Dog Doing Funny Things - Best of Funny Dogs in May

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[Music] toore is not just about brute strength it's about channeling the Earth's core [Music] my dog will not let me in the room hey Mom do you know what you forgot a knock on the door [Music] [Music] nope a happy relationship is all about keeping the competition balanced [Music] that dog's favorite toy more like a certified case of fluff [Laughter] [Music] deficiency go wow that's quite the wiggle [Music] butt huh that c is actually a cat a scaryy cat a typical reaction of an introvert running into [Music] acquaintances tail malfunction stuck on infinite Loop please Reb with some [Music] treats you know a dog's Brave when he tries to get his feline friend's [Music] attention when you applied for the babysitting gig got rejected there's your baby hi teddy you love those babies why does that dog look like he's auditioning for The [Music] Exorcist Doo's parents said he could be anything so he became speed [Music] if patience were money this dog would be a billionaire [Music] [Music] Stu short on your daily walking goal don't worry there are ways to sneak in those extra [Music] steps the tension over there is so high one could even climb onto it [Music] a day in the life of the Curious exploring the tales of others what happened [Music] this Lion King might not win any Oscars but definitely wins my [Music] heart I'm come on [Music] opening the door is like flipping a switch with this dog instant Zoomies [Applause] activated a true red chess player [Music] nope someone must have activated the slow motion mode of on that K9 [Music] machine I just have this little guy that sits in my living room and stares at me not all heroes wear capes sometimes they wear a layer of white fur every moment is a learning moment when your brother is an etiquette [Music] Master once bigger the universe oh this dog's [Music] [Music] ball Doo is so friendly that he befriends his own reflection [Music] playing with a cat to gamble but the potential payoff is [Music] incredible if your friend cannot be this excited when they see you are they even a real friend [Music] so bro Big Brother's real Quest is preventing the tiny Tornado from turning the living room into a crime scene [Music] [Applause] [Music] again scratches give all the pigs give Piggies B scratches scratch for the pig call this good boy is not sharing his personal happiness dispenser with [Music] anyone somebody must cast this boy for the role of gang boss because he is really earning his Savage [Music] Lu is it [Music] [Music] the door's password must be a little [Music] dance when you ask your human for a friend and they order it from wish [Music] chicken we got chicken chicken hot [Music] dogs with Dozer toys with a Milk Bone does doer want a Milk Bone he wants a Milk Bone with a hot dogs you want to go we n yeah you want to go WIS you want to go WIS yeah come on then we just need the biggest M nappies you ever done that was a good one let's [Music] go doggo's jump must have been fueled by his [Music] hunger fishing skills they good this don't is definitely a bear [Music] undercover hide and seek time that good boy must be addicted to Coco melon Riley r [Music] [Music] who could have thought that your dog stands Taylor Swift as [Music] well this dog is absolutely ridiculous food is in her Bowl but she won't eat until I do something to it ready this Kine officer is truly into dber you see now right hold on wow look at this meal wow that's delicious [Music] Gourmet turns out the best seat in the car is not the shotgun [Music] one do you did you just eat an entire carton of eggs mom I have to get that protein in you [Music] know that dog looks like his parents were [Music] helicopters on a dog walk human has no say in the [Music] Direction doggo's performing WI is [Music] eating leave it leave it come on wa weird come on come on if Annoying your sibling were a sport that dog would have the gold medal [Music] what are you doing she's resting up here she's trying to rest from all you guys [Music] yeah it's never a good idea to let your non-runner friend join your running group [Music] even a dog knows it's essential to include vitamin C into the daily diet CC [Music] ccah maybe this dog's last name is jump [Music] okay this Golden Boy is absolutely my spirit animal during hard times [Music] doggo seems unable to decide whether he should become the new maradon or Michael Jordan if you're sleepy enough everything can be a bed but this dog keep looking back at me to see if I'm still following it or not I was it I'm following you by the way and I trying to go to someone [Music] [Applause] [Music] else uhoh looks like someone's out of chill pills [Music] Well's new trick hey Wally can you go get me the blanket go get me the blanket blanket over here no no no that one that one good boy good boy good boy can you put it on me can you put it on me put the blanket on [Music] me mastering the art of body language doggo is clearly saying he's over the [Music] moon in the dog's mind his favorite chair must have [Music] shrunken what it's like in a k9 ninja class when it comes to toys sharing is definitely not these dogs tables [Music] it's walking time but you suddenly have the urge to get tanned doggo looks like he's about to have a serious [Music] talk follow this cuti tip if you want to make people wait way for you [Music] when you're an extra large but your besy is an extra [Music] small this kissing p Jake might not be exactly what was [Music] intended having a friend who does not understand boundaries is a real struggle [Music] how introverts swim when there are people [Music] watching come on come on come on Tey Tony dancing Tey Tony dancing just floating along relaxing after cheering o humans all day it's a must it's a long day but some dogs don't even care they're just laying there with their belly up doggo looks like he's eating someone's philosophy homework W ask that dog what love is and his answer would be his stuffed [Music] toy nothing unites dogs better than their [Music] stubbornness look at this independent pup he can snag his own toy no human requirement [Music] gabri even a c cannot resist petting a fluffy boy thanks for watching and see you in our next video a [Music]
Channel: Cute Pets TV
Views: 94,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cute pets, funny pets, pet, pets, funny dog, cute dog, funny dog videos 2023, cute dog videos, dog doing funny things, Best of Funny Dogs in May, cute pets tv, dog videos, dogs 2024, funniest dogs
Id: qgmY4GBZiA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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