being a patron I remember we really appreciate it and yeah I just want to give you a shout out to everybody who came to shows this weekend supports of history angles and the Bay Ridge Boys it means Allah yeah as listen is the more you tell your friends and the bigger this grows me and Chrissy our goal and I tell you our single goal is we want this thing to get so big that me and Chrissy take this look podcast live and bring it to your [ __ ] home town absolutely you make it grow in your hometown to the point where we would fill up a small [ __ ] lip it would do it in your living room cause absolutely if you ask Chrissie he'll say yes and we'll be on a plane to your living room if you ask me it's not gonna happen till we fill a theatre coz yeah I'll come at any single one of your houses right now if you write it on the community board if you want me and Yanni Pappas to come to your house or whatever wherever you live in the entire world meaning any pockets will come there pay our ways and accommodations for free and perform for free come there right now and cuz I also just want to give a shout out to the Nora cupcake company yeah up in Hartford Hartford Connecticut Wow know why they're gonna do a pseudo yeah no Nora cupcake company has finally agreed we find we've been asking for months and finally got Nora cupcake company who'll be supplying us with a pseudo penis oh hi Shane a cake made of red velvet and I think the syrup is gonna be made of a black a chocolate banana and and that cake will be on our next week or the week after Spartacus was one give a shout-out to the Nora cupcake company go follow them on Instagram n o ra c UPC a ke C Oh Nora cupcake Oh on Instagram the [ __ ] cupcakes and sweets I got where they located Hartford Connecticut Wow yeah home of Mark Twain cuz I'll be honest I didn't think you were gonna be able to do it pulled it off cuz ya pulled it off how did you watch the secret because you're good at asking the universe for things and the universe does provide not the universe provides so after we got that after we get that our cake we're gonna have the next next ask which I won't reveal until we get the cake in our possession but I already got another ask out there for the people for the matriarch these requests are gonna get Wilder wha look we are history hyenas our requests are not gonna be run-of-the-mill now Wow guests are true the milk we brought a couple of psychopaths in here absolutely our guests are not run-of-the-mill by the way Rafael de Luca has an amazing new mix out called plain and single cent we're gonna put it out but for now you have to put plain and simple we have to we'll put it out on our Bay Ridge Boys Instagram at Bay Ridge Boys and we'll put it out on the patreon community gourd community board go to now here's our new segment we're gonna be doing weekly called the [ __ ] history hyenas wild fact of the day yeah this one was [ __ ] wild yeah so what is history do it you do it quick history I mean is wild fact is they h h fw all day talking Chris de spectra no [ __ ] on the spectrum yeah so no no the h HW f OD I apologize yeah I slipped up a little bit because there's no air conditioner on it because how many times you're gonna have to open and close the door 50 times because I punish yourself yeah messing up yeah yeah yeah I mean I'm after I'm enough to bleed myself a little bit yeah when you respect on the spectrum yeah you that means you threw off your whole one week day I'm out now I have to eat two and a half cannolis yeah did you count a lot of stuff on your kid I count steps yeah every time I would come and I would count all the windows ìhow tiles on the floor yeah yeah yeah so the while history hyena fact of the day is recently this anthropologist did a study where he wanted to study the porn habits the Google the porn habits so we contacted pornhub asked them for their metrics okay to find out what people were googling cuz he feels like you know people when they're asked when they're asked about what you're into okay we'll say thing but they're most likely to lie about what they're really into when asked directly okay but he believes that the the porn searches and what people are watching as far as porn is what the truth is sure and it's what their fantasies are and what so so one of the wildest facts a lot of the things are wild you can you can google the article and read it for yourself and it was it was the the article was published in Vox which is an extremely left-leaning publication right and even the guy admitted that he hated this fact because he feels like it it gives misogynists ammunition so he even admitted he hated it but he said it it is what it is right and it's strange and again it there's a lot of other strange things but this one is that women watch more porn with violence against women than men do Wow Wow Wow how [ __ ] wild is the human brain human brain it's nuts and I gotta be honest with you I have never watched porn violence again neither have I never I do I've never watched a porn with anyone with a vagina but yeah yeah you're all trans all the time ice yeah no guy sighs yeah but well i wat of times my favorite porn watches come shot compliation all right so we'll just watch women one after another getting getting shots to the face get money shots to the face is that considered violent it's now we're talking about I I don't know that's a good question I don't know that's one for the violence it's just like yeah like there's something about I kind of look because I like to see a guy's dick explode yes yeah you're a funny yo cuz you're a funny [ __ ] kid yeah you're naturally [ __ ] funny kid my girlfriend got um my girlfriend got some cupcakes she got some crazy doughnuts wait for homely Kreme doughnut yeah and she [ __ ] messaged me and Chris in a group chat and she told us she had a doughnut for each of us so this is a true story I know you listening to this and you think that we lie we don't lie well we don't lie okay this is a true [ __ ] story Isis my girlfriend came home with the doughnuts the one she got for me was Oreo cookie cream kind of thing because she knows that's my favorite flavor right and then she got you a peanut butter chocolate peanut butter chocolate on it right so Chrissy had a full day of things to do fold that he had to run in the city the baby dude three spots who knew what he had to do some I tried to get an oil change I think I had to take my daughter to the nursery school I think you had to do spots so listen to this true story Christie from his house yeah runs it's about a two and a half mile run yep he jogs to my house yep to eat the donut eats the doughnut standing up as soon as he comes in the door yeah sits down for about three to five minutes and then jobs back yeah that is a true story I was actual yeah true story he [ __ ] jog to my house to get a doughnut cuz I love doughnuts so much and Yanis he when he told me he had the doughnuts he said he ate the Oreo crumble and I said did you eat the peanut but one he said no and I said cuz if you had I would jog over then you have to [ __ ] it back to come on now and I laughed bad bad and that's where I said yo you're a funny [ __ ] cat yeah cuz that [ __ ] got me good yeah I jogged up and then come negated the jog yet the donut yeah yeah [ __ ] it wow that was a good donut Cosco real good donut that donut was real fun God yo [ __ ] um yeah I I and I had I've been falling off a little bit with the sweets I do not want to check the blood sugar but I'm I have to get it under control again it's not out of control like it was last year I think my I think my uh my blood blood sugar is still okay but it's it's you know I gotta just be a little careful well what we got exercise we really have gotten off we really have not really been too cute now you had five slices of pizza yeah we had that we gotta get back to being a couple of kitties with smoothies yeah really deviated from the smoothies we haven't had I haven't had a smoothie or a vegetable juice in about three days that's the problem have you had a vegetable juice well actually I did have a smoothie recently but I also with the smoothie had about six slices of pizza you know one step forward six steps back what are you gonna do but less than people out there we believe that smoothies if you have a sugar problem or you're a little overweight switch to [ __ ] smoothies like Chris did for a little while yes and you will get your health back in order absolutely smoothies are magical and once you put it to your face take a picture and we will post it on our Instagram at Bay Ridge Boys and you will be hashtagged and yeah if you want to check check us out where we're gonna be you can go to Christie Comedy comm check out all my dates coming up I'm gonna be in a be in Dallas at the Addison improv July 19 to the 21st and then Montreal Comedy Festival July 26 to the 28th and then August 5th to the 8th Chrissie Dean Yanni P at the port God in Atlantic City we're gonna have a good time of day yeah and go to Yanis Pappas dotnet follow me on Twitter Yanis Pappas all well worried follow me on instagram Jana spam follow Bay Ridge Boys on Instagram absolutely and now we've reached the point of the podcast we get to read the patreon members the new members of the matriarch we want to welcome you we want to welcome you here so the first name Patrick mr. Patrick Pistor mr. Wow what's this kid Patrick mr. welcome pissed or pissed or SPI sto are pissed off oh no that would have an e if it was pastori mr. yeah he's just a miscellaneous yeah this lady's kid in fact welcome to the matrix your new nickname Pattie piss Pattie piss yeah then the next next time we have his name is guttersnipe guttersnipe guttersnipe [ __ ] borrow trash Wow here's the third member of the matriarch who must have been a fan she actually wore these in the Metro but now started to donate finance you the matriarch cuz her name Aubrey G true blue goddess Wow t PG she's at a PG or bridging Wow yeah or Brie G true blue goddess thank you so much you may get the crown yeah from you you're the matriarch absolutely I'm gonna give it a crown next person up Omar from the wire he's black yeah that's a black kid Omar one word yeah yeah yes that's that was his graffiti name dad that's how what he's known that's just Omar yeah walk like kid welcome to Metro come brother yep next guy Andrew pace she's got a picture of himself he's wearing of what looks like one of those Irish car bomber Kangol hats and he looks yeah yeah he looks like he throws a few brews down each night and beats his wife and your pace Andrew pace Andrew yeah I like Andrew pace thank you so much to be part of the matric then we have an dredger and read your teacher should I be chairman she may be German yes yes on Drita and I thought could be all Scottish yeah it could be school oh and here we go with this we might we might have our we might have another transgender member of the podcast is Rachel Gregory Rachel for she may be giving her female and male name Yass Yass yeah yeah triple Yas welcome to the metric Rachel Gregory you are in the right right niche you are the history hyenas and we are trance and we're trance yeah our whole goal is to [ __ ] transition by the end of this podcast that's right next up we have Alec Dorner Alec Dorner Doran sounds like a bad guy in an 80s movie yeah Alec go Alec Dorner yeah yeah I mean Scott he's got no profile pics just a cat yeah but it's Alec Dorne yeah he's got a pair of boat shoes yeah for sure hundred-percent Ross bag Alec Dorner yeah he played lacrosse in high school absolutely absolutely 100% yeah his dad his dad owns a business he's got a bottle of roofies in his medicine cab yeah and then last but not least my cup of tea probably one of my you know probably one of my daughters half uncle's Jose penguin Ramirez for sure yeah Jose penguin Ramirez yeah that one's a funny [ __ ] name yes penguin is great yeah penguin Ramirez there's no way that kid doesn't have a bike with a [ __ ] FM AM radio hundred percent that is been yelled into the bike yeah with a basket on the front for cancer but wise absolutely the Puerto Rican flag for the spoke Jose penguins listens to us every day at the auto body shop he works at that's what I'm talking about yeah Alphonse a New York City Thank You Jose pengon Ramirez and thank you so much for every member of the of the matriarch who's joined up thank you you know for supporting our stuff tell your friends slash Bay Ridge Boys or just tell they get the history hyenas podcast on iTunes or anywhere you listen to podcasts and also go to Bay Ridge Boys dotnet and watch our Bay Ridge Boys apps and we got merchandise coming out and we got a new episode coming out ready know are the baby boys shirts available yet aren't they available are they available I think they're available at Bay Ridge Boys dotnet we're gonna post a link we will post a link but I think that they are available interest can you check on that Zach but in any event on behalf of Zach Isis Chrissy pitch tips and myself Freddie feta cheese and we can't forget trash monkey the high Hina our official mascot we want to say thank you for your service to each and every one of you hyena Cubs who's joined our clan and we're checking right now on the website it's a beautiful website the merch is not available yet but I think the but we just I think we got the test link actually that's what Jim Serpico sent this he took a couple minutes from in between taking pictures of the kids with fish to send us the the test link so that link will be available soon right yep so thank you guys so much we appreciate thank you for your service yeah stick around for our patreon episode where we are gonna talk about the history of dogs and how dogs and their partnership with humans directly led to human civilization without dogs we would still be hunter-gatherers to this day we would 100% have never become agrarian you know farmers and when civilization would never flourish and we would have never been able to enjoy the amenities of modernity absolutely yeah all right so all you get that at slash baybridge boys thank you so much for service [Music] [Music]
Channel: History Hyenas
Views: 20,222
Rating: 4.9316239 out of 5
Keywords: history hyenas, yannis pappas, chris distefano, hyena, history, discovery channel, funny, podcast, comedy, info, news, dogs, nature, education, riotcast, ykwd, jim and sam, the bonfire, you up, all things comedy, joe rogan, comedy cellar, cellar crowd, cellar table, tough crowd
Id: 735_qijqduY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 47sec (3647 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.