Dog Too Delicate To Be Touched Does Somersaults Now | The Dodo Foster Diaries

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[Music] she was in terrible shape but she was still adorable underneath like an adorable crusty gremlin q-tip was found in a dumpster she was in really bad condition she had a severe change and then she's obviously super emaciated she's adorable [Music] i don't foster a lot but i was just like i want her i want to take her in of course my husband and i had moments of being like who does this how does this happen but i didn't really spend a lot of time thinking about where she was and just was really excited to be like okay from here on out this is like all good stuff the first three weeks her skin was so delicate so we just kept her in her crates [Music] she just slept and slept and slept it's like she could not sleep enough we would take her out of her crate sometimes and wrap her in a blanket and like have little like cuddle sessions with her she was lethargic but she still had like this little whipping tail that was like really happy to see you q-tip has requested that we make some arrangements for her room sometimes i'd work in the yard and she would just sleep there while i was like pulling weeds and stuff i had to keep her separated from my dogs because she was in such bad shape but i gave my dogs some time to go in there and like hang out in the room come on we were doing baths daily [Music] after about three weeks she started gaining weight and she started feeling a lot better [Music] once her skin was in a good enough condition that i could actually put a collar on her we started to go on little walks out front and she was like oh walks walks are awesome she went from this like limping crusty dog to rolling around doing summer sauce doing loops around the backyard she was just so funny thank you q-tip come good girl she very much was more of a toddler of a dog than i've ever experienced she can be quite a rascal she loves attention we thought about adopting her but her little dynamic between my dogs and it was just a circus at times my one guy he can be like the fun police sometimes so he would like shut down play see the play got too high he would get tense and uncomfortable for us it was a little bit more management to keep so we had a couple filled out an application they had an older dog and they had a meet and greet and she fit right into the family [Music] she just seems to be settling in that home she's just such a lovely dog she's snuggling with her new dog pax one adopter calls her her agent of chaos people always say i'd be too sad to let them go rescues can't do what they do without fosters you've played such an important role in helping them live their life so i'll take the moment of sadness and uh missing her for knowing that she's been given a second chance [Music] you
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 1,240,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals, the dodo foster diaries, foster diaries, foster diaries the dodo, the dodo dogs, dogs, puppy, dog with skin disease, mange, dog mange, dog with mange, mange recovery
Id: k17w4w71Lg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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