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hi everyone today is a very important event dog day is proposing to catnap I have a wedding today and I've been asked to quickly deliver the ring I almost reached his house I need to find him quickly H he's not on the first floor so catnap has her water treatments today and I can watch her she is so beautiful watching her wash up I'm crazy about her I wish the time would come sooner so I could propose I Can't Take My Eyes Off the telescope I want to watch her my whole life guys I'm really nervous and the doll is late with the Rings I have a date soon and I need to propose hey dog day where are you I've brought your rings come down quickly yes I'm here don't shout so loudly or they might hear us look I brought the Rings as you asked a gold one with the latest Diamond take it quickly I tried very hard while carrying it finally you brought them exactly as I wanted thank you so much even though you're late I'm very ecstatic okay thank you again and now I'll go to catnap you're welcome glad to help good luck to you and all the best good luck to you I need to quickly go up to catnap and ask her out on a date she should have finished her water treatments by now I need to hide the ring so she doesn't suspect anything and doesn't notice if she notices the surprise won't work so I need to go up quickly oh my gosh dog day what are you doing here look at me I'm bathing I need to get dressed and I'm not even made up you don't need to put on makeup we need to hurry the time is near we might be late and the celebration won't start okay okay I'm getting dressed now we'll go soon we mustn't be late I'm doing everything quickly I hope we don't get late if that happens it would be very bad guests will leave and there won't be a celebration everything will be fine don't worry we're already leaving you really dress up quickly let's run and on the way we need to stop by my house come quickly after me I have something to show you what do you want to show me what have you prepared for me well it's not important we'll quickly gather things and leave maybe it's better if I wait for you here on the stairs no come up with me this is very important okay I'm coming up what awaits you is on the very rooftop let's go up quickly I'm I'm already here wow you did all this for me yes before our wedding I decided to have a romantic dinner so we could sit eat and talk I'm very amazed that you decided to have a romantic dinner before our wedding that's not all really you prepared something else I love you very much and I've never met anyone as beautiful as you you are the best woman in my life I want to be with you forever catnap will you marry me my love I love you very much too I'm so amazed thank you so much I have never been as happy as I am with you thank you enous all I've prepared for you your favorite flowers take them quick you've prepared 1,000 of my favorite flowers I love you so much thank you let's hurry to the Celebration or we might not make it yes it's okay look ma is standing there hi kids how are you are you in a hurry somewhere what happened tell me quickly ma dog day proposed to me and we're going to our wedding all the guests are already gathered come with us of course I'll go with you thank you for inviting me look at the ring dog day gave me I'm so jealous you guys are amazing I'm very happy for you you will be the strongest couple in our world I'm sure of it thank you for loving and supporting us so much let's go quickly let me gather my thoughts I will definitely go just wait I'm very nervous for you well let's go don't worry everything will be fine let's run to our trains girls get seated quickly and let's go to our wedding yes just now I'll choose my favorite train and we'll definitely go with you I'm already so impatient I can't wait to get to the wedding or the guests might all leave because we don't arrive I can't choose a train to go guys sorry I'll do it quickly come on hurry we might be late choose faster all right all right I've chosen now we'll go I'm ready let's leave hooray hooray we're going to the wedding finally we're on our way my train is speeding very fast I'll arrive faster than all of you guys don't go far from me I might be late and lost without you don't worry we're nearby everything will be fine we'll get there together yes ma don't worry everything will definitely be all right we finally arrived at the right place we were so fast that I'm dizzy wait a bit I need to rest all right we need to cross this River and right right there all our friends are gathered for the wedding everything will be fine don't worry I'll finish my errands and definitely come to you all right we'll wait for you then we'll go let's go guys good luck I'll come soon catnap I've waited for this moment all my life I can't believe that we are in the same boat heading to our wedding and soon we'll arrive at our ceremony how do you feel I also waited for this moment all my life I'm so happy to have you you can imagine how nervous I am right now all our friends and relatives will be there watching us get married it's okay the SE are our best friends they should be there we're almost there I'm so nervous you can't even everything will be fine I'm with you don't worry if something happens I will definitely protect you everything will be all right I'm worried that some villains might attack us while we're having fun look our friends have already gathered and are waiting for us let's quickly sail to the shore dear friends our Newly Weds have arrived and now we welcome them at this table for the wedding ceremony look at them they're walking down the aisle right to us look at their happy faces they've waited for this moment all their lives I'm so moved by them right now and right now we start the ceremony dog day and catnap are you ready to become husband and wife to be there for each other in bad situations to constantly support each other to always come to each other's Aid and to love each other until the end of your days yes I am ready yes I am ready dog day are you ready to take cat nap as your wife ready I've waited for this moment all my life I am sure of my words catnap are you ready to take dog day as your husband ready I am deeply in love and agree to everything if you are fully ready and responsible for each other then I can pronounce you husband and wife now you are bound by the ties of marriage until the end of your days you are obliged to help each other live with each other love each other I repeat until the end of your days I pronounce you husband and wife hooray and so the moment has arrived now we are married I promise to be with with you until the end of my days and to always love you no matter what I turn promise to love you and be faithful to you until the end of my days well I'm very happy now we will be able to handle all difficulties much faster together guys now I have prepared a wedding gift for you that I want to give you wow a gift you prepared something for us yes I'm also very curious to see it's a very beautiful toy doll that will be a symbol of your marriage put it somewhere in your house all right we will definitely do that now let's go eat quickly at the table thank you so much for inviting me too I'm very grateful to you ah it's a Pity I didn't bring my camera we could have taken some photos now it's okay we'll take photos at another event now let's go eat quickly yes let's go I'm unbearably hungry look our friends have already gathered at the table let's go quickly Charlie sit down with everyone at the table dog day let's go sit at our table everyone's been waiting for us for so long guys sorry for keeping you waiting we had a long journey please go ahead eat and celebrate I'm so happy that so many people gathered and we managed to arrive on time for our wedding all the guests are in their places I can't believe it this cake is so delicious I feel like jumping into it and bathing in it I've never tasted such a delicious cake he dog day compose yourself don't embarrass us okay sorry I just couldn't resist the cake is really delicious guys I'm so happy for you that you finally got married and now we can all sit together and eat we also finally managed to gather here I'm very happy for everyone who came everyone enjoy the food there's plenty on this table for yes guys eat and I heard that my beloved dog day decided to marry catnap today how could this happen how could I lose him I need to hurry to the wedding and try to stop it I can't believe they didn't invite me and decided to get married hey Charlie what's happening here where are they why is no one paying attention to me hey everyone's just sitting and not noticing me have I become invisible am I nothing to everyone hey someone talk to me why doesn't anyone notice hi catnap I'm so jealous of you you managed to take dog day away he was supposed to be with me not you whatever was between us is in the past why did you come here I came to give you gifts for your wedding these are cakes I baked myself and I want to personally hand them to you they are very delicious made with my love you'll never get my love again dog day here take this cake and enjoy it while you can how I envy you congratulations again I wish you happiness health and all the best may your marriage be the strongest in our world and may it save all its inhabitants thank you it's very unexpected to hear such words from you you can't imagine how tired I am I just want to eat and go home foxy you're always the same hey look up there there's some huge and scary spider crawling dog day get ready to fight it's very aggressive and wants to ruin our wedding now I will attack them and ruin their wedding I'm planning to attack katnap and take her with me so dog day will never see his wife again and will be distressed and then lose his power look they're all sitting down there and don't even notice me they don't understand what's about to happen I just need to choose a more convenient ient spot to attack them so I can immediately gain an advantage and attack them all I'm sure they will be very scared and won't know what to do and in the mean look at that huge spider over there it wants to ruin our wedding and attack our guests we need to deal with it quickly day hurry let's protect our friends and guests it's very dangerous we can't waste time quick attack it take out your medallions catnap I'll circle around it here quickly now we'll defeat it guys I won't stand aside I'll help you too let's fight together and defeat this villain so he can never again ruin other people's celebrations and crash into them like now now I'll show you what my power is you'll never again think of getting close to us stop hitting me I won't do it again I'm sorry stop attacking me I'm alone against all of you hooray we defeated him and he will never be able to attack us again in celebration let's set off fireworks look hi if you like this story please like subscribe to the channel and also write in the comments which moment of this episode you like the most personally I liked when we all sat at the table and ate good luck everyone goodbye
Channel: POMNI - Minecraft Circus
Views: 24,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catnap, catnap poppy playtime, catnap x dog day, catnap recall, catnapp, catnap animation, catnapp thunder, catnip meme, catnap vs huggy wuggy, catnap fnf, catnap and dog day, catnap vs, catnap jumpscare, poppy playtime chapter 3, poppy playtime, dogday, cat nap youtube, catnap drawings, catnap video, catnap minecraft, poppy playtime 3, cat nap song, catnap songs to sleep, catnap secrets, animation, poppy playtime animation, KickinChicken, huggy wuggy, catnap and dogday, love
Id: GNzeJ87XxjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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